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File: 41 KB, 800x450, Greta_Thunberg_pissed-800x450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14299212 No.14299212[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14299220

Because catholicism is cringe

>> No.14299225

Because there is literally no good reason to believe in an obviously man made religion that only has circular logic to back it up

>> No.14299227

IQ appears to be going up over time, on average.

>> No.14299230

Bad teachers.

>> No.14299238

I... would actually disagree. Most who have done a mediocre amount of reading are usually agnostic, or pantheistic.

>> No.14299240


>> No.14299242

Please give me an example of non-circular logic in action, anon. At the base level, all logic necessarily becomes circular.

>> No.14299245

This. Most philosophy students, after a semester or so, realise that most ethics systems need something like God to function as an axiom, or otherwise meaningless takes over. Doesn't mean that they automatically go for the Abrahamic guy-in-the-sky, but they know that you need that presence of something larger to hinge all your truths on.

>> No.14299257

Agnosticism is atheism.

>> No.14299273

you must be a burger

>> No.14299276

I disagree

>> No.14299279

Facts don't care about your feeelings

>> No.14299284


Stupid philosophy students, maybe...

>> No.14299293

Because most philosophy students are fundamentally disconnected from certain inexplicable, irrational human truths. Don't get me started about philosophy bros. Fuck they're the worst.

>> No.14299294

A wrong claim isn't a fact.

>> No.14299300

Cringe is cringe

>> No.14299304

Education is basically an affront to God at this point. The Renaissance was a mistake. The humanist traditions of the classics and "rational" thought fill our children's head with useless knowledge and skepticism. No wonder our world is dying

>> No.14299306
File: 156 KB, 500x566, there-have-been-nearly-3000-gods-so-far-but-only-2695273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are fundamentally disconnected from certain inexplicable, irrational human truths.
In before, le reddit tier.
Except for r/atheism, most of reddit follows this spiritual everything in flow women shit.

>> No.14299307
File: 15 KB, 644x800, F23B987E-F704-4538-A37B-6651CD16DEBA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’ve converted to Christianity

>> No.14299311

They get high on that edgy Nietzsche bullshit

>> No.14299324

Sure. As long as you don't randomly accept it as truth

>> No.14299327

Nietzsche was a fervorous Catholic

>> No.14299332

I am an atheist, i believe a god does not exist. However, from recent psychological studies I believe religion actually has a biological/psychological origin inherent to humans. Thus while I will never believe in a god, I do believe religion is a efficient way to keep plebs in line and maintain order.
Based or cringe?

>> No.14299334

Because it's the trendy new belief

>> No.14299354

Slightly based because you had to ask if you were based
Not redpilled because pantheism is the final redpill, read The Ethics

>> No.14299358

Because there’s no god

>> No.14299361
File: 1.58 MB, 2341x1897, WBr0Ud0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does the Jewish cabal push such an ugly 16 year old as the poster child for environmentalism? Why not an attractive teenager?
Seriously, Greta looks like the Adoring Fan from oblivion

>> No.14299363

Lmfao no.... they bring that prejudice with them

>> No.14299374

>He hasn't obtained knowledge of the Absolute through a negative reflection on the Self in order to recursively reach a Hypostasis.
Yeah I'm thinking your'e cringe.

>> No.14299376

Well, I’d qualify that. There is the layman’s agnosticism, and then verious philosophical views of The absolute outside of observable material. This could be the platonic idea of perfect forms, a meta consciousness, etc. even materialist don’t deny it’s possible, they just reason that it is impractical to factor into worldly affairs. An atheist would reject this concept outright, which no self respecting philosopher does in theory if not in practice.

>> No.14299378

jesus lord of a christ
>wes montgomery
>miles davis
>tits of fertility
i-is this luv?

>> No.14299381

Are you really asking why they become atheist or are you asking why they become non-Christian? Because if it's the latter then the hundred threads a day we have where Christians stumble over basic metaphysical questions and void their trousers whenever the problem of evil is brought up is probably a start.

