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/lit/ - Literature

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14296780 No.14296780[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why are so many /lit/ anon leftists?

>> No.14296800

Because most here are pseuds and most leftists are pseuds.

>> No.14296839
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In 2014 our Top 100 chart circulated on plebbit. Pretty certain a few social media groups leaked in here too. There's not that many but they just can't help themselves replying when they get triggered. Good news is I've noticed they're slowly but surely receding because, when it comes to telling the truth, we don't back down.

>> No.14296852

To be fair it seems pretty well balanced. The leftists are just more vocal and tend to triple fag.

>> No.14296854

Define leftist, or don't.

>> No.14296858

one who is left wing

>> No.14296869

They're children and NEETs who have never worked.

>> No.14296911

it's pretty clear that reading and high IQ scores correlate positively with being left wing. obviously this is skewed on 4chan, but it makes sense

>> No.14296919
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You are a pathetic excuse for a human being.

>> No.14296926

/pol/ shows up every now and then but usually gets buttblasted when actual conservatives don't agree with them. Other than that, there is a strong authoritarian/monarchical undercurrent here

>> No.14296933

theocratic benevolent dictatorship supporter reporting in

>> No.14296935
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The pseuds on this board consist of people who rationalize predominantly with the right side of their brain. They are emotional reasoners, not analytical. Currently, the left panders towards these emotional brainlets with rhetorically emotional appeals. They rile the retards up with rhetoric about inequality, which is merely a derivative of envy. The pseud, unconsciously aware of their intellectual inferiority, eats these rhetorical appeals up because they provide to them an emotional outlet to soothe their inner feeling of inferiority. Even when discussing philosophy, these pseuds rarely contribute anything more than ad hominem attacks to philosophical discussion. The reason is, they cannot comprehend arguments in a logical or analytical sense. They are deeply jealous of true intellectuals that have the ability to dissect and articulate meaning from great literature, as opposed to just feel, or sense (or whatever) what the author is communicating. These people are the worst of the worst because they would rather destroy the world rather than accept their own intellectual inferiority.

>> No.14296940

A better question is, why are there so many Cuckservative Christard Larpers who probabaly havent ready any Non-Christian literature in their life. Some I dont think have even read the Bible

Labels like that are a spook.
Do you mean economically socialist? or Progressive? Do you mean Globalists lefty Globohomos or Nationalist lefties like China/DPRK?
What about Socially conservative Marxists like Christopher Lasch?

"Left" and "Right" are dumb labels and serve no value in discourse

>> No.14296959

I bet he thinks that socially progressive Neoliberals are lefties as well even though they shill for free market Capitalism

>> No.14296966

/lit/ was as far as i remember the first major left-wing community on the internet. Are you retarded?

>> No.14296975
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>Do you mean economically socialist?
>or Progressive?
possibly depending on how they stand on other issues
>Do you mean Globalists lefty Globohomos or Nationalist lefties like China/DPRK
>What about Socially conservative Marxists like Christopher Lasch?

>"Left" and "Right" are dumb labels and serve no value in discourse
labels and categorization can exist anon. i spoke very simply and said "leftwing". youre trying to argue about nothing which is very typical of a leftist.

what part of leftwing did you not understand?

ok but why?

>> No.14296982

okay boomer

>> No.14296986


Holy shit. Everything makes sense now.

>> No.14296993

>what part of leftwing did you not understand?
probably the part where you don't know what the leftwing is

>> No.14297002

autism. if you agree with leftwing economics youre a leftist. what is so difficult to define about that?

>> No.14297004

/pol/tards finna bouta get btfo, once again.

Quickly, quickly, call your discord stormniggers. Abandon thread, hurry, hurry. Make it slide, make it slide. Faster, faster, more Nietzsche threads more if x is y then what is z?

>> No.14297007

None of that happened
Hardly “more vocal”. They just don’t cower in the face of rightwing drivel.
This is the answer.

>> No.14297013

>leftwing economics
Go.on.then. I'll have a cigarette whilst you type.

>> No.14297014
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because everything besides nazbol is for gay retards

>> No.14297020

You have to be critical to capitalism to enjoy postmodern literature.

>> No.14297029
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Why aren't you a leftist is a better question, faggot

>> No.14297037

You don't have to be critical to capitalism to not enjoy postmodern literature either.

