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14289927 No.14289927[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do i become an atheist? Being a believer who reads the bible everyday, life is so satisfying and fulfilling, but ide like to know what its like being an atheist, like miserable and stupid and annoying and combative. What can i do to be pathetic like you?

>> No.14289935
File: 75 KB, 482x427, d90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have sex

>> No.14289947

>How do i become an atheist?
Start by having more than pocket change for IQ. Next, read a book on biology. There you go.

>> No.14289991
File: 56 KB, 200x250, 92878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok so submit myself to an artificial scale that's supposed to represent my aptitude. Then read "a book on biology"- cool i did that pic related

>> No.14290020
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>submit myself to an artificial scale that's supposed to represent my aptitude
Whoopsie-daisy! Looks like you just failed at having a three-digit IQ! Back to your Bible, sonny boy.

>> No.14290078
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It only goes on way.
Look at them OP. Why would you want to? I get that its funny bait and all but, you cant actually be any trace of serious. As a side note, good example of the reign of quantity when fools try to play the iq card.

>> No.14290153

Imagine believing in a sky fairy as an adult lol

>> No.14290159

Fairies live on earth, not in the sky. I'm pretty sure they are bros with the elves.

>> No.14290224

I find religious people so much more pleasant to be around than atheists. They give me life instead of draining my energy. It's not surprising because if I believed that existence was an empty, hopeless and meaningless pursuit of pleasure I'd be the same way.

I'm agnostic and I've been gravitating more and more towards Christianity but I can't convince myself to believe because I'm confused about how I am to know if God is real or not and how out of all religions this one is the only one that's right? How do Christians deal with this?

>> No.14290340

I love you anon

>> No.14290407

depends what religious people you are around, some like OP are insufferable cunts. but obviously just because people who believe something are nicer than the people who don't doesn't mean that thing is true

>> No.14290417
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>yeah, I’m a Christian, you got a problem with that? I used to be a sinner like you but 2 years ago I found GOD. In my teens I would laugh at creationists; I would always tell my grandma that I didn’t want to go to mass; I was agnostic but not like r/Atheism. But when I GREW UP and became a man, I realised I needed to put childish things away (1 Corinthians 13:11). Why is that? Because I realized that we need Christianity to SAVE THE WEST. After I voted Trump in the 2016 election I decided to go to church again. I knew that I would find a QT pure Christian GF who I could lose my virginity to (I haven’t lost it yet because I’m saving myself for marriage, like God intended). I haven’t found her yet, but like Job I will pray and have faith in God. Then I saw Jordan Peterson talking about Christianity and I was hooked! (I don’t like him anymore though, he’s a fake Christian). I watched all his videos on the bible and realised how God reveals himself in many ways. I was on /pol/ (came from r/The_Donald during the election but I hate redditors now) Christian General and I saw /lit/ chart which had The Bible and I KNEW I found my people. Every day I see THE WEST falling because we gave up our FAITH. Well, the new Christian intellectuals are coming; We are the sons of the Crusaders and we shall not recoil before the sons of Voltaire! (Candide was shit, so is Nietzsche (haven’t read either of them)). /lit/ introduced me to Kierkegaard and I became a KNIGHT OF FAITH, so now I know that I just gotta believe and that’s TRUE bravery. I read DANTE and DOSTOEVSKY and I saw the beauty of God and true art. I’m a proud Catholic (Protestants are heretics) but I hate Pope Francis, he’s a heretic and isn’t MY Pope. /lit/ is a Christian board, and I know that if I just keep recommending the Bible, telling people to go to church, and making threads about how great God is, I will finally be able to sincerely believe in God and distract myself from the gnawing feeling that I’m a fraud. Faith ain’t easy.

>> No.14290427


You are making the mistake of wishing to be religious because you (accurately, I happily concede this point) recognize the psychological benefits of belonging to a socially acceptable in-group which gives purpose to life. (So what's the problem?) The problem is that it is based on the premise of god, which is either false or unworthy of worship.

It is more important to be right than it is to belong.

>> No.14290442

read the bible and pray

>> No.14290458

oooof, bro... yikes...

>> No.14290460
File: 70 KB, 750x914, 1575318321244-lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when an atheist makes a value judgement without a religious framework to support him

>> No.14290463

Look at all the evil that exists

>> No.14290488


Yes, I get to do that without reference to a religion. There is no inconsistency here, because value judgments do not come from god.

>> No.14290548

There is no point in debating. You do not know. I do not know. You can say you know for certain, but you really do not.

>> No.14290991


>> No.14290995

Right cuz atheists are on fringes of society

>> No.14291003


There is though because the sooner you realize atheism is nonsense the more years of fulfillment you will have in your life.

>> No.14291006

you are saying it’s good to be right. But what do you mean by being good?

>> No.14291010

I do

>> No.14291128
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Why not tell us mate, you were born one

>> No.14291309

How do i become a christian? Being an atheist who reads non-fiction everyday, life is so satisfying and fulfilling, but ide like to know what its like being a christian, like miserable and stupid and annoying and combative. What can i do to be pathetic like you?

>> No.14291357

My second favourite book after the bible is batman

>> No.14291489

>how do i become an atheist
hate the concept of conflict and the worship of a higher power. believe that life is all pain and your goal is that all danger must be avoided.

>> No.14291522
File: 341 KB, 1200x800, 1560101284347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have sex

>> No.14291582

God you just have to respect that level of genetic success.

>> No.14291585

Holy shit where did the black kid come from?

>> No.14291591

Move out of the southern USA, it's that simple.

>> No.14291790


>> No.14291801

Imagine believing Christians believe in an anthropomorphised man in the sky.

>> No.14291812

The Catholic church is one of the Christian denominations okay with evolution. Just putting that out there for you all to see.

>> No.14291818

>judgments do not come from god

Yes, they do.

>> No.14292005

I generally don't care what people think about me, I'm already an outcast. That's why I'm not religious, because I can't justify it to myself and I'd be fooling myself to pretend to believe in something that I can't even convince myself of.

>> No.14292081

Imagine being just like 90% of all the smarteat people in history, instead of a mediocre pseud.

>> No.14292093
File: 73 KB, 630x750, mooney1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder it has been empirically proven religiosity stifles scientific innovation.


Daily reminder the overwhelming majority of leading scientists are atheists


Daily reminder most philosophers are atheists


Daily reminder religious people are less intelligent according to dozens of studies.


Daily reminder religious people are less educated


Religious people are literally a lesser breed of human

>> No.14292128

What a shitty thread made by a retard.

>> No.14292146

>It is more important to be right than it is to belong.
prove it

>> No.14292153

>value judgments do not come from god
The ones that matter do.
Yes I just told you that your judgements don't matter to anyone.
Please dont cry

>> No.14292159

>no u
the left truly cant meme lmao