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14310400 No.14310400 [Reply] [Original]

Friends, I would like to report back on my progress after reading Guénon a year ago and being inspired to seek various initiations. In the time since then I have studied under Shaivite Tantric and Daoist teachers as well as one of Kriya Yoga and have been initiated into all three. Right now I am meeting for tri-weekly sessions with a local Vajrayana master and am steadily progressing through the teachings and have even given him a few pointers myself gleaned from the other traditions I've entered into. It's truly amazing what one can find through the internet when one lives in a major metropolitan city. This is truly the final-redpill. How could I possibly describe this ineffable bliss which has come to form the basis of my every waking moment? I could die right now and it wouldn't make a difference, I have already reached the acme of existence; everything from here on out is just tranquilly riding the waves of universal possibility to their natural ends. I am the all-pervading unborn and eternal substratum of all existence in which everything appears, I am forever satisfied, unattached and uncaring bliss. The events, people and objects that surround me are merely images projected onto the waterfall of joy which I have become. Thanks for recommending to me Guenon /lit/, it led to me seeking and attaining complete freedom.

>> No.14310402

okay guénonposter

>> No.14310413 [DELETED] 


>> No.14310420
File: 217 KB, 828x1024, Prince-Charles-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did /lit/ know Prince Charles is /ourguy/ and a Guenon reader?

>> No.14310486 [DELETED] 
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>Why yes, I do believe that there is no God but Allah and that Muhummad is his messenger, how could you tell?

>> No.14310807

>Right now I am meeting for tri-weekly sessions with a local Vajrayana master
holy fuck, im glad i learned about evola before learning about guenon.

>> No.14310869

okay guénonposter

>> No.14310874
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Cheers bud, glad for you

>> No.14311031 [DELETED] 
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>o-o-okay g-guénonposter

>> No.14311039
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>> No.14311052 [DELETED] 

Ive never come across a Muslim that makes westernfags seethe as hard as Rene Guenon does.

You guys are putting a LOT of effort into killing every Guenon thread that comes up

>> No.14311103

I'm genuinely interested in reverting to Islam and joining a Sufi order, how should I go about it?

There is an Azeemiyya order close to where I live, but apparently one of their regulations is that once you join, the bond is irrevocable.
Is this normal among other Sufi orders?

>> No.14311110

are you even allowed to join a muslim order unless you are a pure-blood child of incest?

>> No.14311133


>> No.14311140 [DELETED] 

okay guénonposter

>> No.14311147

okay guénonposter

>> No.14311156

This simple "é" confuses the guénonposter.

>> No.14311158 [DELETED] 

okay guenonposter

>> No.14311325


>> No.14311394

How does one go about finding a legitimate Daoist teacher, and does it require prior knowledge of Chinese?

>> No.14311418

>All these fags wanting to convert to obscure religions

Accept that you are a Christian in thought and behavior and that converting to something different for novelty's sake is no different than wearing a dress and proclaiming you're a woman; yes society will mostly treat you as if what you're doing is legitimate but deep down you, and everyone else, knows that it's ridiculous.

>> No.14311435

Guénonposter already wasted the most part of his life with all this guénonian orientalist garbage.
Accepting the obvious fact he wasted his life would be too hard for him.
He's lost.

>> No.14311507

>yes society will mostly treat you as if what you're doing is legitimate

>implying I don't preserve the esoterism by keeping it totally secret except for anonymous 4chan posting, pretending to be a normal God-fearing Christian in everyday life while actually remaining immersed in non-dual Bliss

>> No.14311511

Find a traditional Tai Chi teacher who trained in China and they will sometimes offer Daoist teachings as well

>> No.14311521

t. insane schizoposter

>> No.14311556

whatever helps you feel better

>> No.14311684

Imagine trying to look good after posting this:>>14311507

>> No.14311742

based reptilian

>> No.14311777

I don't have to imagine, I know that I look good

>> No.14311842

t. deluded lunatic

>> No.14311931


>> No.14312126

Unironically based

>> No.14312226

You finally did guenonposter I'm finally gunna read him

>> No.14312260

I have troubles believing you. Are you sure you simply didn't just reach the pinnacle of the human state instead of Godhood? (lesser mysteries)

>> No.14312268

okay guénonposter

>> No.14312274

Not him and I dislike that he turned Guenon into a meme here but if he was really initiated then I have some questions for him!

>> No.14312472

Such a thing no longer exists. Most modern traditionalists are pretty clear about it. I mean maybe if you go into rural China, but certainly not in mainstream Chinese society or the west.

>> No.14312527

They are real but very rare. I heard about him through word-of-mouth, if someone has an internet presence advertising themselves than they're guaranteed fakes; the real masters attract students through their reputation alone. I live in New York, if you desire initiation into Daoism go to Nom Wah Tea Parlor in Chinatown on the weekend and ask to speak with Uncle Ji

>> No.14312588

Are you OP?

>> No.14312611

I know you are probably baiting, but imagine how cool something like that would be. that's like something straight out of an rpg. That's why I've tried to stay away from oriental religion. I find it difficult to distinguish what is genuine desire and petty orientalist fetishism.

>> No.14312617

I'll take the bait. Have you talked to Uncle Ji? How did you meet him? How do you know this info? What will he tell me to do? I could realistically go to NYC soon.

>> No.14312677

If I were to divulge that information I'd be trangressing the bounds of esoterism, I've already said too much already...

>> No.14313086

Come anon, you can't just leave us hanging

>> No.14313169
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>I could realistically go to NYC soon.
My condolences.

>> No.14313757

I hope this is true

>> No.14313809

>Shaivite Tantric and Daoist teachers as well as one of Kriya Yoga and have been initiated into all three. Right now I am meeting for tri-weekly sessions with a local Vajrayana master
nice spiritual materialism you got going there fren

>> No.14313843

okay guénonposter

>> No.14314626

Lmao Guenonfag got banned and his posts mass-deleted, so you can see which posts were him:

>> No.14314633

Hahaha you can see all his posts in here too

>> No.14314641

Why werent any of the Guenon threads taken down then?

>> No.14314647

Lmao you can even see him replying to himself with "Very based" here

Because you phonepost as well to prevent the IP count from going up you stupid bitch. Hopefully this will slow you down for a few days at least.

>> No.14314659

Im not him, Im just sick of seeing all these shit threads popping up everywhere

>> No.14314670

My apologies then. But yeah same.

Here's another one that was deleted at the same time all of Guenonfag's posts were deleted:

Notice it uses the same method of scrambling filenames that Guenonfag uses. He always uses something like 11212121212 or 4464545454 because he's just replacing the filename rapidly.

>> No.14314689

Guenonfag here,
The guy who was banned wasn't actually me. He was some other copycat.
There is more than one Guenonfag on this board btw

>> No.14314694

What will g-fags do for initiation once all the religions have been thoroughly pozed and liberalized?

>> No.14314695

He's pretty goddamn good at copying your unhinged "Hahahaha lmao cringe BTFO!!!!" style and samefagging, if it is a copycat.

>> No.14314698

Secret occultism groups, away from the exotericists

>> No.14314735

I thought he despised occultism and that was more Evola's thing.