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14298471 No.14298471 [Reply] [Original]

Novelize this scene

>> No.14298500

Man heroically overcomes Jewish social control and instigates rebellion against the modern world simply by being "authentic"

Camera pans out

It was actually just a movie

90% of the movie's production was handled by Jews. Most of the actors were Jews. All of the profits from the movie will go to Jews, who also made ten thousand movies with a message contrary to the movie's message, and are deeply implicated in financial and media sectors that promote the very laxity and social degeneration the movie feigned to critique. The rebellion in the movie was written using Hollywood narrative tropes, pioneered by Jews over decades of control of the movie industry. These tropes are designed to be schmalzy and saccharine enough to stir romantic feelings of revolt in the viewer, but too simplistic to serve as a model for authentic praxis, so that the viewer is paradoxically made even more helpless. His desire for praxis is neutered as he is taught to wait for a cartoonish, larger-than-life, easily recognizable caricature of "authenticity," to come and deliver him from his problems, as in a movie.

The camera pans out to the viewer. He's about to spend another day numbing the pain refreshing 4chan hundreds of times, watching Youtube, and forcing himself to watch another Hollywood movie. Then he'll jerk off and go to sleep.

>> No.14298779

Fuck off nazi

>> No.14298794

this. that movie was leftist if anything

>> No.14298806

It might have been pseudo leftist but all it does is enable capitalism by rebelling against the system so you don't have to.

>> No.14298888

i agree

>> No.14298893

There is literally nothing wrong with having jewish ancestry

>> No.14298938

real leftists are anti-semitic

world jewry is a cypher for world capitalism

>> No.14298942

Absolute kino

>> No.14298952

Most leftists aren't dumb enough to think that genetics determine your entire personality

>> No.14298968

You don't need to believe in ZOG white genocide conspiracies to be anti-semitic.

Recognising Israel as a terrorist state, knowing who's really the top dogs of the bourgeoisie and knowing what's up with the "holocaust" is more than enough to be antisemitic and none of those require believing Jews are some kind of hivemind.

>> No.14298978
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Based and redpilled

>> No.14298994

There are no credible sources on any of that. You are just being paranoid

>> No.14298998
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Its not too late to get help anon.

>> No.14299004


Even the most entry level leftist wouldn't disagree that Israel is a terror state, Yid.

>> No.14299006

i'm muslim

>> No.14299007

They are exploitative of the third world but so is every other western country.

>> No.14299012

Other western countries don't practice straight up ethnic cleansing for racial lebensraum and segregation anymore tho.

>> No.14299014

Shoo kike. Its ridiculous that speaking against porn is seen as schizo behavior by normies. It's bad for you, simple as that.

>> No.14299062

Joker says as clearly as he can that he is not political
God I hate people trying to spin this movie into something political

>> No.14299077

Its blaming a certain ethnic group for it that is retarded. It's the same mentality as believing in Astrology, that being born under a certain sign means you are prone to wanting to trick people into watching porn because you know its bad for them

>> No.14299088

He was trying to save face so Murray didn't get suspicious. He wasn't entirely on board with the protesters but he did appreciate them and love how he started the movement even if it was some dumb "lol rich people bad" shit

>> No.14299090

It's not like they're genetically determined to be pornographers, it's just ethnic solidarity.

Jews have always been at the vanguard of the western bourgeoisie and generally once they get a foothold in the industry they start promoting other Jews. Just like Pakistani kebab shops exclusively hire other Pakistanis.

>> No.14299094

>ethnic solidarity
The fuck does that even mean? Do you have any sources to back up your claims that ethnic solidarity exists

>> No.14299097

He liked the chaos is all.
How people manage to think he's a leftist or based and redpilled is beyond me

>> No.14299102


>> No.14299104

I used to be skeptical but after I started doing research on the plundering of state owned businesses of Russia after the fall of the Soviet Union I noticed something odd.
95% of the oligarchs were Jewish, and they used the media (they owned) to smear anyone trying to bring light to their influence on the government.

A real eye opener.

>> No.14299121

Jewish people hardly see themself as an ethnic group separate from just other white people though. Where are the ethnic German or English people in-grouping together? It just doesn't happen.


>> No.14299143

Do you have trouble with the word ethnic or the word solidarity?

>> No.14299155

Just look up who the oligarchs were: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_oligarch
That page doesn't even have most of them, the sleaziest one was Vladimir Gusinsky

Look how they smeared Chubais and how they subverted Yeltsin and got into ministerial positions. They even had a meeting with Yeltsin, after that his opponents were ignored in the media and Yeltsin was praised and got fluff pieces all throughout the 1996 election.

>> No.14299163

Nothing I write about the movie will match this. This is perfect.

>> No.14299170 [DELETED] 

>There's nothing wrong with being part of a tribe that exists entirely via parasitism and subversion of others

And the one day, for absolutely no reason, people voted Hitler into power

>> No.14299229

I feel like it was left in setting, but the focus was more on an individuals relation with society rather than a particular political statement. Non of the Antagonist are out and out portrayed as bad, their motivations are unexplored. Wayne really could be running to better the city we don’t know. It was more about a failure to connect with one another.

