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14298711 No.14298711 [Reply] [Original]

>No drivers license, no job history, nothing in the official international girlfriend registry... He's a ghost sir.
>but get this, he spends all day on this literature discussion board but he doesn't own any books
>he's never even had a library card

>> No.14299289
File: 68 KB, 1200x800, 1200-5713-fbi-agent-photo3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nothing in the girlfriend registry? Check back on the records for the last ten years
>Well did you check the hand-holding database
>What about highschool diploma?
>There must be some kind of record that he existed
>Nothing? These Russian operatives really need to step their game up.

>> No.14299343

>none of this adds up. He's not even on the kiss list
>that's not possible Podowski. This must go all the way to the top. Who else could be covering for this guy?

>> No.14299500

I'll let you know that I have over five hundred books. I just don't read them.

>> No.14299513

>and your other edition of Gravitys Rainbow

>> No.14299529


I dunno sir, I don't like him for this. Everything we know about him tells us he's a coward. Too cowardly to snap, even. I don't think he has it in him to axe an old pawnbroker.

>> No.14299535


>> No.14299545

But maybe the cowardice is why he snapped. Perhaps he was desperate to prove something: that he matters, that he is someone, not a louse, but a man.

>> No.14299555

>Nobody is that clean! Nobody!

>> No.14299563

> sir, his webcam... it's blocked by a piece of paper it seems. wait, i can make out the words on it, maybe that'll help with identification.
> it reads, N I

>> No.14299608

>Try to reconstruct his talent fingerprint.
>A hopeless blur, sir. There's no discernible talent.

>> No.14299619

>And absolutely nothing in the dating database?
>That’s right, sir. You could say his love story... is a ghost story.

>> No.14299629


>> No.14299632

That's me. Yeah it was kinda hard to open a bank account because of this. The only books I have are those I've pirated.

>> No.14299633
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>We tried tapping his phone, sir
>Useless. Nobody calls in and he never calls out
>You're telling me he doesn't even call his mother, Lieutenant
>He doesn't even call his mother mom, sir

>> No.14299639

>We found a bandana, a rope and some tape in the trunk. We think he might be out for revenge.

>> No.14299640

I remember trying to get my driver's license the only proof of residence I had was a hunting license lol.

>> No.14299644

>Not even a kiss??
>That doesn't make sense. His entire posting history is telling other people to have sex

>> No.14299660
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>Imbeciles. They'll never catch me. I've never had a social media account and I'm behind a thousand proxies.

>> No.14299672

>Medical records?
>Nothing. No doctor visits. Not even a birth record.

>> No.14299675

>we've received a communication from the suspect, sir
>this doesn't make sense. A picture of the Obscure french writer, Rene Guenon? What's he trying to tell us?
>sir, I think.. This whole investigation. It's been retroactively BTFO

>> No.14299691
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>Why would he ever call his mom when he still lives with her?

>> No.14299705

Luckily the government summoned me for civil duties, so I could use their letters for it.

>> No.14299722


>> No.14299733
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>> No.14300447

>he keeps mentioning DFW being blown the fuck out
>think he is coordinating a strike on the airport?
>has to be. I can't think of any other relevant DFW.

>> No.14300519


>> No.14301630
File: 232 KB, 2008x1339, 9f751017651c6a64b396612ac7c45a1b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Mom im scared why am I even here I didn't DO anything i dont understand"
Her voice was cracking and its clear she's on the verge of tears

"I know dear I know well sort this right out it might be a mistake"
She put her arms around her daughter trying to comfort her despite being scared to death herself but she wouldn't dare show it.

"Miss tell me are you familiar with a man named anon?"
The officer said in a deep harse and almost condescending manner.

"N-no ive never even heard of him i swear, w-why?"

"Well he comes to the library every day and watches you for over a hour at a time then goes home and posts on a "literary" forum saying something along the line of "Tfw no gf, please give book reccs" or something similar, we have reason to believe these "books" are codes for spy activities and that he might be waiting on you to move, your cooperation is encouraged unless you want to be imprisoned as a conspirator and traitor to our glorious country"

>> No.14301873
File: 142 KB, 960x540, 1568959635060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 400 EUR of debt because I didn't return my copy of Deleuze to the library for two years.

>> No.14302134



>> No.14302162

I have anxiety so bad that when I get behind the wheel my mind goes cloudy and I can't think straight. Am I the only fag here with this problem?

>> No.14302189

I don't even have a license due to anxiety. Mid-20s and I live in suburban America. It's a death sentence.

>> No.14302193

No I had that, too. I got over it somewhat, but it's possible I have some form of undiagnosed ADD that contributed to that.

>> No.14302195

I don't either, but I've put in dozens of hours and I went to a school, which did nothing. Upper 20s here / same situation. At least there's a lot of transit options where I live.

>> No.14302198

I used to. Have you been driving long?
I didn't get mine until almost 25 and I live in a rural area. You need to get it anon. Life gets so much better once you do.

>> No.14302201

I never stick at it. I practice for like a few days for a couple hours each one week and then give up for a month because it's not a satisfying experience. Been doing this off and on for several years now.

>> No.14302220

I'm going to get it in the spring most likely.

>> No.14302418

Do it while school is in so you can get in and out quick.