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/lit/ - Literature

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14315344 No.14315344 [Reply] [Original]

>how you’re holding up
>current book

>> No.14315405

>Onward an upward, I guess
>Don Quixote

>> No.14315412

>very good
>Some Chekhov short stories

>> No.14315427

>in a constant struggle with my own mind
>Wise Blood

>> No.14315455

>Waiting for my shekels to clear, anxious
>Nichomachean Ethics

>> No.14315464

>In a vicious cycle of anxiety and a lack of productivity
>A Confederacy of Dunces

>> No.14315467

What are you struggling with anon?

>> No.14315476

>war and peace

>> No.14315502

>pretty good
>Barney's Version

>> No.14315507

>Mysteries by Knut Hamsun

>> No.14315511

Why horribly?

>> No.14315520

>I'm not
>This Savage Song

>> No.14315523

I'm a broke NEET.

>> No.14315532

>in total disrepair and consumed by doom

>> No.14315542

>a little stressed because i should be studying for finals instead of shitposting
>Pale Fire

>> No.14315546

Narcissistic bait.

>> No.14315565

Have you tried applying for a seasonal job or waiting tables?

>> No.14315579

I just bought that I'm so excited to read it.

>> No.14315601

>> Feeling like shit
>> Anniversaries: A Year in the Life of Gesine Cresspal

>> No.14315606

So far it's been great

>> No.14315610

>moby dick, but too depressed to give a shit about continuing it. also i cant tell if i enjoy reading it or not

>> No.14315611

>this question is gay
>As I Lay Dying

>> No.14315615

>Overall: lost. But feel good today. Held hands with a qt this morning.
>sorrows of young werther

>> No.14315618

After years of overthinking and constantly analyzing myself without acting to solve rather simple problems it is as if I can’t think about anything other than myself, all my mental energy is squandered on explaining to myself how this could have happened and specifically how I must fix it, but I can never actualize it even though I feel as though I understand how to.

>> No.14315624

>now studying history because of the shitty math program here, pissed about nicotine addiction
>Lingua Latina per se Illustrata

>> No.14315628

Stop thinking. My problem was that I spent all my time thinking about what I am to do instead of doing.

>> No.14315633
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>things are looking up i guess. trying a new anti psychotic. job interview Wednesday for a job im basically guaranteed.
>demons by dostoyevsky. Havent been reading it as much as i should. Scared im going to forget the whole thing and half to abandon it.

>> No.14315644

Got a mild cold, but it’s going away.
Brewsie and Willie.

>> No.14315652

>Ad Herrenium [Cicero]
>I can't stop jelquing every day, idk what to say. I guess we're gonna make it somehow

>> No.14315678

mentula mea parva est

>> No.14315682

I've been forgetting everything I read and watch lately. Feels bad.

>> No.14316253

>looking for some books

>> No.14316553

>Having a hard time believing I'm 25, feels like by next year I'll be 30
>Secret Lolita: The Confessions of Victor X, because I wanted to read something really out there

>> No.14316560

>American Psycho

>> No.14316572

>Still fighting, but considerably better than 3 weeks ago
>Capitalist Realism: Is There No Alternative?

>> No.14316607

>breddy gud
>lady chatterley's lover

>> No.14316678

>Wolf Hall

>> No.14316690

Perfect greentext

>> No.14316705

I have been there and it still comes back - it is SUCH TIRED ADVICE BUT IT is the only surefire and vaguely sustainable one I know. You should tire yourself out. Get too tired to think. Walk for 3 miles. Walk for 5 miles. Walk for 8 miles. My feet has some structural deformities tho a person can't tell and I'm often in pain when I'm walking and would walk way more if it wasn't for that, but just leave your house for 30 minutes. Trust me, I remember and still know how hard that can be. I had a book on thinkers' daily rituals and most of them had clearly defined 2-3 hour walks. I can think of Poincaré, Beethoven and John Adams as three titans of their respective fields who all walked intensely. Kant and others as well. I don't even love walking in particular I'd rather do calistenetbics but ambulating takes less warm up and prep
Dope book
Good choice

NEET, some days are amazing, some days are despair
Been cracking open Augustine confessions, Charles sanders peirce collection, analects by confucius

Applied for an editorial assistant job today. Have a good feeling but I haven't worked in two years. Nest egg will be out in a few months

Thanks for reading my blog and everyone below me might be a bot or a spider

>> No.14316758

>Not amazing
>B. Catling - The Vorrh

>> No.14316762

>pretty good, got a (e-)girlfriend I met once last week and it was really great.
>Demian - Hermann Hesse

>> No.14316795

>2 weeks until I get back to classes :(
>The Genealogy of Morals and The Iliad

>> No.14316805

>In the middle of a savage cold. Going to work everyday with a pounding headache and stuffy nose makes me wish for a nuclear winter
>The Sun Also Rises

>> No.14316817
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>22 last month
>losing it, becoming increasingly cognizant of my only feeling alright when inebriated
>The Thirty Years War: Europe's Tragedy

>> No.14316840

>If you don't know what port you're sailing to, no wind is favourable
>five dialouges by Plato

>> No.14316857

I hate myself and want to die
Moby Dick

>> No.14316920

>just barely hanging in there
>The Deed of Paksenarrion

>> No.14316958

Holy Crap I have to add, this book got way more erotic than expected. Not sure how to feel about this.

