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14284969 No.14284969 [Reply] [Original]

>that one guy in your creative writing class who wrote a sex scene in his story and outed himself as a virgin to everyone

>> No.14284978

Sex in fiction is degenerate and I would never write that despite being a huge pervert and a sex fiend

>> No.14284982
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>that degenerate who thinks being a virgin is a bad thing

>> No.14284993

>That virgin who thinks sex is a mystical experience

>> No.14284998

>that roastie who got toastie

>> No.14284999

>that mystic who thinks virginity is a sexual experience

>> No.14285017
File: 61 KB, 500x500, no hymen no diamond.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

virginity is only good if you're a woman because it automatically makes you better than all the skanks and whores

>> No.14285078
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careful you don't burn yourself on that hot take

>> No.14285172

>that one girl in your creative writing class who wrote another "children's book"
>that one girl who got in a fight over a critique and never came back to class
>that one girl who wasn't overweight as fuck but had no ear for prose whatsoever

>> No.14285248

Please post your feet, whore!

>> No.14285325

>that guy whose first page of his story is a map of a fictional realm and he gives everyone a geography lesson for ten minutes
>that guy who collects all his drafts from everyone at the end of class so no one "steals his ideas"

>> No.14286158

>that one girl who got in a fight over a critique and never came back to class
based, true authors are infallible and its the critics' fault if they can't recognize talent at first glance. let them see your name shine in the stars later.

>> No.14286354


>> No.14286360

>creative writing class
that one guy on your imageboard who pays full price for undergraduate level elective courses

>> No.14286419
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>being a virgin is bad

>> No.14286423

>>that one guy in your creative writing class who wrote nigger 11,986 times in his 55,000 word story and outed himself as a racist to everyone

>> No.14286517

Being a virgin is a good thing if you’re a woman, it’s bad if you’re a man

>> No.14286543

explain to me why male virginity is shamed in this new world of gender role "equality"?

>> No.14286548

Good post anglo, thank you for your contribution.

No, really. How else would I get through my day? I need my daily dose of sex-obsessed americans polluting a literature board with their weird neurotic unrelated drivels.

>> No.14286553

Maybe it was a guy (female)

>> No.14286679

>that one guy who did that for his essay and got accepted into an ivy league school

>> No.14286683

femanon here, i hate male virgins so fucking much. they're much creepier than some sleazy guy who has lots of gf's.

>> No.14286848

becosue you havent been able to get yourself a woman, becosue you are inferior

>> No.14286901

try having the jew cut off part of your junk and see how you feel about it

>> No.14286904

le adolf hitlerooni - mein kampfarino

>> No.14286912

I can't imagine living life with such retarded axioms in my head

>> No.14286939

>create the problem of no virgin women by not being a virgin yourself
>lament that there are no virgin women
Based and hypocrite-pilled.

>> No.14287542

Being a virgin is sickening. People should have sex as early as possible just to get it out of the way so they can move the fuck on. Being a virgin for too long just makes you believe in stupid bullshit like Evola, Peterson, and Guenon— Or obsess on crap like Dr Who, Harry Potter, Star Wars, and cats.

>> No.14287722

I have never seen a person “get it over with” and not end up living a life that revolved around the next sexual encounter.

>> No.14287753

easy: it isn´t

>> No.14287754

>creative writing class
That's why I'm happy to not live in Murrica

>> No.14287761

I hate men that are not successful with women so fucking much.

>> No.14287803

>why do losers get bullied for being losers

>> No.14287804
File: 28 KB, 640x449, B0D19BC5-3E9A-458F-A4F5-1AD31D56F266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> tfw I know all of these people
> tfw they disgust me
> tfw one of only two dudes in the entire english program
> tfw he and I are the only ones digging through western canon
> tfw he chokes on my dick weekly

Life is good

>> No.14287827

If that's what you think of all people who are non-virgins then you are a lost cause.

>> No.14287869

>That girl whose lesbianism is her entire identity and has to include homosexuality or trans rights in every single short story and poem she writes
>That girl who refuses to read aloud / submit her assignments
>That girl who writes about an unnamed ex-boyfriend or a fictional scenario involving breakups
>Every single fucking girl writes "prose poetry" and never uses a rhyme scheme, even if the assignment calls for it
>None of the girls contribute to the class discussion, or they refuse to provide criticism of other peoples' work
>Every girl wants to be a young adult author, never just a person who writes normal novels
>The story is about politics, patriarchy, masculinity, sexism, or is a literal nonfiction piece about it
>They'll all talk about each others' work, but if it's my turn to read a piece, nobody will comment on any aspect of it
I spent like two years in creative writing classes at university where I was the only male surrounded by 15 females.

>> No.14287909

It’s a tough life, I’ve taken two creative writing courses as an English major and both are as you describe. Thankfully my professors are men and appreciate real shit.

> Got on A on my absurdist short story
> The girls call it favoritism
> Felt good

>> No.14287930

>that guy who takes creative writing classes

>> No.14288197

Are you lost?