>> No.14297040


Isn't it implied based on how we talk on this board that he means socialist? When people say left they either mean Socialist (pejoratively) or faggot SJW beta. This board talks a lot about the former but the latter is rarely defended.

>> No.14297041

The average age on /lit/ is probably about 19 or 20, so far too old to be right wing

>> No.14297043
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>sn't it implied based on how we talk on this board that he means socialist?

>> No.14297044

The average SJW is a radlib, not a leftist

>> No.14297052

That's true, I'm just pointing out what people mean when they say leftist in a negative sense. They either mean socialist (in a bad way) or SJW, or both.

>> No.14297057

im not even trying to say leftist in a negative sense. i purely just asked a question.

>> No.14297070

not him but I'm inferring that the OP means SJW however he's also a slimy little prick and won't outright say anything that can be proven or disproven and he will alter his position and his argument at whim meanwhile claiming that his opponent was failing to comprehend his incomprehensible non-argument.

>> No.14297078

>They just don’t cower in the face of rightwing drivel.
Oh look everyone, Mothballs is such a brave hero! Standing up against all the baddies on an anonymous message board. Thank you for your service soldier! Just tell us where to send the toiletries and canned goods comrade!

>> No.14297123

You could've asked for feet but no, you had to go there didn't you just.

>> No.14297132
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This book turned me into the left

>> No.14297139

Right wing politics is inherently emotionally driven. It is defined by irrational fear and a desire for the world to conform to a model that its adherents wish was true rather than what is true. See the widespread science denialism and desperate clinging to religion that dominates rightwing politics today. They attempt to dupe idiots into believing that they are acting rational by self-identifying as such, despite the fact that they simply use words like "rational" or "logical" or "analytical" to describe themselves without ever actually demonstrating those qualities. They simply declare themselves superior, and their "opponents" as embodying arbitrarily-defined negative traits before calling it a day and hitting the post button.

Someone who communicates their ideas via "chad vs virgin" memes is either an emotionally-driven and vindictive fool, or else believes that you would have to be one to take them seriously.

>> No.14297159

>See the widespread science denialism and desperate clinging to religion that dominates rightwing politics today.
This is rather obtuse. Besides, what if they're correct?

>> No.14297178

People will give some bullshit bottom up answer, but the real answer is top down: the left gatekeeps and influences a significant amount of high culture and pop culture via the media and academia.

>> No.14297180

THIS, and this post is getting ignored because it's true.

Academia was pozzed decades ago. Since the financialization of tuition it has become pure Globohomo Leftist matriarchal religion. In this hideous anti-nature and anti-human religion fee fees rule.

>> No.14297186

t. someone who gets all his worldview from late night talk shows

>> No.14297191
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>> No.14297204

What makes you say that? /lit/ has moved far to the right since I first started coming here, back in 2012 or 2013, and I doubt it's an accident that the quality of discussion has diminished since then (not to imply it was ever great).

>> No.14297211

> high IQ scores
an incredibly bad thing to bring up when promoting left wing politics lol

>> No.14297221

What are some other things IQ scores correlate with?

>> No.14297235

Roundabout way of saying that white people are more progressive than black people

>> No.14297241

You just described Globohomo Leftism. Nobody pretends that religious people on the right wing don't believe in fanciful faggotry, they do and they own up to it. But people on the Left wing pretend races don't exist, that biological differences between human groups don't exist or only apply no deeper than skin or that sex/gender is a social construct, that men and women are the same intellectually and characteristically or that the nuclear family is a dysfunctional social construct that needs to be dismantled, especially in white, non-Jewish families. Holy shit man. The worst part about your anti-reality views are that Leftists like you pretend your fanciful faggotry is backed by "science". You are an NPC. And yes most people around you would agree with your retarded views, including mainstream media and academia, just like educated people once believed in a flat earth and a geocentric view of the Universe. This is what the Globalist and the self-worshipping Jews and the coalition of marginalized retarded cowards on the left want you to believe. Your beliefs are just that though, faith in beliefs. You worship sciencism and Cultural Marxist ideology. You are in the majority. Most people are retarded. Congratulations on joining the herd of retards. Keep feeling superior to your own people. Keep hating all that is good you fucken coward.