>> No.14316974

Spend most of my days yearning for a monster.
The Accursed Share by Georges Bataille

>> No.14316977


>> No.14316983

>too old for this shit
>the one with the guy and he's goin around doin stuff

>> No.14316984

>big sad
>The Other Side Of The Sky - Arthur C Clarke

>> No.14316989

>Finally mailed a confessing love letter to my neighbor. I know for a fact she received it last Thursday. Kind of in unknown territory right now. Surely the next time we cross paths outside I will have to talk to her. Love is for only those who dare, right? Haha...
>Tragedies by Euripides

>> No.14316990

>Fucking pissed that I still don't have a job 4 months out of university. Also, worried about how to properly edit my literary writing to be comprehensive and enjoyable without sacrificing the descriptiveness of certain scenes.
>Reading: The Count of Monte Cristo.
>Writing: Fantasy short story.

>> No.14317013

How is Voss?ive never read an Australian novel before and have debated starting with this one

>> No.14317042

Patrick White or Peter Carey are both decent places to start with Aus lit, though desu we don't have a terribly rich canon.

>> No.14317070

>eh, could be better
Slogging through it desu. Just wanted to familiarize myself with the cyberpunk genre before i run a ttrpg game, but I think Gibson lost me

>> No.14317091
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>shit, per usual
>Self harming by reading the Phenomenology of Spirit

>> No.14317114

>the complete poetry and prose of william blake
>anatomy for dental students

>> No.14317152
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>Meditations, Lovecraft, Poe & Crime and Punishment.
>Pretty good. I had an epiphany and it became very clear to me that I was pissing my life away and that I had become a slave to my desires. I stopped masturbating all together, I deleted my social media accounts and stopped talking to e-girls, I also started applying for jobs and picked up a cleaning job somewhere. I know cleaning is looked down upon but it'll be a good way to work on my social anxiety and to be able to pay my bills. I also started exercising and feel way more energetic and capable now. I hope all of you are doing well and improving yourself.

>> No.14317159

>My life is a downward spiral

>> No.14317174

>just finish les miserables and the lost weekend
>currently casually reading the bible and some random shakespeare
Im doing great. Start a new job at a very nice hotel on Tuesday, and am beginning long term sobriety after being an alcohol for 10 years, the past 4 as a serious alcohol. Haha antabuse, bros!

>> No.14317193

Thanks for the recommendations.although the “western canon” is canon for a reason, there are a lot of gems not included in it.one would think with with Australia’s history, geography, etc that there are a lot elements and themes that could lead to some great literature

>> No.14317795

>Was doing alright. I chose to work a couple of years while deciding whether I should go to uni or not. I decided that I should and that I should study English lit. Long story short I've been made to have a year off due to a neurological condition. The doctors still don't what it is yet. I'm tired all the time and develop a limp for the rest of the day if I try to walk for than 5 mins or so. The drugs I'm on - amitriptyline - makes me tired all the time and so I've been spending most my time in bed not moving.
> Was reading Butcher's Crossing and Libra though I haven't read a page them in about a month

>> No.14317967

>content, but finding it hard to get motivation to move my life forward
>Tao Te Ching

>> No.14318004

>Doing shit since I got dumped a couple weeks ago lol
>The Name of the Wind

>> No.14318024

>quite well actually
>Recognitions - Julius Evola

>> No.14318099

>25 in a week
>mostly morose ,but feel almost human on some days. Crippling loneliness as I moved to a new country for a Master's
>Radhakrishnan's translation of the Principal Upanishads

>> No.14318141

>I don't want to ruin it but I'm building my philosophy for the future, pretty good mood actually.
>Dostoïevski's Karamazov Brothers.

>> No.14318150

>Tao Te Ching
Based anon

>> No.14318177

21 soon
It's hard
The Birth of Tragedy

>> No.14318200

How are you finding it? I'm near the end of The Wise Man's Fear myself.

>> No.14318223

>I'm good, thanks for asking

>> No.14318653
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pic related

>> No.14318676

>awful. Post graduate hipster NEET trying to cut thru grad school
>Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit.

>> No.14318693 [DELETED] 

>17 (i don't post stuff, i usually just watch, please don't report)
>alright i guess
>faust by goethe

>> No.14318793
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>anguished and terrified
>the ego and the id

>> No.14318809

> ended today the worst semester of my Uni years so far, so I am good but drained
>Principles Part I by Ray Dalio

>> No.14318814


>> No.14318869

Godspeed anon

>> No.14318876

dude i'll be 18 in months also what will you gain from reporting me

>> No.14318979

>pretty alright, I guess
>just started If on a winter's night a traveller & Moby Dick

>> No.14319035

>horribly heartbroken, mostly immobile in bed
>various papers on Adorno

what was so bad about it?
superego is out to get you

>> No.14319058

>happy to end my miserable semester
>Life & Opinions of Tristram Shandy and Submission.

