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14277630 No.14277630 [Reply] [Original]

Who here is a fan of the works of Léon Degrelle?

If you've never read Degrelle, his writings are fantastic and fun to read. Also some good docs about him below

CAMPAIGN IN RUSSIA: THE WAFFEN-SS ON THE EASTERN FRONT, the war time memoirs of Walloonie SS General Léon Degrelle:


Excellent book written in a very descriptive and exciting style. Highly recommended. If you only read one book by Degrelle or want a good starting point, make it Campaign in Russia.

If you don't know Degrelle, this 1 minute video of him speaking of the war and it's aftermath is a perfect encapsulation of the man:

Other good books by Degrelle:
HITLER FOR A THOUSAND YEARS (rare, about Degrelle's interactions with Hitler both before the war when he supported Degrelle's Rexist Party financially and during the war while Degrelle was serving in the SS):

Excellent Belgian documentary on Degrelle featuring interviews with himself as well as other Rexists and even some of his Belgian political opponents, with English subtitles:


Lengthy interview with Degrelle about the war and Hitler, this is English dubbed instead of subbed, but still good:


A documentary made by Degrelle with him telling the history of and his experiences with the Waffen-SS, dubbed in English:


>> No.14277645

I am. Happy to find another Degrelleanon here. I highly recommend the interviews done while he was in Spain, it's high quality content, as well as most of his books.

>> No.14277677
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I read Campaign in Russia and I was hooked. Just finished Hitler for 1,000 Years and am currently reading Burning Souls. He was a hero.

>> No.14277705
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Wow, he sounds interesting! Thanks for the info!

>> No.14277739

He's very interesting. Very bombastic and could embellish a little at times, but he was quite the character

>> No.14278215

bump for helpful OP

>> No.14278608

If you can only get published by the "Institute for Historical Review" that's a pretty good sign you're not telling the truth.

>> No.14278644

Also it's extremely how hilarious stupid righttards are

>Today, our whole era is dying economically because we have succumbed to fearful hesitation. Enrichment follows investment, not the other way around.
>Since Hitler, only Ronald Reagan has seemed to understand this. As President, he realized that to restore prosperity in the United States meant boldly stimulating the economy with credits and a drastic reduction in taxes, instead of waiting for the country to emerge from economic stagnation on its own.
-- Léon Degrelle

If you find parallels between Hitler/Hjalmar Schacht fiscal/monetary policies and Reagan/Paul Volcker in the 80s, well ya

>> No.14278763

Yeah that's kinda retarded but that doesn't mean you shouldn't read his experience on the Eastern front

>> No.14278816

I prefer “Blood Red Snow”. It’s the memoirs of a member of the 24th panzer division. Features some really interesting passages relating to the 24th panzers retreat across the don after the defeat at Stalingrad + an engrossing narration of the general german retreat after operation bagration. Degralle exaggerates too much for my taste.

>> No.14279635


He was a hero of mine in my teens.

I own campaign in Russia and , Hitler, born at Versailles.

Both fantastic books. Actually considered learning French to read his tomistic stuff

>> No.14279644


Wasn't this book proven to be a a hoax?

>> No.14280130

His political beliefs are mostly absent from Campaign In Russia, besides the odd aside as to why they were fighting Bolshevism it's mostly just a play by play memoir of his experiences in the East.

>> No.14280152

Not sure, and to be clear Degrelle does exaggerate at times... though this is usually easy to spot. For instance he has told stories about how much Hitler liked him and said things like if he ever had a son, he would want him to be like Degrelle. Fair enough, I can believe that, he met and had dinner with Hitler several times, he personally awarded him some of his medals. But he also tells a story about the last time he met Hitler late in 1944, and how they had dinner and how Hitler looked at him during the meal and said "Léon, we will all die. All of us. But you must live. You must live to tell the war what we fought for." I've studied Hitler for many years and there is no way in hell he said something like that to anyone, let alone Degrelle.l

But it can't be argued the man served extensively in the East, was wounded in action 7 times and was highly decorated:
>Won the Infantry Assault Badge in Bronze, Silver and Gold
>Won the Close Combat Clasp in Bronze, Silver, and Gold
>Won the Wound Badge in Bronze, Silver and Gold
>Won the German Cross in Gold, one of only 26 foreign volunteers to do so
>Won the Iron Cross 1st and 2nd Class
>Won the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross, one of only 43 foreign volunteers to do so
>Won the Oak Leaves to the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross, one of only 7 foreign volunteers to do so

>> No.14280157

*tell the world

>> No.14280280

This guy is probably the least charismatic of all the collaborationist and Axis personalities.

>> No.14280502

Semi-related: I just finished August 1914, what other books deal with the eastern Front in WW1?

