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File: 286 KB, 1920x889, max-berthelot-noel-2016-1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14308980 No.14308980 [Reply] [Original]

Monthly Reading, December: Ice - Anna Kavan

SFF Charts Gallery

/sffg/ Group (33 members)

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>> No.14308991

Forgot to update it to 37 members

>> No.14309022

the rest of this board is genuinely retarded lol

>> No.14309041

Shitshit a shit.

>> No.14309506

Why prolong the suffering? Let us die.

>> No.14309674

Odd request, but you guys got anything arabian nights/persian fantasyish? That kind of oriental bend.

I need something new to listen to while I lift.

>> No.14309713

Quite enjoyed mistborn but fuck me I cannot even get halfway through the first book of the sequel series, this westernshit is so fucking cringe.

>> No.14309722

What is the best war in all of science fiction?

>> No.14309729

Is Neal Asher any good? Saw a book of his (Dark Intelligence) in the bookshop the other day and the shopkeeper recommended it, but since I hadn't been there before I wasn't sure what their usual recommendations were like so didn't buy it on the spot

>> No.14309746


>> No.14309749

Yes. Yes they are.

Do you have a recommendation, effendi? I want to read about djinns and magic and shit without hearing about allah.

>> No.14309751


>> No.14309768

How's Rothfuss's prose?

>> No.14309782

fine. a bit on the purply side. his prose isn't really the problem, its everything else.

>> No.14309783

Bland enough to make you focus on the fact that he's a really insecure cocksucker

>> No.14309787
File: 22 KB, 230x346, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you currently reading?

>me pic related
>it's a modern magic + revamped old myths shitshow

>> No.14309797

Starflyer war from the Commonwealth saga is kino as fuck.

>> No.14309807

You mean this one right?

>> No.14309904

Anyone got any good sword and sorcery stuff?

>> No.14309927

What are the best space westerns to read after finishing Northwest Smith?

>> No.14309997


>> No.14309999
File: 200 KB, 500x850, monthly reading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ice ice baby

>> No.14310002

Second book in the Howl series.

>> No.14310014

btw she was born in france, but she wrote this in english, right?

>> No.14310019

Vathek maybe?

>> No.14310068

I liked the sequels way more, felt like his writing skills improved.

>> No.14310247

If you could live in any fictional setting and be whatever/whomever you wanted, what would you pick?

>> No.14310256


>> No.14310365
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>I want to read about djinns and magic and shit without hearing about allah.

>> No.14310370

Read him in order. Start with the Agent Cormac series, then progress your way to Dark Intelligence. Characters and settings of the world would have been laid.

>> No.14310376

>apologies for the lack of GRI
I'm not reading that book, if it doesn't even have R it isn't worth the time.

>> No.14310377

Humbert Humbert

>> No.14310380

Daniel Black. Almost infinite mana, and being able to reproduce modern marvels in a serfdom age, with magic.

>> No.14310465

but seriously hang yourself dude

>> No.14310685

Stainless Steel Rat

>> No.14310885
File: 96 KB, 1100x794, santa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So boys, Christmas is around the corner.

What fantasy/sci-fi books do you plan on getting from Santa this year?

>> No.14311010

Santa isn't real.

>> No.14311032

"Santa" is an obvious anagram of SATAN.

>> No.14311087

It all makes sense. The reindeers are horned demons, and the red suit is the blood of all the innocents he harvested.

>> No.14311150
File: 35 KB, 700x630, Terry Goodkind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was told to come here

I got to book 4 of Terry Goodkinds sword of truth and ragequit it. I made a video about it, want to start making videos to promote my own books but I'm afraid of being a cringey nerd youtuber, so here goes


>> No.14311335

This isn't the youtube board, also Terry is shit.

>> No.14311935
File: 44 KB, 578x627, STOP harem time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe BRANDON SANDERSON has a foot fetish. My reason for believing this is because I have a foot fetish so I pick up on things most humans do not. Take for instance the ever shitty House of Cards. Now, I do not like this show (House of Cards) but I did sit through 4 seasons of that crap hoping it would get better, and in that time I noticed numerous examples of blatant foot fan service. It is a good fetish to pander to because it occupies a gray area due to the lack of nudity, which is why its perfect for a guy like BRANDON SANDERSON. Reading Mistborn, I can't help but notice how many times we are reminded of Vin's cute bare footedness. She's barefoot on the roof, toes clutching the edge. She's barefoot on cobblestone, only to walk on marble. Vin walked to his bed BAREFOOT, making no sound. Of course the obvious explanation (for the mundane majority of men) is that Vin is a Mistborn -- a thief -- and strives to remain quiet. She has to make lots of sacrifices due to the magneto magic of BRANDON SANDERSON'S world, such as never wearing toe rings or anklets (unless they are wooden or something) but I do not believe this is the sole reason for the foot prose on display in these books. The author (BRANDON SANDERSON) has fueled my spirit with his depiction of Vin. I have a hard time getting through the pages when I keep seeing examples of her beautiful foot-based dexterity, yet its these very passages that push me further on. I see visions of Vin toying with Elend, giving her man a royal footjob that any king would crave with her expertly trained toes. I think about Vin embarrassed, painting her toe nails to match her dress while Zane watches from the window. I think about her wearing glass slippers to show off her new feminine toes at the balls! Oh what a sight to behold! I am not even on the third book so I can't begin to imagine how much footy goodness is still to come. Anyway, these are my reasons for suspecting BRANDON SANDERSON has a foot fetish.