>> No.14319069

>finals are fucking killing me right now but I'll be glad when they're over
>Pliny's Natural History, up to the 3rd volume out of 10 right now

>> No.14319074

>only with the hope that interesting things will happen in my life before I literally kill myself by doing a boring job for 40 years just to pay rich shareholders
>L'esprit des règles. Regards sur l'activité policière

>> No.14319106

Work load was horrible and sucked all my time. I lacked time to read, paint and go to the gym which are a great source of joy. Luckily I spent the afternoon (after final presentation this morning) browsing the web, reading and relaxing which is awesome.

>> No.14319130


>Loathing the military


>> No.14319182

>immensely lonely and aimless

>> No.14319235

ayyy, good job anon

>> No.14319246

wow, thats rough. hope the docs figure out what it is so you can get better soon. hang in there

>> No.14319252
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>Left uni after one semester, loneliness is crushing me at times, thinking of getting gyno surgery because it murdered my confidence and rendered all my lifting useless(torpedo tits). Never hated myself or my situation more than now.
>The Elementary Particles

>> No.14319259

> :)
> need books on aesthetics (no more french guys please ;_;)

>> No.14319262
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>tired of school - second STEM degree because first one sucked
>Henry Humming

>> No.14319273

i never get any fucking (You)s in these threads

>> No.14319281

I'll give you a (you). Point to your post, and I will give my honest assessment.

>> No.14319310


>> No.14319312

“Because one believes in oneself, one doesn't try to convince others. Because one is content with oneself, one doesn't need others' approval. Because one accepts oneself, the whole world accepts him or her.” -- Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching

>> No.14319320


Alright I guess. I got do study a ”dream subject” for my masters thesis so that’s good.
> ”Blade of the Courtesans” by Keiichiro Ryu

>> No.14319323

You're young and should put aside shitposting. Keep the sharpness of your mind and apply it to studying. Hopefully, you chose a major with good job prospects.

>> No.14319337

>You're young and should put aside shitposting.
i know
>Hopefully, you chose a major with good job prospects.
electrical eng, want to do a phd
i hope it turns out okay

>> No.14319347

I recommend forgetting about a PhD. Just go for a MS instead. PhD makes you overqualified and it is hell.
Electrical Engineering is very good and in the top 5. Sometimes you have to sacrifice doing the things you enjoy in order to reach a more stable situation.
I would also look into materials science or biomedical engineering, which will grow a lot too.

>> No.14319352

thanks for the advice, can i ask what your background is?

>> No.14319363

I received a BS in Neuroscience, which was a mistake. Now I'm back for a BS in Computer Science, but I can't tell if that's a mistake either due to the recent rise of cheap labor from India and Pakistan due to the policies set in motion by figures like Dan Crenshaw. I am 29 and very tired. You are 20 and have much more vigor and sharpness. Don't waste it shitposting. Give Electrical Engineering you're all, and by the time you hit my age, you will have a MS and comfy high-paying job.

>> No.14319401

You're just not that interesting, anon.

>> No.14319405

did you ever plan to go to med school when you were doing neuroscience?
i actually used to be a CS major but switch after 2 years (pretty recently) because i hated it so much. i think im more of a scientist than an engineer (which is largely what undergrad CS is, software development), but i also want to make a (comfortable) living, so i think EE was a good compromise. thats also why i was wanting to do a phd, to do research, which may not be the highest paying job, but i think i would enjoy it a lot. im currently finishing my first semester of EE and i think its going good, i can see myself doing this for a while
who's Dan Crenshaw?
the template doesnt give you a whole lot to work with

>> No.14319444

>did you ever plan to go to med school when you were doing neuroscience?
No. It seems too stressful, and the suicide rate is high from what I've read. My own doctor also mentioned there's a problem with Jewish nepotism in medical schools. I went into Neuroscience because I thought there would be more research into Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and other neurodegenerative disorders given how much attention there was on it. However, just because a field contributes to the community doesn't translate into it being in demand by the market. It was a big oversight.
I am now majoring in Computer Science now just for job opportunities.
>who's Dan Crenshaw?
An example of a politician who pushed for mass migration for cheaper labor in tech-related fields. It will make it more competitive, that's all.

>> No.14319447

>Good, only a little confused on whether or not I enjoy having a girlfriend or if I should just become single
>Anna Karenina

>> No.14319466

>the suicide rate is high
not sure why, there are much harder things to study than medicine
maybe its hyper competitive, but i feel like doctors have pretty good job opportunities all things considered
>My own doctor also mentioned there's a problem with Jewish nepotism in medical schools.
your doc sounds based
>An example of a politician who pushed for mass migration for cheaper labor in tech-related fields.
i hate rich people

>> No.14319490

I just want to take the path of least resistance towards a decent paying job. I am kind of tired of Geist.
He died recently. RIP. He was kind of old.

