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/lit/ - Literature

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14300272 No.14300272[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Another day spent as an adult virgin. At least I have a “good job” (aka a CADmonkey at a small company, so I don’t get to one up people by saying I work at this or that company).

What literature could I read that would help me cope with wasting my life?

>> No.14300297

unironically, Anti-Oedipus

>> No.14300304

How old are you?

>> No.14300315


>> No.14300324

Do you live by yourself? Do you live in a big city?

>> No.14300349

Nope, tiny rural shithole. ~15,000 people

>> No.14300355


>> No.14300365

Not literature. Anyway, losing your virginity means only one thing; losing your neuroticism over your virginity. But this is entirely mental, and can be overcome through study of philosophy and theology, which gives you perspective on the smallness of your desires and petty worries. Good luck. What philosophy? literally any.

>> No.14300366
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Get a job; get an apartment/house; get a car; get ripped; get an education; then get a woman.

>> No.14300374

Why does being an adult virgin cause you pain?

>> No.14300383

Sort your life out before your worry about pussy. You have it backwards. The more you want women they faster they run, they can smell the desperation, and the less you want them, the more they come. Have something going for you that lets you define yourself other than sex (hence the "im a virgin" and nothing else bs)

Also stop reading if your gal is to find excuses to remain in this state

don't read fucking pessoa or whatever, read him when u make it

>> No.14300391

So what is it you want exactly? Do you just want to get laid?

>> No.14300396

Go to a prostitute

>> No.14300406

>have a job
>don't a slave to a pussy that can divorcerape you at any time
>complain about it
OP go start dating. Just don't sleep with them. It won't take you long to discover for yourself that this game has been rigged from the start.
To win means to not play.

>> No.14300408

/r9k/ should be deleted from the site.

>> No.14300409

Hierarchy of getting pussy is

Health (hit the gym, eat right)

Money - buy yourself some freedom from being a wagecuck, become less stressed as a result

Looksmaxing - good clothing and again, hit the gym, but now u lift for vanity


Profit (pussy)

then ofc u probably realize it wasnt pussy u were after in the first place but at that point you are a man with stories to tell (aka you havent wasted your life) congrats u made it

>> No.14300481

fucking 12 year olds get pussy with none of that shit kYs

>> No.14300578

Do you live with your mom?

>> No.14300659

yeah maybe im just a programmed PUA type

>> No.14300667

No they already leak into other boards enough

>> No.14300678

>he defines himself by his sexual position in society
why is this pathetic mindset such an epidemic

>> No.14300680

your 20's are best spent collecting resources and preparing for your 30's. use your spare time to put money in the bank, get in shape, and become as independent as possible. if some pussy falls in your lap along the way then take it.

>> No.14300771

When did this mindset become a thing? Surely this is a post 1950s careerist phenomenon. This formulaic approach to one’s life is so bizarre to me. “You do X in you’re 20s. Then, you do Y in your 30s...” How about you just live your life for fuck’s sake? Just play your role. There’s probably something you feel compelled to be doing right now that isn’t arbitrarily decided by your own fleeting desires or the arbitrary expectations placed on you by a business insider article.

>> No.14300797

how about i fuck ur mum

>> No.14300840

I mean, if you want to spend your life as a depressed incel who hates his own existence like OP does then go for it. I'm simply trying to provide an alternative that might give his life some structure and positive trajectory. Also, the "formulaic" approach to life is older than than written history, which is why initiation rituals and coming of age ceremonies were common in primitive societies.

>> No.14300843

how about you go fuck a hole in the wall

>> No.14300864
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File for SSDI; get a free housing authority apartment; get a crown vic; get ascetic; then become a priest.

>> No.14300903
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if you're not getting fucked you're simply not interesting enough, and there's a very good chance that beyond all your money and "self-improvement" you're just a boring, charm-repellent person (you probably are, since you're fretting over virginity and turning to 4chan for life advice) which is fatal in this social economy of novelty and attention and individuality. you can of course learn some lines of normiespeak, perhaps smile more, and stick a few "hell yeah"s into casual conversations to seem like a chill dude but they're gonna catch onto you sooner or later

it's not any harder than that really. you should probably just join the army

>> No.14300904

>tiny rural shithole. ~15,000 people
That's suburbs at the very least. 15k is at least a town. It's not rural you idiot.

>> No.14300912

>Turn on TV
Sex sex sex
>Listen to music
Sex sex sex
>Open social media
Sex sex sex
>Go out with normies
Sex sex sex

Gee, I wonder why people see themselves as a projection of their sex life...

>> No.14300928

>you're just not interesting
But most people aren't interesting and still get laid.

>> No.14300952

exactly. imagine how bad op must be then