It’s more being part of the Jewish socio-economic sphere, however, that and ethnicity often intersect for obvious reasons.

>> No.14299236

How is that different than Anglos? Race is just a social construct you know. Why don't you skim some wikipedia articles so you can get caught up to the non-retards

>> No.14299256

What does their ethnicity have to do with any of this? You ignore that they are like 80% Ukrainian or Lithuanian and focus on that they had a grandmother who was Jewish

>> No.14299258 [DELETED] 





>> No.14299280

It's just a funny observation how a small tribe like this can have such a gigantic impact on world events.
A lot of them fled to Israel as well after Putin came to power.

>> No.14299335

So have people with Irish ancestry. Its pointless to obsess over abstract identities and creating the misconception that it influences what shapes them as a person.

>> No.14299337

The Irish didn't spearhead communism mate

>> No.14299342

And it isn't the Irish lobby who has a huge influence on U.S politics.

>> No.14299348

Do you realize how many politicians and bank owners are Irish in the US?

>> No.14299356

Communism is the removal of class not the propping up of certain ones. Most Communists these days are Chinese anyway so you can't really spin that into your agenda

>> No.14299357

Do you know what the biggest lobby group in the U.S is?

>> No.14299365
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The Irish are still way more proportionally represented than any other ethnic group

>> No.14299379

>God I hate people trying to spin this movie into something political
they're called 'anglos'

>> No.14299382

Begorrah! The Sassanach are catching on!

>> No.14299386

unproportionally^. Even Joker was catching on. Look at the surname of that talk show host he antagonized.

>> No.14299418

The issue isn't just over representation, if you got that from my posts you're mistaken.
Do those Irish bankers lobby in a significant way?
Have they smeared people who stand in their way via the media?

>> No.14299468

According to you they should because of "ethnic solidarity" unless you were just pulling that out of your ass to justify your anti-semitism

>> No.14299476

That wasn't me.
You seem awfully defensive, I started posting with the russian oligarchy, the other guy is someone else.
You seem schizo

>> No.14299528

>you seem schizo
says the guy who is unironically paranoid that there is a group of shadowy figures controlling the world and persecuting his in-groups

>> No.14299534

I never said that but you read it into what I posted.
Honestly take your meds.

>> No.14299554

Ok you don't actually think they rule the world. Thats fine

>> No.14299564

What made you think I thought that?
I see many people get as defensive as you, very odd.

>> No.14299575


>> No.14299579

>Race is a social construct

Why do you still reject genetics? Lysenkoism was such a massive failure even the Soviets had to abandon it.

>> No.14299594
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>the main character has no political views
>this must mean the movie has no political charge

>> No.14299597

Yeah I think Nepotism is a thing in general, that doesn't mean they sit at a round table discussing how to subvert the west, you made that leap.

>> No.14299607

>The influence of these genes is mediated, to varying degrees, by the environment an organism has experienced

>> No.14299649
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dubs of truth. no one has been able to prove this wrong

>> No.14299992

>this must mean the movie has no political charge
Okay, explain how it is political

>> No.14300054

The obvious class conflict issues that were shoved in your face the entire movie and what it revolved around.

>> No.14300056

That was just a backdrop to explain Jokers descent into madness. It wasn't actually the point of the movie

>> No.14301378

They do though. They even have their own ethnostate dedicated to being Jewish that's how much they don't identify with white people.

> Where are the ethnic German or English people in-grouping together?
Because that would be racist and illegal. Maybe if it wasn't for that they'd control banks, education and the media as well.

>> No.14301455

>because its racist and illegal

>> No.14301551


>> No.14301564

Where does it say it only applies to German and English people?

>> No.14301577

When did anyone say that was the case?

>> No.14301614


>> No.14301643

Saying something would be a crime does not mean there is a specific law just for that exact crime. Have you had some kind of traumatic brain injury?

>> No.14301705

You are moving goalposts. Give me a source on Jewish people being except from the law

>> No.14301732


>smeared Chubais

Chubais was a Jew and he let them have the economy lol

>> No.14301739
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From here are two viable options. Either a) Jews are literally racially superior and scientific racism is real or b) there is a structure of systematic nepotism and privilege that leads to disproportionate amounts of Jews at the highest levels of society. Unless you have an alternative explanation.

>> No.14301740

>German or English
Those aren't even allowed to be ethnic groups lol

>> No.14301765

Read more into the historical narrative of things
"Jews have been the targets of antisemitic criticism for their occupational preferences. For example, Robert von Mohl characterised European Jews of the 19th century as being concentrated in trade and finance, with some representation in the artistic and intellectual fields. Perceptions of overrepresentation of Jews in certain occupations have driven antisemitic sentiment in the Soviet Union.

