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14275188 No.14275188 [Reply] [Original]

Any books on the concept of masculinity?

>> No.14275197

No, it's too fragile to capture in text without butthurt incels freaking out on the internet about it.

>> No.14275199

Old Man and the Sea

>> No.14275209
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Gates of Fire

>> No.14275214
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>> No.14275253
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I want to marry Sarah

>> No.14275270

The Iliad

>> No.14275273

You are not kidding.

>> No.14275280

The Sun Also Rises

the movies of Paul Schrader

>> No.14275282

If you have to make/teach yourself be a man doesn't this mean you're already fucked?

>> No.14275411

Fight club

>> No.14275421

i don't knwo what it means to be a man but i know this much, you won't find it by reading a bunch of books

>> No.14275430

This comic is so retarded. Women don't expect much of men. Just don't be an asshole and shave often. That's it.

>> No.14275438

You forgot to add to shower every 5 minutes and just be yourself

>> No.14275443

thats a pretty weird looking 15 year old boy

>> No.14275448

really decent bait

>> No.14275485

I hate women desu, not even interested in justifying it with long effort posts or links to studies or whatever.
I'm pretty sure any decent guy I meet will just understand without the need for explanation.

Not sexist, just don't like em

>> No.14275564

Thats the point.
Being a man is about taking it up the ass until you start wanting to fuck other men in the ass. It's the circle of life.

>> No.14275600

>I hate women because I read whitepapers about how they're BAD
Holy pseud.

>> No.14275656

I should probably shower more often and I still get told I have much better hygiene than nearly all men.

Seriously, wash your penis dudes.

>> No.14275751

Written by a guy who takes it up the ass. How can anyone consider a gay man an authority on masculinity?

>> No.14275760

gay men clearly know more about men and masculinity than dumbass simps who love women

>> No.14275884

Fucking this.
Nothing is more masculine than deeply and genuinely engaging in romantic love with another man. And then deeply engaging with his ass.

>> No.14275914

All I had to do was compare the amount of effort it takes me to fuck men on tinder to the amount of effort it takes my friends to fuck women to understand that the relationship is absurdly assymmetrical. If things were actually as easy as redditors make it seem 24/7 fucking would be the norm for everyone.

Upboated :^)

>> No.14275919

King warrior magician lover

>> No.14275961

You must not be paying attention to the shifting trends. Gay men are becoming the last refuge of masculinity. They revel in their maleness, and they don't have women around to tell them not to.

>> No.14275998

true masculinity is found in celibacy.

>> No.14276009
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traditional masculinity always allowed for some male love. if any affection towards men is forbidden socially (else you're instantly gay), we become hostile and wary to each other.
value your bros and don't forget to compliment them today

>> No.14276014

its a real thing not just a concept

>> No.14276021

Based. This takes sometime to wrap your head around, but females have generally been to blame for families not being able to closely bond. The women bicker and argue between each other because they’re emotional children who can’t stand competition.

>> No.14276023
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Kill yourself faggot.

>> No.14276036

low quality bait. the GREEKS are laughing at you

>> No.14276037

That is a good point. Most men these days enter relationships from an early age and spend all their free time with a woman. Most men become whipped too and their personality changes for their girlfriend.

>> No.14276042

I've always been bemused by how fruity and well adjusted super trad societies are. It's a very open and affectionate masculinity. I think it creates less trauma and rejection in the highly competitive and bant ridden male sphere as the only measures are honor, duty and doing your best.

>> No.14276049


>> No.14276053

incels are the last bastion of masculinity then.

>> No.14276054
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>> No.14276059

If you're reading a faggots take on what is masculinity you're probably just reading his kinks and fetishes. Go ahead, read it, and be the most """masculine""" man ever, just the way faggots love it.

>> No.14276061

This except unironically

>> No.14276064

They would be if they didn't spend all their time playing video games and being ugly. To really perfect masculinity, you have to be social and interact with others. Something most incels never do. But, hey, you got high score on whatever game, so that's just as good, right?

>> No.14276073

He was a guest at the local white nationalist Viking larp compound. His connections to certain public figures is unusual.

