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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 76 KB, 485x717, the-bell-curve-murray-herrnstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14276290 No.14276290[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Fuck Kant. Fuck Hegel. Fuck Whitehead. Fuck Deleuze. This is the only book that matters.

>> No.14276294

Fuck niggeroos and janniecucks, too

>> No.14276296

Reminder that IQ has literally been debunked in academic circles and you're a retard if you still believe in it

>> No.14276317

>Best indicator of job success, academic success, financial success, etc.
You literally have no argument. The measurements are all there stop listening to libtards. We need to create a white ethnostate.

>> No.14276321


>> No.14276323

this board sucks now

>> No.14276364

Whats the best measure of intelligence if IQ has been debunked?

>> No.14276370


>> No.14276371

none, we're all equal you just didn't study as much as einstein

>> No.14276374

yikes you just did a genetic fallacy

>> No.14276376

>The only thing that matters is that which rationalizes my hatred of other people. Hate is all I have.

>> No.14276377

I thought you were talking about academia, my guy. Great bait unless you are clinically retarded.

>> No.14276411

Explain to me how is feeling hate in any shape or form worse or inferior than feeling any other feeling? What is the scale?

>> No.14276415

another genetic fallacy

>> No.14276449

>There are people on this very board that still cling desperately to the completely irrational proposition that all races are the same despite having zero evidence for it.
How do you guys honestly do it? Is there just a giant a crimestop in your head surrounding that issue or what, I know you arent actually all stupid

>> No.14276602

Why are you discriminating solely on race? Are all of the people of one race the same person?

>> No.14276633

>Why are you discriminating solely on race?
...Im not and made no implication that I was

>> No.14276746

LMAO at you trying to rationalize your addiction to hate by abstracting it into some "feeling" removed from all context. You've truly sold your soul to the will to murder and destroy.

>> No.14276778

Ok boomer

>> No.14276808

>there are people on this board who don't believe in luminiferous aether
How do they explain the movement of light through a vacuum? Is there just a cut off in their heads or something?

>> No.14276896

You are literally the lowest rung of society stepping on the other lowest people to try and feel good about yourself
If you think niggers should die, then so should low class faggots like yourself
Winners don't talk about this shit, so if you support the idea of a master race you should shoot your family and neck yourself because that would actually move us towards that goal more than anything else you are capable of

>> No.14276920

The book is mostly about class you utter retard, ie. it agrees with what youre saying

>> No.14276933

Have you even read the book whites are dead average

>> No.14276959

>they dindu nuffin!
Your reign is over, kys invertebrate faggot

>> No.14276971

In this thread:
People who haven't read the book and think it's 100% about race and IQ.
People who haven't read the book and think whites have the highest IQ.
People who haven't read the book and think average IQ differences justify racism.
People who think factual statements can be racist.
And finally low IQ idiots who haven't read the book and believe IQ isn't a real thing in order to cope.

>> No.14276972
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if (((academics))) actually want people to stop talking about IQ then they need to cease with the never-ending stream of communist bullshit that niggers failing to achieve is due to racism. that means no more money for dem programs, and no more blaming of whitey. if those Bolshevik lies went away i think you would find people would take much less of an interest in the REAL reasons, which are indeed genetic.

>> No.14276982

so basically IQ just measures wagecuck etiquette? lmao IQucks are the goodest goyim

>> No.14277073

>IQ measures how much of a faggot who's ready to suck corporate dick for job offerings and promotions

Wow! So smart!!!

>> No.14277173
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'correlation = causation' ishygddt

>> No.14277220
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Reminder that Dr. Taleb has debunked IQ; and if there are biological/cognitive differences between races, IQ is not the way to measure them.

>> No.14277241

What is the way to measure them?

>> No.14277255

Don't ask me, I'm not the race realist. If the entirety of race realism rests on a shaky foundation, like IQ, then it is trash and may be disregarded.

>> No.14277257

sry i don't trust arabs

>> No.14277259

it also rests on brain size, crime rates, educational achievement, pretty much any metric you want to pick the East asians end up with the best scores and certain Africans with the lowest. Its always the same pattern

>> No.14277262

But IQ has evidence supporting it, aether theory doesn't.

>> No.14277265

ok boomer

>> No.14277277

now that is fucking retarded

>> No.14277280

3/4 Greek, 1/4 Phoenician. He is not Arab.
>crime rates
Every time I ask a race realist why blacks commit more crime than others, the say because of low IQ.

>> No.14277304

Smart ones realize it, but are scared of the possible implications and don't want to think about.
Dumb ones see the smart ones smugly dismiss it and that's good enough for them since they can't understand the data.

>> No.14277309

>aether theory doesn't.
Yes it does, which is why it was the standard model for decades, like race or iq

>> No.14277310

Masterful bait, sir.

>> No.14277373

t. dumb

>> No.14277525

It's pretty reasonable to both understand that black people are generally dumb and move on to other things in your life
I don't hate /pol/ because I'm in denial of this fact, I hate /pol/ because of threads like this that prove you genuinely don't have anything else to say
You faggots are so obsessed with dying on this one particular hill that you forgot any others exist

>> No.14277613

All of art, literature, and culture is already determined by your biology. There is nothing that is "constructed." The Postmodernists, Marxists, and libtards are wrong. Biological determinism, race realism, essentialism, and ethnonationalism are the final redpill.

