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14291071 No.14291071 [Reply] [Original]

Have Conservatives always been pessimistic? I get the vibes that conservatives across the west are going full doomer.

I've recently been reading into contemporary conservatism, and three books in particular stand out to me, 'The Strange Death of Europe' by Douglas Murray, 'The Death of the West' by Pat Buchanan and 'America alone' by Mark Steyn stand out as DOOMER /lit/ in particular. Basically all three say the chances are slim of reversal, and Douglas Murray, in particular, thinks it's almost inevitable that liberalism will crack and decline in Europe (and perhaps across the west). Pat Buchanan straight up said it's all too late, Mark Steyn said in an interview that (Paraphrased as fuck) ' it won't be a total collapse, but there will be a great pruning, the question is how much will be pruned.'

I don't think that historically, conservatives have ever been as pessimistic as they are currently are. Even during the height of Mccarthyism during the cold war, there was wide Communist fear, but this never manifested as 'The Soviets are almost certainly destined to win and there's nothing we can do about it'. Edmund Burke wasn't all 'IT'S TOO LATE BRUH', so at some point something definitely changed.

>> No.14291079

you dont live in europe do you?

>> No.14291091


Yes, that's the whole point. If changes to a complex system wouldn't be harmful most of the time then why conserve the system?

>> No.14291103

Nothing lasts forever.

>> No.14291111

If you're a French speaker you should read Les Natchez by Francois-Rene Chateaubriand. He claimed that progressive movements would undermine Christianity and European culture to the point where European civilization would be reduced to barbarism

>> No.14291114

Edmund Burke lived in a 99.9% white England. Today, whites are a minority in the capital, where the mayor himself is a pakistani muslim.

The only way to save the west is to halt immigration (which won't solve the outbreeding issue) impose a one child policy on minority groups, deport a sizeable number of minorities, or have native whites triple their birth rates.

I promise you nothing above will happen before whites become a minority voting block and it becomes impossible to enact. Its dead, Jim.

>> No.14291120
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People on the right are coming around to the salient and terrifying fact that demographics are indeed destiny, and demographically we are in the greatest crisis ever known to mankind. Intelligent people are essentially going extinct; there can be no recovery after that.

>> No.14291133
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>I do not expect ‘history’ to be anything but a ‘long defeat'

>> No.14291150


>He thinks pakis vote.


>> No.14291163

>I get the vibes that conservatives across the west are going full doomer
That's because they are slowly realizing that the ideology they pumped up, neoliberalism, isn't actually conservatism, and has too much momentum to be beaten.

>> No.14291776

Liberalism assumes egalitarianism in order to work. We know now that egalitarianism isn't true at all, therefore liberalism can't work.

>> No.14291787

>'The Strange Death of Europe' by Douglas Murray, 'The Death of the West' by Pat Buchanan and 'America alone' by Mark Steyn
Ignore these pseudointellectual rhetoricians and read intelligent intellectual conservatives like John Lukacs, etc. Also pessimism is a staple of modernity in general. Marxists, postmodernists, etc. tend to be almost as pessimistic if not moreso than cultural conservatives.

>> No.14291829

The OP's example isn't really rhetoric though, it's pure and simple statistical analysis.

>> No.14291833

>and read intelligent intellectual conservatives like John Lukacs
>Lukacs was born in Budapest, Hungary, the son of Magdaléna Glück and Pál Lukács (born Löwinger), a physician.[5] The parents were Jewish
>Being a proponent of a liberal democracy and an anti-Communist, Lukacs nevertheless wrote in the early 1950s several articles in Commonweal criticizing the approach taken by Senator Joseph McCarthy, whom he described as a vulgar demagogue.[4]
>Lukacs saw populism as the primary threat to modern civilization.
lol no thanks

>> No.14291843

Hello resentful slave moralist.

>> No.14291851

>majority of his work seem to harp on and on about WW2 which is all but irrelevant today
>even his books written this decade are about fucking Hitler and the USSR
>says nothing about the real problem with society which is liberalism
Granted, this is purely from looking at the wiki, but in what way is this guy anything but more of the same,a masturbatory exercise in intellectual distraction?

>> No.14291855

>majority of his work seem to harp on and on about WW2 which is all but irrelevant today
Doubtful - I get the feeling it informs much of your worldview...
>says nothing about the real problem with society which is liberalism
You know this how? Idiot. *punches you*

>> No.14291889

I’m not OP, but I guess you’re going to imply it’s a lot worse than the thinks?

America is pretty bad too to be honest. It’s just that we never really had a “West” to begin with like Europe, or if we did, it died a long time ago. It’s been a never ending expanse of dirty multicultural shopping malls and urban “no go zones” for as long as I can remember. I think it was for my parents and grandparents as well. It was just more white than it is now, but still less “Western culture” and more “Shopper culture”.

>> No.14291896

>Doubtful - I get the feeling it informs much of your worldview...
WW2 is boomer bullshit propped up to absurd levels of cultural celebration and elevation. It is, and I say this with no irony, overrated. What kind of dumb fuck thinks Hitler or Stalin matter nowadays?

>You know this how? Idiot. *punches you*
I would kill you in a fight.

>> No.14292018

Conservatism, in as far as it is backward-facing, will always be pessimistic.

>> No.14292020
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>Intelligent people are essentially going extinct; there can be no recovery after that.
This is true, but let's not just blame immigration. It's a process that has been going on for centuries, at least since the industrial revolution, if you believe Ed Dutton.

You could stop all immigration and deport all immigrants from Europe, but you'd still end up with a dumber and dumber mass of white people, who would vote for more and more social safety nets.

That's why old fashioned nationalism and conservatism aren't enough and there needs to be a spiritual right wing resurgence if you want to turn things around.
Mind you, this right wing resurgence could still come in the form of "democratic institutions", for example with a right wing takeover of the EU.

>> No.14292027

>ywn be half as Catholic as Tolkien

>> No.14292039

>The fall of Stalingrad was the end of Europe

>> No.14292058


>> No.14292077

This is true. Here in England only half of the decrease in genetic potential is due to the 50 shades of brown people. There is a clear disgenic trend and going full transhumanist is the only way.

>> No.14292111

White people gave up, why give a shit about pathetic people who intentionally made themselves rootless?

>> No.14292116

Idiots do have children more frequently than smart people (particularly smart women) but the rate of decline is increased by white people only having 1-2 kids and immigrants having 3-6.

>> No.14292123

Was that always the case though? Didn't smart people in the past have just as many children as dumb ones?