>> No.14276097
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if traditional feminity was also more independent, focused on self-improvement, wisdom and helping your fellow sisters (with a touch of normalised lesbian love), there'd be no war between the sexes, we'd have a society made wholly of characteristic, complete people who don't seek to leech on others, compete agressively and unjustly, to cheat and mistreat each other.

it's just a dream, but bros, I keep wishing

>> No.14276099

>To really perfect masculinity, you have to be social and interact with others.
no, and on the contrary, the inverse is true.

>> No.14276105

You are on the wrong side of history

>> No.14276113

terrible bait

>> No.14276119

That was the dream of the hippies, but to paraphrase Jodorowsky (or maybe it was Dr. Thomas Harris), they were a bunch of narcissistic toddlers shirking the responsibility that comes with it.

>> No.14276136

hippies must be one of the least annoying subcultures, they did no harm and some were based schizos, some hippie art influence can be still felt today in a positive way.
I'd choose to bring back the acid dropping peacelovers who make good music and leave the consoomerist sub""""cultures""" we have today at the dump of history any day

>> No.14276182

>cultural relativism into all cultures are equal
>equal rights into equal outcome
>prostrate western society at the alter of social justice
>they did no harm
Allowing them to believe that the social sciences and race/sex/gender studies are as academically heavy as hard sciences was a terrible mistake, as most of them that created these institutions of thought were too ignorant to understand hard sciences, so we allowed them to make up their own studies.
Hippies were the effect of weak men being shamed into not defending western culture.

>> No.14276197

what's the original comic

>> No.14276199


He did say the WAY...

>> No.14276234

They were a bunch of narcissistic hedonists, go hang around some potheads who can still string a couple rambling sentences about whatever thought just flew out of their ass together and tie it into a class they dropped out of and you have the experience.

>> No.14276238
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The basic unit that makes masculinity is sacrifice. The ultimate form of sacrifice is giving up your own will for the one of the being who is ultimately perfect, God. As we put emphasis on his Will and not our own, we imitate him and finally serve our purpose as image of God.
The end of masculinity is transcendence.

>> No.14276245


>> No.14276252

>I think it creates less trauma and rejection in the highly competitive and bant ridden male sphere as the only measures are honor, duty and doing your best.
So sociopaths thrive in this environment and faggots thrive in the other?

>> No.14276258


those debates are so overpolarized and overmemed that I don't get the message of those webcomics anymore, dont even know if its taking a side or not. It's like all discourse has become a meme fried to oblivion.

>> No.14276278

The cosmic irony of masculinity is that it promotes a hardened exterior but the gonads are external and exposed, like the ventilation shaft in the death star (if you'll forgive the pop culture reference). This anatomical fact is a parable for the fragility of masculinity. Despite the seeming toughness and invulnerability of the masculine facade, there is a subtle weak spot, the physiological core of his masculinity (the testes) is also the most vulnerable part of his anatomy (to physical harm but also environmental exposure, radiation, etc).

Meanwhile feminine identity is much more stable and secure, similar to how the female reproductive organs are encased within the body.

>> No.14276297

Rejection from the male sphere creates fags. If the cultural archetype is limited to a stereotypical cowboy, it leaves a lot of fags on the outside.

>> No.14276305


>> No.14276316

To build off this, the male reproductive organs are simple in design compared to the female machinery. Masculine identity is perceived to be simple in relation to it, while feminine identity is considered to be more fraught and complicated, woven and criss-crossed through and through with emotions.

In contrast relative simplicity of the male reproductive organs (it's basically three wires connecting the dick to the balls) provides some security from disease. The fewer working parts in a system, the fewer chances there are for something to go wrong. Meanwhile the female anatomy, more complex as it is, has a greater surface of exposure to numerous diseases. So it's not all bad.

>> No.14276341

>Rejection from the male sphere creates fags.
Explain, are you saying childhood ostracization/bullying which continues into adulthood in the workplace/higher education creates latent homosexuals who sexualize their abuse or just psychologically/emotionally weak men?
Isn't there a point where the fag only has himself to blame for being weak and unable to think differently?