>> No.14319497

i understand that, CS definitely has the highest undergrad pay (especially if youre not retarded)

>> No.14319511

>Artaud collected works and Rimbaud
>think im close to a nervous breakdown, why? stress and thinking too much when i'm not high
I have critiques for the reaching aesthetics in the world. Also writing prose/poetry a lot which is satisfying to see my mind on paper

>> No.14319649

>deeply damaged
>no longer human, can't relate as much as I thought I would
btw I'm a kinochad just trying to seriously get into books and yall's are younger than I thought

>> No.14319662

I’m considering a second degree so I’m curious to hear more about your story and how it’s going.

>> No.14319723

>pretty well thanks to antidepressants and positive last months
>some university stuff (Kaleko, Stefan George, Seghers, Max Ernst). Haven't quite decide on what to read "privatly" next. For my list over the holidays there is The Stranger and probably some Christian Kracht. Till then I guess some mixed pieces of magazine/collections. Maybe some Brecht.

>> No.14319751

>anxious and addicted to drugs

>> No.14319902

>Had a rough night, but now it's pretty standard, kinda comfy even
>The Illiad/The Master and Margarita

>> No.14319926

not great/ stressed
War and Peace

>> No.14319937

>fucking awful
>the divine comedy

>> No.14319952
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all my friends have girlfriends now, I'm pretty content with my lifestyle of reading and going to the gym but I can't help wanting a gf, maybe I should bury those feelings since everyone seems so different from me
The Republic

>> No.14320025

Starting up school again. Last time i tried i failed miserably, this was at 19. After working for some time as a server and general retail jobs, i am extremely motivated to complete my classes - i would never be able to go on working those kinds of jobs, i would most certainly become an extremely boring person if it were to continue. so this is good, i learned its not an option for me so i simply just cant fail.
>Platform by Houellebecq, previously: My Struggle, book two by Knausgaard
Platform was slow to start, its got a nice winding pace and I enjoy the bits where he goes joker mode, but im not as infatuated with it as i thought i would be, ill probably try another of his books though.. My struggle book two was amazing though. I thought the book was brilliant and i found myself writing down a lot of quotes i enjoyed from the book.

how so? I was thinking it was going to be about a hikkikomori type life, thought it was interesting to see how much of basically a chad he was after childhood, and with that attitude? I think that modern women would relate more to the book than your typical incel-type/adjacent man actually. I speculate a lot of women feel the way dazai does.

>> No.14320054

>I'm looking up
>Heavier Than Heaven

>> No.14320067

I am doing really well for my circumstances.

I'm currently reading Geosophia: The Argo of Magic.

>> No.14320072

>I'm putting off lifting rn by shitposting on 4chan. Earlier I put it off by fapping and before that with vidya. I'm trying not to be a coomer and have heavily reduced my porn intake but the fapping continues. I sat down to write earlier but quit after two (forced) sentences. All in all I think about killing myself everyday, it pretty much dominates my thoughts. I'm a good writer but I know deep down I'm not nearly good enough to be successful and more importantly not good enough to write at the level and quality that I want to. When I accept this fully I'll probably finally do it.
>The Pale King

>> No.14320090

how far are you into the pale king? does its incompleteness show (in a bad way)?

>> No.14320105

On page 221 so almost halfway.
Yes but it's still worth reading. I put off reading it for a long time because I didn't want to read an incomplete book but eventually I picked it up because Dave made it obvious he intended for it to be published.

>> No.14320115
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>days away from 23
>My dad sighs everytime he sees me (Been a NEET on and off for the past 4 years and likely gonna kill myself before 30)

>> No.14320121

gravitys rainbow

>> No.14320130

doing pretty well
Decline of the west

>> No.14320134

not good
uhhh I don't really read

>> No.14320239

>I'm not sure. I'm trying vaguely to get with this girl but it's really hard to bump into her, so I'm unsure if she's avoiding me or I just have bad luck. And anyway I don't really think it will last long because I simply do not believe I am allowed contentedness.
>re-reading TCoL49. God damn, do I love Chapter 5!

>> No.14320280

I'm still only in the middle but that was my impression too. I expected an account from an alienated person in the likes of notes from the underground but he seems to suffer from the characteristic feminine detachment that is completely internalized and neurotic while being perfectly adjusted on the outside.
I'll finish it before making up my mind, but maybe I was baited by the title. When it comes to this theme I related much more to this scene, silly though it is, than to the book.

>> No.14320284

>I simply do not believe I am allowed contentedness
I don't think I'm capable of it. I don't think I am able to be happy.

