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/lit/ - Literature

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14268672 No.14268672 [Reply] [Original]

Literature for when you quit your job due to mental health and your father shouts at you and you don't get to see or speak to your work crush anymore who rejected you a week before you left?

>> No.14268685

Catcher in the Rye

>> No.14268691

d e m i a n

buck up anon, there's billions of women out there

>> No.14268699

The Sorrows of Young Werther, it's very soothing with it's nature descriptions

>> No.14268730
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if it's the incel syndrome (anxiety, "depression" & narcissism) just get into therapy, especially since now you have nothing to do

reading books isn't good for mental health, go outside instead, pick up art, maybe get some art lessons where you have other people

>> No.14268753

The Peaceful Pill Handbook

>> No.14268775


>reading books isn’t good for mental health

Slowly realising this myself

>> No.14268795

If your crush rejected you, it's probably for the better not to constantly see her. I imagine you'd end up in more pain than right now

>> No.14268827

who is OP pic? she makes my testicles itch

>> No.14268884
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>> No.14268976

I think it's washed up australian z-lister Nikki Webster

>> No.14269051


>> No.14269217

Does anybody have her webm ?
She was really cute

>> No.14269244

Nvm found it.
Saw boyfriend too so I'm not interested anymore

>> No.14269262

Not OP but I've been through different therapies over the past five years.

>> No.14269289
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What does that have to do with anything? You do know I can't read your thoughts, you just posted a random statement.
>I've been through different therapies over the past five years.
Good for you? Yes people go to therapy, very interesting?

>> No.14269326

They don't do anything. It's just a pass time for bored normies.

>> No.14269482

Of course they don't do anything - you're the one who's supposed to do the work. You talk about your problems so you can identify them, see them in a more objective light, even understand where they come from. Then, you have to figure out what to do on your own, how to change yourself. That is, if you even want to.
I understand this process can be hard, even impossible to people afflicted with extreme Narcissism, who dismiss others as "normies".
>How dare this "normie" sit there and judge me, they could never understand the plight of an incel! Nah, in this degenerate world, I take upon myself the mantle of "Volcel"!
This pathetic individual is torn between thinking himself superior, but on the other hand, never being able to achieve normalcy. He calls others "NPCs", yet acts as if he is only a mindless automaton, incapable of change. He thinks himself cursed, as he couldn't possibly look at himself in a critical light, see his own failings as done out of his own free will. For it is a hard process to reshape oneself, especially since you're not working with stone, but a very crude and twisted flesh.

>> No.14269501

Is this why a girl said with a frown that this is just what I think? Like you do realise you can't just become charismatic and assertive it would take decades no?

>> No.14269537

>you can't just become charismatic and assertive
Why do you want that? These are just surface level adjectives describing a person, a set of skills. Are you telling me, that you've learned absolutely nothing about yourself in over half a decade of therapy? That you think your problems boil down to not being "charismatic and assertive" so you can get mad amounts of pussy?
It seems like you don't have even a single goal in your life. Other people won't make you happy.

>> No.14269565

I'm not the other guy sorry but these are essential traits because everything revolves around them, your job, your education, your friends, your future relationships with girls, your mental wellbeing etc
These are very important things no?
What more is there to find out about yourself if you realise you're practically autistic and will probably never have these traits?

>> No.14269641

>What more is there to find out about yourself if you realise you're practically autistic and will probably never have these traits?
I refuse to believe you can't become assertive. That's just knowing what you want, having a code of ethics that you live by. Social anxiety can be overcome, you can learn to "put your hand up in class" or whatever it is that you zoomers do. I wouldn't expect some magical change, just being content with who you are, getting what you want.
You can learn to deal with your autistic longing for "love" and "social connection" that you've developed over watching too many Hollywood movies. Perhaps, just having formal relationships or acquaintances can be enough, especially combined with hobbies and interests.
Life is not divided into "chads" and clinically depressed losers. There is middle ground, you can be happy without a girlfriend, or you can get a gf because of the hobbies your autism enabled you to develop. I'd aim for simple mental stability so you can comfortably develop as a person.