>> No.14297248

>retend races don't exist, that biological differences between human groups don't exist or only apply no deeper than skin or that sex/gender is a social construct, that men and women are the same intellectually and characteristically or that the nuclear family is a dysfunctional social construct that needs to be dismantled, especially in white, non-Jewish families
none of this is left-wing

>> No.14297250

>religion that dominates rightwing politics today
No. Whatever the "alt-right" is, it is non religious or non Christian. This is a BIG part of the division going on in the conservative movement. You just make shit up and spit it out. I don't even think you are capable of rationally thinking on your own.

>> No.14297262

Find me one prominent leftist organisation that doesn't support this form of progressive liberal egalitarianism.

>> No.14297267

Define left wing right fucking now. And give a few examples of left wing organizations.

>> No.14297270

the Soviet Union lmao

>> No.14297273

I don't have any idea what you're talking about. If you are referring to the Left's back and forth stance on race, ie it exists when black are oppressed by whites but doesn't exists with regards to intelligence etc., then I could agree with you. Words don't mean shit. The Jews taught me this. All that matters is integrity. It matters not what you say by the consistency of your ideas. And in this regards the Left is purely anti-white, anti-male, anti-West, anti-nature and pro authoritarian state, pro weakness, pro Globalist, pro Sub Saharan African.

>> No.14297276

Doesn't exist anymore lmao

>> No.14297277


>> No.14297279

You think this because you have become so addicted to ideology that you literally cannot think about anything (including yourself) outside the framework of identity. The so-called "left-wing" is about economics. Everything else is window dressing.

>> No.14297282

you do realize you are just being idpol faggots?

>> No.14297283

btfo'd by

>> No.14297286

>Right wing politics is inherently emotionally driven
How so? Left wing politics centers itself on things like intergenerational handicaps and shame
>It is defined by irrational fear and a desire for the world to conform to a model that its adherents wish was true rather than what is true
Isn't that true for any unrealized ideology or utopia though?
> They attempt to dupe idiots into believing that they are acting rational by self-identifying as such, despite the fact that they simply use words like "rational" or "logical" or "analytical" to describe themselves without ever actually demonstrating those qualities
That one seems like projecting. Personally I see both sides calling themselves "rational" and "logical".
> They simply declare themselves superior
Well, we are.
>Someone who communicates their ideas via "chad vs virgin" memes is...
Your defining right wing politics with 4chan memes and internet subculture. The world exists outside of the internet you know. Most of us chad right wingers know and understand this.

>> No.14297295

I geniuenly worry that people believe that Jews are evil and are some kind of shadow cult. Whenever someone on this board brings it up I just take it as bait and disregard what they say, but there is probably one person at least who is that confused.

>> No.14297303

The idea is just that they have higher innate tribalism while also being smart, it's not that revolutionary.

Im not sold on it because the mind is not remotely understood so it's just some speculative theory, but it's certainly not any worse than the majority of the idiocy passed as fact in the esteemed halls of Harvard's humanities departments

>> No.14297315

No it is not anymore. The current brand of Leftist ideology is EXACT what the Globalist Elites need for you to believe in order to commodify labor you fucken cuck. Leftism is becoming so fucking cucked by the Globalists that even environmental concerns are being taken over by the right! What a fucken timeline.

>> No.14297321

Lmao how do people like this even exist. Like imagine going around in real life and being like “yes well Dave it’s clearly a Jewish conspiracy”. Like why even bother giving credence to these by trying to argue against them. Aren’t you supposed to be in rehab Mr. Peterson?

>> No.14297323

Most of the people on /lit are young and in college.

>> No.14297349

wonder who's behind this post

>> No.14297354

Indeed. And the older autodidacts of /lit/, who were never brainwashed by postmodern neomarxist professors, are right wingers.

>> No.14297361
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/lit/ isnt really leftist
but right wing retards interpret anything that might challenge their beliefs as leftist, particularly on this site

>> No.14297363
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look at this retard

>> No.14297388

Dude they have been worshipping themselves for 5000 years. They have been expelled from over 99% of every country they're tried preying on. The problem is them not humanity. Some Mayans had to kick them out as recently as 2013, in Guatemala I think. There are lots of successful non indigenous groups in the West but only one of them is regularly distrusted and hated. Only one of them has a pathological inability to tell the truth or a superiority complex that prevents them from assimilating. Why would you trust the media, which is literally own by the Jews, over consistency of opinion of the great men who have built and sacrificed themselves for the civilization you enjoy today?