>> No.14292129

It's a quote from LF Celine

>> No.14292138

I think everyone itt agrees on the two problems and the virtual impossibility to avoid them in the current societal/political mores, hence the doomer aspect.
Also migrants don't have 3-6 children, even the niggs. They have those numbers in their faraway shitholes (ensuring an infinite supply to import for our politicians) but once in yurop they stick to numbers only slightly higher than the natives.

>> No.14292142

This has been my view for a long time. The idea of rebuilding the nation state is so dated and absurd it is comically quaint. If the future is to be redeemed it is through a very small cadre of global elite using science to genetically manipulate humanity forward.

>> No.14292154

Women were arranged to have them.
The generally slightly more arranged pairing (which was only 'forced' in specific social milieu) also meant that Chadness was not the endgame of dating. It also ensured continuous marriages.
There were also fewer distractions. Even rich people might just get bored without children.

>> No.14292164
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>le Idiocracy is coming true

>> No.14292210
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Given the reality of the situation, and the rate at which tradition has been abandoned or even spat upon, the real question is why are conservatives so optimistic and compliant?

>> No.14292228

In bongland they do, more kids means more gibbs. The more westernised immigrants than have 1-2 (even if they are mudslims) I'm okay with as they are generally smarter. The ones who abuse the system and act like their still living in a shithole are the problem.

>> No.14292616

>Intelligent people are essentially going extinct
Chink will literally become the new hegemon. Check last PISA, they owned everyone else by a wide margin despite still being relatively poor.

>> No.14292627
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How about conservatives stop spouting ideological nonsense about some grand plan for destroying the white race and actually analyze the material reasons for immigration and decline of traditional culture

>> No.14292636

>analyze the material reasons for immigration and decline of traditional culture
Niggotron, that's exactly what they're doing. Demographics is the material reason why Europe will go down the drain in no more than 30-40 years.

>> No.14292641
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>> No.14292642

Conservatism has literally always been about tricking the idiot and alienated by means of aggressive pessimism. Notice how Hitler's speeches were about the Germans being persecuted by the jews and so on. The right wing preys on alienation by capitalism and blames it on all the wrong people.

>> No.14292646

Think he means more why immigration is a thing in the first place not the potential end cause of it. Westerners need more fuel gor their capitialistic fire and defintely fucked up many of the immigrants homes

>> No.14292647
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>> No.14292654

>why immigration is a thing
Because that's literally how the economic ruling class is trying to palliate the demographic collapse.

>> No.14292658

the will to fight has been manufactured out of us.

we are experiencing the barbarism of reflection. The visigoths spill over the walls and 9/10ths of the population tacitly approves because resisting would require effort.

realistically i don't see it turning around. the people who have done it get more entrenched every year. perhaps, too late the then great minority will realize that they have been disenfranchised in their own countries and there will be a war. but even in victory, the primacy of europe will likely end.

>> No.14292661
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>> No.14292668

Nigger, you're focusing on the wrong shit. Go one step further with your thinking. Immigration helps capital because of all the cheap labor. This results in the working class being fucked over. You don't need a whole white genocide conspiracy theory to see that the ruling class is fucking over the working class. Fascism is the socialism of the fools.

>> No.14292670

That's elite schools in major cities, you got rused

>> No.14292681

Idk. I feel like I’m theoretically very optimistic, but because of the overwhelming negativity bias atm, it’s become infectious. Not because I too am absorbing the particular negative perception of other people, but because I’m assuming that other people are pessimistic, which saddens my inner optimistic/realist. I guess you could call it meta-pessimism if you will.

>> No.14292686
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>Immigration helps capital because of all the cheap labor
Yes. The rest of your post is tankie ramblings.

>> No.14292691

I'm telling you to stop focusing on identity politics, like whiteness, and focus on what actually matters. The ruling class is fucking us over because of capital, not race.

>> No.14292699

>I'm telling you to stop focusing on identity politics, like whiteness
I didn't say a thing about race. It's you who keeps mentioning this crap, you're fucking obsessed.

>> No.14292710

Conservatism as we know it is a fundamentally unsustainable con job and its tensions are coming to light. Cynicism is the only thing they would feel if they were at all self-aware.

>> No.14292729

They have some reasons to be pessimistic:

Liberalism completely dominates universities and large companies. And liberals are not afraid to use their power. One of the opening salvos of the new culture war happened when a man lost his job for opposing gay marriage. Even the last bulwark against liberalism, the Catholic Church, a powerful segment of the church (the Catholic Church of Germany is the richest part of the Church, richer than the Vatican) is about to abandon the old morals and adopt the morals of the Sexual Revolution:


If you take a look at the media, they are always promoting liberal values. They even consider them as "obvious truths that should obviously be promoted". Recently, even Nancy Drew was shown having casual sex in a CW TV series. If you take a look at Netflix, they are promoting polyamory.

The only thing that could make them optimistic is unironically /pol/. But a part of the conservative movement's leadership is not smart enough to recognize this.
Suddenly, young people fell on the lap of conservatives. Conservatives did nothing for this. But they got some young people. And not the mindless young people. They got the creative ones. And how did they take this opportunity?
Like this

With great strategists like this I wonder if conservatives sometimes think why they lost so many culture war battles the last few decades.

>> No.14292735

>telling you to stop focusing on identity politics, like whiteness
You don't need to. Racial and ethnic identity will only last a few years longer than national identity before capitalism destroys it. Then we can have the war between apple and Google customers

>> No.14292749

Whites can stop with identity politics but nobody else will. Whites can say race is not real but nobody else will. Whites can think race has no bearing on anything but nobody else will. You dumb fucking nigger.

>> No.14292957

>Fascism is the socialism of fools
Based retard, both views are moronic. Socialism just puts more power in governments hands which unless you've been fed the myth of democracy are heavily intertwined with the ruling class.

>> No.14293241
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>trying to argue with tankies OBSESSED with identity and tribalism


>> No.14293271

The only people without strong ethnic views are bourgeois leftists. Read the bible and tell me how many references to tribes and lineage there are

>> No.14293273

While I agree that some people are too focused on race/ethnicity, ignoring it entirely is foolish.
It plays a part whether you like it or not, even from a purely utilitarian viewpoint:
1. because populations are in fact psychologically different and create different societies
2. because of increasing social tensions, conflicts...
In addition to this you have more poetic/sentimental nationalist arguments, the desire for diversity (preservation of different groups/cultures) and so on.

It's an ugly subject to talk about, especially if you leave it to plebs, because we don't like to make people feel excluded and we have the whole spooky nazi legacy haunting us. But if we open our minds we can find a way.

