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/lit/ - Literature

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14270233 No.14270233 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think about RSD books?

>> No.14270238

Previous thread - >>14240909

>> No.14270240
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>> No.14270248

What did Evola write about Weininger?

>> No.14270254
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>> No.14270554


The problem with RSD is that is too 2015.

The game is a lot different now with the existence of dating apps and IG. Cold approaching and day game are rare because it's useless to use those tool on a modern women when their offline world is not their reality anymore.

>> No.14270608

Totally wrong. RSD stuff is so 2050...

>> No.14270654

Online game, aka women validation tool? What's even more pathetic for a men than cold approach? Online dating. By far. One good friend who is jacked and good looking told me recently that he get his girlfriend with online dating. I was disapointed in him. Let's be honest, a guy who cold approach seems a bit crazy, but is way more respected, even by males, than a little bitch who needs to be behind a computer screen in his room in order to talk to girls.

>> No.14270881

What is RSD?

>> No.14270949

How is this /lit/ even in the slightest?

>> No.14270959

Books, literature.

>> No.14271329

Worthless and over-hyped.

>> No.14271344

I think this belongs on r9k

>> No.14271957

Is there any literature to become accomplished in the modern dating strategy? If pickup is supposed to hack women's strategies in selecting mates in person to person contact, is there a pickup game that breaks through the 80/20 rule for online dating?

>> No.14273426

Who is this seminal feminal?

>> No.14273769


>> No.14273885

I respect their strategies but literally all of them, especially Tyler, stress that near-immaculate inner game is the best type of game. Julian describing what he does in a night for 90 mins is their best advice coupled with actually going out.

>> No.14274043

Heal the internal and the external will take care of itself.

Attraction is not a choice. Confidence and being yourself is the cliched advice, but if you look at it differently it makes sense.

You don't need to become someone you're not to impress people. Just merely acknowledge you are who you are without any facade's and girls will be receptive to it.

There is so much shit advice circulated because of individuals trying to rationalize their insecurities. The mind is an excellent excuse making machine.

Don't lie, be honest and be comfortable admitting you aren't perfect, because she isn't either. As someone who has received attention from both genders, it's never a pleasant experience when you feel someone pining over you. I'm not sure if it's insecurity on my behalf but it feels uncomfortable as to have someone lust after you desperately.

Be cool express interest but don't get too attached.

The blueprint is their best work - referencing the even playing field and approaching people with the idea that you are enough the way you are.

Also the Bhagdavita.

>> No.14274137

Game at 50, by W.Nanner Flint
Nothing ever changes.

>> No.14274711


>> No.14275022
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I'm a bit surprised by the comments in the other thread, saying that PUA-stuff doesn't work at all. I found the basics from the Mystery Method to work very well: shit tests, being a Beta, an orbiter for a women, Cock and Funny, Push and Pull, dosing Kino, escalating at the right moment or at all, very helpful. (Re-)Framing, increasing comfort, using freeze-outs. It explained a lot of my mistakes to me. My greatest problem was being brave enough to try to kiss a girl.
With their origins in the early 2000s in nightclubs in LA many materials couldn't be transferred to other places or other cultures. Negging is such an example, I never used it. The increased amount of
online dating sites doesn't make PU invalid, it is just not needed anymore since the girls, overflooded with male attention, just need to pick their partner based on looks.
The one obvious problem with pick up is, that none of the pioneers/stars really made it in long-term: Having a beautiful great wife, children and a stable happy family life. There are probably a few, but Mystery, Style, etc. all failed. The people in pick up forums with 10k + posts didn't make it either. Then there is Red Pill stuff like 'The Rational Male' which I haven't read yet, but I am obviously aware of their concepts, you cannot miss them being an 4chan.
Sadly I'm not very religious, I think that it works very well in favour of a good relationship. It doesn't replace the partners being good people and fitting to each other of course.

Just another case of a PUA shilling his books online. However in that case it's funny though, having some girls from SEA as advertisement when you scroll down. Dude if I were in my 50ies I want to bang white college girls. If I wanted SEA prostitutes I would just fly to Manila.

>> No.14275047

>The one obvious problem with pick up is, that none of the pioneers/stars really made it in long-term
These guys, for better or for worse, tend to have completely obsessive and narcissistic personality traits. Tyler from RSD used to date a Playboy model, but then again guys will just say it's because he's a multimillionaire with a Hollywood Hills mansion by now. Adam Lyons is living with two wives on some farmland in Texas. The top guys will never ever settle for monogamy, you think you can stay with one woman for life after you've had 100+ lays? These guys are addicted to the hunt. Look at how Roosh did a complete 180: from whoremonger to born-again Orthodox christian. These guys have an obsessive personality, they tend to go all-in. Having a "stable family life" is a death sentence.

>> No.14275049
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I was a bit surprised also. What a great thread though. I think some of the issues with alot of PUA content is that it doesn't accurately assume the audience that is reading it. So when some anons on that other board had negative reactions to it, they were right. A majority of the more self-help garbage is just plain stupid. The intentions to use the content are also way out of wack. It may work for some people, the same way it may work on some girls. In the end, I believe that you must have self-awareness and the speaking skills to communicate the type of person you are regardless of how you learned it.

