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14272945 No.14272945 [Reply] [Original]

>writes a bunch of comedies
>none of them are funny.
What's going on here?

>> No.14272946
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>> No.14272956

White people forcing everyone to like Shakespeare when SubSaharan African literature is so obviously superior.

>> No.14272972
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>Greatest work is titled the divine comedy
>About hell, purgatory and heavenly shit
Did renaissance author's do post-ironic titling before it was cool?

>> No.14273441

Nobody except a few gay theater performers care about his comedies. Everyone else who likes Shakespeare likes him for his histories or dramas

>> No.14273445


>> No.14273454

Nah, Much Ado About Nothing is one of his best.

>> No.14273465

He hasn't read Shakespeare if he's speaking so generally. You don't want his opinions as they're likely, at best, secondhand.

>> No.14273497

No the meaning of comedy went over your head.

>> No.14273508
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>He doesn't understand the difference between a tragedy and a comedy

>> No.14273717

>He's never seen a Shakespeare comedy performed live with his bros
I feel sad for you, anon. Midsummer Night's Dream was one of the funniest plays I had ever seen

>> No.14273750


>> No.14273787

You wouldn't get it.

>> No.14273798


>> No.14275418

it was actually called 'the comedy'

>> No.14275445

Twelfth Night is funny

>> No.14275458
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>Big drum loud bang
>The big tree past the other tree
>Sharp spear fly fast
>Cheetah stole my baby

>> No.14275470

Oh look, it's another "degenerate ESL retard posts about how he doesn't like Shakespeare" thread.

Kys faggot. It's not our fault that your mother didn't throw you in the nearest river when you were a baby.

>> No.14276779

Which of his plays did you find particularly unfunny?

>> No.14277830
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>> No.14277893

She cute

>> No.14277901


>> No.14277910

Comedia / Comedy during the renaissance era meant any story where the outcome for the main characters was good. Basically a happy-end.

>> No.14277914

i really enjoyed "ooga booga muh dick" by quintarious deshawn washington

>> No.14278317
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>he thinks a comedy is about making you laugh
I bet you nigger think a tragedy is about the characters being killed.

>> No.14278634

No, that's a black comedy

>> No.14278887 [DELETED] 

Burges have shit taste.

>> No.14279104

Actually Edward de vere wrote Shakespeare

>> No.14279121

I'd just like to interject for a moment. Wataru Shakizura, known to the West more commonly as William Shakespeare, was actually a 16th century feudal Japanese poet and archer responsible for most of the works credited to the latter's canon. Shakizura is thought to be buried, along with his original manuscripts in the Late Middle Japanese, beneath the Altar stone at the Church of the Holy Trinity, Stratford-upon-Avon, mere feet from his nom de plume's marked tomb.

>> No.14279237

Most of his great tragedies are filled with comedy. Romeo and Juliet is a romcom until Mercutio gets shanked. The fool in Lear, Hamlet’s insults, the porter and witches in his least comedic tragedy Macbeth, all sharpen the tragedy. His English history plays that created a heroic national mythos are filled with characters like Falstaff. He knew how to write comedy.

>> No.14279416

You wuz shoguns en sheit

>> No.14279435

That one about the spider

>> No.14279637
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>> No.14279760

>Hamlet’s insults
One of my favorites is Hamlet thot patrolling Ophelia
>Hamlet: Is this a prologue or the posy of a ring?
>Ophelia: tis brief, my lord.
>Hamlet: As woman’s love.

>> No.14279797

they're hilarious though, the last comedy i went to (love's labor's lost) literally had the entire house in stitches

>> No.14279813

I hear "Um bug gak kak ka kag mabagago" is a page turner

>> No.14280650

tis basèd

>> No.14280662

Actually I wrote Shakespeare.

>> No.14280851

Actually Shakespeare wrote my diary desu

>> No.14282574

Shakespeare was a reactionary pig.

>> No.14283229

3/10 bait

>> No.14283504

Shakespeare’s overrated. Read Goethe.

>> No.14283526

Was shakespeare... A BOOMER?

>> No.14283590
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>trying to compare two poets who wrote in two different languages
Bet you read translations too

>> No.14283751

>haven’t had your Bacon-literary-truth pill yet.
Anon we’re concerned

>> No.14283774

Goethe would disagree

>> No.14283780

Did he really have one of those gay pirate earings?

>> No.14283847

I was baconpilled like a month 2 years ago

>> No.14285189

Shakespeare is oftentimes funny in a very dry way but it's not exclusive to tragic or comic works. For example Hamlet's interaction with the grave digger is a pretty fucking funny conversation if you really try to imagine it going down.