>> No.14288412

you kinda have the right idea, guys SHOULD be virgins too, BUT by choice, not because they are unable to be attractive to a woman.
Men should be able to choose from many women, the one they want to create a family with.

>> No.14288430


Because 95% of virgins are incels that are not attractive. If an attractive guy said he was a virgin, all women would like him even more and would try to take his virginity.
theres a big difference between incels and volcels

>> No.14288572

Unironically because of patriarchal expectations about gender. Being unable to find a partner is seen as lacking in masculinity, and hence shameful for a man.

>> No.14288581

Based faggot

>> No.14289281

We were reading a farewell to arms and at some point when the has sex with the nurse a kid asked some question about the sheets or something and some guy at my table said "you fucking virgin" out loud

>> No.14289993

Same happened to me a fucking sperg guy took 10 min explaining the geography of the place and at the end he told us that he will probably change the places anyway.
What's the point of doing complex settings if you are gonna end writing like shit.

>> No.14290586

>>that guy who collects all his drafts from everyone at the end of class so no one "steals his ideas"

this reminds me of the book in My Struggle where Knausgaard explains how he ripped off another student's play for an assignment in a creative writing course.

>> No.14290975

>tfw wrote a really explicit rape scene and they tried to force me into counseling

>> No.14290998


>Taking a creative writing class

No successful author has done this ever.

>> No.14291101

Wow it's almost like men who reflect carefully on the quality of their future wife and clubbing manwhores who fuck any living thing are two entierly different beings, and confusing them together into a hypocrital entity is a woefully idiotic coping mechanism.

>> No.14291125

>that guy who posts his writings on /lit/

>> No.14291138


>> No.14291189

Knausgaard did when he was 19.

>> No.14291260

Flannery O’Connor and David Goster Wallace did

>> No.14292141

Good joke

>> No.14292169

>what is "the 40yo virgin" movie

>> No.14292237

>Flannery O’Connor and David Goster Wallace
Literally who?

>> No.14292246

Chuck Palahniuk
You’re literally stupid. Do you have your mommy type your posts for you?

>> No.14292362

they are posers

>> No.14292416

Based Knausgaard

>> No.14292433

It's not his axiom. It's the sexual market determining culture.

>> No.14292444

'tis a mere emission of mucus.

>> No.14292461
File: 71 KB, 433x581, spawn_of_cthulhu[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that one guy in your creative writing class who l̷̹̺̳̭̠̗̒͑̄̓̎́͊͌͋̌̏̔̌̑̽l̸̡̰͙͎̗̟͎̭̫̆̉l̵͎̘̤͔͛͌ļ̵̛̆͋͐̀̕n̵̢͔͙̙̳̬͔͉͇̉͜'̶̨̨̛̤̜̻̗̗̮͙̰͈͆̄g̴̛͖͓̣̘̳̟̹̝̖͊͋̒̆͆͛̐̋̏͌̋͠h̶̳̺̬̖̩̹̫̳͍͔͋̓̈́͂̓̋́͂͌̃̏͊͝ͅą̵̱̣̩̩͉͓͆͝ ̷̘̯͔̣̫̘̪̖̂̊̍̿̾̔̿̕l̷̢̫̳̤̄̈̏̌̈w̷͙̱̫͈̞͙͎̺̝̼̝̼͙̩̔͐͗͆̇̿̿͛̌͂̔̈́'̸̢̖̺̙̰̣̪͖̰̓̆̓͊̈́̋̚͜ň̶̻̳̱̗̖͎͎̦͇̳̥̙͉̮̩̃̋͑͗̑̆͑͝ạ̷̢̝̱̮͚̝̮̦̞͚̯̼̏͌̇̀̌̚f̸͙̱̜̺̎̾̃h̶̡̨̯̩͎͕͔̯͔͇̙͕̃̐̈́͒́͂̏̌̑̀̑̚͜ň̶̛͖͇̬̳̳̰̰̖̦̣͔̙̌̀ą̷̡̮͈̼̗̖̭͋̚h̶̡̬̭̠̓̇̈́̿̈͐̾̽̍̒̈́̏̃̐ ̴̣̀͐̽͂̓̋̀̿̕͠͝͝o̶̢̩̰̪͚̟̜̤̽͊̍t̵̢̨͎̪̤̻̗͙̦͛̈́̄̍̊͠ ̷̨̨̡̥̼͙̥̻̮͉̝̭͚́̎̇̒͑͑̆̏̎͘͜ͅs̴̨̧̛̭̮̮͈͈̝̘͎̞̤̭̓̊̀͊͒̊̚͜h̸̢̗̤̍͛ͅṵ̸͇̯̳͔̠̈́̇́̃̃g̵̪̼̥̯͈̙̥͚̍̓͘ḡ̷̡̹͔̥̳̬̺͍̞̃̂̄͗̽̈́̈́̉͠͝õ̶͖̑̀͆͑̄͘͝t̴̨̨̙̥̰̘̱̼̠̫͔́͆́̈́̂͌̇͝h̸̛͍̩̀̃̈̓͑̐͑̂͒̍͠h̸̛̰̖͔̺̑̑̍̈́̇͐̓̓̓͝

>> No.14292496

You understand the word “success” in the publishing industry nowadays literally requires having taken so many creative writing classes that you get a degree for it, right?