>> No.14312043
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>> No.14312060


Not gonna lie, your voice is soothing

>> No.14312125

Damn I'm going to read his books now. Thanks anon.

>> No.14312487

i'm a newfag, what does gri mean? gratuitous romantic interests?

>> No.14312504

Gay Rape Incest.
It is the best sign of approval a book can get from this general.

>> No.14312524

>narcissist claims to speak for an entire general
Standard fare really

>> No.14312526

> It is the best sign of approval a book can get from this general.
Don't delude yourself. A few degenerate idiots doesn't make a general.

>> No.14312534

Tales from the Flat Earth by Tanith Lee
Fading Sun Trilogy
Rose of the Prophet trilogy
based dinoposter

>> No.14312540

Rape and Incest is great, but gay is for homos.

>> No.14312561

Calm down niggas. I was making a joke.

>> No.14312592
File: 185 KB, 1067x1600, 3FE8D18F-CD58-47B5-A43F-135E84FBDDA0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon what did we say about using generic fantasy images in the OP?
You could have at least posted something topical.

>> No.14312745

/sffg/, I need to write but the words just aren't coming

>> No.14312766

i read some tweet that suggested something like writing "dumbest version" on the margin to allow yourself to just write whatever came to your mind and remind yourself that the rough draft isn't necessarily meant to be good.
just get something on the paper, let go of you inhibitions and trust that the good stuff will either come when you get a head of steam while writing, or another day.

>> No.14312785


Here are your options
>The City of Brass (All the best parts of arabian fantasy)
>Song of Shattered Sands (Brilliant, imaginative and entertaining, but marred by the author's apparent antisemitism)
>Kingdom of the Crescent Moon (Extremely fun, but never to be continued)
>The Orphan's Tales (No joke the best fairy tale fantasy I have ever or will ever read in my life. However, it's more pan-eurasian than exclusively middle eastern)
>The Golem and the Jinni (Almost equally amazing, but most of the story is actually set in New York)

>> No.14312870
File: 422 KB, 2869x1913, Desert Elves - 01 of 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Song of Shattered Sands
>author's apparent antisemitism
I am gonna try this out.

>> No.14313084
File: 144 KB, 1000x571, 1483834018878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got further into The Dark Forest
>mfw Luo Ji and Da Shi bro out about waifus and he's like "yeah sure I can bring her to your private island"
>mfw one of the Wallfacers meets Osama Bin Laden and asks him to help 9/11 the ayys in 400 years

I never want Cixin Liu's Wild Ride to end.

>> No.14313129

Is that pic from a cultivation game or some such?

>> No.14313157

Aren't desert elves brutal killers?

>> No.14313161

But america did 9/11. That makes no sense.

>> No.14313177

Haven't been here in a while... has anyone read The Dragon Waiting by John M Ford? It's from 1983, but has recently been getting mainstream attention:


>> No.14313184

Oops, somehow I had the filename overwritten with the filename of a different image and I didn't notice. Should be william-wu-jingwei-s.jpg

>> No.14313194
File: 358 KB, 937x1250, elf1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aren't desert elves brutal killers?
What travesty of fantasy implied that?

>> No.14313208


>> No.14313218

Apparently desert elves like to jihad outsiders, and scalp people.

>> No.14313236

You mean "I". I assure you that I remain unmoved by your pleas. You'll just have to make the threads when you are able to do so.

The entire month of December isn't Christmas and I'm not going to continually post winter themed images because it isn't even winter yet either.

>> No.14313265
File: 1.94 MB, 3915x2548, MHW_2308_1 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What perfidious lies!

You're still making OP's? Damn.
I guess it's a dirty job but someone has to do it.

>> No.14313406
File: 43 KB, 526x370, 1573412212260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The gf

>> No.14313431
File: 165 KB, 1080x1350, violets.tv_67066617_508003796615161_6746676255588332954_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would anyone go for some weird nerd girl instead of a well adjusted thot?

>> No.14313681

Nerd girls have smellier vaginas (and that’s a good thing) and are less likely to be dicked down by Kel’nax’s big alien cock.

>> No.14313716
File: 161 KB, 801x500, Malazan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ultimate brainlet filter

>> No.14313791

the ultimate waste of time

>> No.14313845

Bring down heaven. But it’s not just desert elves. It’s all elves that are brutal killers. Desert killers are the best ones

>> No.14313861

>t. brainlet

>> No.14313868

The Forever War

>> No.14313878

The Tartar Steppe. I guess it counts more as fiction rather than fantasy but I cba opening the relevant thread.

>> No.14313972

The only thing that’s good about his writing

>> No.14313981

>I made a on Reddit
Immediately dropped and reported

>> No.14313985

Seconding this

>> No.14314016

Thirding this. Is he a rare slightly redpilled Sci Fi author?

>> No.14314111

Look at >>14310370
Do you faggots look at replies to see if your question is answered?

