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/lit/ - Literature

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14263278 No.14263278 [Reply] [Original]

What is /lit/'s opinion on him?

>> No.14263286

he looks like the grinch

>> No.14263295

He's such a massive hack that he's a plot point in Mr robot.

>> No.14263461

Trash writer

>> No.14263555

The first dark tower book was cool but then it was disappointing all the way to the end.

>> No.14263572

His writing is almost as boring as these threads

>> No.14263587

He's actually a decent writer line by line, but his refusal to actually plot out his work and think of decent endings means that he has never written anything worth reading.

>> No.14263769

wrote some good novels while coked

>> No.14264391
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Made me laugh. Dark Tower series is not bad and writes some pretty good character. But his endings are pretty much always terrible.

>> No.14264604

prime example of drugs carrying an authors trash writing

>> No.14265163

He's good at writing books for people who like Stephen King, which is most people. I don't think he has any pretension or even aspirations towards literature. He knows what he is, he knows what he likes, and he's good at it.

I think part of the problem with artists (or people who are just aesthetically sensitive) is that they write for themselves, which are usually people w/ the same tastes and sensitivies as them. They don't really have any interest in what other people like or are interested in, and then they get mad because everyone isn't like them.

Most people aren't talented. They aren't going to see or feel or think in the same way you do. You can shit on that all you like but it's a lot more growth-oriented to try and figure out what people like, why, and how you can integrate those sorts of techniques into your own work.

>> No.14265835

I still can't believe he wrote Cujo in one sitting while Oliver Reed-tier drunk/coked up.

>> No.14266654

That thing you call a problem is actually the defining characteristic of an artist. You can apply that to tradesmen, and some of those are more artistic than others too.

>> No.14266675

This point has been raised multiple times - Stephen King writes himself to a rabbit hole and never stops. He doesn't know how to end novels and tie up plots.
Other than that - >>14265163 this pretty much sums it up

>> No.14266951

Misery had a pretty good ending.

>> No.14267333

The Dark Tower ending was perfectly fine

>> No.14267335

Why do we get this thread every other day?

>> No.14267340

He's one of the best writers of all time. How else could you explain his fame and fortune?

>> No.14267345

Imagine there being a thread every few days on a popular writer, bonkers!

>> No.14267650
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>> No.14267823

He's a pedophile

>> No.14267858

Will be forgotten entirely in 30 years

>> No.14267874

only liked by edgy zoomies

>> No.14268024

Sure, even if it was predictable and uninspired, I forgive, but I cannot forgive him for being an utterly condescending shit in the afterword “Many people will not like this ending, but I assure you, it is because they don’t realize what makes a story good” and more dishonest pseudry.

>> No.14268178

One of the greatest authors of our time

>> No.14268320

The Mist had a really good ending, the film fucked up, the tv show I stopped watching after 3 or 4 episodes.

>> No.14268441

why haven't they made The Long Walk into a movie yet?

>> No.14268636

because it wouldn't have any running time

>> No.14270305

>I don't think he has any pretension or even aspirations towards literature

People say this, but his books are filled with shitty character building and pseudo-poetic prose. King is only good when he goes all out and writes schlock horror stories.

>> No.14270332

He's the literary equivalent of Disney movies. It's garbage with subversive morality and politics. There's so many better things to read so don't waste your time.

>> No.14270344

Is there anything by him worth reading? Like I heard Carrie, The Shining, and maybe that JFK book are all pretty good.

>> No.14270371

Almost all of his books are worth reading imo

>> No.14270723

Pet Sematary

>> No.14270728

Dogshit. The world is actually worse for his works and the movies that came from them. Yes, even The Shining.

>> No.14270742

Any recommendations?

>> No.14270747

Night Shift was not bad, also.

>> No.14270749

Misery is the best of his I've read. Carrie is also pretty cool. Pet Sematary was the scariest, in fact it's the scariest thing I've ever read; but its ending sucks.

>> No.14270757
File: 122 KB, 600x512, NE_comfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw everything written about New England is horror
cmon guys it not THAT scary, right...?

>> No.14270768

How is the Dark Tower series?