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File: 193 KB, 1545x869, coomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14268541 No.14268541 [Reply] [Original]

All great art is motivated by sex. The "coomer" meme is philistine propaganda.

>> No.14268542

Challenge to NoFappers: Name one (1) art that wasn’t motivated by sex

>> No.14268547

I'm not a NoFapper, but "The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living" comes to mind.

>> No.14268561

Nice gaslighting, ///bro. Who are the owners of the pornography industry?

>> No.14268565
File: 279 KB, 528x900, Screen Shot 2019-12-01 at 2.31.29 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who are the owners of the pornography industry?
Porn is becoming decentralized. Production companies are dying.


>> No.14268765

The coomer meme stands against pornography and the homosexual act called masturbation, there is nothing wrong with actual sex with a actual female specimen.

>> No.14268769

>Masturbation is a Jewish conspiracy
v cool

>> No.14268771

porn is not lit
masturbation is lit as long as its a sad cum

>> No.14269194

author probably got sweet pussy for writing that

>> No.14269267

not a conspiracy per se but they cut baby dicks off and suck the blood, culling stimulation

>> No.14269307

Canadians? Pornhub is owned by a leafperson.

>> No.14269316
File: 3.85 MB, 1476x2087, 1574890442192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically true. 95% of my story ideas come from my sexual fantasies. I then filter out most of sexuality, mix it with my existential dread, and voila.

>> No.14269856

World of Warcraft

>> No.14269900

having sex is based
fapping like the coomer is cringe

>> No.14269976
File: 108 KB, 640x640, 1573714234245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Science (i.e sophistry)

>> No.14270015

listen to this man, for he is based

>> No.14270391

Except masturbating isn't sex. Only Chads get laid. Therefore, only Chads can create great art.

>> No.14270397

You can't keep us coomers down, we're never gonna stop cooming on these niggas.

>> No.14270414
File: 58 KB, 385x456, 1573796901730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*rises prolactin
*decreases grey matter*
*ruins impulse control*
*distracts you time and again with useless hedonistic activity*
*induces hypofrontality*

>yeah bro, this is great motivation n sheeeit because i say so, even the dumbest ooooga boooga tribesman can do it, so HAH, play with your dick and fuck man, it doesnt have any side effects, nevermind Kant, Pythagoras, Copernicus, Tesla, Newton, and practically every other genius, they're wrong. lmao, just waste the best part of yourself, and make yourself tired and in a fog all the time because DUDE INSTANT PLEASURE.

>> No.14270471

Who owns the platforms like Pornhub, for instance Mind Geek?

>> No.14270489

Not anymore. Believe or not it was hijacked by discord trannies believing that penis = evil and you should become pure teehee anime girl.

>> No.14270494

Dam good answer

>> No.14270501

I see you are still triggered from the Kant thread lmao

>> No.14270546

as much as i think this is the worst meme this godforsaken website has ever come up with, threads like these are a good reminder that i share this site with a bunch of angry teenage mouthbreathers with little or no life experience

>> No.14270560

not an argument cumskull

>> No.14270569
File: 178 KB, 499x406, vincent-van-gogh-mohnfeld-1890[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The entire body of work of Vincent van Gogh

>> No.14270576

Coomers don't have sex

>> No.14270586

Michelangelo, Fra Angelico, Antonio Palomino, Bartolomeo, etc.

>> No.14270593

No difference between having sex and masturbation. Both deplete creative energy.

>> No.14270594

Once again, you can see how right the meme is simply by the responses one sees to it. Giving up porn does not hurt anyone, at the very least improves self control (not going to enter into a debate about the other benefits), yet STILL, people foam at the mouth upon seeing it. No other meme would generate such an unironic backlash as one sees with the Coomer. He has struck to the soul of the average 4chan user. It is truly pitiful how porn-addicted incels on here want to bring everyone down to their level. I suspect there will be many more threads on here posted by the same sex-addicted freaks that cannot stand seeing others better than they are.

>> No.14270605

>i'm not wasting seed because i put in into some whore so i'm not a coomer

>> No.14270614

I don't have premarital sex. I don't know why you are implying that. premartial sex is equally abhorrant. Man whores should feel equally ashamed.

