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14318523 No.14318523 [Reply] [Original]

>He believes in nations
>He believes in borders
>He believes in states

>> No.14318544
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>He believes we need to create a world spanning super nation-state to overcome bordered nation states

>> No.14318578

What have borders ever given us?

>> No.14318581
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>he believes

>> No.14318586

>genes are a figment of your imagination
>but history moves in a measurable direction towards communism
>oh and value is a physical property like temperature and mss

>> No.14318589

I too love tribal warfare

>> No.14318597

>only social interaction he can stomach is a hentai forum
>but all the world should be united and stuff bro

>> No.14318599

At least my 6th favorite kind of warfare

>> No.14318607
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>believes in
what the fuck does that even mean? there's utility in all of those.

>> No.14318612

>he discounts the importance of shorthand heuristics in mankind's historical cognitive functioning

>> No.14318626

Read Taleb, imbecile. Nations are important.

>> No.14318632
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A functional capitalist welfare state able to outsource the most intense misery it runs on to populations it isn't responsible for.

>> No.14318640
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>lazy observations by bad comics are in fact a relevant heuristic to understanding the world

>> No.14318642

It's pretty clear at this point that the extant nation states are game theoretically incapable of solving problems of global environmental and genetic commons.
Not to mention that we've long since past the point where they were all totally engulfed by the market, just jobbing for international capital at every opportunity.

>> No.14318648

Sounds like you've taken the cosmopolitan kool-aid.
REALITY WAKE UP CALL: human beings are tribal, and population simulations have illustrated time and again that the population which demonstrates in-group preference wins out every single time.

>> No.14318650

Borders are organic, tribal boundaries, they exist in other species as well as humans.

>> No.14318655

Old bait thread.

>> No.14318658

he's right, nations are meaningless, i only care about skin color

>> No.14318659

they are made up

>> No.14318661

>population which demonstrates in-group preference wins out every single time.
So in the long run, Apple customers will defeat all extant nation states

>> No.14318672
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>outsource misery
Capitalism creates wealth for developing nations, where socialism only creates misery.

>> No.14318673

As made up as the concept of rape.

>> No.14318686

It’s very possible, hell, even likely.

>> No.14318706
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>muh we need to give up our sovereignty and freedom to solve problems the Big Other says we can't solve by international agreements
>muh market rules nations therefore more market

>> No.14318710

>It creates wealth
People who equate GDP with corporeal happiness and successful societies should be shot

>> No.14318735
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Countries without borders aren't countries, they're cultureless hellholes with unvetted people. I realize I'm being trolled, and you people aren't really this stupid, but some really do believe this horse shit.

>> No.14318745

Ay cabron i can buy mexican down the block and further down is a cuban place, how is that not culture!?

>> No.14318749

My personal favorite warfare is Modern Warfare 2.

>> No.14318758
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>> No.14318796

Uh no it is just plainly made up.

>> No.14318804

>what is race to the bottom?

>> No.14318810

Name one example

>> No.14318821

Culture doesn't arise from having borders

>> No.14318832


>> No.14318842

the language you are speaking is made up on a made up website on a made up internet
just because something is a creation does not make it invalid, in fact, our most important devices in life are all "made up"

>> No.14318847
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Has borders. Also has the best novels.

>> No.14318873

>just because something is a creation does not make it invalid
True, but we must not deny the reality of abstractions as concrete, but instead we must refashion them so that they are in accordance with our concrete experience. Borders and nations are useless and it would be for the best if they are done away with.

>> No.14318885
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>Name one example

There isn't one, for good reason. Besides, multiculturalism is a failed experiment, to which the US can attest.

>> No.14318890


>> No.14318895

So your value judgement isn't based on anything. True, multiculturalism in the background of neoliberal capital is pretty cancer. Take the multinaturalism pill.

>> No.14318898
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if not, then it certainly helps keep it.

>> No.14318910

culture is something that is made from the ground up it is not enforced.

>> No.14318944

True but the borders are kind of the end caps of the cultures reach with ofc subcultures within it, theres no way to tell how or if culture can even as naturally arise anymore if we just remove the ug so to speak. Will it just be a race to north america and europe? What actuly happens? How is it "natural" and not flagrant oppurtunism especially as things currently stand?

>> No.14318947

2 cuck concepts in your sentence. The nation is at the service of Capitalism. It is used to organize, and rationalize production. You only live to produce. You are chink level.

