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14264522 No.14264522 [Reply] [Original]

Books on restoring the institutions of the west, namely the traditional family unit and the communities formed around religion? The increased rates of suicide and crime can be directly attributed to the decline of the family and religion ya know.

>> No.14264543
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>hot dog! religion and family is my jam!

>> No.14264553
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>> No.14264558

Are you and I going to have a fucking problem?

>> No.14264561

why she wear skimpy clothes if she trad??

>> No.14264588

Brand loyalty and mass consumerism filling the holes left by a lack of religious community and family are the real soiboi positions

>> No.14264608
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>complains about ‘the church of liberalism’
>is staunchly capitalist

>> No.14264635

The Benedictine Option

>> No.14264638

Then why are church goers some of the most braindead consumers out there?
Admit it, religion is failing because of capicucks preaching the prosperity gospel.

>> No.14264655

Repeat after me. Correlation doesn't mean causation.

>> No.14264668

In your opinion, family structure is not important?

>> No.14264681

The nuclear family was always a capitalists bastardization of family. If you aren't advocating for a return to multifamily multigenerational households and neighborhoods, you aren't advocating for a return to traditional family structure

>> No.14264684
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I think this is pretty good. He's a degenerate himself but he makes a pretty good case that it shouldn't really matter. The absolute priority should be on demographics, which need to be stabilized by stopping all non-European immigration and then eventually reversed through expatriation. There's plenty of room for disagreement on many issues like abortion, religion, sexuality, and so on but these debates should only take place after demographics are settled. Every deviation from that priority only serves to distract and divide.

Religion, family, and traditional morality don't mean anything if our people are dead. Many Africans are Catholic, but Africa is still Africa and I don't want anything to do with them even though they have the right religion.

>> No.14264688

Trad bugs are no better than consumerism soiboys

>> No.14264697

It certainly doesn't preclude it, you dumb retard.

>> No.14264701

This x100. Most "conservatives" think traditional family means leaving your parents at 18 and then stuffing them into a retirement home down the road. Nuclear family a shit.

>> No.14264702

No one argued for nuclear vs extended families. Yes, extended families were more religious and historically led to more conservative habits(I don't know how they would work nowadays).
But it seems like >>14264655 was arguing that family structure is not important.

>> No.14264739

>multifamily multigenerational households and neighborhoods

>> No.14264761

You're not going to get any sensible answers because there's never been a time historically religious communities had to compete with so many alternative forms of belief and social relations. You eliminate the alternatives and impose a monopoly or who knows how things play out.
Also violent crime peaked back in the 1980s, young men don't spend enough time roaming the streets to cause as much trouble today.

It is but some families shouldn't exist and most children worldwide should be aborted. Now if you're wonder why some families don't work or what's up with the oversupply of incel losers that's a different issue.

Cultural issues will always take back priority. Humans literally fucked neanderthals and other proto-humanoids FFS.

>> No.14264792

Neanderthals were humans. As our sister taxon they weren't "protohumans" in any meaningful systematic way.

>> No.14264795

I mean the two ideas aren’t dichotomous. I hate prosperity preachers as much as those that’s reject the benefits of the church

>> No.14264796

>You're not going to get any sensible answers because there's never been a time historically religious communities had to compete with so many alternative forms of belief and social relations.
Anon... There are religious communities.

>> No.14264804

wheres the incest bracket

>> No.14264806
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>Noooooo you can't question the way my 60 IQ farmer ancestors blindly lived their lives

>> No.14264807

That’s actually exactly what I’m advocating for. I want vastly extended family structures. This is the only way to recoup the loss of community stemming from the death of religion

>> No.14264814

>Neanderthals were humans
It depends on your definition of human

Yes but they're not active enough for OP

>> No.14264833

There's less genetic didtance betweeb neanderthals and white sapiens sapiens than white sapiens sapiens and black sapiens sapiens
Neanderthals don't exist, they are a meme to say primitive europeans

>> No.14264841


>> No.14264843
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That's simply genetically incorrect

>> No.14264859

>No 'widowed single parent family' category
These are usually confounded with genetics. Impulsive stupid people make bad partner choices, leading to single parenthood or divorce; children are also implulsive and stupid. Children of widowerers don't demonstrate the same problems, it's not a result of being raised by a single mom etc, it's the result of being born to a stupid mom.

>> No.14264863

No that's completely false shut up tardo

>> No.14264867

this shit doesn't work until people are forced into it
boomers would rather retire to florida than live around their children and zoomers would rather stuff boomers into retirement homes than keep them around

>> No.14264880
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material conditions

>> No.14264882

Widowerers usually don't have all the shit that goes with a single mom: thottery, emotional instability, stepfathers etc. Though that's partially due to your point, too.

