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/lit/ - Literature

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14283252 No.14283252 [Reply] [Original]

Gutenberg should be a worldwide hero.

>> No.14283258

Individuals are irrelevant to the larger scheme of things

>> No.14283265

Gutenberg, Nicholas of Cusa, Hagens and Fust were all very important individuals to the formation of printing and book culture.

>> No.14283276


just the eternal g*rman stealing dutch inventions as usual


>> No.14283291

You can't fool me. I know Coster is a shambles. Mainz is the true birthplace of books, my friend. How do I know? I read a book!

>> No.14283312

...he is, is he not?

>> No.14283323

I guarantee very few people know who Gutenberg is. It's a shame.

>> No.14283343

literally everyone does youfag, you're not speshul for knowing about someone everyone learns about in middleschool.

>> No.14283352

I didn't say I was special. I think you have too high of an opinion of what the man on the street thinks because you live in the world of literature and academia... Ask anyone in the street "Who is Johannes Gutenberg?" and they'll have no clue.

>> No.14283358

Btw, there's pretty hard proof that Coster didn't do shit.

>> No.14283362

no, i'm a retard and even i know him. they may not know off the top of their heads, but the minute you saying printing press, they'll remeber

>> No.14283385

(((gutenberg))) literally only invented the printing press so he could print torahs for the jewish elite

>> No.14283412

>introducing high literature and the magic of the written word to the broad unwashed masses incapable of understanding them
>allowing the heritage of civilization to fall into the hands of anyone with a few coins to rub together and then misuse within the limits of their horribly narrow horizons
>encouraging a culture of text-onlyism, despite the fact that most texts were meant to be accompanied with commentaries elucidated by living masters of the subject trained in what text alone cant communicate

Chinese monks had printing presses and didn't fall into the pit of base egalitarian commercialism like this. Gutenberg and his commercialized printing press have been a disaster for the human race

>> No.14283415

You yourself are of peasant stock and would doom yourself to servitude just to sound edgy on the internet

>> No.14283447


Is being a servile peasent really worse than being chained to a computer for 40 years until you die of a heart attack? No peasent life wasn't ideal but it takes a lot of ignorance of the spirtual squalor modern man lives in to present it as a counter argument.

>> No.14283497
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>> No.14283518

I think you're missing my point, but then again maybe I missed yours as well.
You get a lot of people on this board who talk a big game about the same sort of thing as you, because they see themselves as being those who would be part of the intellectual/ spiritual elite or priestly caste in such a world.
I just enjoy pointing out how unlikely this is to be true, the real elite aren't shitposting on /lit/ on a Tuesday evening, but if you are accepting of this fact then actually that's pretty based and ideologically consistent pilled so good on you
you too