>> No.14293290
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>if you only knew how bad things really are

>> No.14293291

Nobles had 2-3x more children than peasants in the middle ages.
They're well below replacement as well, it's just that there's more of them and they have fewer immigrants.

>> No.14293297

>He doesn't know about the tribal vote.
You don't even know how Khan became an MP do you? Go look at his constitutions, then look at who the current MP is and then understand that this happens in places like tower hamlet and so on with any place in a similar situation.

>> No.14293301


>> No.14293313

They're already doing that to dumb you down.

>> No.14293328


Pretty neat bathhouse, NGL.

>> No.14293349

All I can really talk about here are american conservatives, but, yeah, I think conservatives have a very depressing view on the world.

Their pov is born out of deep nihilism. First they believe in god, while ignoring his messages and beliefs. Largely this is due to the fact that they don't actually study the bible, anti intellectualism, but also because they don't care. They don't really believe in truth, because they don't believe in questions. They don't care about knowing, because knowing is to see and understand the world, and from their perspective wordliness is sinful and wrong because they basically hate the world. They hate people, hence why they live far apart in rural america. They don't care about their countrymen -- they don't believe in healthcare, or education, or paying taxes. They believe in their country in an abstraction because it gives them a sense of history, identity, and belonging but when it comes to people they just don't care much about them.

So they only believe in god because they think life is shit. They don't care about their fellow countrymen, let alone other people. All they want is the fantasy of "getting on top" -- having it all, working themselves to death, owning the world. Conservatives are top tier nihilists.

>> No.14293354

Yes we did, the USA before industrialization was radically different from the USA of today. Americans were the global standards for health, fitness, height, and literacy. There was a strong spirit of anti-materialism, self sufficiency, and humility. It was industrialization that created the "ugly America" of today; WWI was the final nail in the coffin because it changed the US education system into a factory for industrial soldiers and laborers and there is too much red tape now for anybody to fix it.

>> No.14293388

>material reasons
Which are?

>> No.14294149

What's so bad about white people becoming a minority?

>> No.14294187

The majority of the great inventions of the last few centuries have come from white people. The internet, space exploration, industry, airplanes, automobiles, and secular law are products of white civilization. The United States alone develops more medicine than the rest of the world combined. White people are also the most charitable. You may not care about white people dying out because you have some meme ideology but the world will absolutely miss them.

>> No.14294199

good post

>> No.14294219

Do you care about the environment at all? White people are the only ones that do.

>> No.14294264

Seeing your own culture vanish to another one that still has their home culture too probably sucks, but you probably dont give a shit about that so who cares.

>> No.14294269

overlooked post


>> No.14294398

Its seeing the culture & heritage disappear in one generation. How can we justify the Scandinavians becoming minorities in their own countries?

They created the social democracy as we know it and its already crumbling under a worldwide liberal psychosis. The sweds are making cuts, the danes too.

We will lose them and see the corporate elite fuck everyone over while the present day liberals wont even now what hit them. Social cohesion will die.

>> No.14294433

I wonder if anti-white people think some other benevolent group will take over? White people are uniquely open and accommodating to other cultures. It can be empirically proven that they don't have the same in-group preference that every other group has. They're so open that it's enabling the destruction of their own people. People don't realize that there's a dark age coming in every sense of the term.

>> No.14294451

They don't care, It's about revenge for them.

>> No.14294478

seriously China is still in the 'throw them in camps' stage of ethnic tolerance. If they end up running shit a lot of minorities are going to be fucked

>> No.14294489

America is still doing that. Minorities are probably fucked no matter what.

>> No.14294495

America is not doing that in the slightest, it has a gargantuan welfare program paying for its black population

>> No.14294501

If white countries were dominated the normal way it wouldnt be so pathetic that theyre becoming minorities in their own countries.

>> No.14294504

I don't think America operated open jails.

>> No.14294513

Le ice kid camps is probably what he means

>> No.14294572

The state of this mind

>> No.14294612
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No matter how bad world could be if nazis won, it couldn't possibily be worse than this

>> No.14294638

But we have that with jews only they are manipulating humanity backwards

>> No.14294846

He was right, Europeas leaders are inviting Muslims, niggas, poos and asians

>> No.14295077
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What so bad about, as a people, losing democratic and cultural autonomy over your only homeland by being internally inflenced by the needs and ambitions of a statistically significant ammount of members of multiple different cultures, all with their cultural center outside of your direct sphere of influence, with some of those being diametrically opposed to your own?
Your question is especially curious when its made from the left(which it almost always is).
If, as reiterated by the left ad nauseam, minorities are inherently oppressed, dismissing the impact on whitey becoming a minority or deluding him into thinking its in his best interest, represents a demonstration of ill-will by their own twisted identity politics standards.

All this mess is delusion, confusion, self sabotage and eventual assisted suicide.
And thats reason enough to be very sceptical, no matter if conservative, progressive, or whatever label of faggotry.

>> No.14295887

Dear cuck, one way or another traitors will get the rope or bullet or nuclear obliteration

>> No.14295943

One way or another people like you will be terminated with extreme prejudice. If you are an NPC, a troll, a Jew, a Last Man, a Muslim, it doesn't matter. What kind of psychofuck you does not matter. Their is no future reality where you won't be killed and possibly severely tortured. Lol, it's actually probably better that the Muslim invaders replace you as you will go quietly for them because you are weak and disgusting. If white people get their shit together and save themselves you may be brutally tortured. All of this I say unironically. It truly blows my mind that you don't see what is most likely coming. It's like you have never read a history book or stepped outside academia. Things have started changing extremely fast if you haven't noticed and you probably have not. Ideas that are no in the mainstream and mainstream fringe ideas where unheard of just 7 years ago. Good luck with that attitude though. I'm sure your replacers will take kindly to your cowardice, I wouldn't.

>> No.14295954

My Jewish media masters have made it cool to be ok with this.

>> No.14296018

The fuck are you talking about.

Conservatives give far more in charity and charitable labor than liberals. They just don't cede that charity to the state in order for it to purchase social relevancy and authority first.

>> No.14296085

>Minorities are probably fucked no matter what.
Then why are they moving to white countries and white neighborhoods?

>> No.14296151

They want some of that good white supremacy oppression the Goldsteins and Sacklers and Weinsteins talk about.

>> No.14296587
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That Stalingrad didn't fall was the end of Europe.

>> No.14296656


I suppose if my most fervent hope were that the sun never rises or sets, I'd get pretty cynical myself.

>> No.14296692


As someone raised by American Conservatives, this is pretty true. It almost literally promotes a mindset of "The world is fundamentally awful, you'll only be happy when you're dead; keep your head down, don't cause much trouble, just work and do what you're told until you keel over and everything gets better".