>> No.14281872

>Literally is Tintin

>> No.14282172

I meant , blood red snow. I was was thinking of the wrong book though.
Was thinking about, Guy Sajer's , forgotten soldier.

I don't doubt Degrelle.

>> No.14282184

Also, after the Belgian government sent all his kids into foster care he had them all brought to Spain.

Sentenced to death in absentia in Belgium, he showed up to his daughters wedding, in Belgium in waffen SS uniform.
Never surrendered the Walloon SS colours. I believe he was buried with them.
Love him or hate him, he was a man.

>> No.14282185
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>> No.14282951

Whoa, he met Zorro? Incredibly based.

>> No.14282963
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Here he is in the white Falangist dress uniform he would wear to events in Spain with his German military awards

>> No.14283065

Does he say anything about warcrimes in the Eastern Front? Because Holocaust denial, as a reaction to the imposition of the jewish narrative, focuses always about muh jews, but I'm more interested in USSR civilians and PoWs and the like.

>> No.14283628
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He doesn't talk about the Holocaust at all. He DOES talk very exstensively about the Russian people, the religious peasants who were so grateful to be able to bring their icons back out and have mass (Degrelle would attend these with the peasants as he was a devout Catholic) and about the conditions the people lived in under Soviet rule, etc. He talks about partisans and POWs as well. He emphasizes that they were liberating the people in the East, or at least that the people who he met felt that way. He doesn't go into the Holocaust and in fact says he never even heard anything about it till after the war when he was in Spain. He didn't believe it really happened but he never wrote any "revisionist" works on the Holocaust, despite being published by IHR.

If you DO want to read his take on the Holocaust, look up Léon Degrelle's Letter to the Pope. He wrote the Pope a letter when he was going to be going to Auschwitz and asked him not to be and laid out his case for why it never happened. The Pope of course didn't reply and did visit Auschwitz.

>> No.14283641

Oh and as far as war crimes, he goes into detail about Soviet war crimes they witnessed, many in fact. However, he always insisted his SS Walloon division never committed war crimes and fought honorably as soldiers

>> No.14283670
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Degrelle on Khruschev, Kosygin and Stalin:
>"Khruschev, vulgar acrobat of the pig market, chickpea on his nose, sweating, dressed like a vendor of scraps, travelled triumphantly through the United States of America, with his old lady on his arm, escorted by ministers, billionaires, can-can dancers and the fine flower of the Kennedy clan, rewarding them, finally, with his boot damp socks on the table during a full session of the U.N."
>"Kosygin’s badly baked potato head was offered the flowery homages of Frenchmen always disturbed by the evocation of Auschwitz but who have forgotten the thousands of Polish officers, their allies of1940, that the USSR murdered methodically at Katyn."
>"Stalin himself, the worst killer of the century, the implacable total tyrant, having caused in his demented furore, his people, his collaborators, his military chiefs, his family, to be massacred, received a fabulous golden sceptre from the most conservative king in the world, the king of England, who did not even understand the macabre and comical aspect of the choice of such a gift to such a criminal
>But if we, the ‘fascist’ survivors of the Second World War, had the impertinence to unclench our teeth for a single moment, at once a thousand ‘democrats’ begin to yelp frenetically, frightening our friends themselves who, supplicating, cry out to us, ‘Be careful! Be careful!’
>Be careful of what?"
-Leon Degrelle, Hitler for 1,000 Years, 1969

Pic related, it's the suit that made Khruschev look like a "vendor of scraps" he referred to

>> No.14283742

Thanks for the recommendation, I'll read him. I asked because overall I don't think the Holocaust as per the death camps, gas chambers etc. happened, but I generally don't see anyone denying German war crimes in the USSR (for instance Ukraine peasants welcoming the Nazis as a liberation force but suffering under their rule so much that they started joining Soviet partisan efforts, that kind of thing).

>> No.14283761

read littell - le sec et l'humide
theweleit - male phantasies

and then finally get a hold of yourself.

>> No.14283850
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All that butthurt
> He emphasizes that they were liberating the people in the East, or at least that the people who he met felt that way.
There were 16 millions civilians that didn't "feel that way" that he clearly never met.

>> No.14285354


>> No.14285412

I've always been a fan of Degrelle since I read Campaign, but i'll give some of his other books a try. It's also clear that he does exaggerate at times, although even the bare historic truth underlying his commentary is very impressive. The retreat from the Baltic, to Norway, and the following getaway flight from Norway to Spain across entirely enemy held airspace is movie material in itself. His romantic rhetoric combined with his sheer inability to be killed make very fun reading.

>> No.14285437


You good?

>> No.14285570

I read a lot of his stuff when I was young. He was certainly very boastful and liked to ignore things that didn't correspond to his idealism but it's hard to be unaffected by his bravery and enthusiasm.