Do successful Asians actively try to subvert and upend every institution in the West? No they don't at all. And now you know why people don't hate Asians even though they are more successful, on average, then the average Westerner.

>> No.14297395

He's right tho and you're angry because deep down you fear he might be right kek

>> No.14297397

kids that haven't grown up

>> No.14297406
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>you leftists are young brainwashed college students while us right wingers are enlightened and pure autodidacts
you aren't making a great case for right wing intelligence posting like this

>> No.14297417

i'd like to change your mind on that last part, as for me, to best be analytical, you have to analyze yourself. and in truth we don't know (i) anything, and are ignorant. doing this creates a fear and panic in yourself that you will have to learn to deal with if you want to improve your knowledge, otherwise you remain forever arrogant. so yes you are able to be an intellectual but if you can't conquer your ignorance, so you call it; you will end up like the majority of the left

-and yes this is why the left is predominantly emotional as they distract their true projections and want to feel good and can't live with their true fears about themselves

>> No.14297551

>not using at least political compass

>> No.14297594
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>> No.14297861

The incentives of counter-signaling drive people to differentiate themselves from each other. On, say, /g/, this takes the form of jerking off over increasingly contrarian and elitist programming languages and operating systems and text editors, because /g/ discusses programming languages and operating systems and text editors. On a board that discusses ideologies, people will pick up increasingly contrarian and elitist ideologies.
Because contrarianism is relative, there is an equilibrium where each distinct arguably worthwhile ideology has some representation. If it didn't have any then converting to it would make you look more sophisticated. If it had too much then people would leave it for something more hip.
/lit/ naturally covers a larger part of ideology-space than other boards, the same way /g/ naturally covers a larger part of programming-space than other boards. And much of ideology-space is leftist.

>> No.14297885

because they're pseudointelectual retards

>> No.14297969

Inherently feminine hobby which is genereally more leftist

>> No.14297981

this thread sucks

>> No.14297986

I pretend to be a leftist to trigger Americans.

>> No.14298020

Why are right wingers so much better at copying lefties than vice versa?

>> No.14298039

>science denialism
>leftwingers and IQ scores being linked to race

>> No.14298065

>This is the answer
You must be an exception to the norm because you're the stupidest, most deranged left wing tranny on this entire board

>> No.14298106

Are they? It seems like a minority of dumb fucks like anarchists who just yap a lot.

>> No.14298114

It's easy to think all this when you just blindly accept all left wing dogma, it's funny how well this post applies word for word to the left.

>> No.14298138
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I hate rich people
I hate Americans
I hate Africans
I hate some Jews
I hate India

There is no political view that suits this nonsense, but Marxism-Leninism at least allows me to coherently hate the RICH and THE AMERICANS, not to mention the RICH AMERICANS.

>> No.14298140

Based anon, although you could’ve swayed more people if you used more specific language, since people saying this applies to the left are somewhat right too

>> No.14298158

>asks why so many /lit/izens are leftist
>asks why so many people are leftist on the most conservative literature-focused community in existence
Are you retarded?

>> No.14298190
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>"Left" and "Right" are dumb labels and serve no value in discourse

Even if one person has a clear idea of what left/right should mean, the other person could operate on a different definition.
And then you end up with these stupid debates where people talk past each other.
It's all so tiresome and reddit/twitter tier.

But if people really want to engage in these pleb debates, they should at the very least read this book.
There are better political books out there, but this one is very accessible and deals with current mainstream issues.

>> No.14298393
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>> No.14298433

Politics is spooked and pointless.

>> No.14298461

Is this why blacks are usually quite conservative?

>> No.14298470

Hey I have a photo of myself from that spot as well

>> No.14298478

I'm a leftist and /lit/ and /int/ are the only boards I post in.

This. High IQ correlates with leftist ideals. This is a proven fact and right wings idiots seeth so much about this they won't even address it.

>> No.14298481

In Germany, the most popular right-wing party "AfD" is actually popular with the people who have no academic background.