It's a convenient mindset to promote when you want obedient drone-like peons.

>> No.14297064

Yes part of the reason for mass importation is because if you're non-white then you're extremely easy to control with barely any effort required. They do actually vote, and it's always for whoever the group decides, and whoever the group decides is decided by elites.

>> No.14297111

What's so bad about white people not being okay with it? Is the question you need to ask yourself.

But on the overall scale, whites are humanity's only hope for not being mindless insectoid slaves.

>> No.14297120
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>Even the last bulwark against liberalism, the Catholic Church, a powerful segment of the church (the Catholic Church of Germany is the richest part of the Church, richer than the Vatican) is about to abandon the old morals and adopt the morals of the Sexual Revolution:

The German Church is going to be outflanked by the Church in Africa, Southeast Asia, and Subcontinental Asia. The decrepit old men of Germany's Church are already beginning to falter. /pol/ doesn't like the Church of the peripheries because they're black, brown, and yellow, but they're more traditionalist than any bishop in Europe, and they're gathering strength.

Why do you think so many traditionalist Catholics like guys like Cardinal Sarah or Cardinal Ranjith? It's not because they're "progressive," I can promise you that. The old men in Germany are on their last gasp.

>> No.14297148


>if you're non-white then you're extremely easy to control with barely any effort required

Tbf this applies to whites as well

>> No.14297431


Threads like this make me happy that I'm a childless, nihilist atheist.

>> No.14297613

Corporates are the new feodals and they need to keep their cattle docile.
Conservativism is by defenition always AGAINST something.
Nazis could not win.

>> No.14297681

If you want some real right-wing gloom and amazing prescience, read Wilhelm Marr's The Victory of Jewry Over Germany from 1879, wherein he predicts that the last non-Judaized realm of the West, Russia, would be brought down by a Jewish-instigated revolution, after which a Jewish victory over Europe would be a done deal.

>Corporates are the new feodals and they need to keep their cattle docile.
mass-immigration is what corporations want and are shilling for you retard.
It keeps wages low:
>Nazis couldn't have won
You obviously fon't know shit about history. There a so many little thing that would've led to a completely altered outcome of the war if they had happened differently. If the pro-Nazi King Edward VIII hadn't abandoned the British throne to fuck an American woman, he may well have been able to prevent the war. Or take how Heisenberg was able to figure out how nuclear bombs work so shortly after the end of WW2, which is how the British got the bomb. Or take all the sabotage committed by German noblemen in the army who were outraged by the fact that under Hitler the commoners could now attain higher ranks than them, which the NS leadership mostly didn't notice until the war was almost over. What if the Japanese had attacked the USSR after Barbarossa instead of doing the retard move of dragging the USA into the war? What if Mussolini hadn't gone insane and attacked fascist Greece for no reason?

>> No.14297685

Every great technological innovation, every great governmental system, every single work of art even remotely worth anything of merit, all have been created by white people.
Non whites that are civilized have not become civilized through any act of their own, but rather because of whites gifting them civilization. The second white people become the minority or go extinct, the world will devolve into chaos and anarchy. We are the only thing holding this shit together.

>> No.14297706

They're better to be around, whether you are white yourself or not.
It's really just a case of trading a better to a worse state of affairs. You can scream that preventing it is ultra horrible, but it doesn't change the situation.

>> No.14297724

How do you even come back from this level of subversion?
Conservatives are consistently much happier than non-conservatives, in spite of being the butt of jokes in most means of communication.
They are (among with lolbergs which I put together here) the only societal/political group not completely eaten by gnosticism and not hating creation on principle.
You just make grand claims about them being under terminal subversion (how so?) up to claiming they can't possibly even care about anything true or good, making discussion useless. You only forgot to say they are vampires eating communist babies for breakfast.

>> No.14297740

Imagine being this much of an NPC. So many years of indoctrination.

Being a conservative is essentially lifting yourself out of the doldrums. It's about bettering yourself, improving yourself, getting successful, getting rich as fuck.
The key difference between liberals and conservatives is that conservatives want to improve their lives, and hope you do too.
Liberals want to make you weak. They hate progress (actual progress, not pseudo liberal "progress"), want you to be poor and miserable like they are, and want to bring you down to their level.
If you're a male and you aren't conservative, you're basically a waste of genetics and should not reproduce. This shit is why you start balding at 19 and get cuck fetishes.

>> No.14297758

Do these books ever touch on the slavs? I feel that when people say europe they mean like 5 countries in europe.

>> No.14297761

Even the most slavnigger countries still have a 10 times better quality of life than the best countries in shithole Africa or the Middle East.

>> No.14297787

too accurate

>> No.14297789

Not been to Moldova or Serbia have you?

>> No.14297926
File: 37 KB, 625x415, questions-i-have-about-arthur-2-29041-1485900101-3_dblbig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really think the Chinese government would do that? Just manipulate stats to make themselves look good?

>> No.14297935

Yes but none of them are taking huge amounts of niggers and pakis.

>> No.14297962

Because niggers and pakis don't want to go there (for now). But Poland is taking Vietnamese, Ukrainians... Russia is taking lots of Churkas...
Almost none of the eastern countries have anti-immigration policies. Maybe with the exception of Hungary.

>> No.14298227

conservatives. losers. they play defense for a bit until they inevitably give in and move on to lose the next fight. all in a dignified manner of course. fuck 'em.

>> No.14298340

I sat under that tree, and in the same position (by coincidence), just before it got chopped down

>> No.14298398
File: 519 KB, 1000x500, 1574695865204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Conservatism is completely and utterly gay and anybody who thinks it's a serious ideology in the year 2019 is a dumbass.

You can't go back in time, you can accelerate into a greater future.

>> No.14299271

When did you grow out of racism? Me, it was when I was 17 and dated a black guy for the first time

>> No.14299596

>All of this I say unironically.
Condolences, bro. Sounds like it raised your blood pressure. Or maybe just gave you a boner
>It truly blows my mind that you don't see what is most likely coming
>*most likely

>> No.14299759

Don't worry anon, I'm not them or white but I've always considered racial/ethnic/nationalistic/gender identity to be absolute nonsense. I'll never support that silliness. I want to see everyone united and nobody losing at the expense of another group's "gain". If only more people thought this way, we could come together as a species and become an interstellar one, and also create true happiness for everyone here on Earth. For now, I stand with all the disidentified white people and hope more people join our cause.