>> No.14320324

Anon, it took me 6 or 5 months to land a job after graduating, even if I was top of my class. I felt like a failure all that time, the only thing I could tell you is to try to enjoy the free time, eventually things will get better.

>> No.14320347
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>Getting my life back together. Just got an apartment. Mostly fixed my teeth. I'm my family's favourite again. Back in therapy. Still enrolled in school, but taking time out to reevaluate my ''dream program'' (and get some fucking employment that is better than minimum wage peanuts).
>Italo Calvino's Invisible Cities for a second time, and Homer's Iliad and Odyssey (Butler translation). Gave up on Infinite Jest for now... honestly want to resell the fucking book.

>> No.14320351

I would go further to say there is not Happiness, only contentedness which others misunderstand for Happiness. Some people are capable of contentedness, some are not. Most people seem to subconsciously lower their standards so they could perceive their surroundings, their life, as "fine" or "good." A few of us, myself included, and presumably you as well, do not have the luxury. I don't know about you, but I don't think I "deserve" contentedness, but at the same time I don't think I _don't_ deserve it. Simply that it has been predetermined that I cannot have it. I can choose to be upset, or I can choose to just deal with it.

>> No.14320353

>I'm getting over a mix of Mono, the Flu, and Walking-Pneumonia
>The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

>> No.14320852

I'm going to read through Wise blood with my gf once we're both done with our current stack of books (I'm reading the Brothers Karamazov and she's reading Sanctuary by Faulkner).
How is Wise Blood? We've never read O'Connor and are both excited too.

>> No.14320857

>the template doesnt give you a whole lot to work with


>> No.14320998

>fucking great, I started trail running and hiking, getting away from civilization on a daily basis has improved my mood more than I can explain
>Infinite Jest

>> No.14321003

>Happy now that butterfag might be gone
>The Secret Agent

>> No.14321009

What happened to buttercunt?

>> No.14321015
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>got fired a little under a month ago for soft-insulting my boss, but pretty good considering
>The Dark Forest

>> No.14321050

the actual poster reading it here. It's good. Really good. The language is unique and dense, but it takes a little while to adjust to his style and to grasp what he's trying to do. White, at least in this novel, is a cartographer of human relations, both to others and to one's own self. The story itself is also really fun, with Voss and his party setting out to cross the Australian interior. It's probably the closest thing to Blood Meridian that's been written in terms of plot and character

>> No.14321079

He outed himself as jannie. He removed an anons post and got them banned because he pointed it out. It's all archived too
Thread is still active go check it out

>> No.14321096

>Crushing feeling of solitude and self harm aside, I'm doing great by every other metric
>Ecce Homo

>> No.14321210

>Fanny Hill
Where do you get that?

>> No.14321452


>> No.14321570

>killing it
>The Idiot

>> No.14321579

>Chair legs.
>Reading is for nerds.

>> No.14321604

>The Conspiracy against the human race

>> No.14321638

>Brainlet/smooth brain feels. Mild tourette's syndrome, low iq, eczema.
>Death of Ivan Ilyich

>> No.14321678

>post-breakup depression clearing up and i'm back to working out and healthy habits, spending less time watching netflix and eating trash. so overall good
> Chaos: a New Science

>getting away from civilization on a daily basis has improved my mood more than I can explain
extremely relatable. being on your own in nature gives you a sort of mental clarity you can't get anywhere else

>> No.14321691

The future is bright
Gulag Archipelago vol.2

>> No.14321694

>Not depressed, not fulfilled
> Chaos, James Gleick

>> No.14321775

>Sometimes comfy, sometimes some sort of -cidal
>Beyond Good and Evil

>> No.14321946

>alright, slight bouts of anxiety around putting myself out there

>> No.14321976
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>I no longer understand others. I do not wish to understand them, nor do I wish for them to understand me. I do not speak to people anymore or look at them if I can help it. I only feel a connection to the fictional and the dead.
>Guermantes Way

>> No.14321999

>Discourses by Epictetus

>> No.14322193

>Numb? Desensitized.
>A collection of stories by Katherine Mansfield

>> No.14322246

Don't even remember, but found an epub somewhere. Do you want it?

>> No.14322275

sounds fun

>> No.14322335


Actually, not sure why I'd ask, here's the book if you want it: https://www68.zippyshare.com/v/tTllTGmw/file.html

>> No.14322382

>tfw have new gf, dog, and good hobby.
>Capitalist Realism

>> No.14322429

Anon I can relate. Do you ever think that it would be better to outright cut everyone out of your life and just become a hermit?

>> No.14322437

>old, fuck you
>fuck me
>Dune, Stories of Your Life and Others, HP Lovecraft complete fiction, Conspiracy Against the Human Race

>> No.14322450

>good overall, though this book is making me feel terrible for some reason
>Dangerous Liaisons

>> No.14322570


>> No.14322618

my therapist claims I should go back on meds after being three months off them
This is the 4th day I have not eaten anything, I only drink hard liquor, energy drinks and smoke cigs, I hope for the hearth attack or something

>> No.14323346

>feeling empty
>philosophical investigations

>> No.14323409

Sounds like (s)he is right.