>> No.14298483

>Socially left, economically left: Acceptable.
>Socially left, economically right: Acceptable.
>Socially right, economically right: Acceptable.
>Socially right, economically left: Evil.
Thanks fuhrerprinzip.

>> No.14298559

>t. retard that hasn't actually read his manifesto, not realising he dunks on conservatives too

Not that he was wrong about lefties

>> No.14298563

If you’re philosophically literate you’ll either be left or right. You won’t agree with neoliberal centrism.

>> No.14298708

this. it's hard to appreciate the importance of art while supporting the completely distasteful and anti-creative ideology of capitalism

>> No.14298714

Because the left/right dichotomy is a spook and a lot of great philosophers and thinkers were "leftist"

>> No.14298726

Social justice warriors and supporters of the Democratic party

>> No.14298735

This board is nothing but brainlet Communists and fascists that feel justified in their beliefs simply because they read books by other brainlets that agree with them.
Notice how everyone here seems to hold some kind of radical belief and insists they are smart? Sign of psueds

>> No.14298751

>some kind of radical belief and insists they are smart? Sign of psueds

The irony is too great to bear.

>> No.14298765

No irony there, anon
You took my post personally

>> No.14298800

Seriously though. /lit/ seems to have a significantly larger diversity of ideas than any board, probably because of philosophy.
However everyone is also just flat out more radical than any other board. Is it seriously just pseudointellectuals?

>> No.14298821

>Right wing politics is inherently emotionally driven
and that's a good thing because your cold materialistic world where we all get along with each other because we're all cogs in the capitalist machine is hell on earth

>> No.14298839

Capitalism is good. People should have to work, anon. Grow up

>> No.14298843

no, it doesn't. it correlates with being classical liberal (not the Rubin kind) - high in openness, high in creativity, etc

>> No.14298856

Democracy is dumb. Read Plato and Machiaveli

>> No.14298860

Because orthopraxy is lost on people who read for their own vanity.

>> No.14298863

that's not pichu. how did they fuck that up after all that effort

>> No.14298864

capitalism is where you work for money
there are other modes of being, where you work but it's for something better than money (which may or may not be given in exchange for work as in addition to realization of higher ideals)
nobody actually thinks nobody should work anymore, the question is why and for what purpose do we work, and capitalism's answer is "to get money to spent on frivolities"

>> No.14298869

Hitler was a leftist

>> No.14298872

nod really

>> No.14298878

>Because most here are pseuds and most leftists are pseuds.

While I won't necessarily dispute this assessment in general, Leftism attracts more creative perspectives (things change) because conservatism conforms to the status quo (things stay the same). This in turn attracts the pseuds who want to posture as the "latest and greatest" and that old ways of being "should just move on".

>> No.14298884

>where you work but it's for something better than money
Capitalism has transformed the world and brought more people out of poverty than anything else. It doesnt let people slack off and puts proper incentives for innovation.
Consumerism is good

>> No.14298885

I have, I'm not a fan of democracy either. Both Plato and Machiavelli had the luxury of living in times where scalability was of no concern. Both had no way of knowing the importance of distribution of information - Machiavelli didn't have enough time to fully comprehend the revolutionary change the Gutenberg press was going to initiate. There are some assumptions in regards to political maturity of the people which I find highly doubtful.
It's not great, but it's the best we have at this very moment.

>> No.14298896

Unironically this

>> No.14298900

Commiefornia even influenced their eugenics campaign

>> No.14298911

>Hitler was the original SJW
>when Germany fell he didnt flee to Argentina, he fled to California to get pay back on burgers

>> No.14298915

I agree with you on this. I drunkposted my reply last night, so I apologize for over-salting my perspective. In addition to refusing to analyze oneself, I’ve also noticed that leftists tend to recoil strongly to social condemnation. This presents epistemological issues for them. Where science contradicts popular opinion, they tend to side with the hivemind in fear of social ostracization, which I believe is deeply rooted in their wanting to be accepted. This is why ad hominem attacks are so prevalent amongst them. They feel they are doing the most damage by using them, because to themselves, social shaming is a profound pain.

>> No.14298921

This is your brain on PragerU

>> No.14298925

who cares, he died a long time ago...

>> No.14298936

Prove it

>> No.14298946

two years ago, on that tanker...