>> No.14276361

The problem with traditional masculinity is that it really promotes a slave morality. It's defined by what you can't do. You can't do the gay, you can't express your emotions, you can't enjoy anything that may appear feminine, you can't avoid competition, you can't ask for help (must be self reliant). The result is that masculinity is defined in terms of limitations. It makes many men unhappy and no doubt feeds into their reduced life expectancy and greater incidence of health and substance abuse problems.

>> No.14276394

>Nietzche can be used to justify behaviors which were actually brought about by the supposed "ressentiment" of the kikes and the prots

Truly I tell you, the emperor has no clothes.

>> No.14276405

>woman has a college education
>wont consider dating anyone in trades

>> No.14276409

my problem with this assumption is that its usually pushed by scrawny soiboi Christians who watch marvel movies and use it as an excuse not to be physically, mentally, or spiritually strong, while still retaing the self-satisfaction of being a "real man." if you claim that worshipping God is the true form of masculinity, then you're saying that an 80 year old nun is more masculine than an agnostic nfl linebacker.

>> No.14276410

Musashi is pretty cool

>> No.14276489

lack of a strong male role model early in life with a sole female provider has higher % of gay son outcome

>> No.14276535

How did you get to that conclusion? Sacrifice is not doing something you want to do because that's necessary to achieve something better, like not fucking any other woman when you have a wife or wasting your time working to put food on the table for your children. It's basically fighting against passions. Passion is the thing that moves secular materialist man's life.
Thinking that masculinity is just aesthetics is stupid.

>> No.14276556

women don't make sacrifices? women don't fight against passions?
never said masculinity was just aesthetics either btw.

>> No.14276587

I'm with you on most of this, with the caveat that some passions are not just healthy but good in themselves. If you are passionate about your loved ones or drawing closer to your ideals (provided they're good ideals) that's part of the picture. Part of the issue is knowing what passions to maintain and which to work against.

I think another unfortunate assumption in these discussions (you make a good point here) is that there is no room for overlap in actions between men and women. Men can healthily have feminine aspects and do feminine things and vice versa. Part of why esotericism is I think becoming more attractive to people now is that the gender of traits and actions are seen as being on a spectrum as opposed to separate categories where you can't cross over.

Jack Donovan iirc has some cool points on this in how in a community of men there is room for men who aren't quite as typically masculine, but they fulfill a different but valuable roll.

>> No.14276597

close, but not quite retarded enough to be a new copypasta

>> No.14276598

>Jack Donovan iirc has some cool points on this in how in a community of men there is room for men who aren't quite as typically masculine, but they fulfill a different but valuable roll.
I sure wonder what that faggot meant by that

>> No.14276716

Yes, they do. That's why sacrifice is also the basic unit of femininity. The problem is not of being or being not, but it is a problem of where to put sacrifice. Man and woman are different beings that complement each other, so they must act different even if the motive is the same.
I'll give another example: Augustine once said: "love the sinner and hate the sin.” Love and hatred are both valid sentiments, the problem is when you put them where they don't belong. The Bible shows what would be the roles of each one after the Fall:
>16 To the woman he said, "I will make your pains in childbearing very severe; with painful labor you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you."
>17 To Adam he said, "Because you listened to your wife and ate fruit from the tree about which I commanded you, 'You must not eat from it,' "Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat food from it all the days of your life. 18 It will produce thorns and thistles for you, and you will eat the plants of the field. 19 By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return."

I agree with you, too. By passion I mean vice.

>> No.14276732

"Feminine" men who aren't intellectuals are excluded from the male social sphere which creates outcast incels with no friends and fags who go to the female spheres. Include a broader set of acceptable behaviors under masculinity and you have fewer flaming queers because the reality is that you can't expect to fit a broad spectrum of personality traits and tastes into a little tiny cookie cutter box. Campy straight guys and preening dandies used to be peak virility and the working stiff was the butt of jokes. Manhood is so humorless and rigid these days.

>> No.14276759

Jack Donovan just wants gay buttsex. His books are about his fetish

>> No.14276762

Masculinity is unironically a spook.

>> No.14276805

Everything that your ego (which is a spook) cares for is a spook.