>> No.14314126

That doesn’t answer the question you fat fucking pig. OP asked if he’s good. I asked if he’s redpilled. Now fuck off

>> No.14314346

>I got to book 4 of Terry Goodkinds sword of truth
damn, you've already read lotr, wot, mistborn, stormlight, the first law, earthsea, circle series, dark tower, witcher saga, lightbringer, shattered earth, kingkiller chronicles, dark star, asoiaf, dresden files, malazan, discworld, black company, broken empire, gentleman bastard, memory sorry and thorn, riftwar, dying earth, and lyonesse?
at least i have to assume so. because there's no reason to ever read any terry goodkind unless you've already read everything else.

>> No.14314436

On the first book. What videos games can I play to get this feel (I'm pretty sure I have played them all and they have lost novelty factor)

>> No.14314476
File: 910 KB, 1728x2393, 005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More weird sci-fi suggestions?

I've read everything from Strugatskys and Mieville, don't know if this counts but Dhalgren and House of Leaves have also been read.

Thanks in advance.

>> No.14314600
File: 24 KB, 220x383, 220px-Hyperion_cover[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn the audiobook for this was the most kino experience in existence. The voice acting was an amazing compliment to the story. They got fucking 7 amazing voice actors for each of the main characters.
Anything else comparable?

>> No.14314610

If you like Mieville, check out John C. Wright's Golden Age or his Awake in the Night Land. IMO Wright is the right-wing version of Mieville.

>> No.14314622

The Audible version of Dune does the radio drama thing, but unfortunately only intermittently, so like half the scenes are normal audiobook format. The Baron Harkonnen's voice actor is the real standout.

>> No.14314723


>> No.14314957

>people who make comments about fictional characters in books as if they are real
>”wow protags cousin is such a bitch”


>> No.14315046
File: 50 KB, 550x543, 1538611205154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck did Father Hoyt turn against Paul Duré and literally everything he stood for

>> No.14315079

Yes because fictional characters can have motivations

>> No.14315416
File: 214 KB, 541x782, tarzan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe the Germans did all those terrible things to Jane...

>> No.14315660

>reading disney movies

>> No.14315667

He was a man of morals.

>> No.14315741

Do you consider that it cannot be determined whether you are a troll or an idiot a success or a failure?

>> No.14315805

>waaahhh based anon called me out for reading star wars in the jungle

>> No.14315946

She was born in France but to British parents and she wrote in English.

It might have R. I always apologize for the potential lack of GRI in books I have not yet read.

>> No.14316023
File: 763 KB, 913x855, ATATATATATATA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my gfs father is constantly droning on about Malazan while I pretend to like it

>> No.14316027


I'm gonna do it right now bros, I'm gonna fucking read it. Wish me luck.

>> No.14316043


>> No.14316047


I survived WoT with only minimal brain damage, I can survive this.

>> No.14316059
File: 24 KB, 500x320, disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine literally spending years reading never ending epic fantasy series.

>> No.14316068


Nah, Wheel of Time tooks me barely six months. It's not like I had to pause to admire the beautiful prose or think about the deep plot, it flowed about as fast as a capeshit movie.

>> No.14316069

City of Brass seems neat, but I generally prefer books with male protagonists.

>> No.14316556

Seconding and thirding means you are asking the same shit as you replied to, faggot low iq brainlet.

>> No.14316819

I read them all over the course of 9 months. Then i picked up Bakker's Prince of Nothing and read The Darkness That Comes Before in one week.

>> No.14316832


>> No.14316891

A surprising amount of the members in the Goodreads group is not reading SF&F. Is this an indication that the split between /sffg/ and outer-/lit/ is not as big as implied by some posters?

>> No.14316966

people how can you read fantasy is beyond me, I have tried fantasy and its literally brain rot, I was feeling ok while reading it but afterwards I felt that my mental capacity has been reduced because of it, science fiction is where its at

>> No.14316973

>zero replies to this question
>/sffg/ is dead

>> No.14316981

Any reccs for high fantasy not based on west germanic mythology? I'm getting a bit tired of other people sucking tolkien's shlong.

>> No.14316988
File: 7 KB, 177x284, frank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did he get away with hurring the end of Dune so he could sell it in Dune Messiah?

>> No.14317048


Nice try Moshe

>> No.14317060


I guess... malazan

>> No.14317113

Conan is based on celtic mythology, although it is not far from west germanic because both cultures were close together.

>> No.14317125

Why the fuck are people recommending American Gods? The writing is garbage and worst of it all there are faggots in there like wtf? I don't care about some gay jinn and his fuckboy get that shit outta here.

>> No.14317142


>> No.14317150

But if it was two hot lesbians that would be okay right?

>> No.14317201
File: 2 KB, 125x103, 297E46AE-319B-4E5B-94E3-5254C017AECE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>worldbuilding my novel
>have map, characters, countries, religions, a magic system, and a pretty decent plot
>don’t know what technological era I should set my novel in
>don’t want to be post-industrial revolution and don’t want gunpowder
>yet also don’t want to be another lotr knockoff setting (although most of my story takes place in a rainforest)

>> No.14317230

nah dykes are just as bad. the only reason they are more socially acceptable is because women don't have any standards they have to live up to

>> No.14317231

Of course not

>> No.14317304

Why are all fantasy writers lazy hacks who whine about writing?

