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14267048 No.14267048 [Reply] [Original]

where were you when you realized that consciousness is an illusion?

>> No.14267069

consciousness and existence is the ultimate mystery. I'm getting a mini existential crisis thinking about it.

>> No.14267080

What is the actual, practical difference between consciousness and the illusion of consciousness?

>> No.14267114
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Because there is not one single phenomenon
That is not a dependent-arising,
There is not one single phenomenon
That is not empty

existence is empty. consciousness is empty

embrace Śūnyatā my friend and you will see that your crisis too is empty


consciousness, if it were real, would have phenomenal properties -- taste, tingles, sights of color and the like. the illusory consciousness we actually have has quasi-phenomenal properties -- functional properties which trick us into saying that we have tastes and see colors

>> No.14267386

Anon asked for a practical difference

Also I can tell you've never astrally projected

>> No.14267403

Your conscious identity is the illusion, that's the practical difference between the two.

>> No.14267475

astral projection is a fiction you tell yourself on the moment you come down -- like your dreams at night (they are really just stories you come up with in the morning)

also every night you die and are replaced with a new stream of consciousness

>> No.14268002

Truly spoken like someone who hasn't astrally projected