>> No.14299770

>Trump and republicans are conservatives

Shut the fuck up

>> No.14299785

I've watched his interview with Peter Robinson - what a hack. In Anno Domini 2019, Anglos still don't get it. In the interview, he said he supports women's right, gay rights, etc. Still believes in advancement of technology, of society, of civilization. They just blame it on "post-modern" ideas that have no foundations, liberal academia, innate issue of democracy, etc. They don't have solution - how can they? Such rampant liberalism is the conclusion of Anglo-Saxon pragmatism, with additional German idealism and Frankish notion of pagan god sprinkled here and there. In such empirical-pragmatism, eventually, borders have no meaning - race have no meaning - how can they? They still are afraid - or more like incapable - of seeing outside their little Anglo box. American boomers say "its the academis, its dems, its urban liberals, its immigrants, its jews, its KGB-infiltration in upper academia" and so on. (Probably have irrational hatred of Russia - a staple diet of myopic Anglo, and irrational condescension on Chinamen, yellowpeople, brushing their reality as "it will collapse any time", "copycat yellowman can't compete") No, its the entire foundation - entire Anglo-Saxon pragmatism-Protestantism that created this. Whenever I see poltards bringing Ben Franklin quote about America being literal New England makes me laugh - you designed a slippery slope, and whine about how its not supposed to be a slipper slope.

See >>14298906

>> No.14299798 [DELETED] 

The left once again exposes itself as a bunch of ridiculous ideologues. If you don't see real differences between groups of people you are the definition of insane. You're perceiving reality as you should. It's one thing to hope and pray that everybody will stop having an in-group preference, that's merely being out of touch. It's quite another thing to act on that desire and destroy one of those most productive and charitable people that have ever existed on this planet.

You're not just an enemy to me, but to all people. You're a destroyer of culture and everything that people unique with no clue what true happiness is. If I were capable of shooting you I would.

>> No.14299805

The left once again exposes itself as a bunch of ridiculous ideologues. If you don't see real differences between groups of people you are the definition of insane. You're not perceiving reality as you should. It's one thing to hope and pray that everybody will stop having an in-group preference, that's merely being out of touch. It's quite another thing to act on that desire and destroy one of those most productive and charitable people that have ever existed on this planet.

You're not just an enemy to me, but to all people. You're a destroyer of culture and everything that makes people unique with no clue what true happiness is. If I were capable of shooting you I would.

>> No.14299822

Tbh you sound deranged.

>> No.14299837

No, but I'm as angry as any reasonable person should be when they witness a genocide.

>> No.14299864

>muh white genocide
Have sex

>> No.14299886

I have and my mind still hasn't changed. What now?

>> No.14299895
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Marxists have been doomers ever since Gramsci

>> No.14299902


>> No.14299912

You are just falling for Irish propaganda

>> No.14299918

Have children

>> No.14299920

Edmund Burke was Irish too. Something fishy is up

>> No.14300438
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>le charitable white person face

>> No.14300497

White people are the only reason you snake bastards are alive to spit on them.

>> No.14300594

Lol, nope. White race is gonna die out keep seething and LARPing with your threats about day of the rope/civil war and other stormfag nonsense

>> No.14302147

But in a based way.

>> No.14302159

Where are the real conservatives then? reddit.com/r/nrx?

>> No.14302165

Take your medications

>> No.14302272

Any translated works by chance?

>> No.14303238

Is this a good book? How about the other two? They are on my read list but I havent started yet.

>> No.14303300

Though the aristocrats that advance their personal interests of course have a coherent ideology and goal- i.e. transcending humanity through absolute domination of the world that is enabled by domestication of perceived inferior human counterparts, conservatives are manipulated by the aforementioned elite like cattle to live in fear and to illogically defend their masters in hopes of one day being invited to some upper class party in a New York penthouse.

Let's imagine the cognitive dissonance your average right-winger experiences every day in the American context. They advocate for a meritocracy yet you complain about the Chinese and Indians that take university seats because they scored higher than them- in a much more competitive environment I may add. They defend the free market and the right of corporations to maximize profit without any government interference yet whine about Tyson Foods employing illegal Mexican immigrants to clean pigshit for $3/hr. They praise additional military funding while staunchly defending the right to carry their assault rifles on their backs into a McDonalds, just in case there is a coup and the people need to form a militia to fight back against the F-35 jets and the drones that blast them from 3km away. Worst of all, half of these people would actually join government forces in the event of civil unrest as reactionaries worship the police.

See for yourself. Take a trip to /pol/ and remind them that there is no wall, that the president is a criminal that launders money for the Saudis and the Russians, that the trade war is a disaster, that his tax cut is a massive wealth transfer to the wealthy, and that American hegemony has been severely undermined with this bungling of European diplomacy. Surprisingly, no one will dispute these points. Instead, they reply that they will vote for this party out of spite to "trigger the libs". This is the ultimate culmination of reactionary ideology. They cannot come to grips with the internal inconsistencies of their ideology and prefer to believe that through violent racial purification, everyone will one day be a member of the upper class.

>> No.14303340

>They advocate for a meritocracy yet you complain about the Chinese and Indians that take university seats because they scored higher than them

Meritocracy and not wanting to be bred out of your homeland are not mutually exclusive.

>> No.14304524

The entire political apparatus has been going against the conservative grain for like 500 years, it makes sense why we would be this way.

>> No.14304535

Not within the overton window.

>> No.14305677
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I'm not a "cuck". I love Europe. I love European people and European culture. But a civilization is an organism and all organisms eventually become senescent and die. Why would European civilization be magically different from all the other civilizations that have came and went?

>> No.14305698

The problem is that this isn't a natural death of a people. This is something that is being inflicted onto European people through policy designed to kill them.

>> No.14305817

Your last four digits are the year it's going to happen

>> No.14305820

Alcohol and Christianity are the worst things to ever happen to Europe and European culture. But don't worry, the deportations are going to begin soon.

>> No.14305844

Why conserve a system that allowed us to get here?

>> No.14305853

Because whites are superior. I realize that's not a pc thing to say, but it's the truth.

>> No.14306142

Big Burke lived in Dublin, Ireland lad

>> No.14306148

Fucking based.

>> No.14306485

They're inflicting it on themselves. How is that not natural?

>> No.14306585

The original proponents of mass migration and policies that promote miscegenation among white people are and always have been Jewish thought leaders like Noel Ignatiev, most of them because they have some weird gripe against white Americans for not accepting Jewish refugees from Germany during WW2. But even if we ignore the Jewish aspect of it, there's still people like Lyndon Johnson who signed the 1965 immigration act knowing that it would displace whites and they hailed it as "progress." This was not a popular bill which had the consent of the majority. People knew what would happen and opposed it for that reason, yet it was imposed on them anyway.