There are women to who do not online date just like their are men who don't.

>> No.14275056

Are actual people behind these posts or is it just bots putting together random phrases loosely connected to the topic? Why do puafags always sound like they're caricatures of humans?

>> No.14275072

>Heal the internal and the external will take care of itself.
Everyone says this but in reality it's just an excuse to sell mindset-bullshit to people that doesn't work. If everyone read The Mystery Method, other PUA guys would be out of business by now because it just works.

>> No.14275108
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Great post by some Anon on previous board.

>> No.14275190
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Maybe I am just a bot, living in a simulation and don't have a free will. Just like the two other guys responding to me, it has been all determined. Seriously I am surprised by being identified as a bot and I do intend to skip a few thoughts when writing things down here. But the people who are reading shouldn't have a problem with it, since they are aware of the topic. Then again maybe it's better to be recognized as a bot, so that future AIs won't allocate my posts to my real person, diminishing my social credit score.

Good examples. In my case I grew up in a happy stable normal family. Looking at the lives of other friends I am deeply grateful that I had it and still have it.

>I think some of the issues with alot of PUA content is that it doesn't accurately assume the audience that is reading it.
>A majority of the more self-help garbage is just plain stupid.

I agree, I always skipped the 'you can get any woman' and 'looks don't matter' which belonged to the advertisement of the books, which was probably added due to the publisher.

Finding a life partner is still worth it, is going to help you a lot in life and may be necessary to experience more, not just children. Imagine playing Halo 3's campaign on legendary with some skulls activated alone instead of in co-op with a buddy.

>> No.14275275

I just wanted to say I liked this post.

>> No.14275388

you will never be loved

everything is cope

>> No.14275479

Very organic conversation, yes, beeep, beep.

>> No.14275645
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Boop blip I am posting with my meat sticks doot doot doot.

>> No.14275670
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Why are we even having these? Did RSD have "books" at all? Can you recommend any and say why? Compare them? No? Then fuck off from /lit/.

>> No.14275783

Idk about the books but the videos are good so the idea is there.

>> No.14275791

Practically every post in this thread looks like classic shilling. Jannies arefucking useless.

>> No.14275833

Since it's all just repackaged marketing and hypnosis literature, I guess it would start with writing good ad copy and the intricacies of cold calling. Maybe throw in a bit of con game and make it exclude undesirable marks. Get a professional headshot.

>> No.14275974

>Is there any literature to become accomplished in the modern dating strategy?
Just make tinder and swipe, or go outside and talk to females. No other way mate.

>> No.14276032

recommend any books on ad copy and con artistry?

>> No.14276133

Actually absolutely everything is the biggest load of crap about it. And every worthwhile critique about this retarded shit has already been said in the thread before this one - which makes OP painfully redundant. With the p.s. exception that rsdalex is a particular exception and rewally worth listening to, theres a torrent with the audio of his old stuff out somewhere.

I have seen it all, read it all. Been around the block. It is bullshit. If you think you need this you are blinded to the depth of your darkness. You need a community and help. Not some idiotic band-aid. Get help.

>> No.14276209

Most are shit, the apple website is a better example of a good sales letter than most of the books. Oh, check out the Boron Letters and some of Gary Halbert's other stuff to see how and why it's just a sales letter with some pretty pictures. It's not really useful directly but gives you an outline and method for a quick bio that hits key points.

I prefer psych texts like Influence by Cialdini, so much of sales marketing is loaded with bullshit persuasion methods designed to pad out marketing rags that you learn more from what the book is doing than what it says to do. The con game thing I mentioned is straight from Cialdini I believe. Who other than a dumb mark is going to trust a guy in a tacky suit? Which is also where peacocking came from. Any book or webpage covering cons will make you pick up on the fact that con shit doesn't work on most people. Only the target audience of dumb, greedy marks.

>> No.14276784


>> No.14276901

RSD and all other pickup artist ebooks are a big scam. I haven't read RSD's books specifically, but from what I've heard from other people, there is nothing in them that you couldn't learn from just watching the free content on their youtube channel(s).

PUA in general can't really teach you a lot. I think its main benefit for people is giving them the placebo effect confidence boost that they need to present themselves to a woman without coming off as a shy loser. And it might also give you a community that encourages you to go out and actually talk to girls. But the tips and tricks aren't anything special, and there's a lot of generic self-improvement book motivational speech-y type fluff.

If you're going to be into PUA shit don't waste money on it, just browse the free content. PUA basically exists as a marketing ploy to make guys drop a bunch of money on overpriced shit.

The core beneficial lessons that I got out of all that shit when I was into it as a teenage virgin are about as follows:

>Dating and getting laid is a numbers game and you have to just try over and over and get used to being rejected until it stops phasing you
>Lower the bar for what you think will be "interesting" to talk about and just say whatever is on your mind or how you're currently feeling ( as long as it's positive and not super autistic or something)
>It's more attractive to be in a position in which you're providing value to people than one in which you are taking value from people

There, I just saved you hundreds of dollars you could have spent on some sleazy dude's bootcamp.

>> No.14277972

please stfu

>> No.14278440
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>>It's more attractive to be in a position in which you're providing value to people
