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14292903 No.14292903 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14292916

what is wrong with The United States?
no other country has such problems

>> No.14292917

yeah bro i can relate to that, i got called a nerd for liking computers, a sissy for liking to wear girls clothes, a faggot for having a boyfriend, and a sodomite for being a homosexual, it's really unfair how people just arbitrarily assign labels based on stereotypes

>> No.14292926

can you fucking read you stupid fucking chimp? or do you know so fucking little about the states (but Lord, dont let that stop you from spewing retard juice from your mouth pussy) that you actually think people hear even know what Rugby is?

>> No.14292934

Maybe try not taking shit so personally, most of that sounds like banter

>> No.14292947

In the US, there it is really prevalent in the culture for people to be self-sustaining and independent. Constantly needing other people is seen as weak and burdensome. It's why even little babies get their own crib in their own room away from the parents.

When you're not able to do stuff like fight your own fights or you get nervous and apprehensive about minor things, it's burdensome to others. Teachers especially prefer that little boys "man up" so that they're not drug into every little fight between the boys. It's seen as an unnecessary chore.

I always liked books but never got called gay for it.

>> No.14292949

t. american shithead

>> No.14292951
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>waaahhhh please listen to my man problems even though I live a better life than 99% of women


>> No.14292956

youre supposed to quote it, retard
>t. europoor

>> No.14292960

thats a meme arrow retard

>> No.14292961


>> No.14292967

He is a fag. Liking rugby doesn’t make you an unfeeling moron. He probably thinks contact sports are for low iq normies, but loves shit like tennis because it’s more upper class and makes him feel superior

>> No.14292968

>called a big girls blouse

Obviously not American.

>> No.14292972

please use “normalniggers” while youre here
thanks, and enjoy your stay!

>> No.14292991

I got called a nerd for reading books and a faggot for being a virgin but I didn't give a fuck and certainly didn't bitch about it on twitter as a grown fucking man because I'm not a fucking pussy with no problems in his life

>> No.14293006

Won't anyone think of the women? They have it so rough

>> No.14293007

And I shall call him a faggot for broadcasting his little fee fee problems to the masses.

>> No.14293040
File: 45 KB, 960x730, 18194741_1870313376540759_8875193080182622563_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm straight but i'd rape this guy ironicallly just to hurt him lol

>> No.14293069

>you can't have problems if other people have it worse than you
People like you are why we still have homeless people.

>> No.14293070
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>Takes your book
>Shoves you into locker
>"Take that, NERD FAGGOT"

What do?

>> No.14293077

So even the KKK agrees that eskimos are based?

>> No.14293096

Knee him in the balls with the force of a thousand suns.
You can't build muscles in your crotch, and even if he's 6'3 I can reach his tests.
His cronies will destroy me while he's vomiting on the ground but while I'll be slurping porridge through a straw for the next 5 months I'll have the flicker of terror in his eyes every time he looks at me to provide some comfort.

>> No.14293097

Sounds kind of gay, 2bh.

>> No.14293104
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>> No.14293170

I love how you porn-addicted, spiritually weak European idiots circle Americans for the slightest gesture to call us idiots. I used to live over there and a good 20% of European men only experience excitement when an American asks any innocuous question or admits to not knowing some regionally-specific knowledge. It's downright bizarre.

>> No.14293182

>cataloguing every time someone said something mean to you in school

yep, these are your verified twitter accounts people. make sure to forgive no one least of all yourself and carry on like a sad little garden gnome

>> No.14293183
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>> No.14293188

Woah stop this mad lad!

>> No.14293191

That, dumb mutt, it because thinking belgium is a part of france is not a "lack of region-specific knowledge".

>> No.14293197
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How the fuck saying thar "astrology is not real" a controversial opinion? Is this some next level larping?! Jesus, the nerves of these people.

>> No.14293200
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Masculinity is a cult to death.

>> No.14293206
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>> No.14293214

Rugby is so much fun though, something must be a little off about a young man if he doesn't enjoy it. It's a very /lit/ and gentlemanly sport.

>> No.14293218
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>What do you mean memes and waifus aren't real?!?!?

>> No.14293220

It pretty much is with how irrelivenr Belgium is. It’s like the boring parts of France and the Netherlands united in one mediocre state. The only thing it’s known for is chocolate and the EU.

>> No.14293221

Women don't actually have it bad.

>> No.14293224

they all got to fucking after the gig was over, that's for sure

>> No.14293225

Yea I was called a fag for liking to read and draw as opposed to playing sports. Even by members of my own family. But I didn't take it to heart. And I wasn't afraid to stand up for myself and even fight if I needed to. Maybe stop being little bitches?

>> No.14293228

we dont expect eurofags to know all of our states, why do you expect the same?

>> No.14293229

tennis is based

>> No.14293233

This happened in my town and no, they didn't.

>> No.14293236

>big girl's blouse
Ahahaha get shat on faggot

>> No.14293242

what a little faggot
"weewee people are mean to me, please help me internet people, send likes"

>> No.14293254

This seems like a gen x thing. When I was in school boys were more likely to pretend to be gay to fuck with each other. I think zoomers are just all bi.

>> No.14293266

Ironic gay humor was weirdly popular with millenials desu

>> No.14293269

Belgium is literally a buffer state.