>> No.14292520
File: 16 KB, 600x317, tat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that dude who wrote every sex scene like some existential acid horror trip

>> No.14292576
File: 33 KB, 1055x211, hausa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the hell is hausa??????????

>> No.14292579

oh ok
>Hausa (/ˈhaʊsə/;[5] Harshen/Halshen Hausa) is the Chadic language (a branch of the Afroasiatic language family) with the largest number of speakers, spoken as a first language by some 44 million people, and as a second language by another 20 million. The total number of Hausa speakers is estimated at 63 million, according to Ethnologue.[6] The ancestral language of the Hausa people, one of the largest ethnic groups in Central Africa, Hausa is mostly spoken throughout southern Niger and northern Nigeria. It has developed into a lingua franca across much of Western Africa for purposes of trade.

>> No.14292643

That's unironically true. Not that it's a bad thing, but if you think people DON'T live for basically just the next fuck, you truly aren't woke at all. The whole thing, the whole damn social sphere is cope and means towards the next fuck. Cars, money, job, house, even hobbies are for the sole base purpose of the next fuck.
Not the individual parts of the whole. Like some guy might genuinely enjoy biking and stuff, but the sum of all things social are leading towards the next fuck and only that.

Both incels and degenerates will disagree.

>> No.14292719

>that guy who writes

>> No.14292792

truly pathetic

>> No.14292822

This, I'm married in my 30s with two kids and everytime I see someone replying with "have sex", I know they're a virgin. Having sex isn't really some transitory experience, even the first time while of course a milestone for people is sex. It's just sex.

>> No.14292834

While there are definitely many people out there like that, it's not a rule. Sex has never been a huge thing for me, I like it of course, it can be amazing but at least in my personal case, chasing pussy and fucking anything that shows the slightest interest has never been me. I like drugs way more.

>> No.14292843
File: 148 KB, 1149x1152, E6392CC1-48EE-48C5-9173-D6FBC2B3E913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sad thread, gents

>> No.14292845

>I like drugs way more
Damn, you're pathetic.

>> No.14292866
File: 106 KB, 634x922, 049d59dbb2b31685c452270265b511f38e1128f7_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoy being a male virgin desu, makes me feel pure. I also get called good looking and handsome on a daily basis.

>> No.14292896

sure man, whatever it makes you feel good, no one here believes in you, but who cares?

>> No.14292908

im not very attractive and i lost my virginity to my high school’s resident anime-obsessed girl, fucked her twice and havent talked to a girl since. i still fantasize about her when a masturbate sometimes but i get very sad because i dont have a single picture of her and the only ones i can find online are mugshots (she attacked her dads with a knife or scissors or something, i dont know the details but i know they regularly abused her)
im not sure where i was going with this blogpost, but ive never told anyone this before so im glad i could share it with you guys

>> No.14292915

sex is absolutely a mystical experience with the right person.

>> No.14292989
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>That guy who thinks he's good at writing but never actually writes because he's scared to face the truth that he isn't so he just spends all day coming up with ideas and imagining how good he would be if he actually started writing.

>> No.14292996

Nothing on this site matters, so everything on here is as irellevant as my blog posting.

>> No.14293102

Wonder if I'm attractive enough to be the latter case? How can I figure this out?

>> No.14293119

This wasn't me until my story got some praise and now I can't finish anything because I see too many imperfections to go on. I must be retarded or something

>> No.14293149


I feel personally attacked by this

>> No.14293168
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>being in creative writing class
Man I miss college. Such a simple and fun time. You should appreciate something as special as a creative writing class.

>> No.14293250

You would except the starbucks baristas you have to critique and that critique you are pants on head retards.

I have a screenwriting degree and the woman in graduate school who ran my short film class couldn't understand my absolutely hamfisted symbolism.

>> No.14293270


>> No.14293367

Wonder how he's doing now, wether he's dropped out or not

>> No.14293498

Don't bother. Nothing wrong with being a male virgin.

>> No.14293510


>> No.14293586
File: 32 KB, 680x340, e68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CW class has a self-proclaimed virgin autist
>decently fun guy if you get to know him
>he does have outbursts and says loud and dumb shit over and over again
>he wrote a gore piece with murder and vile language, description of shit
>he read it in class

I never said it to his face, but I did make fun of his story once, and showed it to a friend. I regret that moment more than he probably regrets writing it. I caught my ex-gf (who is also on the spectrum) being disrespectful towards him to others, and I am glad that relationship is over.

>> No.14293605

Mine has a similar guy but he actually writes decent shit. Nobody expected that from him.

>> No.14293830

>Hausa is the Chadic language with the largest number of speakers
>The primary language [of the Virgin Islands] is British English, although there is a local dialect.[115]
Absolutely based.

>> No.14293849

Holding an MFA does not come with publishing success, even if the industry contacts help.

>> No.14294082

delete this

>> No.14294095

he sounds based
i wish i had friends that were more autistic than me