>> No.14317322

No that would be just as bad

>> No.14317327

I was really into sf/fantasy as a kid, but after reading Wolfe I've been unable to find any sf/fantasy that's even remotely engaging to me
everything feels like a product that's shoveled out to uncritical grrm fans and netflix watchers

>> No.14317334
File: 53 KB, 1071x207, matched up the images on a whim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14317387

that's gay

>> No.14317466


>> No.14317484

stop reading modern fantasy

>> No.14317519

>interesting web novel turns into o machine translated garbage

Rough pife

>> No.14317529

Post good songs to read while reading fantasy

>> No.14317534


>> No.14317558


Primal, bronze age, pre gunpowder extremely heavy armour era,

cmon lad

>> No.14317566

Am I the only one that implements local weather into the work youre writing?

So its currently north western european shit weather tier early winter for me, thus my fantasy knights are freezing, wet, muddy and theyll stay that way until the weather changes.

or is that gay?

>> No.14317581

Its very derivative

>> No.14317584
File: 277 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20191209-174959_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



For arid wastes and sand storms and spice deserts. Both sci fi and fantasy

>> No.14317661

A long time ago some anon in an SFFG thread mentioned how Frank Herbert had lifted much of his inspiration for the portrayal of the Fremen in "Dune" from the book "Sabres of Paradise" by Lesley Blanch. I have just finished reading "Sabres of Paradise" and that anon was totally correct - the Fremen are basically Circassian/Chechen guerrillas from the Caucasus. Herbert even lifted much of the vocabulary from Blanch's book - "chakobsa" as the hunting language, "kanly" as a family vendetta, "sietch" for a settlement, "kindjal" for the stabbing knife, women throwing their babies at their enemies as missiles ...

It was a very interesting book, much recommended if you like military history. The kicker was that I didnt realize until the acknowledgement of her sources that Lesley Blanch was a woman, not a man.

>> No.14317676

Toll the Hounds is good and you got plebfiltered.

>> No.14317690

A little word on Ice. It's the worst example of literary diarrhea in my life, and i've read quest threads, a stream of conciousness without pacing, yet i couldn't stop reading it. I don't know whether to be angry at the retard who suggested it or to be amazed at his audacity.

>> No.14317696

What's Ice?

>> No.14317729


>> No.14317934

I put Summoning's Minas Morgul and whatever is the name of their second album on repeat while reading LOTR: Also blasted Incantation's Mortal Throne of Nazarene while reading ADoD last year, but usually just put Earth 2 to drone out the noise.

>> No.14317983

you could even say that there's nothing else like it

>> No.14318035

I just downloaded "Ice", what chapter is everyone on?

>> No.14318181

All Things Are Possible With Rigging

>> No.14318182
File: 167 KB, 701x1024, Normalbrothersisterrelationship.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm reading the Westeros guide to good parenting and loving it

>> No.14318184
File: 191 KB, 302x475, 11283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What am I in for?

>> No.14318186
File: 38 KB, 460x692, 1575916339541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Any good fantasy where women aren't strong and independent? I don't mind them being king makers or whatever. As long as they use their youth and beauty on men. Or the crone who manipulates her son to do her bidding. but I do not want to read about some woman who beats a man in a fight.

>> No.14318209
File: 149 KB, 300x497, Greg Bear_1990_Queen Of Angels.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14318248

Man vs the dinos and sabertooth cats, builds a great civilization. Gets wiped out with the comet.

>> No.14318265

Did you toot that ass up for daddy? Did he call you his princess and told you now much he loves you?

>> No.14318277

>women throwing their babies at their enemies as missiles ...

>> No.14318284

Did the artist retcon his drawing to match smirkfu?

>> No.14318346
File: 242 KB, 475x642, 6172364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14318354

That's why it's called "fantasy" bro.

>> No.14318382
File: 188 KB, 792x1200, 3223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a lot of leftist horseshit in this book? It's a modern book that won an award so I'm wary.

>> No.14318395

What's the point in telling you when you're such a colossal brainlet you need to be told what to think about something instead of finding out for yourself, and use dumb smoothbrain meme-phrases because you're of such low intelligence you can't even think of your own words to use.

>> No.14318430

I'm not asking people to explain the book to me or tell me what to think about it and I don't know what meme phrases you're talking about. I don't read a lot of modern stuff because I'm not interested in seeing "diversity" or being told how evil rich men are. I've seen enough of that shit and it's played out. I'm asking whether or not there's a lot of that sort of thing in it because I see that it recently won an award and I know how politicized they are.

If you like seeing political stuff in your books, that's fine but it doesn't mean I'm stupid for wanting to avoid it. There's no reason for you to be so angry towards me.

>> No.14318441

The Bonehunters & Toll the Hounds are great you pleb

>> No.14318508

The descriptions of the evolution of spider society are pretty cool. The human part of the story, until the and the spiders meet, seemed rather dark and claustrophobic to me. I got "Ship of Fools" and "Anvil of Stars" vibes.

>> No.14318519

Yeah that sounds interesting but I was asking about the politics. Is there a lot of political stuff in the book?

>> No.14318564

It's in the far future, so there's not much overlap. But I think there was one slight jab at (patriarchal) academia between the two books, so you should avoid it, snowflake.

>> No.14318596

You're still not understanding the question since you're talking about it being set in the far future as if that's relevant. I'm not asking you if Hillary Clinton makes a cameo. It's whatever dude, thanks for the answer.

>> No.14318620
File: 137 KB, 1024x576, 1024px-Lunar_Orbital_Platform-Gateway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, boys. I really want to finally get on my creative writing and actually write a novel for a change. It's been something that I've been meaning to get to for awhile now but I've finally become inspired enough, as well as actually sitting down to start writing.

