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14271986 No.14271986 [Reply] [Original]

With 2020 just around the corner, it's time to make some New Year's resolutions

1)How many books will you read, and which ones
2)What will you do to improve your financial situation
3)Any other goals you have in mind

>> No.14272027

very few

>> No.14272212

at least 30, probably less than 50
I don't know all of them but I want to read crying of lot 49 and if i like that then more pynchon, also more melville as i read moby dick a few months ago and i think it's my favourite novel now
save more spend less i guess
lift regularly and get in proper shape, I'm turning 21 next year and i want to stop being a skinny twink before i stop being cute

>> No.14272222

And if you fail to transition from a bottom to a top?

>> No.14272223
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I just want to make some money to have control over my life. It's just letters and writing and pleading with people. It's so tiresome. I'm going to start playing the lottery more. If I don't gain control over my life again -- which I estimate of getting a dwelling place and having about $20k set aside in addition to a functioning vehicle, not needing to worry about food and so forth--- I'm just going to become a priest. I've had enough struggling.

>> No.14272241

I’m about to graduate university with a math degree. I have no clue what I can do to make money out of college. I don’t want to work in finance. Help anons. Mom won’t let me be a NEET

>> No.14272262

my penor is of a reasonable size, i should be fine, and Ive always enjoyed telling people what to do in the bedroom, I'm not really interested in guys as much as girls now anyway

>> No.14272263

I want to read at least 10 books, hopefully finish the Lancelot grail cycle and a few others on my shelf.
Financial situation? Just pay my bills on time? I’m saving for a trip to Vegas and an engagement ring, ideally by next September.
Other goals: publish either some of my poems or my artwork. Realistically, at this point I would be happy if I actually made more artwork since it’s been a while since I’ve made anything I’m proud of

>> No.14272463

l like it

>> No.14272479

I feel for you, had a rough year as well
Good luck
We are all gonna make it bruh

>> No.14273724

>Books to read
Finish Summa Theologiae, and I also have a bunch of books on political philosophy and military strategy to read:
>Locke, Two Treatises
>De Maistre, Considerations on France
>Alfred Thayer Mahan
>Just and Unjust Wars

>Improve financial situation
Nothing, I'm good homie.

>Other goals
Get back in shape, last three months I've completely fallen off the wagon on working out.
Travel to Japan
I've got two short stories to write at least a first draft, that's December thing though.

>> No.14274837

>How many books will you read?
I started reading this year and I read about 6 books
>The Great Gatsby
>Picture of Dorian Gray
>Brave New World
>I am Legend
Gonna read Don Quixote before end of the year.

Next year I want to read more classics such as,
>The Catcher in the Rye
>Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
>Letters by Seneca
Any recommendations would be appreciated. Does anybody know which publishers have the best build quality for the best price (glue, spine, papers not falling out). I can't afford hardbacks. I also want to read more stem books related to my field to improve my understanding.

>Improve your financial situation?
Just gonna try to live frugally. I am starting masters in 2020 and I have a very low income. I have a budget and hopefully I can stick to it.

>Any other goals you have in mind?
Try to lose weight. Read more. Learn to write better academically. Self educate in more stem subjects. Learn to actually code and program WELL (I am a code monkey).