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File: 205 KB, 920x920, mosaic77f978a00c8292a36311cdb2971420e68493d04e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14296928 No.14296928 [Reply] [Original]

3x3 thread and post your mbti.


>> No.14296944
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Fuck, can't do that on my phone
>García Lorca

>> No.14297249

i too love astrology

>> No.14297377


>> No.14297457
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>> No.14297564
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Entp masterrace, pic related cause I just want the Ne ever-searching to stop.

>> No.14297572

Why is enfp internet humour always so lame? In person you guys are alright.

>> No.14297573

Why are pseuds drawn so much to Pessoa?

>> No.14297577
File: 251 KB, 1035x1020, Entp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is essential ENTP core?

>> No.14297600
File: 11 KB, 400x400, ENTP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is essential ENTP core?

>> No.14297615

Where am I reading this from?

>> No.14297661

It’s not really supposed to be humor. Each persons philosophy and persona is a part of mine and I just felt like doing something other than posting my usual philosophers.

But yeah, my internet humor is trash. Girls tell me all the time I’m boring to text and I’m probably going to kill my self in a year

>> No.14297674

48 Laws of Power

>> No.14297751

I don't know, you tell me. Sound all too familiar?

>> No.14297754
File: 78 KB, 933x1118, Wojak mouth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and I’m probably going to kill my self in a year
What's the emotional feeling of being an ENFP? I thought that was more Infp area.

>> No.14297762

You think I need some self help book?

I have the Western canon for the existential re-ignition.

>> No.14297765


>> No.14297767


>asks for advice
>doesn't heed it
Yep you're an ENTP alright.

>> No.14297815

I don't see how the refusal of bad advice makes me an ENTP but alright.

Any other books?

>> No.14297853
File: 75 KB, 500x500, Sam Hyde and Charles Carroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine not being an Entp.

>> No.14298510

Pessoa is based

>> No.14298517

among the based, he is known as the most based

>> No.14298575


>> No.14298801
File: 813 KB, 999x999, le me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big-brained ESTP chad

>> No.14299023

I’m usually apathetic to most everything.

>> No.14299049
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Where are my Year of the Ox bros at?

>> No.14299435


>> No.14299479

1985 here.

>> No.14299617
File: 190 KB, 902x906, _20191206_200226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I just don't know anymore

>> No.14299641

>myers briggs in 2019

There truly is no hope.

>> No.14299646

You don't have to take it seriously, just have some fun.

>> No.14299652


>> No.14299666

Not even /sci/ the dumb board believes in this shit. You can be shy without attaching yourself to an arbitrary label. You don't have some kind of magical spiritual connection to Joyce or Pessoa just because you did an online test that gave you a few letters describing your general personality

>> No.14299760
File: 1.31 MB, 3264x3264, favorite writers(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Top row: favorite classic writers
Middle row: favorite contemporary (last 50 years or so) writers
Bottom row: Writers who only wrote one book I like, but that one book is one of my all-time favorites (Melville's Bartleby is amazing too)

>> No.14299791
File: 1.84 MB, 1430x3350, leftyfilm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Walter Benjamin
>John Williams

>> No.14299806

who is in the center, and the bottom middle?

>> No.14299880

Leopardi and Celine

>> No.14299965
File: 343 KB, 564x568, 3x3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smoothbrained pseud infp (used to get infj when i was a teenager)
myers briggs is shit

>> No.14300007
File: 1.13 MB, 1078x820, 3x3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14300024

Sauce on pic?

>> No.14300044

based stretched resolution anon

>> No.14300061

what book for the bottom left corner

>> No.14300062

I haven't made one of these before so I did it with powerpoint and snipping tool

>> No.14300067

My guy right here. Based Benji.
Who's top left though?

>> No.14300069

There are literaly online 3x3 generators out there

>> No.14300073


>> No.14300084

my dumbass should've known that they made sites for these things

>> No.14300125

Ah. I've never seen a pic of him.
Benjamin wrote about Celine somewhere, in one of his lesser texts. I don't think they ever met though.

>> No.14300160

A Jewish Marxist and a reactionary drunkard so anti-semitic that even the Nazis thought he was too harsh in his pamphlets. It's like a odd couple sitcom.

>> No.14300194

Benjamin hung out with a lot of fascists, surprisingly. I mean he and Schmitt had one of the weirdest relationships out there, where they basically wished death on one another but also thought that the other was among the smartest of their generation.

>> No.14300214


>> No.14300228

It's pretty cool, yeah.
Wish I could find the article that talked about it, but he frequented some of the fascistic neopagan circles (like Ludwig Klages' people in particular) and they were horrified by him. One of Klages'colleagues wrote in a letter to him that they had to destroy Benjamin at all costs.
Dude was fucking sick.

>> No.14300250

did he use the word for "destroy?" that's fucking hilarious.

>> No.14300307

Something along those lines yeah. I can't find the article that goes through the whole affair, but it's pretty interesting. Benjamin actually respected Klages immensely, and definitely wouldn't have become so interested in theology of it hadn't been for their interactions.