I really want to write hard sci-fi but my problems are that I'm not that well-versed in a lot of science to accurately describe how a lot of my theoretical technology works. I guess I could just read a bunch for that, although I do have a fair bit of surface-level knowledge. I'm also not really that mathematically inclined. I also haven't read that many sci-fi novels, although that's something that I'm currently getting on anyway.

My final issue is that I'm not sure what to start writing. I have a ton of ideas in my head for a bunch of different possible stories but I can't just choose one to start with. I have an idea for one about xenoarchaeology, one about a real, far away exoplanet, and more. Which should I start with?

>> No.14318633

I dont remember any gender or lefty-liberal shit, but I often become so engrossed in a story that I simply fail to notice it, despite my strongly national-socialist, white supremacist, nationalist and islamophobic leanings. But I'd say you neednt worry.

>> No.14318657

I have never seen a real person describe themselves as being islamophobic or white supremacist, and for some reason you had to call yourself a nationalist twice.

>> No.14318667

>Which should I start with?
A nameless soldier crashes his spaceship on an alien desert planet. After several day he reaches the top of a mountain ridge and far below him, on an endless plain, he sees a gigantic black, windowless alien building, stretching almost to the horizon, dozens of stories tall ...

>> No.14318682

>for some reason you had to call yourself a nationalist twice.
Ha, you're right. As for somebody not describing himself like that, I described myself as others would perceive my political leanings.

>> No.14318695

That sounds cool but it's not something I'd actually like to write. Thinking about writing something like the movie Avatar. I want to take a real life star system like Alpha Centauri or Trappist-1 and realistically develop everything about how a habitable or semihabitable planet might be - from the components of its atmosphere, how its position to its star(s) might affect the planet, its gravitational pull, how flora and fauna might develop on such a planet, how humans might colonize said planet, etc.

I also want to realistically describe how interstellar space travel might work in this universe.

>> No.14318729

So you're not actually afraid of Muslims and you don't believe that white people are superior and should rule other races? Why do yourself the disservice of misrepresenting your views to other people?

>> No.14318902

>So you're not actually afraid of Muslims
Can it still be called a phobia if they really, actually, want to blow you up and cut off your head?

>> No.14318952

Where the fuck did I say that? You need to work on your reading comprehension.

>> No.14318958

A phobia is an irrational or excessive fear. You can have a concern about something with it being unreasonable or excessive. People on the right believe they have a reasonable concern about Islam and this is why they wouldn't call themselves Islamophobic. To call themselves Islamophobic would be to say that their own concerns aren't legitimate.

>> No.14318971

You called yourself an Islamophobic white supremacist. An Islamophobe is afraid of Muslims and white supremacists believe white people are superior and they should rule other races.

>> No.14319181

Last month I finished Babel 17, and found it so disappointing. The setting, the plot, the events, Babel 17, etc., was either absurd, pointless or cliche.

Is it so because the book is old? I thought it was a timeless piece.

I've also being struggling with "cities in flight", the 3rd book published by the SF Masterworks series, and it is terrible boring and absurd. So much horseshit and nonsense going on that hurts.

Any suggestion that can make love again old sci-fi?

>> No.14319232

Any of the Istari.

>powerful as fuck demigod
>spend centuries exploring nature, making friends, collecting ancient texts and smoking the finest Longbottom Leaf

>> No.14319289

Everyone has god-like powers, never really dies because everyone gets reborn and everyone is fit and looks good even if they are fat because the french are incapable of making unattractive characters that are not hyper-sexualized.

>> No.14319411

Thoughts on Space Merchants by Pohl? I figured it would be a little dated but I'm enjoying it a lot, especially the midget's story about surviving on Venus for eighty days in his suit. That was good. Reminds me of a proto-Philip K Dick story too with how they both used advertisement being shot at everywhere to people.

>> No.14319654

Kill the xenos before they kill you

>> No.14319714 [DELETED] 
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well, /sffg/?

>> No.14319783
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well, /sffg/?
i know that booktube is cringe, sff is cringe, and therefore sff booktube is cringe2, but his videos seem good so far and he's read a lot i've never heard of

>> No.14319814

These types of youtubers are watched by normies who don't read and even if they read they can't form their own opinion. Its garbage.

>> No.14319893

sorry i only watch Quentin

>> No.14319947

This and The Horse and His Boy.

>> No.14319954

>Mistborn S tier
And into the trash it goes

>> No.14319967

Early Card, like Wyrms and Treason

>> No.14319973


>> No.14319983

worldbuilding general on /tg/
worldbuilding stack exchange

>> No.14320000

Why does this faggot keep getting recommended to me even though I don't watch bookshit on youtube?

>> No.14320073

> S

> A
blade itself

> B
last wish

> C
dresden files

> D
dark tower
shadow of what was lost

>> No.14320089


>> No.14320169

Why am I getting a boner from someone being molested? What the fuck is wrong with me?

>> No.14320307
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You guys are still talking about fantasy.
Oh yeah and that tranny being himself again.

>> No.14320323

/sffg/, three months ago my passion vanished. two months ago I started writing every day. I don't feel any closer to the resolution, and I don't feel anywhere near as much passion as I did before I lost interest.