>> No.14276831
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>> No.14276880

>men need to start expressing their emotions
>men do
>some woman on Twitter which is the intellectual capital of the world says something stupid
>men get pissy and start being misogynistic

Not very manly desu

>> No.14276890

a woman telling a man he should 'express his emotions' is a gigantic trap that only a dumbass would fall for

>> No.14276898

You should express your emotions in a healthy way no matter what.

>> No.14276904

So they aren't born gay?

>> No.14276912

absolute nonsense, the only emotion you should express to a woman is rage as you yell at and hit her

>> No.14277003


>in a healthy way

there's the qualifier.

>> No.14277290

Read Weininger

>> No.14277339

someone post the original comic.

>> No.14277489

tried to find it just ended up finding naruto yaoi baka

>> No.14277544

holy based

>> No.14277556

You forgot lust. A woman doesn't want anything else from a man emotionally speaking.

>> No.14277569

Weak cope.

>> No.14277621

What if she cooks for you, brings you presents, sucks your cock all night, smiles at you, cuddles at you?

Is it all bait to reveal weakness? Is she testing your frame 24/7? If so what do you do? You arrange a weekly meeting with your mates to wind off and take out the feels you had inside of all week?

I cum in my girfriends pussy at least 5 times a week really hard and aggressive and i still have a feminine side of. I never let it out tho and i don't know if that's keeping the relationship healthy.

In the shorterm? Yes, it will work, but try this machiavellian tactic for too long and you will have a negative side effects. Being rageful is acting like an npc. Use that tool wisely and choose Stoicism 80% of times as it's guaranteed to work.

>> No.14277629

>without butthurt incels freaking out on the internet about it.
Why would you care about what they do?
>Too fragile
Take your man-hands off it, then. It requires a womanly touch.

>> No.14277643

So if you are a romantic then it is over? What if you want a woman for an emotional connection more than you want sex?

>> No.14277646

I was just shitposting do whatever you want with your gf who cares. Yelling at people does in fact feel really good though

>> No.14277702

>What if you want a woman for an emotional connection more than you want sex?

Many modern problems in male-female sexual dynamics stem from men wanting their partners to be their whore, the mother of their children, and a pseudo-mother of sorts all at once. That's an unreasonable amount of responsibility to put on any woman's shoulders. So what did men do back in the day? They had a wife to have children with, a mistress/whores to satisfy their sexual needs, and close male friends that they could be open with emotionally speaking, oftentimes through enduring hardship together (like soldiers becoming friends).

You're not a woman. You can separate lust from love, unlike women. It's that way for a reason.

And never forget that women resent nothing more than a man who has shown himself to be weak. She'll sooner forgive you for murdering somebody than she will forgive you for being weak.

>> No.14277742

That is to say, you can "love" your wife, but becoming emotionally intimate with a woman to the point where you discuss your deepest fears and such is just asking for trouble. Not even women want to actually know their men that much. She wants a figure worth serving; a rock to lean on, and if you have shown yourself to be able to bleed, she'll never forgive you for it.

>> No.14277811

The thousand cocks stare...

>> No.14277814

I wish I was a sociopath

>> No.14277841

being a sociopath or schizoid is like having the romantic relationship minigame on tutorial mode

>> No.14277856

On the other hand, you get less out of it I'd imagine. Forming any authentic intimacy would be harder.

>> No.14277869

You know how the army has cooks and people who don't necessarily fight? That's what he said and meant.

Read one of his fucking books.

>> No.14277876

How does sociopathy play into this? I told you that you could cherish your wife as the mother of your children, and you could be the greatest friends in the world with your buddies. The arrangement that I explained to you is literally to everyone's benefit.

>> No.14277909

Peasants and the lower classes never had mistresses and things worked out fine for many people. Being reliant on a partner is the biggest problem. Treat your partner as a nice bonus to your life rather than something you need to survive and the relationship is more likely to be healthy.

>> No.14277922

>Peasants and the lower classes never had mistresses

Yes, that's why I said "a mistress/whores".

>> No.14277942

You have no idea what you're saying. Hippies became bourgeois bohemians and are responsible for the sheer inanity and stupidity of today's "countercultural" thinking.

>> No.14277947

and hetrosexuals don't think differently? lmfao.