>> No.14277658

statistics is the science of pseuds
literally you can correlate dick size with anything

>> No.14277758

>t. Your ass

>> No.14277778

It is weird indeed how IQ of white people skyrocketed with 1800 years of civilization and populations that didn't share the glorious european culture are left behind. They're still behind of the chinese, though

>> No.14277782

t. retard. get redpilled on race and iq libtard.

>> No.14277786

brainlet or bait?
must be bait

>> No.14277788

this is your brain on materialist-determinism. Okay smart guy, if nothing is constructed, and everything is the product of biology, explain how consciousness emerges from matter, and show that it is deterministic. If you cannot, then your entire theory falls apart.

>> No.14277789

fuck off kike your subversive tricks won't work on me

>> No.14277792

nobody can explain what consciousness is, there are just vague arbitrary theories like panpsychism or dualism

>> No.14277793

lmao are you arguing for idealism?

>> No.14277812

I am arguing against biological determinism, that it is the genes that determine everything. There are simply other confounding factors; material environment, and, yes, there is an element of idealism which determines the consciousness of man.

>> No.14277827
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>Thousands of years of tome after tome being written on it exploring it from every possible direction with dozens of possible viewpoints convincingly argued by the deepest thinkers of human history
>"Nobody knows, it's just a bunch of vague shit, so I'm right"

>> No.14277843
File: 334 KB, 527x1217, con proc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That guy you are talking to is a retard/troll but take the processism pill

>> No.14277933

these seems quite based. Ill read Whitehead one of these days.

>> No.14277974 [DELETED] 


>> No.14277981


>> No.14277995

Isn't this just some Kantian critique of pure reason shit

>> No.14278004


>> No.14278017


>> No.14278025

sure, there's Kantian influence, but transcedentals are absent from it

>> No.14278026
File: 55 KB, 660x680, 1570156970930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have to go back

>> No.14278039


>> No.14278045

drop the larp, sandnigger. phoenicians are fucking extinct and you’re not one.

>> No.14278054

whites are ahead of asians because whites have a higher percentage at both ends of the iq spectrum. also and more importantly, they are more thorough and diligent by nature.

>> No.14278081

Dr. Taleb didn't debunk IQ. His biased selection of data points and "seemingly random" application of transformations on the data sets manipulate the data in such a way as to make pretty much any metrics applied on these data worthless. It's a large-scale academic fraud to strengthen a political proposition that by virtue of the dominating political power is already self-evident and unquestioned truth.
That the expression of genes depends on the environment is common knowledge. This doesn't lessen the importance of heritability. Why? Because heritability quotients are derived by comparing people based on a comparative rather than an absolute scale.
>yes, there is an element of idealism which determines the consciousness of man.
You're introducing metaphysical concepts in a subject that up until then was hard. It's the 'my god is real and yours not' argument and you have nothing to prove it.

>> No.14278143

>All of art, literature, and culture is already determined by your biology.
Art, literature and culture are the results of interactions between the person, who is biological and the result of his genes, and a not-necessarily biological environment. Are they influenced and motivated by genetics? Yes, they are but in connection with the environment.

Although there are enough components especially in how societies organize them socially that seem so heavily motivated by genetics that these components more or less act independently of the environment. Heavy disapproval (which means anything from ostracization to killing) of cheating partners, of people who kill in-group, who steal etc. is universal in sharp contrast to the neutral or even positive reception of the same delinquencies when acted on out-group members.

>> No.14278153
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Kind of but it is crucial to know where he departs from Kant

>> No.14278161
File: 257 KB, 683x1069, jj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14278172

If it looks and smells like bullshit, it is bullshit.
Especially if it comes from some 19-year-old sophomore who searched up some "Kantian" terms and now feels smart by misapplying them.

>> No.14278180
File: 90 KB, 880x1360, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong. This is the only book that matters.

>> No.14278197

Posts like this one make me grateful I didn't start browsing 4chan when I was younger and more impressionable.

>> No.14278229


>> No.14278245

>You're introducing metaphysical concepts in a subject that up until then was hard. It's the 'my god is real and yours not' argument and you have nothing to prove it.
Yeah, but you cannot escape metaphysics. It is simply impossible to say to what end ideas affect a man's consciousness. In this regard, man is indeed a blank-slate. If his thoughts flow downstream from ideas put in his head, at least partially, then biological determinism, the exact idea I was originally responding to, is bullshit.

>> No.14278284

I'm top 2.3% global IQ, and I've come to the conclusion I can enjoy my luxury intelectual life as a neet thanks to the work of all those lower IQ people who do vital things to society.

Even if black people have lower IQ, this doesn't mean they can't be useful people to society.

There's plenty of useful jobs blacks can do, from cleaning the streets, to farming, to cooking food, to being a police guy.

Only retards think a society filled with high IQ people wont crumble because those shitty jobs like cleaning toilets will be done more efectly by smart people.