The guy has a really interesting biography. "A Critical Life" is a little dry, but gives ya what you want. The Scholem autobiography of their friendship is also good, but skips over really juicy bits (namely when Scholem slept with Benjamin's first wife)

>> No.14300335

I'll need to check that out. Thanks!

>> No.14300342

Have fun. Benji was the man

>> No.14300464


Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man

>> No.14300564
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me and these fucking french perverts i swear

>> No.14300616
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>> No.14300649


>> No.14300738

Who are these people, I see Nietzsche and Deleuze.

This the problem with these kinds of threads, how am I supposed to know what writers look like? It's not like it's really their main image.

>> No.14300743

Abe, Artaud, Bataille, Deleuze, Klossowski, Leiris, Nietzsche, Robbe-Grillet, and Sade

>> No.14300957

lurk moar

>> No.14301021

holy based

>> No.14301065
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>> No.14301192

absolutely based

>> No.14301243
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>> No.14301303

I like you

>> No.14301806

>Ernst Junger
>GK Chesterton
>Yukio Mishima
>Oswald Mosley

>> No.14301813

Carl Jung honorary mentionon

>> No.14302277

Where is that from?

>> No.14302364

Abe? Never heard of him. What's he like?

>> No.14302457

Then don't be.

>> No.14302479

unnerving. big rec on The Box Man

>> No.14302501

Entp is reddit cringe

t. Intp

>> No.14302506

sound familiar?

>> No.14302546

Entp are like the budget version of Intj

>> No.14302660


and check em.

>implying an insecure autist is better than the chad creative genius.

Literally how?

Besides, I think the female Infjs would disagree.

>> No.14302674
File: 85 KB, 507x526, 655AB25A-D4CA-4044-9469-FA36854F68E6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why? Not trying to be boastful, but when you’ve got an IQ two standard deviations above what was once considered the norm; among a population that is actually less informed and less inclined to want to be informed; when the average man is completely caught up in a cycle of mass consumerism and endless yet pointless busyness; the degradation and leveling of all values outside of personal comfort; the willing ignorance of the prole instills a rage within me that if not tempered by apathy, would surely boil into physical brutality. I’ve become the burning meteor of Nietzsche, bound to crash under the heaviness of the truth, yet my collision is still to come. Apathy, for I am truly apathetic to the pitiful state of humanity in face of what could be.

>> No.14302686
File: 165 KB, 999x769, Chadsky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only type more chad than ENTP is ENTJ

>> No.14302718
File: 182 KB, 680x680, Cheers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Entp, Entj, Estp power team when?

>> No.14302735

You need to understand we all feel this. In different forms, true, but at heart it is the same.

>> No.14302743

last time I took this i got ENFP, what does that make me. It said some absolutely gay shit that didn't apply to me at all on the website. Literally my horoscope was more accurate

>> No.14302763

>"implying an insecure autist is better than the chad creative genius"

>da Vinci

All Intp


>adam savage

Dont make me laugh

>> No.14302772

No, people believe that because someone is being sympathetic and caring means that they don’t intrinsically do so in belief that this will further there desires when in all reality said behavior only seeks to further reinforce the person for whom they are. What are we other than slaves? I’ve chosen to resign myself from the game in order to spread my gospel and hopefully end the human race.

>> No.14302815

You're creating your own experience anon.

To be clear, I am letting the conversation mull over for a bit before I make my point. So talk!

>> No.14302817

Also Da Vinci is ENTP

>> No.14302826

switch estp with enfj and we got ourselves a dream team

>> No.14302827

Fits the ENTP stereotype, surprised it was a different diagnosis.

>> No.14302832

Read the functions.

>> No.14302835 [DELETED] 

>Okay Nietzsche. Yet the universal logos is not perspective and omnipotently the truth, regardless of view. My interpretation of the world may be radical and extraordinary, but it is more closely to the truth than any man wants to admit. We have killed god because we have no desire for him, and soon, our humanity.

>> No.14302839

too lazy to download pictures of my 3x3
>Gertrude Stein
>Harmony Korine

>> No.14302847

>>14302815 #
Okay Nietzsche. Yet the universal logos is not perspective and omnipotently the truth, regardless of view. My interpretation of the world may be radical and extraordinary, but it is more closely to the truth than any man wants to admit. We have killed god because we have no desire for him, and soon, our humanity.

>> No.14302849

Are you literally a retard?
>Alexander the Great
>definitely Da Vinci
>possibly Kant(I've heard it before)
Countless others anon.
>In part Frederick the Great



don't make me laugh. We can always cherry pick.

>> No.14302862

But aren't they control freaks? Besides, we need an Achilles.

The sociopath image just seems more like the immoral version of certain characteristics.

>> No.14302869

This is a frame of your own emotional experience. And all evidence points against it.

Talk yet more.

>> No.14302883

Disprove logos and I will concede. You are speaking from YOUR own emotional experience.

