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14294363 No.14294363 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ make of Sophia, the wisdom of God?

Has anyone read the works of the Russian Orthodox Sophiologists, Solovyov and Bulgakov? Or Tomberg, the ex-anthrosophist turned Catholic?

I was reading pic related recently and it pulled something in my heartstrings with the beauty and elegance of its arguments. The bifurcation of nature must stop. I want a green feminist christian socialist spiritual renaissance. Though I have always believed in a higher power or even powers, I have long aligned myself with agnosticism -- leaning toward atheism and skepticism regarding all religious traditions. That is not to say, however, that I do not appreciate the wisdom traditions of all culture; in fact, I am studying philosophy at the moment. Nevertheless, I am inspired by the text and hope it is no mere flash in the pan academically and culturally.

This book led to that book and, though I found myself less fond of Steiner than the author, the ideas and revelations found within Meditations on the Tarot absolutely blew my mind. As a Catholic by birth, it was like discovering a lost treasure within my own home. Even moreso than Jung or Gnosticism, my esoteric cup now runneth over with fresh blood. In short, I would absolutely recommend Meditations on the Tarot -- don't be put off by the occult title. It is a spiritual text of wisdom on par with a Kempis or de Sales. But at the same time it is a more holistic vision. Total transformation. In a Teilhardian sense.

I have also started reading Lectures on Divine Humanity by Vladmir Solovyov. It is absolutely brilliant. On par with the German idealists. I am hoping to read Kojeve's work on him next. Is Bulgakov also good? That might be a next next stop.

Finally, I have not yet dipped my toes into the waters of Christian Theosophy either aside from Blake and Swedenborg. Any reccs?

>> No.14294738


jakob bohme

>> No.14294749


>> No.14294770
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Later, you should explore ancient greek mythology, I can only imagine you would love it. A lot of the christian symbolism draws from ancient greek tradition.

>> No.14294945

Meant to say *Bohme rather than Blake in OP, though I know Blake too...
I do in fact love it. Classics is my minor. I have been quite enjoying some modern Italians a lot lately. Agamben and Calasso are quite pleasing.

>> No.14295040

>I want a green feminist christian socialist spiritual renaissance
pseudo-damaris' mystical memes is that you??

>> No.14295088

But is this really what Christianity is? I'm pretty sure those countless Italian grandmas with their Marian kitsch are closer to what the faith is than this convoluted super-intellectualism

>> No.14295132

Different strokes for different folks. Some of us just have a huge boner for this symbology stuff. It is somewhat of a left-hand path. Selling your devil to the soul

>> No.14295647

Any comprehensive teaching that purports to be Christian, whilst neglecting, or ignoring, the Telos and/or ontology of Sofia, is most probably either: judeochristian, or pseudochristian, if it is any kind of teaching at all.

>> No.14295694


i'm still waiting on someone to provide a decent entry point into orthodox theology. everyone knows catholic and protestant dogma whether they want to or not, i've already researched gnosticism, so where do i go to learn about orthodox tradition?

>> No.14296053


>> No.14296077


The only way to understand Orthodoxy is to attend divine liturgy

>> No.14296177

The Philokalia - Nicodemus the Hagiorite & Macarius of Corinth
A Commentary on the Divine Liturgy - Nicholas Cabasilas
The Experience of God, Vol.1-6 - Dumitru Stăniloae

>> No.14296257

Not as rigorous, but read John Lamb Lash's Made in His Image. It's part of the plasmapill starter pack.

>> No.14296572

Im just pissed off that Orthodoxytards are trying to appropriate my Gnostic Aesthetics. Its just as bad as right wing Fascists calling themselves "Socialists"

>> No.14296683

Try the Rosicrucians

>> No.14296731
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wtf is the plasma pill? post the chart

>> No.14296742

How so? Sophia is mentioned in two books of the Bible. Very obscure teaching. Is it really as core as you think?

>> No.14296831

Holy Wisdom is Jesus Christ, not some mystical platonic female

>> No.14296893

One day I will. But it's:

Electric Universe Theory
John Lamb Lash - Not in His Image
Jacques LeCarriere - The Gnostics
Marguerite Yourcenar - The Abyss
Ken Wheeler's work

and god prob more I'm forgetting

>> No.14297019
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>> No.14297050

Jesus is Sophias male counterpart dumbass.

This is why Orthodoxytards should refrain from talking about and appropriating Gnostic Aesthetics. They are way too advanced for feeble minded Hylics such as yourself. You guys were so threatened by the Pacifist Gnostics you had to kill them off

>> No.14297060

Is this the guy that wrote that really interesting review of Laudato Si?