I'm not sure if I should keep writing, but I'm not sure I'll ever start again if I don't. Right now I just feel empty

>> No.14320344


>> No.14320499


>> No.14320669

Is it okay to read light novels?

>> No.14320700

I'm reading the Childe Cycle by Gordon Dickson now. Any other good examples of military science fiction? I've read Heinlein, and Herbert, and preferred the latter. I like books that focus more on philosophy and psychology (ideas over prose). Thanks.

>> No.14320716

Why wouldn't it be?

>> No.14320728

It's pretty much Japanese YA

>> No.14320773
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Middle grade > YA

>> No.14320798

Oh. I thought he meant light as in not profound. I take back what I said. Reading those books will give you cancer.

>> No.14320984

I know and that’s what my intention was you low comprehension having worthless piece of quivering mass. Just fucking die already

>> No.14321011

/sffg/, what's something I can read that will recapture my sense of childlike wonder in this dark and dreary time? Reading The Night Circus isn't doing it

>> No.14321013

The High House.

>> No.14321016

Pohl is a good writer, especially when it comes to putting in the effort to make dumb-sounding concepts work. Blish is in the same vein.

>> No.14321021

Delany gets overrecommended because he's a nigger. The Jemisin of the New Wave.

>> No.14321023

Thanks for sharing that. It was an interesting read.

>> No.14321150

This might be impossible, but who is the Nabokov, the Pessoa, the Maupassant, and Williams of fantasy? I used to love fantasy when I was young. However, I've been only reading lit fiction.

>> No.14321163

>listen to the second audiobook immediately after the first
>only one VA
>have to get used to all the characters having different voices

took me a while to get used to that

>> No.14321232

>not even fifty pages in and there is already a gigantic battle between a floating fortress and powerful wizards
>this somehow manages to be extremely boring

What a pile of shit

>> No.14321250

That's a good idea too but that also just brings me back to another one of my big problems: I'm pretty decent at fleshing out worlds, characters, backstories, narrative themes, concepts, magic systems, technology, etc., but my biggest problem is that I can't seem to come up with an actual plot. I've got a bunch of notes for a bunch of different stories that I want to write, already have a pretty good grasp on the characters, the powers that they might have, settings, etc., even individual scenes that I'd love to finally get to, but coming up with an actual plot is probably the thing I suck at the most.

>> No.14321263

Who is the Tolkien, the Dunsany, the Lovecraft of litfic? They're different sorts of writing and they accomplish different things.

>> No.14321526

fyi you're retarded

>> No.14321544

>the Pessoa
Stephen Donaldson

>> No.14321734

Settle down tranny.

>> No.14321784

Christ. One of my characters man, she is just no fucking fun

>> No.14321844

>> S
It's an unfinished, mediocre and derivative work. Nothing deserves an "S" less.

>> No.14322116


>> No.14322126

latter books for dresden files.

>> No.14322128

Why are iphone headphones too short to lift with though?

>tfw huge wuxia fan

>> No.14322139

And your book is shit fuck off

>> No.14322147

Iron Dragon's Daughter

>> No.14322268

Lyonesse trilogy. Female characters in Vance's stories in general are under constant threat of being valiantly rescued from terrible fates such as execution, betrothal, molestation and unwelcome advances

I find it quite refreshing

>> No.14322293

hate myself lads

>> No.14322370

You can still draw comparisons though and it's possible for genre fiction to reach litfic heights.

Thanks, Anon. I'll have to check him out. Any recommendations in particular?

>> No.14322415 [DELETED] 






>> No.14322423

me too

>> No.14322541


Stop masturbating, go to the gym and write a novel

>> No.14322548

Bakker. Feminists hate him.

>> No.14322561

no I meant that I hate him (>>14322293) too

>> No.14322569

I don't see any reason the qualities of genre fiction should be exclusive from the qualities of literary fiction. Fantasy is a great place to explore ideas in vacuums where you can separate them from preconceptions. I'd love to read more fantasy that cares about the word craft and uses magic to frame human issues.

>> No.14322616

Posting an excerpt of my WIP novel. PLs r8

I'm a Permanent Chief of the Shadow Confederation, not through connections or evil deeds, but through simply commanding so much knowledge and power that I've been deemed worthy of the position. I'm a master of philopsychology, a deeply hidden field that isn't taught by any schools most people would've ever heard of, and was never understood nearly as comprehensively as I've presented it, until I came along. I'm an individual with a core value of refined pure bidirectional apprehension, a concept that most are left scatterbrained at merely the mention of. I'm a tier 3 quantum energy arts user, an art so deep and great that most want to instantly dismiss me as delusional for even mentioning it because it's simply too much for their fragile egos to bare to acknowledge the existence of.

>> No.14322632

>Bakker. Feminists hate him.
Really? I've been out of the loop for awhile. What happened? I always pegged him as a prog.

>> No.14322641

>What happened?
Nothing, as far as I know. Bakker likes his rape and gratuitous violence, though, so that might cause some butthurt in the "I got triggered because someone said rape" drama queens.

>> No.14322651

Nah bro it's completely normal for medieval societies to field entire armies of women and for all women to have superior strength and fortitude to men. Do you hate women or something? Are you an incel? Who hurt you?

>> No.14322654

Uh, anon, there's nothing fantastical about any of that, because woman can do all of those things and are physically superior to men. Are you a misogynist??

