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/lit/ - Literature

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14298809 No.14298809 [Reply] [Original]

What are your literary redflags?

>> No.14298815

using french or latin derived 12 letter words instead of germanic 4 letter words

>> No.14298816

my red flag is red flags i.e. socialism

>> No.14298818
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>book is written by a Nazi

>> No.14298822
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>written by a woman
>written by a bourgeois
>written after 1968

>> No.14298824

Any book which contains any segments talking about capitalism, disassociation of workers etc. and contains words like marx, dialectic materialism etc. should be burnt.
Not only is it advocating of an ideology that killed millions on people which leftists are more than happy to deny. It outs the writter as an instant monkey see, monkey do pseud.

>> No.14298841

Any "LGBTQIA+" book. It's either something like the worst of self-help mixed with the worst fiction, or a whiny rambling treatise about how totally normal childhood experiences like being bullied are somehow unique to gay people and extra harmful to gay people.

Everyone is expected to clap like a trained seal because that style of content is what's politically promoted right now.

A book doesn't magically become better because you inserted a faggot or because someone called your faggot a faggot. It just feels like a trope terrible writers use to dry to draw in Twitter's mindless "YAS QUEEN SLAYY" mob.

>> No.14298849

this but for german words. (((intellectuals))) here (netherlands) constantly throw them in to show how cosmopolitan and well-read they are

>> No.14298857

stfu or read theory reactionary

>> No.14298862

>Holocaust literature
>Minority author's "revolutionary new perspective on society"

>> No.14298870

He's right though.

I'd be more sympathetic to the "just read the theory bro" nonsense, if you weren't advocating studying an ideology that's killed about a billion people in the last hundred years.

Commies should be burned at the stake and their works should be uncerimoniously cast into the sea.

>> No.14298873

Any book written by the following:


>> No.14298875

>he thinks he ist einen aufgeklärten Mensch, but denigrates German Wörter.

>> No.14298881
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yeah, its a problem that has been amplified to a ridiculous degree due to radical left ideologies dominating many public domains (media, Hollywood, universities, etc).

what happened to just having characters that just also happen to be gay? Omar from The Wire is widely beloved by all, despite being a cock sucker, partially because being gay isnt the all encompassing trait that defines him.

>> No.14298904
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>written after -500BC

>> No.14298909

>a review about the book on the cover

>> No.14298917

pretty much this
nonwhites writing in english instead of their native language* is also a massive red flag because in most cases the content will be similar

*translations don't count

>> No.14298923

>middle class
>recently discovered politics

stop listening to dave rubin and ben shapiro and actually read some books

>> No.14298941

What books do you have in mind? There's plenty of good gay /lit/ from the time before the commodification and consumerization of identity politics took off as it has. I imagine there still is, it's just not stuff that's paraded at the top of bestseller lists

>> No.14298957

Nah I'm sweet

>> No.14299030

None of your guesses are accurate, except the American part, and Shapiro should be gassed, along with a few million of his closest family members.

You don't have to be a Zionist neoconservative to understand the reality that communism failed, and that it failed because the theory doesn't fucking work.

>> No.14299048
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>read theory
i've read wage labor, the manifesto, most of capital Vol 1 and parts of German ideology. your turn to read theory you undialectical midwit.

>> No.14299174
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>> No.14299188

>Original sin in Neoplatonism

>> No.14299214

Its a billion now? Damn...

>> No.14299244

>most of capital Vol 1
finish it faggot

>> No.14299414


>> No.14299446


Bro your language is a dumbed down version of German. Obviously you're gonna need German words to describe complex thought.

>> No.14299464

Stories that constantly refer to other stories.
Like Cloud Atlas which constantly references Gulag Archipelago, like why do I have to read a different book to understand your story?

Or literally writing that there is a bible parallel happening, it's fine if the parallel is there and you can enjoy it if you see it, but forcing it down my throat just makes me cringe.

>> No.14299491


>> No.14299742

Lol you are naive, the truth is even more cringe. That retard is in the nick Fuentes camp.
These losers do not read books and their ideology is under many, many layers of cope and cringe. They aren't manipulated into their beliefs, they choose them.
Go back to iFunny retard. Even an absolute shithole like 4chan is too good for you.

>> No.14299755

>I have no actual argument so I'll call you names instead

>> No.14299756

you've never read the Bible? fucking pleb

>> No.14299757

I cannot put into words much I agree with this

>> No.14299762

Shut the fuck up

>> No.14299764

this is bad advice that nobody actually follows

>> No.14299890

Lmao projecting much? No one mentioned fuentes

>> No.14299933

congratulations! You single handedly ruined this board, that's quite the accomplishment for a living garbage fire. /lit/ is officially dead, are you happy? Did you get your little dopamine hit? HUH? HUH? SHUT THE FUCK UP.

>> No.14299939

First person perspective

>> No.14300111


>> No.14300135

This plus the author's picture in the cover or a retarded picture

>> No.14300170
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>Written by a white male
>Written by an openly heterosexual person
>Written after 2010

>> No.14300173

>written by a woman
>fantasy setting
>commie "literature"
that might be it

>> No.14300193

it's not french lit

>> No.14300745

>written by a black person
not even a /pol/tard but is there a single goddamn book that isn't just about being black?

>> No.14300984

I significantly enjoyed Mumo Jumbo by Ishmael Reed, a batshit conspiracy novel about the Knights Templar trying to stop jazz music. It fits right in with Gravity's Rainbow and Illuminatus! as the the third part of a triumvirate of 70's paranoia fiction.

I struggle to think of anything else.

>> No.14300997

Nice, I'll check it out

>> No.14301014
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>woman author
>use of word "inherently"

>> No.14301018

Anything using climate change as its basis for dystopia.

>> No.14301421

holocaust lit is good, read borowski and primo levi

>> No.14301528


can't believe how you people spend your lifetime reading some autismo's daydream lmao

>> No.14302788

So 500 AD?

>> No.14302812


>> No.14302820

embarrassing post. you are definitely a teenager.

>> No.14302904

Books written by white people.

>> No.14302947
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Those limp wristed leftists will be the first to go if shit ever goes down, they talk a big game online but irl they're a bunch of alt girls and depressives, but yeah hopefully they're dealt with soon

>> No.14302987

Seraph on the Suwanee by Zora Neale Hurston is about Florida crackers (rural Floridians descended from pioneer settlers who arrived after the Spanish ceded the state to Britain, named so for their culture of boasts and brags).

>> No.14302990

If it was written for a woman. Fuck men I do hate women so fucking much, I don't even want to fuck them anymore due to the hatred I have towards them. Yesterday I went out with this friend (female) of mine. I was not even interested in being her boyfriend of anything because she's kind of vapid but damn god, she wouldn't stop acting as if I desired to fuck her. She would get back if I dared putting a finger on her, she would look at me with disgust if I ever complimented her. Fuck dude I just wanted to be damn nice with you and you are treating me like shit. So we went to the cinema with her and another friend she has because apparently someone (male) was supposed to come with them and cancelled, so I had to go instead. The friend decided to leave us for half an hour because she found "funny" to have us together and I had to deal with this obviously-ignoring-me shithead all that time. She even got angry at me because I touched her fucking hand by accident, I don't even know what the fuck is wrong with people anymore. At least I got her qt friend's number but she keeps telling me to text that piece of shit.

I also don't read Tolstoy; he's a fag.

>> No.14302996

>Zora Neale Hurston
I read Their Eyes Were Watching God long time ago and it honestly was just average.

>> No.14303001
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>> No.14303132