>> No.14285807

Perhaps, but the ones he met did. He talks about how emotional it was for him to attend the first mass the peasants were allowed to have ans how happy they were

I know a lot of bad things went on in the East but as far as I know Degrelle and his Walloon SS were never accused of any war crimes.

>> No.14285808

He does talk exstensively about partisans

>> No.14286000

who do you prefer?

>> No.14286014

Celine, Brasillach, Rochelle - actual humans

>> No.14286055

good thread

>> No.14286059

>war crimes
>against non-enlisted combatants
yeah, the rules of war only apply to interactions with soldiers and noncombatant civilians

you self righteous sanctimonious retard

>> No.14286061

>random people popping out of the woodwork killing soldiers
the only reason an army has to treat civilians peacefully is because they aren't killing them, how retarded would you have to be to call persecuting civilians with partisans among them 'war crimes'?

these are the same people who call it a 'war crime' to execute actual partisans who were caught red-handed, literally retarded brainwashed nulls

>> No.14286077
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totally untrue, I think of lines from this video at least once a week

>> No.14286696
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Meanwhile the guy that he worshiped looked like this lmao

>> No.14287044

That is what I was thinking when I read that post. This video sticks with me so much, I think back to it often too. Not sure what it is about it but Degrelle oozed charisma.

>> No.14287065

It is totally legal to shoot partisans, saboteurs or those harboring them on the spot without trial under the Geneva Convention (Or at least it was under the Convention of the 30s and 40s). The rub is that you always get people disputing if people really were partisans or saboteurs or if an occupying army is killing them for other reasons (ethnic cleansing, to rob them, just because they can, etc)

>> No.14287070
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He looks dapper as fuck there, what the fuck do you mean?

>> No.14287095

I read Campaign on the Eastern Front, it's absolutely one of the best books I have ever read. No doubt, top three. I'm saving up for Hitler Born at Versailles

>> No.14287149

Same here, I post the list of links in the OP regularly on /his/ in every book thread, despite getting called a /pol/nigger, because in every thread there is at least one person who thanks me for it or expresses interest and that why I do it. If even one person gets exposed to his works and is receptive, that's good enough for me. I just try to get people to give Campaign in Russia a chance, even if they're skeptical or don't agree with Degrelle's politics because I know if they do, they will love it. It's such a damn good book, I couldn't put it down the first time I read it.

>> No.14287177
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Here is Degrelle on partisans in the East from a really great interview with him in 1984:
>"Soviet partisans were usually the worst group to be captured by; they gouged out eyes, cut off fingers, genitalia, toes, and would butcher a man in front of his comrades before beginning their field interrogation. This was confirmed from both soldiers who escaped captivity and defecting partisans who were sickened by the sight and later joined the anti-Stalinist cause. One even had photographs that were turned over to the intelligence section of 2nd SS Panzer Army. I saw them. I saw a young German soldier, part of a reconnaissance patrol that had disappeared who had his legs crudely amputated at the knees with a saw or knife. We could see that even dying after this procedure he had managed to crawl several meters with his fingers. Another SS man had been crucified alive and his genitals removed and stuffed in his mouth."

Full interview can be found here:

>> No.14287182
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Here's another from same interview:
>"Well, the Eastern Front, that's where the real war was. The greatest threat was from Communist Russia and the Western Allies discovered this only too late; we live in the world created by this today. As far as Russia, it must be the weather, especially the bitter winters, and the endless steppe that goes forever. We were not prepared for this environment. The Russians were used to it and were well clothed to resist the cold. The greatest assets we had were the opportunity to strip Russian dead and take their padded clothing and felt boots, as well as those marvelous fur hats. They were very adapted to ski warfare, which we also used, and were perhaps even better at since we were Edelweiss trained as well. The partisan war was the worst, we had to adapt immediately to very situation, and the situation always changed. This was especially bad since they did not wear uniforms and could blend into any village."

>> No.14287204

Wow, I just saw that the upload of this video I linked in the OP (which was up just a few days ago and had been on the site for 3 years) has been removed for "Hate Speech". Seriously? What exactly is hate speech about this?

>> No.14287272
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Is the sound fucked up on this version for anyone else? Its just making squeeling and popping noises for me.

I did find the video with English subs on liveleak:

Sucks it got purged by YouTube, I have watched that clip countless times. Oh well, at least all the documentaries are on BitChute except for Epic: Story of the Waffen-SS, and its still up as of now (It's on bitchute too though I believe)

>> No.14287339
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Damn, actually this one has current day propaganda footage and a few clips of Hitler taking the place of the original still photos. Its kind of cool but not the original video.

I found the original on BitChute though:

Also stumbled onto this clip from a doc I assume which is pretty awesome:

>> No.14287476

dang alain delon must be a FN voter