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File: 132 KB, 526x521, yin and yang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14314084 No.14314084 [Reply] [Original]

Create a philosophy based off this pic.

>> No.14314089

You can either enjoy things because you enjoy them, or enjoy things because others do.

>> No.14314092
File: 563 KB, 1080x1246, 1575258638018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14314175

is gigachad supposed to be fucking basedjak in this photo? or is it just supposed to be the two of them laughing and having a good time together? i hope its the second one

>> No.14314439

If the guy who made this was going for the former, he fucked up, should've at least flipped sóyak around so it would look like anal

>> No.14314448

gigasoylant antithesism

>> No.14314449

The duality between autism and chadness that we all hold within us.

>> No.14314452

Id prefer to transcend it by writing a work titled Beyond Based ans Cringe

>> No.14314459

Its not duality but rather a oneness. What is Chad but the Söy's opposite? And what is Söy but Chad's opposite? They cannot be without one another. They ARE one another.

>> No.14314472
File: 51 KB, 500x775, Beyond Based and Cringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14314498

some generations are rife with soibois and some generations are rife with chads but soibois fucking things up are necessary for chads to exist and chads are necessary for soiboiis to exist and they create a cycle of maleness that maintains itself as soibois come and go chads arrive then soibois then chads again

>> No.14314508
File: 376 KB, 766x756, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14315148

is there a quiz for this?

>> No.14315156

The opposite of soiboi is cornboy.

>> No.14315188

Onions and chad would be a bit better

>> No.14315471

kill yourself

>> No.14315490
File: 154 KB, 410x548, C3419BA6-1CE7-41FD-9FDE-2049CB967D78.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think there’s something sissy about s o y products, but the glyphosate is in practically everything, especially corn crop products

>> No.14315561 [DELETED] 

you would know tranny

>> No.14315567

Stop it.

>> No.14315571

I wan to.solve this one

>> No.14315604

it's them laughing together. they're friends in the lore

>> No.14315608
File: 186 KB, 2222x1340, iu[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i imagine something like this
>mfw no chad fren :'(

>> No.14315620

Being chad or soi doesn't matter, the most important part is to know your place and just b urself

>> No.14317097
File: 37 KB, 500x500, D3F89157-FD39-48EE-96F7-8E194895014C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly fuck off.

I am genuinely fucking sick of drooling troglodytes like you that are obsessed with this idea of duality in regards to gigachad. Gigachad does not exist in opposition to anything. It represents an acknowledgement of a pre-existing belief. It’s existence cannot contradict by nature as it only serves as a platform.

>> No.14317117

so you’re saying giga chad is god? ill be seeing you in hell fren

>> No.14317139

i always love seeing this image

>> No.14317212

this actually correlates with the political compass

>> No.14317705

The Creation and balance between the soibois attempts at being well thought out and introspective, and the Chad's outgoing and social influence.
The chad follows Plato's ethics and the hierarchy of desire, will and reason. The chad has actually thought out his viewpoints and reached based conclusions, unlike the soiboy. But he does take that influence.

>> No.14317732

based Taoism

>> No.14318279

>Should not much of what Herr Kant teaches, especially in regard to the moral law, be a consequence of age, where passions and opinions have lost their power, and reason alone remains? If the human race were to die in its full power, at about the age of forty, what consequences would this have on the world! From the combination of the quiet wisdom of old age arise a lot of strange things. Imagine a future state where people above 45 are slaughtered.

>> No.14319988

would read

>> No.14319998

i want to fuck but i'm not good with humans

>> No.14320017

duality between everything i like and everything i don't like

>> No.14320129

I'd like to think they'd get along.

>> No.14320135
File: 33 KB, 680x763, Smiling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14320739

Fucking IxxP's

>> No.14320795

yeah this is redpilled

>> No.14320799


>> No.14320865
File: 87 KB, 1024x958, 1573845321200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basedjak and Gigachad had a fallout out after Gigachad got promoted.

>> No.14321168

Balance. Specifically the balance of chadness and onions.
What represents each ideology? Chadness represents the flawless man while Basedjak represents the man of flaws.
Both have existed, and will continue to exist in a balance. Were the world be tipped in an imbalanced state, society would fall into disarray. A society of Chads would reach a peak, plateau-ing and stagnating. A society of Basedjaks would have no will to find betterment, content they would be at the low they exist in.
The basedness of Chad and the cringeness of Basedjak collide for all of eternity.
You can not be based without one to be cringe.
You can not be cringe without one to be based.
I have no fucking idea what I'm actually writing.

>> No.14321200

*falling out
Got Fallout on my brain