>> No.14306754

It's not about trying to kill them. The reality is simple: Governments tried to implement population-control policies around the mid 20th century. However, they worked too well, and now we have a rapidly declining population which leads to a demand crisis. Also, China's rise has shown that population is power. Therefore, the State must pursue an increase in the population, and the only way to do that right now is immigration. No one is really willing to entertain drastic measures yet.

I don't think it's necessarily caused by liberalism as >>14299785 writes, usually liberal narratives are just a veneer for State policy anyway. In the 19th and early 20th century in the US, Progressives/Liberals were the only ones to ever succeed at immigration restriction. Honestly, I can't think of many "Conservative" regimes that have done things like reduce immigration, and why would they since Conservatism typically represents (relatively) labor-intensive industry.

>> No.14306768

But thoughts don't matter. People will paint themselves with whatever ideas most conveniently match their current lifestyle. It's nothing but the way they present themselves to other people, who don't care anyways.

>> No.14306801

"Facts don't care about your feelings" -Ben Shapiro

>> No.14307925

>Their is no future reality where you won't be killed and possibly severely tortured.


>> No.14307948

A lot of conservatives are realizing the role they play in the system, essentially just playing the role of the loyal opposition and securing the past victories of the left.

Conservatives do in general have a more tragic view of the world as imperfectible as well.

>> No.14307987

the holocaust is not real

>> No.14308304

basically all modern thought comes down to this

from here we can rebuild European values

>> No.14308379

Materialists need to be gassed. Capital is u important, only God maters

>> No.14308486

But if you're not trying to conserve society as is because we've past the point where society should have been conserved then you're not a conservative, you're a reactionary.

>> No.14308732

>because they scored higher than them
By cheating.


>> No.14308876

underrated post

>> No.14309659

>calling others NPC
>while being this much of a cocksucker

>> No.14309697

I mean yeah, this is pretty much spot on. This is actually close to my theory as to why they cling to the white race so much: it’s literally all they have left. Every other thing has been taken away from them and they’ve been conditioned to accept it. Religion, family structure, community, sexual behavior, etc. Nothing that any conservative ever says or does makes any fucking difference because they’re still bootlickers and support the structures that are responsible for every issue they have in the modern world. The worst part is that even have 4 year of Trump accomplishing nothing, 4 years of the world largely becoming more progressive, 4 years of globalization unstopped and immigration cranked up to the point of no return, they STILL won’t reconsider their support for the system. They’ll still just call their opponents commies and libtards and act like their job is done. They’re past the point of pity, they’re just vile people. Mainstream conservatism is a giant grift itself. So no, none of their pessimism is taken seriously because they’re anti-intellectual and never confront how nonsensical their ideology actually is

>> No.14309723

Do you think /pol/ types wouldn't burn the current government to the ground if they had the opportunity to do so? You seem to overestimate their loyalty to the current authority. The stereotypical conservatives and /pol/-types are completely different animals.

>> No.14309730

The truth hurts.

>> No.14309737

start writing fantasy now then

>> No.14309745

I'm curious as to what you propose to do. Which bloated set of theories shall we choose as our savior this time?

>> No.14309763

Any 'prediction' that goes more than half a decade into the future is useless.

>> No.14309816

>The second white people become the minority or go extinct, the world will devolve into chaos and anarchy. We are the only thing holding this shit together.
Source for that?
At least in my city with roughly 1/3 immigrants here in western krautland most immigrants were integrating and assimilating perfectly fine and the bigger issue is and was the deindustrialization the city went through and the still below average income and not immigrants.

>> No.14309834

you bitching leftoids are really no better than trump cultists you just have this haughty air about you like you think your shit don't stink

>> No.14309835

Actually, it would be worse.
>Genocide of all jews
>Genocide of all christians
>Genocide of all slavs
>Genocide of all homosexuals
>Aryan fake science stunts technological development
>All minorities are either exterminated or made into slaves
>The world is ruled by a dysfunctional system
>No marvel movies
But atleast there is less blacks lmao. *dabs*

>> No.14309860

You don't need a source. Look at any country where non whites are the majority. They are all shitholes.
And of course you can make excuses about how it's "systematic oppression" and "bad climate" and other dancing around the issue, but statistics don't lie. The second those sandniggers in Germany start outbreeding you (and they will), they will kill you all and feel absolutely zero remorse in doing so.

>> No.14309862

>Genocide of all jews

I don't see a problem.

>Genocide of all christians


>Genocide of all slavs

Can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs.

>Genocide of all homosexuals

I don't see a problem.

>Aryan fake science stunts technological development

Didn't medical technology advance quite a lot due to the nazi autopsies that no one had the ethical balls to perform?

>All minorities are either exterminated or made into slaves

Depending on which minorities, it's the same deal as with the Jews or the Slavs.

>The world is ruled by a dysfunctional system

So dysfunctional that it made a country with a completely ruined economy take on almost all of Europe in a couple years' span.

>No marvel movies

Good riddance!

>> No.14309865

conservatism is now realising that it's dying/being killed, and it's going to be replaced with something much meaner and more forceful

>> No.14309869

>something much meaner and more forceful

Like what?

>> No.14309872

wtf I love hitler now???

>> No.14309897

Rightism has always been a series of sham ideologies, best seen as a political strategy: weaponized hatred and division for political and economic profit. Rightism needs enemies, and in the absence of any tangible enemies it must manufacture enemies to keep the scam going.

As for why the present is unique, it's because access to information and ideas is the #1 threat to rightist strategies. Modern conservativism has to fight against the entire internet, and to do so has created massive cults to serve as firewalls between their herd and the ideas, evidence, and experiences that threatens rightist worldviews.

>> No.14309900

My penis

>> No.14309906

People can argue that what this post is describing is not true "conservativism" but it sure does very accurately represent a majority of older right wing men in america, the age groups that were responsible for turning the other cheek and letting us all get in this mess.

When talking to any christian about politics they can always boil down their arguments to "well I'll die and be with god soon so anything we do here doesn't matter" I've literally heard people say that. Given this it's pretty clear that christianity is an opiate for boomers Nd has resulted in the younger conservatives being left to attempt to pick up the shattered pieces of the world left to them, only to realize that they dont have enough time.

>> No.14309907

Isn't it weird how all lightly moderated communities are right wing while all heavily moderated communities are left wing.

>> No.14309914

>Rightism needs enemies, and in the absence of any tangible enemies it must manufacture enemies to keep the scam going.

You say that as if leftism doesn't work the same way, complaining about "nazis", "the elites" and so on.

>> No.14309919

I'm not right wing, but this also 100% describes liberals and leftists as well.