>> No.14299385

Aspie magic. The only force strong enough to be a Jew to their knees

>> No.14299387

You’re my good butterfly, and I am committing idolatry worshipping you as a person instead of you as a high concept. Rather lewd, heretical, and scandalous if you ask me. I will repent later.

>> No.14299388

if true, because they think an academic education = gnosis, when really they haven't lived enough, or at all, or ever will, in the case of the golems with MEME inscribed on their head. Yes, many people you see walking around have been hollowed of their sentience.

>> No.14299394


>> No.14299399


>> No.14299404

Because all the arguments in favor of his existence are notoriously bad?

>> No.14299405

atheists dont believe in agnosia

>> No.14299424

Source on a Jewish cabal existing and being behind Greta?

>> No.14299427

dude trust me

>> No.14299436
File: 62 KB, 615x350, pentti-linkola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys loved it when an autistic Finnish dude spoke for environmentalism, whats so different about Greta? She was heavily influenced by Linkola sans the anti-natalism

>> No.14299440

How do you justify any of your truth claims then?

>> No.14299441

philosophy majors nowadays read selections from philosophers. long gone are the days when you had to read it all and then put it in your own words. You think philosophy majors nowadays read philosophers in their original tongue?

gl teaching them theology

>> No.14299444

because the best part about linkola is his desire for genocide and eugenics

>> No.14299465

Only stupid philosophy students feel the need to justify anything. The only thing that matters is the violence of belief forcing someone to believe in something.

>> No.14299471

That stopped 10 years ago.

>> No.14299477


>> No.14299481
File: 415 KB, 564x796, Søren_Kierkegaard_(1813-1855)_-_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude you just gotta believe! take the leap of faith! God is irrational so you just have to be irrational yourself!

Is this really the best argument theology has to offer

>> No.14299486

Because it's the first time they're encouraged to think critically about their lives. The majority (in the US, anyways) were raised religious, listen to one professor talk about other ways of thinking, and feel like they won't get good grades if they don't change their minds about something.

The laziest people just accept whatever they were raised in, uncritically. The next laziest people hear one alternative and become "agnostic," mostly because it's easier to say there's no answer than commit yourself to a sincerely held belief. Beyond that, you're looking at people who think critically at least some of the time and who may or may not be religious.

Look at how students live. Go talk to one or two of them. Do you think their opinions run very deep? Most of their lives at that point are about establishing some sort of Independence (and doing a poor job of it), so of course the most appealing "philosophy" for them will be "nah, there's no God, no rules, and no one is allowed to judge you. You and your feelings are all that matter. Whatever you think is just as valid as what any religion teaches."

>> No.14299490

You clearly need to read Joseph Campbell.

>> No.14299501



>> No.14299530

You can't just talk about Greta Thunberg's falling into a Lidingö kennel and being copulated with so gruesomely her eyes acquired then their haunting strabismic skew, no, it would be unconscionable to belabor how there and then no part of knot-puppet Greta was unavailable to hound after air-snapping hound, because I'm pretty certain that sort of thing never quite happened, although I spend very little time in Sweden, generally speaking. But if someone came up to you and insisted upon their mother's life that Greta Thunberg took Mastiff knot on the regular, or that she actually is a kind of chimera after being vaccinated against so many parvo, bordetella and canine influenzas that her genome is now spritzed with doggie DNA, or that her parents even endorsed the "curious" interspecies relations because they improved her school work, it would be tough to produce much evidence to the contrary unless you're already a seasoned private investigator authorized to operate on Swedish territory. And so it would be entirely up to you whether you in any way believe or endorse such apocrypha and anecdotes, doing one's best to ignore the frequency that you encounter these claims, that Greta Thunberg's canine period was simply a phase and that she now aspires to envelope equines and bovines and allegedly even the fuzzy sinewy forearms of HIV+ gay men or that Greta's parents regularly overdose the migrant prostitutes they invite into their red room and being such connected VIPs, the Swedish Government is more than happy to send each and every broken Thunberg sex toy whether human, animal or mineral into discrete medical incinerators, it's tough to say how much of it is true and one can only ever decide for her or xirself.