>> No.14278761


The only appropriate place to express your deepest fears to is the void. If you lack that ability the only acceptable substitute is your priest/shaman.

>> No.14278822

The Odyssey

>> No.14278874
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Yeah for example in autism research the disorder is often categorized as a type of "extreme male brainedness" due to the asocial aspects of it and systematization obsession autists exhibit. I really don't get how someone could think being social/interaction = maleness.

>> No.14278902

this was well-written and has an interesting content as well. berry nice
considering fear and trembling, is masculinity also manifested in ultramoral evil?

>> No.14279389

I did a test once myself and managed to get 13 different dick pics (with proceeding flirting as a bare minimum, no dicks off the bat) before I got ONE response from a female. And no I'm not a twink.

>> No.14279442

Are NFL linebackers really any different than a horse though? Basically not.
I dont agree with the other anon, but some roided basketball american who fucks a lot of girls and suffers from permanent brain damage due to their poor career decisions isn’t someone to emulate.

Overall I think too many men let woman determine their worth as men. Either they get hitched and then get fat and bald, or they become an obnoxious alcoholic dandy who thinks contracting venerial disease and being single at thirty is an accomplishment.

Most manly people I’ve ever met where those old men who have nothing to prove.

>> No.14279529
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>> No.14279538
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I think you missed the point completely.

>> No.14279584

the most boring shit ever

>> No.14279594

really hope this isn't true or that i can find a woman it doesn't apply to

>> No.14279737

It’s not. The maternal instict of woman is insane, as can be obviously gleaned by the fact that absolute fuck ups manage to sleep with any woman they put their eyes on while guys who have their shit together often struggle to get a hand-job.
Anon is just projectong his shitty relationship with his mother onto a whole half the population.

>> No.14279762

>you're judging "half the population" therefore you're automatically wrong
>generalizations based on evidence are impossible

i don't agree with him either but don't be such a woman

>> No.14279794

Which basically just means "do it in the exact way that I expect you to do it from reading my mind"

>> No.14279836

cum in a man's ass and stay stoic you dumb fucking faggot

>> No.14279875

Pleb: filtered.
Lemme guess, you stopped at book 2?

>> No.14279893

I never said don’t generalize, I probably do it more than most, I just said that the anon in question is projecting hard, and in my general experience its because his mommy was too scared about not being alone to notice or care step-daddy was diddling the OP.

>> No.14279924

Take your nigger-tier gifs back to facebook.

>> No.14279927


>> No.14279937

Notes from the Underground

>> No.14279950


>> No.14279952
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>> No.14280277

Quality (you) farm

>> No.14280308

It’s the submissive component of gayness that’s unmasculine. For at least one participant anyway

>> No.14280313

read Bates & Feyngler

>> No.14280326


>> No.14280346
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>> No.14280349

what are the church colors, like gold/white/red? need to change the first rainbow

>> No.14280355

i have honestly not seen a better description of this

>> No.14280396
File: 2.04 MB, 1280x720, Horton heaves a ho.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah based

>> No.14280401

Heterosexuality was a mistake

>> No.14280404

the heterosexual community has some problems

>> No.14280488
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In spite of the author being a white nationalist (which is not necessarily a bad thing), and a homosexual (which is not necessarily a bad thing), this book is really well written.

He strips away religious, culture-specific, and modern concepts of moralized masculinity, and leaves a promordial prototypical core to biological masculinity that is universal to all cultures.

He does this by focusing on the biological and psychological traits that make men, biologically men.

For one, we're genetically built to be taller, stronger, with more pound-for-pound lean muscle mass, more tendon strength, greater speed and endurannce, and a higher tolerance for pain, than women (on average).

This would imply that one trait of universal masculinity would value physical strength, martial prowess, the productive or protective use of violence, resource provisions and labour. And as such, he extrapolates moral maxims from these genetic differences. Regardless of whether you are a Japanese shinto practitioner in the 1500s, or a Christian American in the 1950s, or a tribal bushman in Africa: you are expected to be physically strong and capable, whatever that means to your specific situation.

He does the same thing with intellectual differences between men and women, child-rearing roles, and social capital (both amongst men, and to the community / women).