>> No.14323426

>pretty gud
>the hermetic tradition

>> No.14323438

Hell yeah I hare that coming I think, how is it? I'm the hermetic tradition poster

>> No.14323442

>Feeling like I'm in a hamster wheel for the first time in a few months
>The conspiracy against the human race

>> No.14323451 [DELETED] 
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>kinda plateauing right now but not for long
>the castle by kafka

>> No.14323489


>> No.14323828
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It's good so far. It's basically a collection of all his later essays which he compiled as kind of his final word on things towards the end of his life, so it covers a pretty broad range of topics. It's a pretty good balance of spiritual, cultural and political topics and he blends the subjects quite well.

I read the Hermetic Tradition a while ago too, that one was challenging but I found it very engaging. I got into Evola because of his politics but I wound up getting really interested in his views on spirituality and the occult. I'm actually working my way through his books according to this infographic I found, see pic related. I've found it to be a pretty good order to read his books in.

>> No.14323960

>trying vaguely
That's not going to get you anywhere fast anon
Just make a move, an actual move on her
And if it works out, great, if it doesn't at least you would have gotten over the 'I'm unsure what to do/whether she likes me' stage

>> No.14323974

>eh, more or less ok. Drinking a bit much and exams are proceeding in a mediocre fashion, but I can't complain in general.
>Anna Karenina

>> No.14324123

>NEET, am actually good at my craft (been employed for 4 years) but can't find the motivation to get a job and start working again.
>just finished a couple of books by Eliade

>> No.14324165

not great
The Ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold

>> No.14324211

so happy for u (: keep up the good work

>> No.14324222

>actually so goooddd (:
>just finished naked lunch, starting dubliners today (:

>> No.14324701

>I'm not dead yet
>Forward the foundation

>> No.14325206
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blessed post

>> No.14325232

Cleanliness is next to godliness.

>> No.14325306
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>I'm fucking BORED. Fuck Winter, I want to go hike all day in the mountains, but the days are too short and it's too cold. I have a job interview tomorrow for a shitty kitchen porter job, I'll either flub it or not go at all, instead going to the museum and reading in town. Yeah I really want high blood pressure chef niggers to shout at me all day while I wash dishes for peanuts, think I'll stay NEET thank you very much, at least until I'm kicked out.
>Death on Credit

>> No.14325376

Depressed out of my mind every day
A Clockwork Orange

>> No.14325470

>I'm about to be held up by a sturdy rope
>The Man Who Laughs

>> No.14325495

>i dont know, i kind of just exist with all the ups and down that come with it. nights of pure despair and days of eleated extacy, often in the same 24 hour period
>Ecco Homo

>> No.14325504

this, go on a hike and your mental knots will slowly unravel. its a medicine, not a cire however, there is no cure, only the struggle.

>> No.14325694

>Life's good
>Also reading Confessions

>> No.14325731
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>bredi good, workin like a good wagie
>lord of the ice garden second tome
the book is in polish and i have no idea if there's translation

>> No.14325939

Thanks, mate. But what I meant when I said "it's really hard to bump into her" is that I cannot seem to run into her when I want to. It was over a month ago that I decided to just fucking ask her out next time I have a chance to talk to her, but I basically never see her. Monday, when I made that post, I was able to shout from my car window a "Hey!" while I was driving up the parking garage, but I couldn't tell if she even knew who it was. A couple weeks ago, I was able to get a "Hey!" back in a similar scenario, and just last Friday she waved at me through her own windshield, but this has been the extent of our interactions the past while. I try sometimes to get to work early so I could try to wait for her, but then I feel like I'm about to ambush her and I feel weird about it and puss out. And she seems to be almost always late to work anyway, or otherwise her office has her start at like 9:10am or something.

Anyway, just finished TCoL, so I'm going to start a Wordsworth collection, to remain more on topic

>> No.14325954

>late 20's
>bretty gud
>man & his symbols by carl j.

>> No.14326886

>at the moment in the stuck in the awful situation between staying in your dysfunctional home and continuing you current subjects at the local university and packing your stuff and moving to a uni far away from home to study something different, which is even more complicated when you are a diagnosed 'sperg like me.
>Frank Dikötter's The Tragedy of Liberation: A History of the Chinese Revolution 1945–1957

>> No.14326929

>struggling to get out of bed, reading is a slow process- no longer have an attention span.
>between the acts

>> No.14326933

>Bad and good simultaneously. I'm finally getting to visit my family again in a week, but I also need to finish my grad school application before Saturday and it's going dreadfully.
>The Sun Also Rises and War and Peace.

>> No.14326939

>Tired. Still reviewing for my Ancient Greek exam that's coming up. I just want to sleep.

