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File: 762 KB, 2048x1365, tao lin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14307389 No.14307389 [Reply] [Original]

Is Tao Lin still a thing here? I remember there used to be a new Tao Lin thread every hour.

Pic related.

>> No.14307400
File: 289 KB, 663x852, 1572820145928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor Paul (Tao)

>> No.14307404

I enjoyed his trip book about psychedelics.

>> No.14307425

I like this. Who should I read before reading Tao Lin?

>> No.14307447

Liveblog by Megan Boyle

>> No.14307454

This. "Erin" in Lin's biographical 'Taipei' is Megan Boyle, goddess rest her glands

>> No.14307457

Anyone earlier that'd help contextualize their work?

>> No.14307468

What sort of context do you require? Do you need to understand the birth of the modern nation state in Asia? The history of Taiwan?

>> No.14307473

Tao Lin is a genius and more readers should benefit from his work.

>> No.14307477

Mostly aesthetic foundation but those would be helpful too.

>> No.14307489

I'll read Leave Society when that comes out next year. If that sucks then I'll probably lose all interest in him.

>> No.14307522

Terrible author. Another 4chan recommendation fail. You’re all a bunch of incel turds.

>> No.14307523

Go to bed Tao

>> No.14307751

Is this Miranda?

>> No.14307759

hapafaggot got memory mogged

>> No.14307907

Tao has a great charm about himself, being a devoted student who discovered he had a brain that he then decided to take for a spin. He lately seems in a state of creative repose, supine and reading rhizomatic volumes, the surrendered Millenial awaiting their party cake. But from his Twitter alone, one gets the sense of his voraciousness, and a remarkable discipline, keeping him self on a monastic path (a Tao!) of intellectual cultivation done ultimately in service of his writing and, indirectly, you and I. His run-in with cancel-culture anoints him in the capricious absurdity used to validate our age's shallow morality, much as if he had a run-in with a struggle session or was sent to the hills because he wore glasses. I would expect it also pissed him off to a great degree and I hope he has funneled such fury into developing himself into a more powerful writer. What Lin must do next and before too long is to raise a family and use this as a fuel for his art the same as he now steeps himself in a lifestyle of hermetic psychedelian grokking, hyper-investigation of subject and self, and guarded, cryptic, laconicisms, all great, but one wonders what the author-astralnaut will discover on the other side?

>> No.14307938

Hemingway and Brett Easton Ellis

>> No.14307943

And who before them?

>> No.14307951

No. Miranda would have better things to do that browse this shitheap.

>> No.14307953

Absolutely based effort post.

>> No.14307960

Go to bed Tao

>> No.14307966

Knut Hamsun. Also seek out Lorrie Moore, Joy Williams, Ben Lerner, Ellen Kennedy, Richard Yates, and Fernando Pessoa. And then maybe seek help for your autism.

>> No.14307969

the Greeks

>> No.14307978

He's been autistic about Terrence McKenna for a while

>> No.14308521

I like this fragment. Is it worth reading the whole thing?

>> No.14308558

Is this a meme? I'm sure this gets posted everytime someone asks for a book rec.

>> No.14308564 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.41 MB, 2000x1987, 1575777700357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you a meme?

>> No.14308649

The people mentioned in connection with Tao are typically realists like R. Yates, Carver, Bobbie Mason and BEE, but you really don't need to read them to "get" what Tao's doing.

>> No.14308661


>> No.14308668
File: 498 KB, 1972x1106, 1574402985953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tao Lin is curently coping with having to become an anonymous private citizen again after years of being a popular faggot hipster whose random antics and shower thoughts got him instant praise on social media

His glory days are over and now he will wither into a chinky twink with a sagging bag full of avocados at the grocery store, with nowhere to go and nothing to see, ever again

>> No.14308697

what made mira age so poorly? was it her diet? smoking?

>> No.14308771

James Joyce, Henry James, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Alexis de Tocqueville, and Daniel Defoe