>> No.14298958

>Where science contradicts popular opinion, they tend to side with the hivemind in fear of social ostracization

Nope, it's the other way around. Conservatives are the ones who often reject the scientific consensus, claiming that the studies have a left-wing bias when they don't suit their agenda. Common examples:

-Race being largely socially constructed
-Sex and Gender being distinct
-Transition being the best way to deal with gender dysphoria
-Lack of female representation in engineering etc. Being due to social expectations

The list goes on and on

>> No.14298961

Wtf he's right bros

>> No.14298966

>conservatism conforms to the status quo (things stay the same)
I think this is flawed way of looking at it, especially considering the historical revisionism. It seems more likely that they seek to maintain aspects of sanctity in a society and a history.

>> No.14298969

>Democratic People's Republic of Korea
wtf North Korea is a democracy bros

>> No.14298976

because leftists have time/desire to browse 4chan

>> No.14298979

>hey seek to maintain aspects of sanctity in a society and a history.
Isnt this maintaining the status quo?

>> No.14298982

This. /pol/ dies down during working/school hours and only gets busy when everyone is home

>> No.14298989

No, it's not.
That's like saying that the existence of the north - and south pole predetermine all routes and roads possible in the world.

>> No.14299116

lol cope

>> No.14299127


>> No.14299144

dilate tranny

>> No.14299146

>It seems more likely that they seek to maintain aspects of sanctity in a society and a history
That's what I mean by the status quo (gender structure, the family, sex laws, basic economy, historical narratives described in textbooks and popular literature)

>> No.14299150

This post right here is precisely why the right has risen so much in the last 4 years. Because the left fundamentally misunderstands what the right actually stands for and where they reason for. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad. At this point the differences seem irreconcilable.

>> No.14299154
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>> No.14299160

rent free

>> No.14299162

Every one of those examples you listed is wrong though?

>> No.14299183

Bring out the scientific evidence for your claim. Oh wait...you have none. Because these examples cannot be explained by science. Science is a methodology of discerning observastions of physical reality. Social construction is outside that realm. Your "maleness" is a fabrication and a cope. Now quit being a pussy and recant Christianity you cuck

>> No.14299185

>most here are pseuds
>most leftists are pseuds
>therefore many /lit/ anons are leftists
This is not logically sound.

>> No.14299190
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>I agree with it all except the last line
>We are all emotionally-driven
>We are all emotional creatures
>And memes are a valid form of communication
>It's an art form

>> No.14299216
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>Just the right are more driven by fear
>And most of their fears are bullshit
>But that doesn't mean they don't feel real anxiety
>If only they could find a way to soothe themselves!

>> No.14299228
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>male identity can't be explained by science

>> No.14299243

Sorry, I didn't realize your biology text book in high school taught you to grill burgers and shoot guns

>> No.14299270


>> No.14299281

Late at night, when your electronics are off, what thoughts rise to the surface of your mind?

>> No.14299288

I dont understand why this statement is accepted. Its blatantly true if you look at history

>> No.14299291


Because we can read and understand and come up with our own ideas.

>> No.14299312

Because hedonism is the easy way out of tackling the very difficult metaphysical problem of morality.

>> No.14299360

They are not SJW retard. They are against the Capital. Not the same thing at all retard. What's more, you, still believe that democratic or republican parties are something real. In 2019. That's more than pathetic.

>> No.14299369

>Without Capitalism, people wouldn't work.
The level of retardation. I always wonder what people like you do on /lit. Is it just to pretend or flatter your ego?

>> No.14299415

You might have been right 100 years ago but leftists today don't care about class issues. Its all about identity politics that decides left and right today

>> No.14299433


>> No.14299437

Because they are being pushed towards identity politics as trans rights, women’s rights and all that other shit is achievable within the current structure of liberalism. Class flattening, deglobailization and income equality isn’t. The machine of liberalism is unstoppable in those regards and that knowledge must be kept from the masses. So all this other shit is just to placate them and give them the vague feeling of being able to make a difference.