>> No.14293277

zoomer here
when i played sports in school we grabbed each other’s dicks (like slapping asses, but with dicks)

>> No.14293284


>> No.14293288

You can't even write a sentence. This is exactly what I'm talking about roflmao. Regardless of how much you hate us, I literally learn about new pussy muscles every time I go to Europe because your women are so thirsty for anything other than your chainsmoking, depressed, tired men. I also always hear from European men how "American girls are sluts" but never met one who's fucked one, and over here they complain how disgusting, smelly, and tired European men seem.
Usually when I see a European girl with a man, he's either Arab, American, or maybe British. Apparently the "genius" you guys possess ("Oooh, you Americans are so stupid, you don't know that you dip cheetohs in ketchup!?") isn't doing you any favors.
I can't wait to go back over there, maybe I'll get a job and tell your men what to do like all the other Americans that live over there.

>> No.14293292


>> No.14293294

My favorite example of it from my own life is that I had two friends who turned 18 in my senior year, so they went to the sex shop since they were now allowed in, and each bought 12 inch double-sided pink dildos and would chase each other around and slap each other with them, at school and elsewhere.I think one of them was orbiting the clerk there as well.
Gen A will just be kissing each other.

>> No.14293299

Imagine getting bullied this often and STILL having a flower background profile pic, they just can't beat the sissy out of this fella

>> No.14293300

I will admit that spurious notions of masculinity have led to generations of males plagued with anxiety and neuroses; however, this reflects a misunderstanding of what it means to be a man, not that masculinity itself is a problem. It isn't a coincidence that we get our word "manner" from the German plural form of Man, that is, Männer.
There is a proper way for a man to conduct himself, a manner. But men are few and far between these days. There is nothing wrong with having a natural capacity for aggression, experiencing anger and rage, but the key difference is how you handle these irrational impulses. Fundamentally, a man ought to be rational, in command of his passions, and willing to assume risks for a higher cause. To use Emerson's words, "God will not have his work made manifest by cowards," which is really to say that no woman will truly love you and serve you if you are a coward, if you fail to be a man.

>> No.14293304
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I got called a nigger on a anonymous chinese image board.

>> No.14293311

Flowers are based and greenpilled
Stay strong king.

>> No.14293330

the problem with the social construct of masculinity is less that your schoolchum might say a bad-bad to you, and more that women internalise it and sexually select based on it

>> No.14293350


>> No.14293352

but these cucks look at the world through a harpy paradigm in which the patriarchy is only performed by men to the benefit of men. they will never criticise women for enforcing the patriarchy, without which feminism is meaningless

>> No.14293369

Masculinity and progress are synonymous. The reason most great scientists and artists are men is because achievement is a way of sublimating the masculine desire to dominate

>> No.14293371

A man that doesn't utilize his body might as well be dead

>> No.14293385

Don't knock Belgium down anon. There is a notorious lot of pedo rings in there too.

>> No.14293387

Every jock I know appreciates intelligence in men. They don't make fun of nerds for knowing things, they make fun of nerds for being weak and effete. Reminder that Plato was one of the best wrestlers in Greece when he was a young man

>> No.14293404

Both of those things take time to improve. So nerds are being laughed at for indulging in knowledge before physique.

>> No.14293439

They're being laughed at for being men of thought/letters before being men of action. Balance is what they should be striving for

>> No.14293456

t. degenerate American who didn't know Belgium wasn't in France.

>> No.14293461

I like being a guy, it's not as bad as people make it seem. It seems like women who complain about masculinity don't actually know what it is

>> No.14293462

Not everyone is cut out for being both. And sometimes you avoid physical activities due to stigma such as emotional trauma.

>> No.14293469

Also when I was growing up, one thing that I didn't realize is that "nerds" actually weren't really that smart. Our valedictorian played baseball, plenty of kids did great in school and I saw at university that popularity =/= stupid. Reading a book like Lolita, even in highschool, sparked the interest of some of the really popular kids.
The "nerds," the really unpopular kids, were mostly consoomers or coomers if not both. Twilight, obsessive Harry Potter fandom, videogame t-shirts, etc. I don't know how American culture blended these things so well, but I can't tell you how many times someone has thought he was an outcast because he was smart, when 1) he wasn't smart and 2) he was addicted to a shitty cultural diet.

>> No.14293481

Macho men are just fags that gave up to peer pressure

>> No.14293483


>> No.14293488

not sure why the solution to the problem of "toxic masculinity" as it's perceived always requires performing femininity

>> No.14293493

You're not wrong, but just because somebody is a consoomer doesn't give the jock the right to chimp out on him. That's just the jock fapping his ego and overdosing on test in situations that don't need it. Often nerds become consoomers because of a subpar family situation. Also vidya and such were fringe once and actually needed technical know-how to install and operate.

>> No.14293516


>> No.14293524

I agree with you up to the part about "situations that don't need it." If you consoomer without too much real world validation and don't take proper cues from people, you can end up pretty schlubby in your 30s, working in a movie theater and schooling people on Star Wars and superhero knowledge. I see it excessively.
I actually was a consoomer my freshman year of high school and shedding that and the whole mindset that came with it through high school and eventually college and into a job that could actually support a family was one of the best things I ever did. I actually think reading classics and philosophy actually fixed my "nerddom" complex, allowed me to look objectively at successful and unsuccessful people, fixed my ressentiment, so to speak.
I still play videogames and go see shitty Hollywood movies with my friends but making that a part of your character is a horrible, horrible place to be. Even drugs and alcohol, which I'm not advocating, at least have some kind of real world thrill.

>> No.14293531

What the fuck does this have to do with literature

>> No.14293557

Only weaklings think that way. There is 3 possible men.
Those that give up to peer pressure and become "machos"
Those that don't give up, but don't fight back either. Like OP's pic
And those that do fight back.

>> No.14293581

I don't expect you to know all the bundesländer of Germany, or all the län of Sweden. I do, however, expect you uneducated mutts to know what country you're in.

>> No.14293583

are you referring to french fries?

>> No.14293699

>big girl's blouse
what the fuck is that even supposed to mean lol