>> No.14309925
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>The second those sandniggers in Germany start outbreeding you (and they will), they will kill you all and feel absolutely zero remorse in doing so.
Based /pol/ with the truthnukes

>> No.14309928

Wow a double-dose of whataboutism!

>> No.14309929

>Aryan fake science stunts technological development
What is project paperclip?

>> No.14309938

>lightly moderated communities are right wing
Not really. They are contrarian, a place to vent and say what can't be said elsewhere.
I can guarantee you if actual right wingers took over the country, /pol/ would be full of unironic leftists.

It's just pointing out the stupidity of that statement.

>> No.14309939

You'd have to be pretty blind to not see it
You've now got ideas which are nearly in the mainstream which were totally unthinkable not even one decade ago. You've got Charlie Kirk and the rest of the "mainstream conservatives" getting shouted down by hardline people or Nick Fuentes types coming to their events.
To be clear, I don't think Nick Fuentes has what it takes to actually start or lead a strong movement, but the fact that we now actually have people openly going to mainstream conservative events and shouting anti-Israel and anti-immigrant things and chanting America First, and you've even got people like Ann Coulter going from milquetoast to now openly realising and stating on air that conservatism is going to be totally destroyed if we don't stop immigration now means that we're at the very least looking at a resurgence of paleocon ideas, if not looking at the start of proto-fascism in the next 5 years.

>> No.14309969

Explain why whataboutism is wrong.

>> No.14309977

> Look at any country where non whites are the majority. They are all shitholes.
What about Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, Macau and the big cities in China?
Also there are plenty of white regions that are utter shitholes with virtually no immigrants.
>The second those sandniggers in Germany start outbreeding you (and they will), they will kill you all and feel absolutely zero remorse in doing so.
I think you should leave your basement from time to time and start reading something else than the news articles linked on /pol/.

>> No.14309982

t. zoomer
Look up some campaign ads from the 80's, you'll lose your mind

>> No.14309993

You disagree that fascism is becoming more popular? Conservatism is straight up dying if you look at voting patterns over the past few decades and even the past few years

>> No.14309994

>I can guarantee you if actual right wingers took over the country, /pol/ would be full of unironic leftists.
Purely annecdotal but this is somewhat true. Many of my dissident right friends became far left or started to sympathise with the far left after 2016.
Don't take that as some kind of victory however. Dissident politics is 99% contrarianism and these people will go straight back to being far right if their newly found far left fantasies ever gained any traction.

>> No.14310003

America has always been fascist. Its only a few years ago we had actual 'no niggers' signs up.

>> No.14310005

You overestimate the revolutionary potential of the deracinated first-world dweller of the 21st century. The roots of the Spectacle and Capital are way too deep in the soil of first-world countries for anything forceful or effective to happen before it gets shut down either by force or an increased dosage of Soma.

>> No.14310035

Twitter posts and trolling some Q&A section are not actual political power.

Dicky has some legit commentary on it

>> No.14310044
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>more dominant globally than ever
>more powerful than ever
>more rich than ever
>more developed and advanced than ever
>"yurop is dying because i saw a brown man and a woman with table cover on her head"
lmao why are poltards so obsessed with the idea that everything is decaying? is it a reflection of their self image?
do you think that everyone was a virtuous high class man before europe was "cucked"?

>> No.14310062

Regardless of what you think about Trump I want you to track down the history of his attempts at immigration enforcement. It's a great showcase of how bad it is.
Some federal judges even rule that it's illegal to stop someone at the border. Of course it gets overruled by higher instances, but the point is that there's basically endless obstruction through judiciary or administrative workers who have been working their jobs since the 1980's and think it's them who have the last word. Some judge was recently arrested because, during a process of an illegal immigrant who was deported several times already for various crimes(how many times he was actually thrown out of the country is another question, yes, it's not that straightforward), she learned that ICE is waiting for him outside of front door, so she stopped recording/protocoling, talked with the attorney for a second and the guy escaped through rear doors(obviously it was her who let him out). I think he was caught again and I'm afraid it was either after him assaulting or killing someone if I remember correctly, but the problem is, you have illegal immigrant with long history of crime and the judge, part of the American elites is willing to risk jailtime just to avoid him from getting deported.

The system itself is so dysfunctional that both Bush jr. and Obama ruled through EO's mostly, while the only things Trump was able to pass when Republicans held both congress and senate majority was obamacare repeal, tax cuts and supreme justice nomination(and what pain this one was because of accusations with no evidence behind it, that according to even senate Republicans was "believable"). They've knew very well that immigration ultimately hurts them politically, as seen the microcosm of it in California, but given 2 years to reshape the laws around it from the ground-up they've did nothing. And these are "conservative" elites.

And mind you, even in countries like Poland, or Russia there's a lot of this stupidity. Recently a sociology professor from some polish university was fired because he made a lecture about the health problems within gay community, all of course backed by data. Apparently that's homophobic and the university couldn't let for such person to work there. And this is you know, a country that in 2015 was declaring itself 97% catholic. If even the countries that are considered to be the "strongest" in their conservatism are falling to such lows(where truth gets you fired because it offends someone), then what hope is there for the UK or France?

>> No.14310063

If you predict some vague undefined bad thing at some undetermined date in the future you will not only never be wrong but you will also have the satisfaction of believing yourself to be more perceptive than the poor fools around you who do not believe in the catastrophe to come.
The climate thing is too left-wing and mainstream an eschatology, aliens hiding behind a comet is too weird and laughable, so race war it is.

>> No.14310064

>population more drugged than ever
>suicide at the highest point ever, even among the young
>broken families, single parent homes almost the norm
>home ownership falling hard, renting more and more common
>life expectancy decreasing in the US
>people have fewer and fewer friends
>sex crisis, less people are intimate
>birth rate collapse

But at least that new smartphone isn't as expensive as it used to be!

>> No.14310069

Because these are their countries, they've left other people's countries because that was "colonisation" and that was evil only to fell prey to other colonisation at home.

>> No.14310084
File: 66 KB, 1000x1500, 813e14c3e7dab4174e2d1da0f9caa62d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will China prevail if Eurabia emerge?

>> No.14310092

>Insects vs. feral beasts

What a fight it will be.

>> No.14310103

Chinks and Asians are literal subhumans.

>> No.14310131


>more dominant globally than ever
for the elites
>more powerful than ever
for the elites
>more rich than ever
for the elites
>more developed and advanced than ever
for the elites

Any positive economic and technological advancement that may incidentally arise due to mass immigration of sandpeople will never benefit the 99% and you will never see it.