>> No.14270627


>> No.14270629

nobody likes proselytization. i mean if you want to abstain that's your choice, you do you. don't tell me how to live my life though. i just want to nut when i feel like it and nobody can take from me my right to cum

of course there's that strange, perennially angry coomer archetype who flies into a rage at a completely non-imposed admittance of no-fap, you say "oh i made the conscious choice to stop masturbating" and they get all angry and shit like how fucking dare you not cum, the nerve, the audacity! yeah i don't get those guys. cumming is a private, personal and intimate matter. how you choose to cum on a regular basis is your prerogative and yours alone. nobody can intrude on that. maybe they're just products of an increasingly publicized life, between mass government surveillance and the tendency to post every intimate detail of one's life on the internet for the universe to see, there exists very little of a "private" life for the 21st century coomer. but that's not me. you do you bro, and i'll do me.

>> No.14270633

>i picked a single speciffic succubus to drain me instead of using multiple ones
What do you want, a coomkie?

>> No.14270645

OP was referring to great art only, sorry to break your fantasy

>> No.14270656
File: 5 KB, 211x238, NPC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't tell me how to live my life

>> No.14270673

There's a difference between being sexual and allowing the ideological, manufactured sexuality produced by the porn industry to take over your life.

>> No.14270684

>if you don't listen to life advices of random faggots on mongolian stamp collecting app who use knowyourmeme fodder pics you are a lifeless program
If you ever wonder why right wing on the internet is dying when compared to 2017 just look in the mirror. That cargo cult bullshit will lead you straight back into the gutter.

>> No.14270701
File: 37 KB, 644x800, 1539812633206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>please tell me how to live my life

>> No.14270708
File: 320 KB, 1200x866, Mantegna,_Andrea_-_crucifixion_-_Louvre_from_Predella_San_Zeno_Altarpiece_Verona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost no art that is motivated by sex is great; on the contrary, it is base, grotesque and has a corrupting influence on its audience. Beauty is something to be beheld, not possessed; it is a transcendental emotion. Sex involves possession and acting upon base instincts, which serve to defile any preexisting beauty. Great art has been motivated by love and adoration but these things don't have to engender sex or sexual desires.

>> No.14270711

>All great art is motivated by sex
And you lose that motivation when you jerk off.

>> No.14270737

>you lose that motivation when you jerk off.

You do, maybe.

>> No.14270740

>Beauty is something to be beheld, not possessed; it is a transcendental emotion. Sex involves possession and acting upon base instincts, which serve to defile any preexisting beauty.
That sounds like an excerpt from a cuck manifesto.

>> No.14270745


>> No.14270771

being "motivated by sex" isnt "cooming from your hand nonstop everyday"

>> No.14270775

Just try fucking any girl you consider beautiful and see if you still feel the same afterwards

>> No.14270776
File: 51 KB, 604x431, weeb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

social interaction and love is a big difference. It is like the sky and the ground. When you fap you can't feel her body, you can't kiss her neck, touch her feet, bite her ear, you can't stroke her back, smell her hair, you can't feel needed and loved and can't give same back. You can't abstract from the feeling that you're alone when you jerk off and if you do, feeling will return soon after you finish it. And you are left alone with your towel covered in cum and your dirty dick with nothing but a simple feeling of escape from your lonely reality. You're wrong.

>> No.14270804

Do you prefer to watch Tyrone and Jamal run a train on her or you like to look at her only when she is preparing to go out with them so you can admire her beauty?

>> No.14270823

It doesn't help that the nofap "movement" makes it as easy as possible for others to stigmatize them. With all their conspiracies and attributions of malice, they look pathological to almost any outside observer, and it doesn't help that the porn industry attempting to legitimize itself as a positive social institution. There's real criticism that could be done about the type of sexuality manufactured and propagated by this industry, but the nofappers don't do it. Instead they're fixated on Jewish conspiracies and questionably claims about health.

>> No.14270840

Dude cut off his ear for some broad, if you think getting some poon outta being an artist wasn’t in the back of his head you’re crazy.

>> No.14270843

>Instead they're fixated on Jewish conspiracies
That's mostly /pol/ trying to recruit. Actual nofap communities have quite a few jews.

>> No.14270845

Prefer to let the coomers, like yourself, entertain such twisted fantasises that reveal a low-self opinion

>> No.14270865

You literally see women as "soiled" by contact with you.
Do you wear a cock cage to not let sinful thoughts latch onto your filthy parts? Or do you maybe considered chopping them off like Origen once did?

>> No.14270873

He cut off his ear and gave it to a prostitute with the instruction to send it to Gauguin.