There have been a number of theories for to the reason for the "inverted occupational pyramid". Gerald Krefetz writes that the livelihood of Jews, particularly their business activities, has been influenced by religious, cultural, social and historical factors. Krefetz asserts that those factors have led to a predisposition for occupations marked by independence, professionalism and scholarship. Jews have tended to show an "entrepreneurial spirit" and "capacity for risk-taking", which lead them to innovate financial concepts like negotiable instruments of credit, international syndicates, department stores, holding companies and investment banks. Krefetz suggests that Jews have frequently chosen professions that are "portable" or involve duties as a middleman,l because of their long historical background, based on trading and "heightened awareness of continual persecution". In a similar vein, Foxman argues that many medieval Jews were especially well suited for commerce because the Jewish diaspora caused many Jews to have far-flung networks of friends and family, which facilitated trade:"

>> No.14301793

>Jews are rich and powerful because they were oppressed
"economic antisemitism" you can't make this shit up lol.

>> No.14301814

>There have been a number of theories for to the reason for the "inverted occupational pyramid". Gerald Krefetz writes that the livelihood of Jews, particularly their business activities, has been influenced by religious, cultural, social and historical factors. Krefetz asserts that those factors have led to a predisposition for occupations marked by independence, professionalism and scholarship. Jews have tended to show an "entrepreneurial spirit" and "capacity for risk-taking", which lead them to innovate financial concepts like negotiable instruments of credit, international syndicates, department stores, holding companies and investment banks. Krefetz suggests that Jews have frequently chosen professions that are "portable" or involve duties as a middleman,l because of their long historical background, based on trading and "heightened awareness of continual persecution". In a similar vein, Foxman argues that many medieval Jews were especially well suited for commerce because the Jewish diaspora caused many Jews to have far-flung networks of friends and family, which facilitated trade:"
lmao this is massive cope. It's because they're very crafty (intelligent manipulators) and work together. That's it. There's no ongoing persecution, no "entrepreneurial spirit", or any of that other dumb shit. Some other groups like Arabs work together as well and they have rich diaspora, but they're not as good at it as Jews are.

>> No.14301816
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>Read more into the historical narrative of things
>By which I mean read this wikipedia article I found literally five minutes ago about how "entrepreneurial spirit" is why the Jews are so rich
>Now I will copy and paste it

Fucking lmao @ this lad. Krefetz is himself a Jew. You may as well quote David Duke on why whites are so successful.

>> No.14301845

There was a ton of rich Jewish people in New York city and they just translated well into the modern age. Yes nepotism is part of it as well but its not as much of a crazy conspiracy theory that you make it out to be.

>> No.14301858

It makes more sense than your source-less anti-semitic claims.

>> No.14301890

The only person in this thread who started talking about a conspiracy is you.

>There was a ton of rich Jewish people in New York city and they just translated well into the modern age
Of course, there just so happened to be a bunch of rich Jews in New York and they just got super lucky repeatedly over the course of about 200 years. This is respectable academic history, goyim.

>> No.14301911
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>Nepotism and privilege are real and that's why white people are so much richer than black people.
>Nepotism and privilege are real and that's why Jewish people are so much richer than literally everybody else

>> No.14301922
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Epic get

>> No.14302199

I never said that but social economic issues aren't as one dimensional that you seem to be implying

>> No.14302221

>Writes one sentence
>Dumps a wikipedia article
>Thinks this is a point well defended
Are you literally in middle school?

Is this what you do for your class assignments.

>> No.14302266

uhh fuck you dude. what about that?

>> No.14302288

Not an argument

>> No.14302387

Allow me to teach you to make an argument. First you identify the premises of your opponent's point, these are what the argument stands on. For example
>Heroin could kill you, hereoin is extremely addictive, therefore heroin is bad
This is a nice simple example of an argument that is both true and valid. It's valid because if true then the premises would lead to the conclusion and it's true because the premises are true. So since the argument is valid and the premises are true this means the conclusion is true, heroin is bad (or at least it's bad for people who don't want to die or be addicted to heroin).

Compare this with the invalid argument
>Trees are green, trees are natural, therefore green is the best colour.
Obviously the premises here are true but notice how they don't support the conclusion at all. Structurally this argument just does not work on that basis. It's also the case that it relies on the naturalistic fallacy and that the conclusion just isn't truth apt (green being the best colour can never be true or false, it's a matter of taste).

If you're to try arguing on the internet what you need to do is engage with the arguments your opponent is making by refuting their premises, illustrating how the premises wouldn't support their conclusion or by otherwise identifying fallacious thinking. This is the basics of the argument.

What is most definitely NOT the argument is just dropping a wikipedia article. Your opponent cannot realistically be expected to engage with that since it's long as shit and only some of it will even be relevant to the argument at hand. It's good to cite things and explain why they're important to the argument and why they might challenge your opponent's case but this is a proactive activity, you make the argument, you don't try rely on strangers on the internet to write your arguments for you and then link them. It's not your opponents job to read your link and then try to figure out what point you were trying to make with it, it's your job to explain the relevant information within and how it supports your argument.

>> No.14302829

another thread turned into shit because of /pol/tards

>> No.14303090

80% of this website is "/pol/tards" now, where have you been

>> No.14303158

Ok coomer

>> No.14303189

The /pol/ boogeyman strikes again.

>> No.14303296

Great post.

>> No.14303322

Astrology is science though. It's the study of how seasons change the environment by different climates and how that in turn can affect the person's genes.