>> No.14297364
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How do you synthesize all the different forms of Christianity, all the different gospels and beliefs? I'm quite the indecisive person in general, and this shit just drives me crazy. I love Jesus, and I want to know how best to serve and love him. Any input is appreciated.

>> No.14297373

Best serve him by following what he said himself, Love God and Love thy neighbour.
Dont listen to an "Orthodox" Church to get your interpretation of scripture.
And you only really need to delve into Esoteric/Gnostic Christianity if it clicks with you. But the Exoteric teachings are designed for everyone

>> No.14297380

I was reading about Marcion the other day and some other early church gnostic teachings, and it honestly piqued my interest quite a bit. I don't mean to presume that I know more than countless theologians, but it honestly made a lot of sense. I'm also partial to the idea that the Gospel of the Lord is the so called Q source. I've yet to read any actual books on the subject, I've just been perusing through wiki articles.

>> No.14297392

Marcionism is an interesting stream of Christianity. Its basically Sethian Gnosticism but without the Esoteric/Gnosis part (Which was the best part imo).

But do you really think Jesus cares what label you give yourself in regards to the branches of Christianity, as long as you are someone who gives to the poor and renounces physical wealth.

The different "branches" of Christianity only really served to stir up hatred between Christians, causing them to Judge each other and tell eachother that the other sect was going to hell. The Church ended up killing everyone who didn't agree with their specific interpretation of Jesus's teachings, some very Anti-Christian tenancies.

>> No.14297416

Do you have any recommendations on books that are a good starting point for learning more about Gnosticism and esoteric Christianity? Also, I suppose you are right, that as long as I love God and everyone/thing on earth, and try to help out in any way I can, than Jesus will be pleased.

One thing that confuses me however, is what forms of worship are acceptable. I know idolatry is generally not accepted among a lot off denominations, and there's even more controversy around Mary I'd say. Yet, for some reason, whenever I look at images of Mary and Jesus (while listening to music under the influence of certain things), I feel sorrowful, but I also feel an overwhelming sense of comfort. Maybe it's because my mother died when I was young, but the idea that Mary is my heavenly mother who loves me (which I don't know if that's true, she could hate me I suppose) is honestly enough to bring me to tears.

>> No.14297423

Then what do you do with bad actors that work to destroy what is good?

>> No.14297435

For Esoteric/Gnosticism you could read either The Nag Hammadi texts, or "The Gnostic Bible".

But they will be tricky to understand properly if you dont have a background in Platonic/Neoplatonic Philosophy, because Gnosticism was just Platonism mixed with Christianity & a bit of Zoroastrianism.

You should definitely start by reading the Gospel of Thomas though, thats one book that scholars believe can definitely be traced back to the original Jesus and his disciples.
heres a good site:

As for the correct form of worship, its hard to say, go with how you interpret the bible. Generally its better to avoid iconography at all of the Prophets/Saints, but it isnt that bad as long as you arent worshipping the literal images.

There is a common debate about that between Sunni and Shia Muslims as well, Shias are fine with depicting Prophets as long as you arent worshipping the image itself. Sunnis dont make depictions at all

>> No.14297441

I mean, Jesus said to turn the other cheek didnt he?

The Gnostics, embodying this to the fullest extent, didnt even fight back against the persecution by the church

>> No.14297468

I really appreciate all the recommendations and help you've given me. I'll definitely check out those sites/books. I would exactly say I'm worshiping the images. I guess I'm more so using the images to facilitate the thoughts of them in my mind. I hope you don't mind me asking another question, but is it wrong to think about Mary or other saints in a spiritual way? Not necessarily praying, I don't know to explain it honestly.

>> No.14298397
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>Sophia is mentioned in two books of the Bible.
It is no surprise that the judeochristian bible does not have extant, or virtually any, reference to Sofia, because revelation of the Telos, and ontology, of Sofia - particularly in the instance of her being the virgin mother of the original Aryans - with entailing reconciliation of her aspected personifications present in mythology, to the masses, would render the judeochristian system obsolete, and cause a disturbance in the zionist worldcolony.

Wisdom is of the Holy Spirit, which is present in both: Jesus Christ, and Sofia.

>> No.14298560

beyond based. where is the image from? it's beautiful.

>> No.14298623
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This artist's name is Hugo Reinhold Karl Johann "Fidus" Höppener.

>> No.14298670

Thank you based trip. I'd love it if you could upload a reading list one of these days for advanced readers