>> No.14270888

The change in perception is not always a bad thing, it just means that they will no longer be inspire like beauty does, they are no longer an effective muse and so no great art is created off the back of it

>> No.14270910

Stop this "muse" bullshit. We both know you are incapable of creating anything that would warrant one. You are just a faggot ashamed of your grotesque physique (which to be fair you prabobly should be) and feels uncomfortable about anything egaging in contact with.

>> No.14270924

I pity you

>> No.14270957

I pee pee poo poo you

>> No.14270973
File: 333 KB, 735x762, gardengathering1940-1650metmuseumartexcerpt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sex is beauty, true beauty. True beauty is gritty. It is not made up, perfumed, planned, or clean shaven. It is blemishes, asymmetry, imperfection. It is fumbling, it is humor, frustration, longing, love, fear and anxiety. It is smelly, sweaty, saliva and flatulence. It is messy, hairy, painful and poignant.

Your view of beauty being defiled through sex is a matter of how you use your own conception of beauty to shield yourself from the reality of sex, and says nothing about what beauty really is.

Sex is possessive and grotesque and that is precisely what makes it beautiful.

>> No.14270987

Don't come back.

>> No.14271015

Coomer and nofap literally have their own reddits. You most likely moved straight from there.
Nature is a standard of beauty. There are hardly any things more natural than procreation.

>> No.14271027

There's enough overlap that it's easy to hold it against them. At its best nofap seems to be nonsense and petty moralizing. Real critique of pornography and the porn industry is possible, but these guys aren't doing it.

>> No.14271148

nofap isn't noporn. porn is just what you said: a social institution. fapping goes to the core of one's being as a human. that's why the rhetoric is focused on autonomy, control, discipline, improvement, etc. and not on "the capitalistic porn industry is commodifying love and sex, turning it into simulacrum"
leave that criticism to the critical theorists and postmodernists. nofap is more primordial.

>> No.14271211

he said art

>> No.14271218

Fapping isn't motivated by sex.

>> No.14271219

How much life experience do you need to know that only Chads get laid? Not a lot. This isn't a hard thing to understand.

>> No.14271229

That's kinda sad, because dickgirls are the best of both worlds.

>> No.14271457

Nofap at its core is just a step above Chris-Chan recycling his navy.

>> No.14271481

Lmao no. Dude was obsessed with a twink and wrote sonnets to get into his boipussy

>> No.14271860

ok coomer

>> No.14271917


>> No.14271918


>> No.14271919

Wtf I love the coomer now

>> No.14273038


>> No.14273086

is the coomer meme based on Louis CK?Just curious?

>> No.14273340

pure coomer cope. you will never write anything of note. you will die a loser, a mindless consumer scoffing down the feed put before him. a great artist cannot be a faceless member of normality.

also, there's a big difference between real-world sexual inspiration, and habitually viewing porn and fapping.

>> No.14274003

large quantities of music

>> No.14274013

an “entire body of work” is called an “oeuvre”

>> No.14274520

The coomer meme isn't condemning basic sexual desire but rather unhealthy porn addicts

>> No.14274537

I'm curious about the sexuality behind Euclid (implying it's not artistic to the highest degree).

>> No.14274593
File: 25 KB, 300x377, freud_sigmund_700068627_beschnitten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wonder who could be behind this post

>> No.14274620

Except the same can be said for cuck. Both are hard hitting because of sex and desire being CORE. Guaranteed new term in 6 months

>> No.14274682

Goldberg Variations by Bach. Can't wait to see for some here come up with some contrived explanation about how Bach was all about tha poon all the time.

>> No.14274831

so did i

>> No.14274915

You don't need to come to have sex.


>> No.14274952

Freud actually was one of those superstitious people who thought not masturbating increased your drive

>> No.14275034

“philistine” is an anti-Palestinian, anti-Aryan and anti-Goyisch slur. I’ll ask you to chose a word more carefully.

>> No.14275471

Oh yeah, thats right 'SEX', not masturbation

>> No.14275854

>I then filter out most of sexuality
Get Gigerpilled.

>> No.14275859

Compulsive behavior, no matter what it is, does lower your drive. Though some do this by misdirection, ex. shame, denial...

>> No.14275882

are you telling me that a wojak edit is a meme?

>> No.14275943

Ouevre literally means work, though.

>> No.14275995

100% Based.

>> No.14276015

whats your point?

>> No.14276838

Just being pedantic.