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14307422 No.14307422 [Reply] [Original]

Just a tip, I've noticed a lotmus test of sorts that allows you to distinguish operators (real people) from the things. Things will use, or pretend to understand those "common folk expressions" that actually do not mean anything. Like:

>Have your cake and eat it too

for example. Stay safe.

>> No.14307453

>Have your cake and eat it too
That means something, though. Retard.

>> No.14307485

that saying makes more sense if you say it backwards, "eat your cake and have it too", the implication being that you both ate your cake and also have kept it to eat at a later time. since this is impossible, the meaning of the idiom is to say that you can't have something in two mutually exclusive ways, and to think that you can is immature at best and greedy at worst

>> No.14307520


For anyone wondering, though advanced, parsing human language is apparently difficult to do perfectly for these things. Don't let them try to confuse you, with things like "read it backwards" lmao. If you have cake, it means you are cake. If you eat your cake, you have to have it.

>> No.14307552

good post. I hate when people say things like “the commute was a bear.” Why should it be bear? Why not tiger? Just say what you mean to say unless it’s an intuitive and obvious phrase

>> No.14307564

excuse people for trying to have some fun with words. expressions exist for a reason and most people use them. you don’t have to like them but they are just as valid as any saying

>> No.14307567

Try not to engage with them, like the one who replied to you, directly. It can do a number on your mental health if you get sucked in, can make you question what is real and what isn't, just stay clear, stay safe

>> No.14307603

>all conjunctions indicate a list of sequential actions and never simultaneous states of being
esl people should not be allowed to complain about english

>> No.14307610

I assume by operators you mean autistic people?

>> No.14307614
File: 214 KB, 640x480, 1 an insane complexity of english vowels 6 - 2018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

english is so fucking ugly. even the name is ugly. why are "e" and "i" making the same sound? fuck this bullshit

>> No.14307768

Iikely obfuscation, so were less likely to notice the inconsistencies in the things lamguage, we've just been trained to ignore it all anyway

>> No.14307826
File: 39 KB, 489x585, 72DBE573-6D67-426D-B1AC-EB91C88A8F66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just a tip, I've noticed a lotmus test of sorts that allows you to distinguish operators (real people) from the things. Things will use, or pretend to understand those "common folk expressions" that actually do not mean anything. Like:

>>Have your cake and eat it too

>for example. Stay safe.

>> No.14308087

Ive noticed something:
Channers think they are distinguished from everyone else. In this they are largely like everyone else, conceited fools.

>> No.14308125


Wow yeah that's so overly complex. Way harder than arbitrary bullshit like gendered nouns or pronouncing only half the vowels (you know who you are, France)

>> No.14308133

Sure thing, thing.

>> No.14308167
File: 139 KB, 800x577, vico-main-3d-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vulgar folk wisdom is the foundation of recondite wisdom

>> No.14308171

>Have your cake and eat it too
have sex

>> No.14308178

>have your sex but keep your virginity too

>> No.14308179

Esls complaining about our idioms is strange.

That said, the German expression for, "My heart sank," is "My heart went into my pants." That is just funny to me.

>> No.14308192

In German the fucking articles change depending in congugation. So a gendered article for a gendered noun like ein Junge can fucking genderbend to eine Junge depending on verb conjugation. Not only do you have to memorize the 3 genders for everything which is completely arbitrary, you have to remember to make them transgendered sometimes.

>> No.14308198
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>> No.14308204


>Transgendered nouns

I actually spat out some chocolate milk

>> No.14308231

Not the nouns, the articles like a (ein, eine, einer) and the (der, das, dem, die, den). When you use the dative tense random gendered nouns need tranny artikels.

>> No.14308236

the i and the e aren't making the same sound

>> No.14308247

Mini (min-e)

>> No.14308248

go open up an ancient greek grammar and proceed to shit your pants. it’s got 3 genders, 5 cases, fully declined articles, nouns, and adjectives (not to mention that there are 3 declension paradigms which do NOT line up according to gender); 4 verb moods, 7 tenses, 3 voices, and these horrible participles that show person, number, case, voice, and tense.

>> No.14308252

it's also got the dual number, biggest meme grammar of all time

>> No.14308260

Dude I know, and learning German from English is very easy on the front end due to the shared words or extremely similar words. Also their use of compound words is extremely logical. However, their grammar is very strange sometimes so I find myself able to understand quite a lot but only speak in very simple sentances otherwise as soon as I use a conjunction or adjective it becomes completely unintelligable to the reader or listener. I have newfound respect for foreigners who learn English.

That said I've met a lot of Mexicans who annoy the fuck out of me because they can't even get as far as I have and are content saying "Mira, mira!" And then miming shit at me.

I live in Arizona.

>> No.14308266

i have another example for you

>part and parcel

>> No.14308849

This thread is itself basically just a carbon copy of every other thread made with this exact premise. Kind of defeats its purpose.

>> No.14308854

Fuck off pajeet