>> No.14269690

This is very good advice, I even felt a weight taken off my mind and the physical symptoms of anxiety decrease but how do you learn to stop caring about what others think of you?
Is the uncontrollable aching feeling in your heart really because of the media you've been exposed to during your teens and which you consume now? Aren't relationships based on more than just a biological need for sex?
How do you stop being bullied out of workplaces if you literally cannot act normal, charismatic, like a man and can barely respond to a greeting? I can't even consciously stop my hands or my voice from trembling

It does feel as if life is divided into two categories when you are excluded constantly by people who have what you don't have.

>> No.14269781

>how do you learn to stop caring about what others think of you?
I believe a lot of it is created by society, not just biology. If you're in the complete middle of nowhere you forget about what others have and what you don't have. On the other hand, having to constantly avoid others, obsessing over if you said "hello" or not, and repeatedly replaying some awkward situations in your mind does take a toll on you. However, you overestimate how much others care about you, especially their negative feelings towards you are probably illusory.
For some people the external world is the source of all their happiness, but you can also turn inward. Solitary activities can revitalize your life, but in order to do that they need to be productive, they need to have a goal. Simple consumption is just escapism, and just another thing that can negatively impact you, grow into an addiction.
I'd pick up one of the arts, and start learning, while taking it slow. Good habits need time to develop - after a month of doing something every day, you will become more productive. It doesn't matter how long you do it, over time you will make up goals for yourself, and the hobby will take up more and more of yourtime. Also, there is a very safe and easy social aspect to it - sharing your work, even on the internet. Then, you can find people who do similar things, and you will be united by your interest. This might be a more natural avenue into social contact. But only as long as you treat it as fun, just an experiment, and refrain from staking your entire well-being on another person, or on being successful.

>> No.14269847
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This, especially the part about watching too many movies. If you've learned about friendship or love from Hollywood, TV, or mass-market books, you're never going to find it, because that's an ideal image that has nothing to do with reality. You need to experiment and find out what social connection can be, for the person you are right now, instead of pining for something mass media told you other people are having. Protip, they aren't. Nobody is, and do you even want to be in Four Weddings and a Funeral or Love Actually IRL? Fuck no, you most certainly do not.

>> No.14269894

>Alright this hobby is perfect, its interesting and fun
>Well that guy on 4chan said I cant focus TOO much on being good at this so maybe I should slow down
>Do I even enjoy this hobby? It feels like I just started doing this to become more interesting
>Wait, so doesn't that mean I DO care what others think since I didn't start this hobby for myself?
>How do I even find what I truly want to do?
>What if that thing isn't productive like that guy on 4chan said?
>I can barely tolerate this now...
>God I'm so lonely why the fuck am I trying to find some stupid hobby, this is completely pointless
Advice like this is really convincing until you try it. Its just too fake. You can't just manufacture interest in things. Hobbies are overrated. Simply learning to observe your mental state and enjoy peace in life is better.

>> No.14269985

journey to the end of the night
the narrator comes across as a depraved pessimist, which makes him relatable, but the life he lives is pretty fantastic and otherworldy, which gives one something to aspire to. nothing like it.

>> No.14270993

Whatever challenge you can face in life, buddy. If you're only interested in simple, undisturbed by ambition or any form of human pursuit, existence of a pleb - go right ahead. For me, that would be too unbearable, and I'd see no reason why not to speed to process up by killing myself.

>> No.14271253

Just shoot up some random stacys bro and be done with it. Literature is for fags.

>> No.14271296

The thing that's retarded about therapy is that you're expecting someone who couldn't even identify his own personal problems to solve them once they're identified by a third party. None of the type of people who you're going to tell to go to therapy are going to be able to capitalize on it, if they were then they wouldn't have to go to therapy in the first place. It's a gigantic racket designed for women hysterical about the fact that they've been thrown into men's roles in the modern world against their will.

>> No.14271308
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Read this, see yourself, have a laugh, get pissed, and then simply decide to stop being a cunt about everything.