>> No.14326967

>I hate my job but I can't quit for better prospects because none exist. Every single interaction I have throughout the day is reflexive - I have said the same words to the same people in the same way for years. I don't know if I am able to talk with people genuinely any more. I've put off so much for so long I feel that taking stock of my options would be closer to triage. Can I start over at 30? I'm afraid to try. I'm comfortable now but I'm miserable.
>Hound of the Baskervilles

>> No.14326984

>I'm fine I suppose

>> No.14326994

>dead inside

>> No.14327054

pretty bad
if we were villains, but i'm looking for 'the sluts' by dennis cooper

>> No.14327102

>The Immoralist

>> No.14327276

>I'm with you anon
>hopscotch and the elementary particles

>> No.14327673

>will be 24 next month
>could be worse. Gf and I are breaking up. We want different things. Going thru changes in general.
>The Lime Twig, Blood Meridian, The Wild Boys, Liveblog, The Rules of Attraction

>> No.14327702

I'm rereading the George miles cycle for like the 20th time. My fave writer. God bless his druggy murderous ass.

>> No.14327740

>trying to quit fapping my life away
>Hunger: Knut Hamsun

>> No.14327826
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Anxious mess

>> No.14328096

>Hate myself, feel like schizophrenia is taking over
>Dream of the Red Chamber

>> No.14328259

>A song of ice and fire <3
>SAD :((((

This book is so good, why doesn't /r/lit read it?

>> No.14329739

>Okay, care too much about shit I can't fix right now, hoping to find a path to a position of real influence so that I can
>Coffee Power

>> No.14329842

>I actually feel happy and satisfied with my life and efforts
>The Culture of Narcissism, and How to Read a Book

>> No.14329859
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>> No.14329877
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>pretty bad, pill are kinda working but I'm still procrastinating like crazy
>Anti-Oedipus & Cyclonopedia

>> No.14329904

>The Rebel by Albert Camus

>> No.14330163

>Das Nibelungenlied

>> No.14330327

>Just created some hyper fractals so im doing good
>qul'ratyyh uour'ghtaxor

>> No.14330456

>material wealth is flourishing, emotional health deteriorating

>> No.14330890

>Worst state I've ever been in
>Finished Carrie

>> No.14330941

>Doing better I guess
>Raven: The Untold Story of the Rev. Jim Jones and His People

>> No.14331630

>Decently well. Looking forward to the start of a fresh year.
>The Golden Age
Aww I love Dikotter! Are you a history or Chinese major anon?
Also, hope things get better for you.

>> No.14331698

Good job anon soon you shall become the ubermenschen himself

>> No.14331757
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>sick of studying, but constantly study to forget about my lack of social life (so not very well)

>> No.14331990

>doing very poorly
>infinite jest

>> No.14331993

>the peak of my days is going to sleep fantasizing I won't wake up
>Nothing for ages but looking into reading another scifi book

>> No.14332000

>Barely functioning, probably depressed
>Prometheus Rising, but I haven't picked it up in weeks

>> No.14332009

>Not great DESU. When I'm on 4chan, the answer is usually worse than usual but i've certainly had lower points.
>Infinite Jest

>> No.14332042

> finishing As I Lay Dying


>> No.14332050

good enough

>> No.14332113

I read Ulysses when I was 24 too

>> No.14332125

i read ulysses when i was 16

t. 24 year old

>> No.14332150

> 17
> meh
> Finishing as I lay Dying

>> No.14332212

I was good enough when I was 24 too

>> No.14332382

> 25
> Every day has not been worth waking up for
> Sabbath's Theatre

>> No.14332422

alright, tad bit stressed
just read the metamorphosis for school but i'm gonna get back into storm of steel over the weekend (about 50 pages in)

>> No.14332436

based zoomers, making the jannies earn their kee-
oh wait :^)

>> No.14332443

my b, read that as 14 lol

>> No.14332466


>> No.14332470

Hey, fellow '94fag, how's Sabbath's Theatre? I've only read Portnoy's Complaint, which I enjoyed, but it seemed more focused on lewd humor than anything else, and didn't seem to fit with Bloom's other three favorites.

>> No.14332725

>stressed beyond reason
>The Upanishads

>> No.14332825

>Could be better
>No Longer Human

>> No.14332950

>fairly well
>I’m a NEET but When I Went to Hello Work I Got Taken to Another World Vol.1

>> No.14333126

I read it when I was 20 and it changed my life. Enjoy it, anon

>> No.14333130

>Getting tired of my depression shit
>The Three Musketeers

>> No.14333137

I've had to reread so many books in the past 3 years, when I could be reading newer books. I forget shit very easily now.