>> No.14308783


>> No.14308874

The idea of fertilizing in one's self a rich fluency in related materials before undertaking the task, whether that be reading, as ITT, or writing, as in Tao Lin's publicized creative processes, is not only a great endeavor but essential to appreciating Lin's constructive energies at work. I think the responses to these questions of context are hopefully Lin himself clarifying things for us. If you are privy to his Twitter, you will have seen its sometimes gushing other times seeping font of beyond mere bibliography, more an intellectual saga laid bare and incomplete, day in and day out. It's not the neatly composed piece but the human in the holy act of creation that we find in Twitter Tao Lin. He seems studious about absorbing before conjuring, building in himself the truths in which he will later dwell and project into further ponderous longitudes. The ritualized cadence to his work haunts like a martial drum beat, an army's steps felt through soil long before sight, we know not exactly what is coming but it nears. Lin seems to take an agrarian process to his work, there is a great deal of preparation done before the grow, and once the seeds have sprung he is a doting tender to his texts. Besides the works of other authors, Lin is careful to list word counts or time spent on his upcoming work. It may not seem like an exciting thing, but to writers, it is a helpful thing to see someone be so transparent about their reading. Lin has suffered for this too. He merely read a vaccination essay and found this particular part of his broader process sending white capped "bad thing" ripples through the rabble. I am pleased to have seen his Twitter techne abate not a clip and in this endurance Lin becomes quietly much more confrontational, conspicuously not dead, nor canceled, and somehow stronger, sharper, like all his tripping and astral jetsetting might have sent impressionable innocent Tao more than a couple times into the porphyric Temple of Mars or into the horned head of Gurzil in a pasture of Estrous-bitchy heifers, somewheres enough to fully undo the modern in him. I'm half expecting Lin to do his best Sonny Landham in Predator, only using some NYC-legal bottle opener he scored upon passing subway fuselages, diaphragmatically ululating a horrid war whooping, some lost Enochian screech of the Steppe, tearing by his venous arms selected books and 8.5x11 print-outs, their tatters brushed by the crimson hypotenusal sacrifice etched across Lin's torso, onlookers scrambling for the tumbling pages, secreted literati amongst them squirreling as many of the so signified pages into the reliquaries of literature inaccessible to normies.

>> No.14308889


>> No.14308902


>> No.14308915

Tao isn't clever nor creative enough to construct some of these phrases. It's not him.

>> No.14308925

i literally can't imagine what either of you see in this, it gives off this weird vibe of autism, inane interpersonal drama, and awkward communication failure

>> No.14308953

>it gives off this weird vibe of autism, inane interpersonal drama, and awkward communication failure

That is life for a lot of people who come here. I personally find Mr. Lin either inept or tiring most of the time, but I can't deny he speaks to a certain audience.

>> No.14308956

It's funny, and sweet in how it preserves the transient youthfulness so essential to the story.

>> No.14308971

not highbrow enough for you, monsieur?

>> No.14308978

You've never dated a hot stink-pot gf? Especially one who intellectualizes her hygiene?

>> No.14308988

You’ve pretty much described 99% of the people on this site

>> No.14309003

if you've ever traveled with a girl, you sometimes have to direct them to shower. they get too excited about the hotel or the food or the shopping or, yes, sex. have you never owned a girl before?

>> No.14309007

Have you ever seen tao try to interact? His autism make the writing interesting, if not more relatable

>> No.14309015

I wonder if that's why Megan was so pissed, because she's the neurotypical one who should exemplify sound bodily cleanliness and Rain Man is telling her the sheets smell like canned parmesan.

>> No.14309030

Just realized this isn’t Tao. Why is it related again? Chinky resemblances? Huh?

>> No.14309047

He's been on a golden cap cleanse. He eats a plate of mushroom capped well done onions from Waffle House once a week but otherwise just drinks cold pressed juice

>> No.14309070

You only just realized it's not him, and you're trying to call OP out on racism? Think on that a bit.

>> No.14309134

Stinky girls can ruin a hotel room. Its not a joke.

>> No.14309254

This. Their copulins and pheromones can turn rancid, especially if they've not taken a beef-quaking clam-slamming in a few days.

>> No.14309269

>a beef-quaking clam-slamming

I don't know why this made me laugh out loud. It's all so stupid.

>> No.14309289

Just dropping some alpha stud slang

>> No.14310503

You sure it was Tao?

>> No.14310560

I want to read this next

>> No.14310564

hi tao

taipei is the worst book i've ever read and i think it might be the only book i've ever ragequit. fuck you

>> No.14310586

Why reserve such superlatives for that book in particular? What didn't click, Anon?

>> No.14310621

Can you help us inhabit your emotional state while reading Tao Lin's Taipei?

>> No.14310677

Git gud

>> No.14310805
File: 133 KB, 956x959, 1575763718832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We love you, Tao!! I threw a bookmark on stage at one of your readings

>> No.14312271
File: 67 KB, 400x533, C89AA798-8BC6-4D6D-B01D-B4E97A35A901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sam Pink is peak nihilistic millennial scumbag kino

>> No.14312292
File: 49 KB, 900x600, E6764570-B4A7-40DA-84A9-2A7BCDC8CB77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is /ourhipster/

>> No.14312551

i think its time for him to throw the tao lin ;)))

>> No.14312633

legit snickered