>> No.14299467

Machiavelli was a classical liberal

>> No.14299474

citation humbly requested

>> No.14299480
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>he still believes in the illusion of Right vs Left

>> No.14299485


>> No.14299489

Both Western liberals and conservatives piss me off now. Any Westerner who parrots ideological trends disgusts me. The reality is 99% of the rabble, irrespective of race, don't know what's going on. The truth is, modern politics in the West is dominated by black nobility, various intelligence agencies like CIA, and corporatism. That's it. Elected representatives are just prostitutes for them trying to maintain a front to idiots like you.
You babble and fight amongst each other while your black nobility abduct some of your children to drink their blood. They have no skin in the game of whether or not you fight for liberal or conservative ideals, for they can subvert either to their advantage.

>> No.14299512

>black nobility
>abduct your children to drink their blood
is this some new way to say Jews

>> No.14299514

Most people here aren't lefty, they just read so they aren't retarded and they can see being racist, mysoginistic or any kind of phobia and/or autism y'all have as being retarded.
So yeah sorry to burst your bubble but not voting for Trump doesn't make you a lefty lmao

>> No.14299515

Some Jews are a part of the Black Nobility, but not all of the Black Nobility is Jewish. A lot of Jews and intelligence agencies like CIA do work for them though.

>> No.14299523

Black Nobility only makes me think of niggers. I understand what you're getting at but you'll need a more effective term.

>> No.14299539

>brainlet missing my point due to personal issues with terminology
How stupid can you get? Black nobility just refers to families like the Pallavicini, Rothschilds, and many more who have retained wealth for hundreds, perhaps a thousand, of years and got involved in money-printing, manipulation of various institutions, and more.

>> No.14299559

15 is the most damning critique. The fact that practically all previous cultures share those traits is only reconciled by progressivism as a revelation. Previous cultures can be forgiven for their ignorance but beyond revelation it is unacceptable.

>> No.14299560

Show your tits

>> No.14299580

Because pretty much everyone in the world is a leftist. There is almost no right wing to speak of.
Even the "far right" parties are still leftist, seeing how they advocate for democracy.

>> No.14299657

Tell me a little more about this book.

>> No.14299661

>written by a Jew regarding sociopolitical matters

>> No.14299669

>he thinks science exists in a vacuum outside of politics.
The state funds scientists to produce studies that show what the state wants. If you produce undesirable results you get defunded and ostracized. I bet you're the first to yell bias when a study is funded by the pharma industry, but eat up all the state funded science propaganda lmao.

>> No.14299686

The virgin fiscally conservative, socially liberal vs the Chad socially conservative, fiscally liberal

>> No.14299723

This is the real answer. Elitist contrarians either turn into Marxists, Postmodernists, or Richard Spencer.

>> No.14299865

Conservatism is a mind disease

>> No.14299867

>The more the ordinary mind takes the opposition between true and false to be fixed, the more is it accustomed to expect either agreement or contradiction with a given philosophical system, and only to see reason for the one or the other in any explanatory statement concerning such a system. It does not conceive the diversity of philosophical systems as the progressive evolution of truth; rather, it sees only contradiction in that variety

In other words well read people tend not to just reject something simply because the thinker was left leaning.

>> No.14300118

okay, despite jumping to rash commentaries, is the entire nutshell of these two sides as follows: the left wants everyone to feel good, the right wants ever single man to provide in his best interest

>> No.14300144

>high in openness, high in creativity, etc
these define leftist traits even according to Jordan Memerson the liberal

>> No.14300178



>> No.14300187

Its the normoid position especially among young urban normoids and lit probably has one of the highest normalfag populations.

>> No.14300188
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>How so? Left wing politics centers itself on things like intergenerational handicaps and shame

Not really. If thought about in terms of game balance, leftists want all options (race, faith, sexuality, starting money, ending money, healthcare access, etc.) to be equal, with buffs and nerfs to make that happen as needed. Rightists want the meta to find its own level without interference, letting people do their own thing and seeing who rises and falls based on it.

Leftists are up their own ass because they want to claim there won't be winners and losers in rebalancing, and act like you can make things perfectly fair and 100% balanced without squishing everything together into a kinda "meh" blob of unexciting mediocrity.

Rightists are up their own ass because the current meta makes being a straight, white, heterosexual male an overpowered strat and them trying to claim that they "want the meta to find level" is in no small part a cover for "I know my curren't strat's OP in the meta, but I don't care if it's unfair, I enjoy being OP", especially because whenever the meta actually DOES naturally shift, they're first freak out that the rules need to change to halt that.

>> No.14300222

have sex