We often think a good man must be a moral man. But, then we are often drawn to examples of gangsters, gunslingers and mafiosos in cinema. Or perhaps, even amoral depictions of competent, but isolated males.

Feminists claim a true man, a good man, must have beliefs that align with their own, and as such stated beliefs and correct opinions are all that are asked of liberal men.

Similarly, far right groups have moralizing statements on what a true man is. An unmarried happy bachelor, a man marrying outside of his race or class? Well, to them too, that is not a true man.

And worst of all are the capitalists who want to reduce men and women to a consumer-producer unit.

The reality is, morality is unrelated to masculinity. Don Corleone and Captain America are both depictions of highly masculine men, despite both having radically different ideals, and moral codes.

Furthermore the book does a good job at explaining how the idea of social shaming men for not being ''good men'' is a method of control exerted by all political ideologies at some point or another.

It was useful. Mildly life changing to hear things put in such simple terms, and to have all this baggage of the current year stripped away.

>when the memes cut too close to home, senpai
Honestly, it's really cowardly how instead of going after the actual institutions of power, radical leftists are instead protected and empowered by these mainstream institutions of power... to go after a generation of working class white males, which have been the most indoctrinated in human history towards being tolerant of others.

>> No.14280505


>> No.14280533

woah double-88s? Can I get a ''supreme white power'' from all the homies on the cell block before we go into our daily 88 burpees? Chicken on the bone and what not.

>> No.14280534

Could all submissive homosexuals who are born and raised that they turn out this way think any differently and become assertive around other men? Aren't these traits inseparable from predispositions?
What is stopping them if not?

>> No.14280623

You can be bros and form strong male relationships without sucking each other off.
an hero fag

>> No.14280715

>cucking out your self respect in order to worship a deity
Weakness. Men don't need gods

>> No.14280790

This, this. But that's only how masculinity is viewed by other guys. Many women actually don't mind cracking this shell.

>> No.14280806

>This, this.
You're a fucking embarassment.

>> No.14280809

>let me ignore the whole message and focus on THIS irrelevant phrase
And this is why you're single.

>> No.14280815

Fuck off newfag, I don't give a rat's arse about your drivelling wank lmao

>> No.14280832

an hero fag! In comes the twittermancer in his paper diadem with a miniature Guy Fawkes in vignette on it, his anonymous suit (just the jacket and the tie, shiny and the seams starting to split)

>> No.14280833

jesus christ
there really is no place left to avoid people like you
and now the additional porn ads
why must I have no sanctuary
churches close so early and 4chan is dying
I am dying

>> No.14280841

maybe you should move in with a girl from tumblr whose endocrine system has been larded under by contaminants so that the barest hint of sexuality makes her feel as if she'd been raped by an alien (men turned into women, women turned into children, every Old webpage a whaddyacallit primal scene) and who has decided to bundle her various neuroses and hatreds into the label of 'catholic'

>> No.14281103

And what the fuck is *your* problem?

>> No.14281110

Trolling on a mongolian meme blackboard won't ever win you pussy, anon.

>> No.14281161

Never gonna make it.

>> No.14281171

a lot of what is called "religion" seems to me to be black magic brainwashing shit and I am highly resistant to the idea that this is how humans are "meant" to live- with their control interfaces wired to the central brainbank- because it sounds like communism

>> No.14281249

>being a sociopath or schizoid is like having the romantic relationship minigame on tutorial mode

if you're good looking, girls automatically conflate schizoidal behavior with chaddish aloofness

>> No.14281281

this is why I have easy access to sex but have never dated anyone

>> No.14281308

Based and high iq
We need more men like you. Read bronze age mindset

>> No.14281442

Iron John by Robert Bly is pretty good. There's also quite a lot in terms of mythology that is more or less just about masculinity and how to be a man in the face of the absurd.

So basically you're so much of a coward that your chosen group to attack are the same white men who have no ability to form any groups dedicated to their wellness and improvement without the system putting a stop to it. You aren't actually interested in attacking power, but rather the people that have been consistently disempowered by every bit of "progress" that has been made post-WW2.