>> No.14271321

How are you supposed to develop as a person and get rid of these issues/traits; neurotic, unassertive, submissive, anxiety ridden (strong physical symptoms), overemotional, constantly visibly nervous, self absorbed, vain, needy, desperate, maladjusted, pretentious, whiny, on minimum wage, self doubting, socially inept, lacking any decent personality, effeminate, harmless, often look like they're about to cry, always avoiding conflict, pretentious, unable to deal with others, weak willed, naive, agreeable, overly self conscious, masochistic, lacking any real life experience, living with parents. self hating, lacking confidence, overthinking, unable to take risks or think for themselves
Already been lifting for over 6 months and went to a talk therapist for 3 months (basically just told me to act like actors do)

>> No.14271354
File: 18 KB, 330x499, 41X2tr+TAqL._SX328_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And The Sorrows of Young Werther by Goethe. Werther doesn't talk about his parents that much if at all but he talks a lot about grievances with his job, how other people see him ("mental health") and of course romantic rejection.

>> No.14271373
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>> No.14271487
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I was a socially inept effeminate weirdo in school but I'm fairly intelligent and have always been athletic so all I really had to do was gain some social skills. I never really believed in all of the depression/anxiety bullshit. Did I feel existential dread at my position in life? Sure. Did I get nervous talking to people in simple situations? Still do sometimes. But it always just seemed fucking gay to frame it as some kind of 'disorder' or 'mental illness' or whatever. It turns into a state of mind that you identify yourself with rather than just a wrong type of thinking. You're not depressed, you might not want to be where you are in life but that doesn't mean you can't get somewhere close in the future.

I'd recommend trying to get your material life together first and the mental shit will follow. I obviously don't know your specific situation but if you're a 20-something NEET with no college degree I'd probably just go into the trades if I were you, assuming you don't want to/can't get a degree. It's good that you started lifting, keep at it week-after-week and try to pick up some useful hobbies that aren't just consuming vidya, shit like fishing, surfing, shooting/hunting, cars, wood-sculpting, whatever. Just find things that interest you and look up Youtube videos on how to get into it. You'll suck at it at first but that's with everything, if you keep doing it eventually you'll have something that you can go spend a few hours doing that you're good at that's useful or interesting to other people.

You've got to realize that you've been brainwashed your entire life to think of yourself in this gay way. History is full of late-bloomers, Ray Kroc didn't build up McDonalds until his 50s, up till then he was a mediocre door-to-door salesman. The Powers That Be want you to be a little emasculated faggot so that you buy their shit and don't stir the pot. Start asking yourself what YOU actually want and create a realistic plan in your head of what you'd need to materially do in order to accomplish that task.

>> No.14272809
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it's Bob Crumb time
he saved me more than a few times
in the abyss

>> No.14272880

This post started off well but turned into a TED talk by the end.

>> No.14274182
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>> No.14274185

That's the original Myrcella from GOT

>> No.14274228

>How are you supposed to develop as a person and get rid of these issues/traits; neurotic, unassertive, submissive, anxiety ridden (strong physical symptoms), overemotional, constantly visibly nervous, self absorbed, vain, needy, desperate, maladjusted, pretentious, whiny, on minimum wage, self doubting, socially inept, lacking any decent personality, effeminate, harmless, often look like they're about to cry, always avoiding conflict, pretentious, unable to deal with others, weak willed, naive, agreeable, overly self conscious, masochistic, lacking any real life experience, living with parents. self hating, lacking confidence, overthinking, unable to take risks or think for themselves
Test E 250mg E3D

>> No.14274240

>quit your job due to mental health
sounds like you're a faggot

>> No.14274674

Speak for yourself, reading books has helped me many times. Literature is a refuge from a sick world.

>> No.14274685

This is true to some degree, expressing yourself through an art form is helpful, perusing it is not.

>> No.14274690

>They don't do anything.
100% based and redpilled

>> No.14275677

>muh escapism
lol, you must read shit books

>> No.14275773

>shitting where you eat
oh no OP. well at least you can learn - unless of course you decided upon this once you realized you were leaving but still a bad move.

>> No.14275906

Is pic related your work crush op?