>> No.14322669

it's not something recent, dates back to the prince of nothing trilogy, and the characters of esmenet and particularly serwe

>> No.14322834

Serwe did nothing wrong though. She was just a pretty retard. Kinda like Proyas

>> No.14322941

But 8 was REALLY good. I got memed hard when going into it, expecting mediocre Kruppe ranting about nothing for 1300 pages, but it actually was really good...

>> No.14323015

Litfic isn't higher than genre, it's a different category judged by different standards.

>> No.14323055

Damn I wish I could get hit by truck-kun and reincarnate in another world wi5 qq farm system

>> No.14323153

Women are at least as smart or smarter than men so female characters who aren't as smart or smarter than male characters are offensive to feminists.

>> No.14323240

Women are fucking stupid, dude.

>> No.14323288

He was clearly being facetious

>> No.14323333

Goddamnit man. I pay that bitch Sandy so much money and now we have to wait til November? Goddamn!

>> No.14323364

Why do you guys hate neuromancer?

>> No.14323369

dude tv channel lmao

>> No.14323421

dammit. I didn't know that I was supposed to hate neuromancer. now I'll never be cool on 4channel.org/lit/sffg/

>> No.14323563
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>> No.14323576

Is she looking for a boyfrind

>> No.14323644

so let me get this straight, i came here to begin my dive into scifi/fantasy starting with gene wolfe and now im being told that it's all down hill from there?

>> No.14323651

You could try to read the authors that influenced Gene Wolfe.

>> No.14323666

Taniel and Ka-poel get the best end. Absolutely based, remember to disregard cheating whores and fuck cute pale redheads close to half your age instead.

>> No.14323695

Here, what are some newer fantasy books I could get my dad for Christmas?

I'm wary of buying classics since I'm pretty sure if it was written before about 1985 he's already read it.

I think Gene Wolfe is his favourite but I'm not very familiar with the genre so couldn't name much else he likes.

>> No.14323702

Get him a Tom Simon essay collection

>> No.14323710

do not get your dad any new fantasy books if his favorite author is gene wolfe lmao

>> No.14323781

Give him Bakker

>> No.14323793
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email sam weber and see if he's still selling prints of the illustrations he did for the folio society BotNS

>> No.14324116

Dude Ka-Poel is 19 and Taniel is like 23. Still based though.

>> No.14324124

The Thomas Covenant trilogy

>> No.14324135

>Thomas Covenant trilogy
literally isekai

>> No.14324215

>Suppose you’ve been asked to write a science-fiction story. You might start by contemplating the future.
Stopped reading tight there.

>> No.14324233

Dan Simmons is great, one of the best. I started reading Summer of Night.

>> No.14324257

I thought she was like 16 when he came back from tristian basin and taniel was like 25-28. That was always my head cannon, and why whats her face was so salty about them running around together.

>> No.14324763

Hey sffg. Tell me about Eric Vall, Logan Jacobs, and Dante King. Are they all smut writers? I'm running low on books and I am deciding if I will try them if they don't have overly stuffed smut.

>> No.14324788

i have never heard of any of them

>> No.14324834
File: 123 KB, 640x640, Autism Chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Select all that apply from pic related.
Also go to this website and screenshot us your results.

>> No.14324858
File: 77 KB, 600x300, ELcF43BXYAEr83E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mark your calendars

>> No.14324880

Hard scifi autists need to be post natal aborted.

>> No.14324881

Why do authors get so salty when you give them bad reviews?

>> No.14324931

>Who hurt you?
I hate this meme the most.

>> No.14325025

>almost here
>12 months is sooner than a week
I'm not reading. He is just churning out female YA shit, and book 3 was such a shit show that I lost all faith in Sanderson.

>> No.14325059

They expect you to be mindless hype sheeps that gives everything they write 5 stars. That used to be me, I used to give a lot of shit I read 4 and 5 stars on goodreads because I was afraid the author would get mad at me (and not give me arcs), now I give everything either 1 or 2 stars, rarely 3, nothing gets 4 or 5. I don't care what those shit authors feel.

>> No.14325149

You expect them to enjoy bad reviews??

>> No.14325156

Do they expect me to enjoy bad writing???

>> No.14325165

not picking up stormlight until book 5 is out and the first arc is complete

>> No.14325215

There are better smut writers out there than those 3.

>> No.14325265

Like Sarah hawke

>> No.14325284

based sanderson delivering kino jrpgs

>> No.14325374

>reading comprehension
I don't want to read them if they are smut authors.

>> No.14325426

>book one is good
>book two is better
>book three is shit

>> No.14325455

I understand how "book one is good, book two is shit" happens or "book one is good, book two is shit, book three is better" happens, but I never understood how this happens. It feels like when you hit two in a row, you'd have a pretty good idea of what you're doing.

>> No.14325524

>book one is good
>book two is alright
>book three is setup
>book four is kino
>book five is good

>> No.14325565

In my experience most cases fall under an inability to wrap up plot threads in a satisfying manner, or just plain simple bloat.

>> No.14325569

>book one is shit
>book two is shit
>book 3 is shit
> book 2 plus 2 is shit
>I feel like killing myself for reading such a shit series

Story of my life

>> No.14325580

sounds like Malazan

>> No.14326225

Page 10 here we go.

>> No.14326426
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>> No.14326617

At the rate the posting is going, I don't know if I'll be awake to make the next thread. We'll see.