>> No.14281445

>you're a neck beard!
>No you're a neck beard!!
Shut the fuck up idiot

>> No.14281621

I had professors say this when I went to college. (Rochester) That they are concerned about how history will look at us. I told one I trusted to not fuck with my grades that such a fear is meaningless and unknowable. His response was "I don't know man, you don't want to be on the wrong side."

Who gives a shit? Do normal people actually think like this? I always thought mentioning "the wrong side of history" in politics was a backhanded way of implying your opponent is a nazi. But it seems people actually fear future opinions. They believe they won't be forgotten and irrelevant a year after dying. Its bizarre.

>> No.14281661

I don't understand either, perhaps they are thinking in terms of some moral teleology... it is always the so-called progressive and liberal thinker that presents this way

>> No.14281663

he's not a neckbeard, he's the opposite: a pretender playing with the relics of a dead culture

>> No.14281703

Spoken like a bitch. Being ready to give up your free will for any reason is what makes a slave. Whenever you are ready to accept something under certain terms, you can be forced to accept it under others.

>> No.14281790

I think this stems from two seperate notions. The first is a belief in history having a set path and a goal, a final stage to be realized. Therefore, if you believe or act opposed to this "goal" you litterally are on the wrong side of history. The second is the view that morality, like history also always progresses and as such, by disagreeing with the path that leads to this future moral you are on the wrong side.

This is stupid since a) Even if history has a set, desirable end how on earth can you know about it and b) if morality progresses you will always be viewed as immoral by future people.

>> No.14281803
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>“Thus, a good man, though a slave, is free; but a wicked man, though a king, is a slave. For he serves, not one man alone, but what is worse, as many masters as he has vices.”

>> No.14281849

This is true. Another intresting anatomical fact is that women bleeds every month, both physically and spiritually.

>> No.14282539

The Old Man and the Sea did it for me it showed me what it means to be a man. A lot of Hemingway's works deal with being a man. But at the same time they do show the fragility of a lot of masculinity and the need to put on airs to avoid looking weak to anyone - even yourself.

I reckon that that is the big issue with classic masculinity. Its built out of a paired reaction to femininity and thus anything remotely feminine is viewed as dangerous. I remember as a kid coming home from school wearing a bright yellow shirt that I liked an my father calling me faggy for it. This was while I hunted, fished, worked out, fought other kids, just had typically masculine behavior. Its just fragile and weak overall as a total system regardless of its emphasis on stoicism and strength.

>> No.14283225

Masculinity is incompatible with Capitalism. Homer made me realize this.
Men of the past killed, stole, and had sex with what they wanted. If you weren't man enough to defend "your" cattle then they weren't yours anymore, Achilles chopped your head off and took them. Your wife was yours as long as no one contested you, if raiders looted your town and you couldnt defend yourself then they took your wife and daughter and raped them on the spot and sold them to slaves. If they're pretty enough, given to champions. The wife gets fucked by the very man that killed her husband, he was more man.
Capitalism uses the modern state to control people, it replaces the traditional structure of humanity involving power with one that solely centers on fake hypothetical institutions and money. Capitalism necessitates weak men that will not attempt to use their power to possibly disrupt the state.
The state is the strong man that defends the weak men and kills off the other strong men that could contest it. It is the alpha male and you should not be fine with that.

>> No.14283240

How does one become a shaman? What does it implies?

>> No.14283414

Sorry senpai, I fell for the /lit/ meme. I'm starting with the Greeks..... won't reach post-2000s literature until after... like 700 books. You niggers triggered my autism.

>> No.14283444

she's a nazi

>> No.14283605

Explains all the interracial porn she shoehorns into her comics these days

>> No.14283961
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>> No.14284041

You become a shaman by understanding mysticism. This is generally done by engaging with obscure wisdom. Then you demonstrate your value to your clan that this wisdom grants you. Generally by helping them see the world in a way they could not without the insight you have done the work to gain, which helps them solve their problem in a way they would never have seen without it.

A shaman is generally the same role as a priest, though he may use different tools. Mage or druid are also apt terms.

>> No.14285232

what kind of fears do people have that they feel they need to express? the worst I can think of for myself is accidentally leaving the house without putting pants on first.