>> No.14310134

If whites are so powerful, why are they getting demographically replaced?

>> No.14310143

Unironically Christianity.
Christians are brainwashed into thinking that they're supposed to turn the other cheek and let Hassan and his minions fuck their wives and rape their daughters and that it would be "un-Christian-like" to kick them out of their country.
Even whites who consider themselves atheists cannot shake off the ethical indoctrination they have received in their lives and are completely spineless to do anything about it.

>> No.14310147

It seems like whites, weakened through Christianity as they are, deserve to be replaced.

>> No.14310194
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didn't say there is no trade offs to modernity but it is not a purely bad thing.
do you think it is possible to maintain high global economic status without foreigners coming into your country?
do you think having women work (100% more workers) doesn't come with the trade off of weakened families?
do you think someone who has never seen real hardships would be a tough and strong person?
simply said over the course of history pragmatists, materialists and utilitarians have always won. do you want to be with the winners or do you want to uphold your abstract ideals? a drugged population is more productive than a nihilist population, a dead depressant is better than a live depressant, a working woman is more productive than a wife woman, a debt slave is better for the economy than a self reliant independent man, etc

>> No.14310388

>Chinks and Asians are literal subhumans.
Source for that?

>> No.14310419

Stop gaslighting

>> No.14310490

Ancient Indians came up with every philosophical idea
China came up with all the technology
Middle Easterners came up with all the math and theology

>> No.14310494

At the core of conservatism is the idea of history as a decline or cyclical tragedy

>> No.14310697


This is what they unironically teach in Professor Goldbergstein's Western Civ 101 class.

>> No.14310747

Read Dwight Mcdonald's "Masscult and Midcult". He writes about the change from an authentic American culture(s) to a commercial one.

>> No.14311301

Christianity took a big hit in WW1.

Nowadays, especially in the Anglosphere, Christianity is just a form of autonomy-worship like everything else in our society. Christianity is about being a Decent Person, i.e. a follower of The Rules and respectful of others' autonomy so that yours might be respected in return.

>> No.14311305

>What about Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, Macau and the big cities in China?
So basically every place that was colonized or modernized by whites, right?
>Also there are plenty of white regions that are utter shitholes with virtually no immigrants.
Utter shitholes? Name a predominantly white country with "shitholes" equivalent to those in non-white dominated countries. And I mean dying of malaria on a regular basis, rampant rape, abhorrent poverty, not just some slav backwater city that looks bad.
But even so, these places in the West are a minority while in Asia they are a majority.
>I think you should leave your basement from time to time and start reading something else than the news articles linked on /pol/.
I think you're the one who should be following what muslims have to say about Christians, their stance on Sharia law and so on. Even the "moderate" ones.

>> No.14311334

Am Muslim, can confirm. It's beheading for all of you, soz

>> No.14311346
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I think book related is the most realistic outcome.

>> No.14311347

Historically, only Progressives have ever successfully slowed/stopped immigration to the US. This seems counter-intuitive based on today's trends but at the time Progressivism was WASPy, Protestant, nativist and eugenicist/Anglo-supremacist. Conservatism (Anti-Federalism) in the US has typically represented landed, labor intensive sectors within the economy and Progressivism (Federalism), the opposite, so Conservatives will never succeed at restricting immigration no matter how much their voters want it. Indeed those same Trump donors probably employ illegal immigrants on their subsidized farm. Obviously Progressives aren't going to stop immigration because doing so would be Not Very Nice based on today's standards of morality.

To stop immigration and address the deeper problems, Anglo-American culture itself will need to be overcome.

>> No.14311350

>Name a predominantly white country with "shitholes" equivalent to those in non-white dominated countries. And I mean dying of malaria on a regular basis, rampant rape, abhorrent poverty, not just some slav backwater city that looks bad.

>> No.14311357

Is Murray really a “conservative” though?
I thought he wrote this book with the express purpose of trying to raise questions about mass migration from a perspective that might appeal to more liberal people

>> No.14311361
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>You can't go back in time, you can accelerate into a greater future.
That's right, don't even try to restore beauty or natural order, just keep making things even worse. Natsocs are just progs with a different aesthetic

>> No.14311362

Anglo countries can never be Fascist or Communist, especially not the US. The language doesn't have the concepts for it. In the US Fascism is when you're mean to blacks, indios, or other poor people, and Communism is when you're nice to them.

>> No.14311365
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>> No.14311367

Mexico is only aspirationally white. Stop trying to come to the us para mejorar la raza, por favor.

>> No.14311380

>They've knew very well that immigration ultimately hurts them politically, as seen the microcosm of it in California, but given 2 years to reshape the laws around it from the ground-up they've did nothing. And these are "conservative" elites.
They don't care because they're controlled by the farm lobby. Farmers brought us blacks, now they'll bring us Mexicans, in the future they'll bring us more blacks straight from Africa. Farmers will run the country into the ground for their cheap labor, cry for subsidies, and produce awful food, while proclaiming themselves to be Real America and bastion of moral values. Farmers must be brought to heel.

>> No.14311554

Right now the only thing we can do is try to raise consciousness of the systems we live in. Nobody looks at liberalism as an ideology, it’s just the default for most people and they can’t imagine life without it. It’s especially impossible to get rid of capitalism so it’s not even worth advocating for alternative systems

>> No.14311775

Really interesting observation, OP. Certainly more appropriately posted on /pol/, at least in theory, but I don't blame you for not wasting your time there.

Anyway, you left off what is probably the most perfect example of what you're talking about: John Derbyshire's "We Are Doomed: Reclaiming Conservative Pessimism."

>> No.14311802

Come on. The most essential part of Mexico's national identity is that it is mixed race (mestizo), European and indigenous Amerindian. The truth is, the people at the top of society and, to a lesser extent, in the small but growing middle class, are mostly or entirely European by ancestry, and the people at the bottom of society are mostly or entirely Amerindian. Still, most of them are at least somewhat mixed, and most Mexicans would be outraged that you label theirs a white country.

Try again.

>> No.14311804

Declinism and moral panic is a common archtype of far right conservative thinking. Ever since the contemporary polarities of left and right politics was made distinct, Conservatives have always been griping about the deterioration of traditional values.
The very term "conservative" implies that these values are precious and fragile, to be shielded vigilantly from external corruptive forces.

>> No.14311824

The judiciary system needs to be purged

>> No.14311907

That's a lie liberalism as assumes are nasty, brutish, stupid and unequal it counts on this to work. You've just been feed the importance of your quality by people trying to flatter you to get your votes. Democracy is built to be idiot proof.

>> No.14311965

Whiter than you Mohammed