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14266455 No.14266455 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck even is the goal of philosophy?

>> No.14266465

A delusion sent to keep mankind tied up in knots

>> No.14266469


Sorry I didn't answer the question. The goal is to prevent us from seeing and knowing God.

>> No.14266472

It’s a form of therapy for the autistically inclined

>> No.14266474


>> No.14266480

The good life.

>> No.14266483

This question really reveals who has and hasn’t read Plato

>> No.14266484

>The goal is to prevent us from seeing and knowing God

and what is achieved by that?

>> No.14266503

A source of knowledge written by men in the past to present you with abstract ideas and guide your thought process in an attempt to answer questions related to man, his place in the universe, mortality, society, God, metaphysics, etc.

>> No.14266506

It has no real use, apart from coping, but what really isnt coping in real Life, huh?

>> No.14266511

The reappropriation of man.

>> No.14266574


The current state of the world

>> No.14266717

There is no end goal for philosophy. Philosophy is mental gymnastics. All you need to do is come with some idea and just talk about it indepth. Mind is a breeding ground for philosophy.

I never understood philosophy or where to get started on it. Even if got into philosophy, i would develop a philosophical attitude and argue a lot.

>> No.14266728

be the pseudo-science that preceeds the real science (much like how alchemy derived into chemistry)

>> No.14266755

to discover that you are full of shit

>> No.14266760

read metaphilosophy brainlet

>> No.14266762

That's kinda wrong, we've strip mined philosophy and spun off several important fields from it; It's more like a binary tree, with philosophy at the top and science with increasing specialization descending from it.

>> No.14266772

It's trying to justify the written word's existence.

>> No.14266777

enjoying contemplating peoples ideas, including your own - not sure if that's a good answer

>> No.14266781

How do you know that Socrates was right? And isnt his explanation contingent on an afterlife?

>> No.14266782

what a surprise, no one ITT has read Plato. Embarrassing

>> No.14266787


>> No.14266794

>And isnt his explanation contingent on an afterlife?
No. Death is inevitable, so we should prepare for it.

>> No.14266795

The lesser cannot over come the greater. How can something begotten of philosophy refute/replace philosophy without invalidating itself?

>> No.14266804


read this book

Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid

>> No.14266805
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>> No.14266807

What does it mean to be prepared for death?

>> No.14266812

To be able to accept death, even love it, just as Socrates did.

>> No.14266831

To exit the wheel os Samsara, never to return. If you let philosophy become a sterile word game, then you're fucked and you are bound to reincarnate.

>> No.14266832

Socrates assumed an afterlife though, yes? And his acceptance was entirely contingent on that?

>> No.14266835

That assumes reincarnation, and even the vedic traditions treat the pursuit of knowledge only as one way to escape samsara.

>> No.14266855

It’s better than assuming no afterlife

>> No.14266863

As in, feels better or more rational?

>> No.14266923

at this point, entertainment

>> No.14267009
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To understand. To try and understand what the fuck is all this and why is it happening and hoping it tells us what we should do with this existence. And the process is highlighting our assumptions.


>> No.14267139

I don't know, and I don't think that anybody else knows either. Philosophy is a useless passion. I am using Jean-Paul Sartre's words. He says, "Man is a useless passion," I say man is not a useless passion - but philosophy is.

You ask me, "What is philosophy?" Nobody has ever defined it, it has remained vague. Not that definitions have not been given to it - millions of definitions have been given - but the definition is still missing. Each philosopher gives a definition and others contradict it. It is a game: enjoying the gymnastics of logic. It is logic-chopping. It is like chess - a very intellectual game, very absorbing, but there is no conclusion in it. It is nonconclusive. The game continues from generation to generation. Slowly slowly out of this game two things have arisen: one is science, the other is religion.

Science is objective, religion is subjective. Science is experimental, religion is experiential. Philosophy is neither; it is just hanging in a limbo between the two. And slowly, slowly it is disappearing because that which is objective is being taken by science every day, and that which is subjective has already been taken by religion. Nothing is left for philosophy. So now modern philosophy only goes on thinking about language - language analysis.

>> No.14267151

>Science is objective,
Stopped reading right there

>> No.14267157

To throw a brick through God's window and freewheel it out of there.

>> No.14267165

>To understand.
Zizek is literally a good example of why philsophy is more about inventing word to keep having interesting thoughts - not to clearify anything. And I say this as something who likes Zizek. Literature and philosphy is entertainment of the mind, we're not getting closer to anything.

>> No.14267166

The creation and articulation of concept. The forner is best illustrated in the coinage of the Continental tradition (just flip through Nietzsche or Deleuze), and the latter is best illustrated in projects like Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason (just flip through the table of contents for evidence).

>> No.14267173


>> No.14267176

>American who can't translate theory into praxis at it again

oh no no no

Philosophy is the preparation for death. If you want it to be bourgeoisie word games, that's a you problem.

No. Philosophy isn't painting with concepts. If it is, the painting is supposed to prepare you for the moment you put down the brush for good. I hate Deleuze so much.