>> No.14302906

Logos is real, it is a precept of the real, however one in which is so heavily focused around oneself's inadequate emotional experience is not. Extrapolate on your logos anon.

>> No.14302930

Logos is no ones. It is the ordered out of chaos and our crude interpretation of that order. Yet my interpretation remains the most close to the truth. You cannot disprove this.

>> No.14302932

>But aren't they control freaks?
No. But you are right we need an Achilles

>> No.14302960

What is your interpretation?

And surely Logos must have a direct relation to man, as him.

Describe enfj,function stack and all that.

>Estp = Achilles
>Entp = Odysseus
>Entj = ?
>Enfj = ?

>> No.14302975

>da Vinci is entp
the truth is what little is known about his personal life fits intp baring that out of all the mbti intps statistically are more likely to have a genius level intellect that in mind history has a way of portraying people different than they actually were especially since were going of manuscripts from 500 years back and given his perpetual glorification (which is part of the reason were even talking about him) chances are his image was and is scewed. Sitting for hours on end alone in your room making (and in his case then drawing) theories about aplying creative logic to various diffrent things are what Intps are good at.
If he was a genius statistically chances are much greater he would be introverted. Its not impossible to think that the person who figured out the things he did couldnt figure out how to seem sociable, intps do it all the time.

>socrates is entp
His tiped as intp


>other 2
Who cares

>> No.14302979
File: 15 KB, 312x499, E5126C5D-570C-4709-9B47-225A2AC3749E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a literal sense, you are retarded, as I already stated my interpretation earlier. Unfortunately, it appears you’re a christcuck and arguing with you is a waste of breath. Read this book if you want to stop being cringe.

>> No.14303018


The problem is that I think mbti have turned more into a label to see someones worth in a role than into a way to gauge cognitive function the problem with that is that someone could be a combination (which is not something that is uncommon)

Lets take Alexander the great as an example someone could (after reading up on him) tipe him as a entp though on the other side someone else compiles his traits and declares him as intj then when the matter of mbti comes up they would debate the matter furiously believing both in there respective results when the reality of the matter is that a entp/intj mix type is not uncommon

To a entp a intp represents a autist in its purist form while to a intp a entp represents psuedism incarnate which seems like a brutish and simple way to look at the world

>> No.14303101

>Who cares
Scorsese is one of the most respected and greatest directors of all time, creating some of the greatest movies. You have to be a contrarian not to recognize Hume's achievements.
>His tiped as intp
Show you your source and I will show you mine.
>>da Vinci is entp
Since his image is screwed, then we really can't say if he's INTP or ENTP

>> No.14303136

>has to read a book which explains metaphysics simply
>calls me a retard
Anon kys, you're too stupid to understand what metaphysics is.

>> No.14303146

All true anon. In my personal experience I've always been smarter than the intps I've and probably the opposite for you so we cannot look past personal experience.

I'd recommend reading Jung's original typology.

>> No.14303149

>Scorsese is one of the most respected and greatest directors of all time, creating some of the greatest movies. You have to be a contrarian not to recognize Hume's achievements.
He's a pseud but makes alright films.

>Since his image is screwed, then we really can't say if he's INTP or ENTP
He's an entp.

>> No.14303152
File: 10 KB, 300x300, Wagner with hat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine not being an Entp.

>> No.14303245

Absolutely shameful. I doubt you could even understand the first chapter of the book, much less the one titled “transcendental indeterminates” or “erotic ascent”. Oblige me, though, and explain what Rosen means when he says that “The history of the effect of the work on its subsequent audiences is thus a genuine part of the meaning or significance of a piece of work”

>> No.14303292
File: 234 KB, 1527x1081, Wagner - profile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>“The history of the effect of the work on its subsequent audiences is thus a genuine part of the meaning or significance of a piece of work”
Anon are you a fucking retard? From this short sample it seems as if you have been duped, duped into thinking the needless extrapolation of words as being necessarily profound where in the statement remains simple. I shall not judge the whole of a works depth by a slither as that would be foolish, however the fact that you have shewed this as some sort of profundity can only make me assume you did so -- and the whole book by extension -- under the use of the words and not the content of them. As for the content(of this slither) its seemingly pointlessness makes me question the authenticity of the statement itself, and because as we all know intention changes meaning, the truth of it also.

>> No.14303302

Diagnosis: retardation
Prescription: lead bullet to back of skull

>> No.14303319

Can't handle the Entp bants ay?

Not everyone's a genius I suppose. But really anon, your reply couldn't of been more disappointing.

>> No.14303331

Another might be to add, is that the meaning of the words should come before the complexity and use of them. Refer to Schopes for this.

>> No.14304062
File: 138 KB, 1200x1817, The Prince.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess weak men just can't stand to the Entp.

>> No.14304101
File: 87 KB, 1000x1000, Top hat pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now an Entp board, the board of the faults of Odysseus.

>> No.14304119

What really make machieavelli an ENTP?

>> No.14304131

What doesn't, have you heard the guy talk?

>> No.14304537