>> No.14333429 [DELETED] 

>too inexpierenced to know how not to hold up
>roadside picnic

>> No.14333554

anon let me hit your juul

>> No.14333630

>going through some boring days, but alright nonetheless
>The Prince and One Hundred Years of Solitude

>> No.14333676
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The Bible

>> No.14333784
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>I'm going on cam girl site just to get some sort of interaction or attention by someone
>Serotonin - Houellebecq

>> No.14334624

>contemplating suicide daily, probably gonna do it soon
>roadside picnic

>> No.14334636


>Pretty good
>Tribe -- on homecoming and belonging

>> No.14334643

>i just finished high school and ended it on a really good note academic-wise, applying for colleges, i'm in love with this guy but he's not over his ex girlfriend so i'm constantly in pain because i've never felt so in love before
>the metamorphosis

>> No.14334683

>on 4chan
wait a minute...

>> No.14334702

I failed midway in a really difficult, multiple phase exam i took, for which I studied 5 months 8h per day. Have to wait 1 year to take it again, don't know what to do with my life, right now just spending time with family.
Tartar Steppe

>> No.14334727

>a bit of a malaise
>Can'tf uckin choose

>> No.14334729

>Back home at parents place for christmas holidays after a 2 month period of backpacking. In a lazy mood generally where everything feels on hold, but can't complain. Feel kinda medium.
>Rain and Other South Sea Stories

>> No.14334752 [DELETED] 

>stacking debt on debt on debt while flipping burgers in order to "philosophise"
>Critique of Pure Reason lmao

>> No.14334769
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>fucking miserable
>Billy Conolly's Route 66

>> No.14335123

not that anon but I've read it last year, it's pretty damn cool although the book is about a very despicable character, I'd say it's like a more mature, darker and wiser version of Portnois Complaint

>> No.14335178

>i want to fucking die
>i honestly don't remember. i think some book by dogen zenji?

>> No.14335262 [DELETED] 

>pretty good
>Critique of judgment

>> No.14335765

>falling apart mentally and physically, basically doomer.
>Foucaults pendulum

>> No.14335836

>18 (almost 19)
>not too good tbqhfam
>Kiss of the Spider-woman

>> No.14335850

based ma boi
the bird fights its way out of the egg, the egg is the world.

>> No.14335874

>doing really well
>Aristotle's Metaphysics

>> No.14336291

Moby Dick is a mixed bag where half the chapters are amazing and the other half are boring expositions on the processes of whaling. It's definitely worth finishing though.
Just skim through the chapters that are boring whale biology and instructions on whaling as a career.

>> No.14336329

>during psychotherapy, kinda lost and wondering if it was worth the effort

>> No.14337062

>Emerged from finals unscathed
>Either/Or and the Holy Bible

>> No.14337069

I am a worthless worm
Cloud Atlas

>> No.14337188

>badly, started isolating myself again, smoking too much weed, started drinking again, shirking responsibilites and skipping school, thinking about suicide.
>Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding

>> No.14337215

>wrote to a girl and she didn't respond but I feel good because I did it
>Just finished The Crossing, will start Cities of the Plain tomorrow

>> No.14338182

Where'd you go my friend

>> No.14338224

>Worried i might fuck up Uni
> Tanpopo by Kawabata

>> No.14338433

Posted earlier (>>14320239), but a mild update:
>Had a good-seeming run-in with girl on Wednesday, but didn't get to bump into her today. Dillydallied for too long in my car, such that I was either too late or slightly too early to see her this morning. Actually kinda saw her while she was leaving the parking garage this evening, but I don't think she saw me, so I didn't bother waving or anything. I'm partially hating myself because I said something yesterday that may have been mistaken for putting her down or something, and if she saw me walking past her car without acknowledging her, I might be inadvertently shooting myself in the foot while consciously trying just not to be a creep or whatever. Unrelated (I hope), but I think I've finally become more tolerant of the taste of harder alcohol than just beer, and so I've been aiming for a buzz the past couple nights before bed
Shouldn't have greentexted all of that, as it might be ugly to read, but whatever.
>William Wordsworth, Selected Poetry (Oxford World Classics)
I'm not digging this as much as I thought I would. I guess the rhyme and meter of Romantic poetry feels too hacky in 2019? Last few poetry collections I read were from German or French authors, translated into English without forcing rhymes

Sounds good. I think I actually have the book, so I'll read it soon. Was gonna read My Life as a Man first, as far as Roth stuff goes. Is Sabbath's Theater as erotic as Portnoy, or is it just the malaise=edginess of Portnoy as filtered from '60s lewdness into '90s angst?

>> No.14338439

You a boy or a girl?

>> No.14338479
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Everything's fine.

D. H. Lawrence, switching between reading The White Peacock and random essays in Phoenix

>> No.14338520

>okay. Got a girl’s number the other day, am waiting to text her till tomorrow . Practicing getting over my habit of oneitis. I think I’m doing a better job of having a positive outlook on things in general; plus I’m starting an exciting new job next month.
>Min Kamp, pt 1

>> No.14338604

That sounds great anon. Let us know what she says if the thread is still alive.

>> No.14338650

>Mentally and physically ill, currently high on two substances at once
>Spend all my time working on ideas influenced by Warhol, Orwell, Christopher Booker, Jerome Stern and Wittgenstein.