>> No.14326672

is it worth buying? I don't want to spend 13 bucks

>> No.14326724

What's a book where the royal council or whatever the fuck insists on negotiating with the horde of flesh-eating monsters and get their flesh eaten?

I mean besides an american history textbook 100 years from now

>> No.14326730


>> No.14326830


>> No.14327067

40 members

>> No.14327083

que ?

>> No.14327125

and no discussion. yeah i know you didn't make it to discuss things there.

>> No.14327156

People will do as they do will do.

>> No.14327301

What happened to that guy on here that was writing an absurdly long space opera (like 13k pages or something)? I remember seeing a post from him sometime last year, but I couldn't find it again.

>> No.14327325

2019 has less than 20 days remaining. What are yall reading to finish off the year?

>> No.14327327

Going to sleep. Won't be back anytime soon. Someone else will mostly likely have to make the thread unless there's only a like one post per hour for many hours.

>> No.14327360

reading some of Plato's Dialogues again i have kind of put off fantasy for now ill probably pick it up again after new years

>> No.14327386

>neet protag decides to get a job to do better in his pay to win game

What a terrible plot

>> No.14327406

The order of the white hand. Self pub that I didn’t realize finished his trilogy this year. Necromancers vs body snatchers is an interesting enough plot for me.

>> No.14327412

Mists of Avalon

>> No.14327435

Bought Witcher Blood of Eelves the other day. haven't started it yet. Only bought it cause I'm really into the game but I haven't read a book in ages. Was it a mistake bros? I live with a paranoid schizo who never stops yelling so actually finding the time to read is very difficult. should I even try? Is this book wort the effort? Is Ciri in it?

>> No.14327568

First 2 books of short stories good, actual 5 book series bad. Also take your meds, they'll shut the paranoid schizo roommate in your head up at the cost of feeling hazy and slightly out of it 24/7

>> No.14328229

I just finished the Neverending Story by Michael Ende. What a wild fucking ride, that book is easily up there with LotR and other fantasy classics. It makes me feel like a child again and experience nostalgia, even though this was the first time I've read that book. It's really good better than most of the fantasy trash that I've read before. A big thank you to the Anon that recommend it to me.

>> No.14328254

Same hahahahaa

>> No.14328290


>> No.14328570

Oh yeah. Currently on Warrior-prophet and the two somewhat important female characters are literally a whore and a barbarian's slave-prize

>> No.14328774
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What fantasy novel should I read to commemorate the fact that I became a wizard today?

>> No.14329170

Many hours has passed, slave. Get to work on the new OP.

>> No.14329188

Read Bakker and reflect on the dangers of 3D women

>> No.14329216

Literally havent even finished Oathbringer, the shallan chapters always trip my readingflow up.

>> No.14329253

Fugg. Guess I'll have to leave the thread for a couple of weeks.

>> No.14329270

Wait. Do people here actually read sanderson?

>> No.14329271

You're an idiot either read it or don't but getting buttblasted in the pricing thread of a montegran shipping insurance forum is not a good use of anyone's time

>> No.14329294

He's currently the best selling fantasy author in the world. So despite what /sffg/ thinks, yes.

>> No.14329295

It's 12 months away, faggot. You might be dead by then.

>> No.14329329

I'll clarify for the benefit of retards without imagination. I will have to leave the thread for a couple of weeks, once Stormlight 4 is released.

>> No.14329330

Anyone else burning out on books? Don't feel the same tingle I used to feel years ago.

>> No.14329336

Take a break and do something else for a bit.
Too much of anything will burn you out, anon.

>> No.14329342

Yea me, web novels don’t update fast enough, I was almost desperate enough to read mtl the other day

>> No.14329347

I understood what you were saying, but I'm also saying that expecting to be alive then is stupid. You might an hero tonight because your flashbacks of your uncle putting you in a dress and "making a woman out of you" is too strong, and you don't like how those guys on /fit/ makes you feel.

>> No.14329356

>Take a break and do something else for a bit
If I take a break I die. Fantasy is "literally" keeping me alive. I want to kill myself if I don't read something.

>> No.14329360

Sure, but letting that prevent me from making grand plans like leaving /sffg/ for a while would be stupid. Why even do anything when you might as well be killed by lightning the next minute?

>> No.14329372

If your intention is escapism from your life there are other things. Try out any number of hobbies out there or just play some video games, they are just as valid for escapism.

>> No.14329380

Try VNs.

>> No.14329450

Videogames don't interest me. I play a few minutes maybe an hour, then lose interest. Waste of money getting a gaming rig or console for something I don't like. Books (stories) are the only thing that keeps me feeling these days.
I used to be a tech nut, lost interest in that (scifi doesn't even make crazy technologies anymore).
I used to be a movie nut, but they are just rehashing everything for the past decade. Plus they are trying to appeal to the lowest common denominator with jokes and pop culture.
I never got hooked to games in my childhood, before I even started a game I would get cheats and just breeze through the game. I think I wanted to complete it or get a story more than I had fun.
V, tv, g, co, an. I spent years in those boards, then abandoned them, now I'm here in lit for half a decade.

>> No.14329529

It's a good thing that's only your delusional narrative. It's much closer to "volunteer", if even that. Seems the thread is still up though, so I'll make the new thread now.

>> No.14329559