>> No.14267195

I heard that terminology inventions are only a post kantian thing

>> No.14267212

or disagrees with plato? the fact that you consider reading plato an achievement is just as much of a tell

>> No.14267214

wow so deep&edgy

>> No.14267216

To philosophize

>> No.14267217

What do you mean by getting closer ? What does get closer to things and why should we care about such things ?

>> No.14267219

Live the best life you can uwu

>> No.14267220

No. Look at Leibibiz. Look at Descartes. Look at virtually any serious thinker.

>> No.14267221

Who has ever put down a brush before dying?

>> No.14267224

Of course philosophy is painting with concepts, dumbass. You’re just venerating one particular concept and losing your head up your ass in the process. Go back to freshman seminar babies first existentialisme.

>> No.14267227

Philosophy is all horseshit. There is no point, and if one can get their head out of their ass long enough to look around, it would be obvious.

>> No.14267236

>this is the power of the based “hey im just an average kind of guy”

>> No.14267242

You tried. If you wanna ride the concept carousel, have fun, but you'll realize sooner than later it's just slightly more gilded libidinism.

>> No.14267257

I tried what? Dude I’m clearly beyond your position. I’m sympathetic with it, but like I said you just have your head up your own ass. Just wait for graduation and then you’ll get around to some serious thinking about “muh life and death.” Deleuze is unironically right about everything.

>> No.14267267


>> No.14267270

deleuze is a fop who takes the scenic route to Platonism. and I'm not alone in thinking that, smarter people than you or I have claimed it.

he's not that interesting. his criticism of Kant is salient but then his Frenchness takes over and I want to yak. deleuze memers get the rope.

>> No.14267274

>What do you mean by getting closer ?
The prototypical example would be to look at philosphy off into the material neurology and softer psychology and sociology and before philosphers went linguist.
The whole Sponoza-Hume-Kant-etc. spiel is a billion of book pages trying to figure out how mind/body/perception/episemology works. Kant, in the critique, is trying to get there. Most philsophers are trying to get closer. But it's all just entertainment, you can always make a turn (linguistic or whatever have you), make up new concepts and go on without propert point to it.
The side-effect is ideas for material offshoots that give you an ipod. Probably not good either.

>> No.14267310

You and any other dumbfuck— regardless of antiquated signifiers of “muh smartboy” attached to their professional title (trust me, these become a lot less impressive once you graduate)— are retarded if you seriously think the “super secret trump card” interpretation of Deleuze is that he is a platonist. That’s just literally wrong. Read any of his works and engage with any of his thought instead of doing the typical slacker-semi-tryhard undergrad thing of googling a bunch of abstracts for articles you never read, scouring boards like this one for hot takes with vague citations you can rattle off at your leisure, and skimming collections written and edited by third-rate pedigree thinkers and passing their opinions off as your own. That kind of work will gwt you nowhere, eapecially not into the realm of serious thought where thinkers like Deleuze toil. He’s incredibly interesting,; you're just a faggot who, again, has his head up his own ass. That’s okay. It will pass. aa

>> No.14267369

Anon don't panic..!..! Your cardio-BPM monitors at levels of systolic-dystolupic effect. Ultra-albinic disolupigmentation of the epidermis rate signs.

Optical blue-pink overtones reveal corneal reaction to orgone and infared radiation, compounded with blurred vision. Toxicity reports may eventually show signs of Ketamine overdose.


Don't panic. I One-Hundred Percent assure you that Philosophy is a goal.

>> No.14267375

Take your meds.

>> No.14267380

deleuze doesn't interest me. sorry I defended your french becoming-anus daddy

>> No.14267405

Originally the goal was to discover how the world works and how best to live in it.
The winner was Epicurus, but science and philosophers go on with the maddening details, trying to set every natural and wild thing down to a controllable digital equation

>> No.14267407

Diogenes > Plato

>> No.14267418
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>> No.14267422
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I'm more right than you realize is all.

>> No.14267432

My dog once ate a cat that looked just like that

>> No.14267445
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The creation of ides
Just like the rest of consciousness

>> No.14267453

Postmodern faggots will tell you there's no definition. The truth is that philosophy is the pursuit of wisdom.

>> No.14267537

The love of wisdom

>> No.14267557
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What is a goal?

>> No.14267577

I'm confused, do you mean to say nothing getting closer to anything and therefore philosophy isn't getting closer to anything either or that philosophy doesn't get anywhere because some philosophers works with language too much ?

>> No.14267691

I'm reading your digits & can see at the penultimate you go three-fourths of the way. Learn that duo-inverse/supine fellatio is part of the Philosophical Tantrica

>> No.14268130

I like wisdom but I dont like like wisdom

>> No.14268729

>You ask me, "What is philosophy?" Nobody has ever defined it, it has remained vague.

It literally means "love of wisdom"

>> No.14268742
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>science is objective

>> No.14268813

Do you even know what website you're posting on? Reading Plato is a crowning achievement that I suspect less than a single digit percentage of /lit/ could claim.

>> No.14269701

to clarify potentially confusing concepts that are the foundation of all other kinds of intellectual and academic pursuits. clarification is key in philosophy. at least, in analytical philo

>> No.14270761

>clarifying anything
Good one bro

>> No.14271117

>reducing philosophy into a means to an end
pathetic, try pursuing things as ends in themselves