>> No.14264889
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I've heard "the Benedict Option" is good. Another good one that explores the topic (but offering no practical advice) is Bowling Alone.

You're not going to find a practical work on "restoring" anything about Western Civilization, because it's virtually uncharted territory. No one has successfully restored Western civilization. If you can find a book on how "cults" and polygamist groups recruit in the modern world, or how Hasidic Judaism organizes itself, then that would be helpful, because the same kind of advice would be applicable to creating a Western cultural microcosm within America. But really, this is all new to us, you're not going to find a book telling you what to do. If you want to restore West traditions and institutions, you have to go through hundreds of trials and errors figuring out the best and most stable way to do this. Here's a good idea: find likeminded men under the age of 35 who are interested in doing this. Every social movement of note, including such big deals as fucking Nazi Germany, was originally the creation of a couple dozen weird men who were willing to devote the entirety of life and lifeblood to a cause. If you start there, if you find the right people, then everything is else is just a matter of trials and patience.

>> No.14264904

That's called a gene-environment interaction. Your genetics determine which environment you create for yourself, which reinforces your genetics. Very poor people who are genetically smart will self seek knowledge, they will make the effort to go to the library and study and create their own environment. Place all the books in the world in the home of someone genetically stupid and they won't make an effort to read a single one.
This also works from parent to child and from child to parent.

>> No.14264925

Then I guess it must be forced onto them

>> No.14264945

Just get rid of social security altogether and people will naturally hold onto their families.

>> No.14264947
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>Place all the books in the world in the home of someone genetically stupid and they won't make an effort to read a single one.
Just zap them when they don't.

>> No.14264971

You'd need some proof of this occurring somewhere. In a modern economy that just creates a bunch of costs for children and tension.
Remember a baby boom occurred only after the introduction of social security, the 1950s were the height of the nuclear family... it was already on the decline before that.

>> No.14265117

There are some studies that take in considered widowed parents. Usually, when it comes to most outcomes:
Being raised by your two biological married parents > being raised by a widowed parent > being raised by a single parent (with a step parent or not)

Of course, genetics affect how people behave. Another aspect is that people who have kids out of wedlock on the average have different values than those who have them married.
But family structure does affect people in many life outcomes.

>> No.14265235

Best answer in this thread. Really, though, Western civ is never coming back. I heavily recommend anyone interested in culture and behavior read B.F. Skinner. You will realize that attempting to resurrect old behavior which was enforced through historically relative contingencies is a losers game. The option best left is to instill a new desire whichever prompts individuals to act in a manner which helps fulfill those desires.

>> No.14266229
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Evola is the way

>> No.14266632

>Cultural issues will always take back priority. Humans literally fucked neanderthals and other proto-humanoids FFS.
I don't know what this is supposed to mean

>> No.14266637

There are probably more factors that determine this such as single parent family's tending to be poorer

>> No.14266642
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Men will fuck anything if not held back, they horny, they don't care about demographics but get passionate about cultural issues

>> No.14266708

Are you retarded?

>> No.14266713
File: 849 KB, 1352x3404, read theory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should probably read theory.

>> No.14268330

These people live in an era and culture where they have the freedom to believe anything they wish, to ponder the depths of existence and form their own conclusions from doing so, and even publish their opinions without censure or risk of injury. And instead, they decide to throw all of that away to believe exactly what a faceless mega-institution wants them to believe, and to become mere pawns for an agenda it gives to them, and to live their whole life believing they've been given answers despite having only been given lies disguised as such. And they ironically refer to those who do not filter themselves into such a system "NPCs", while believing whatever an ancient book and a robed man on stage tells them to. Some people will use their freedom solely to throw themselves directly into slavery at the nearest opportunity, and I guess we have to simply let them make such choices.

>> No.14268489

read my theory that this frankfurt school horseshit is degenerate and will do nothing to restore the West. It's part of the problem, not the solution.

>> No.14268494

Actually the increased rates of suicide and crime can be directly attributed to the proliferation of bar graphs.

>> No.14268495

There's a minimum age for posting on 4chan

>> No.14268499

Raiding aside, most of that list has nothing to do with the Frankfurt School.

>> No.14268510

fuck burger 50s nostalgia

>> No.14268511

Agreed, and I'm a dirty leftist.

>> No.14268515

no sale Hot dog, no one needs four books of Adorno. Or one book of Derrida.

What they very much need is The Revolt of the Masses by José Ortega y Gasset, and The Revolt of the Public after that. Some Popper wouldn't hurt either.