>> No.14318948

Remove the plug*

>> No.14318961

literally no one believes that

>> No.14318965

Everyone itt needs to learn about localism. Taleb has a plan to save the world

>> No.14318967

>theres no way to tell how or if culture can even as naturally arise anymore if we just remove the plug so to speak
Well as long as humans have relations with each other culture will be produced. But it's not like I am advocating for no borders within the background of capital, that would be a disaster. It's a process.

>> No.14318981
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>isn't based on anything.

Based on any current country, no. But if anyone is implying (in a very disingenuous way) that having no borders will allow a dominant culture to *be* dominant, is a ridiculous notion. We're seeing a slow transformation and even a violent reaction to cultural norms in France and Sweden, and being honest, whites will be 47% of the population in 2050, looking at being eventually a minority.

>> No.14318989

*47 percent of the population in the United States, that is.

>> No.14319041

>not believing the the superiority of social creations over human lives
How does it feel being a fleshy automaton?

>> No.14319046

>he believes in human equality
>cultural marxism
>transgbt ''rights''

>> No.14319049

what does that even mean

>> No.14319076

>being part of a social creation
I have remnants of them in me.

>> No.14319089
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based and unspooked

>> No.14319095

>in this i have
>i have today
>today today
remove the x and then we can start talking

>> No.14319101

Possibly but technology and the rootless nature of being able to travel whenever you want, and the likely need of a tongue becoming the "Global tongue" seems like a recipe for a pretty sterile "culture". Who knows tho ill be long dead before anything remotely like this happens and it can end up being great.

>> No.14319114

Literally the only reason we have our modern, global, free market is because relative peace is getting maintained by the military of a nation-state.

>> No.14319166

Our capacity to build identity over the shared identity of our species allows us to fulfil a more meaningful existence. The reification of these identities and the capacity for the domination of the other through the state makes it the key to the highest form of existence possible.
Unless you're fully capable of recognizing the existence of social creations and empathizing with their wellbeing, you're more or less an automaton.

>> No.14319716

all ideology

>> No.14319735

Also the state is merely the representative of the current ruling class. it is not its people nor is it their social creation.

>> No.14319741

i believe that and my ancestor, based kant, also believed that

>> No.14319781

White left thinks that because they aren't ethnocentric, everyone else can and will magically fall in line too. It's a bizarre form of inverted white supremacy where they just so happen to be the leading lights of progress in the world while nevertheless increasingly wishing to abolish themselves.

>> No.14319792

Is that a type of anarchism?

>> No.14319799
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>borders were invented by capitalism

>> No.14319818

Take the syndicalism pill anon

>> No.14319850

How will that solve the white left problem?

>> No.14319868

literally nobody has made that claim

>> No.14319882

Borders arise from shared culture and history.

>> No.14319928

no they don't

>> No.14319932

>Emerge from the hell of the multi-national states and empires of the 20th century and centuries prior. Untold suffering and woe of civil wars and ethnic cleansing and genocide. Finally achieve a balance and relative homogenity.
>Let's fuck it all up and go back to the Ottoman Millets and Habsburgs yaaaayyy multinational states I am sure this time things will turn out okay.

I really hope I get the chance to lynch open border advocates.

>> No.14319936


>> No.14319942

Yeah they do faggot, amazing how every border in Europe follows roughly the settlement area for an ethnic group.
Only places that don't are when the borders are imposed (Africa).

>> No.14319946
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>he believes in the constitution

>> No.14320040

but they don't

>> No.14320108

I don't believe in states and borders. I believe in nations as described by the patriarchs in the Bible.

An Israelite is always an Israelite even if he's born in Babylon.

>> No.14320210

I mean that's great if you're a Bronze Age tribe tied ethnically and culturally, but the majority of those ties have faded away to nothing.
I literally don't know my ethnicity - my family on both sides came to the US centuries ago, spent the entire time dirt poor and uneducated, and forgot where they came from. If my eyes weren't blue I'd suspect we were part black. Even if I did some DNA test to find out what my true ethnic origins were, it'd be a mess of conflicting labels that haven't ever actually been tied to me. At best I'd pick one and larp.
The lines have long since blurred. Most of the developed west is like this to varying degrees. I genuinely wish I had a culture and a homeland, but they were taken away from me generations before I was born.

>> No.14320283
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>> No.14320302
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>he believes in human rights