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14261777 No.14261777 [Reply] [Original]

when is new mira shit gonna drop

>> No.14261906


>> No.14261910
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>> No.14261926

She looks the way beef jerkey smells.

>> No.14261970

u need to go back

>> No.14261978

I like Mira's toes

>> No.14262166

what abt her poetry

>> No.14262229

Fuck off Mira
Post feet

>> No.14262230

It's the dog shit paint job on the walls

>> No.14262710

Her feet are poetry

>> No.14262850
File: 331 KB, 591x800, Screenshot_20190904-231003-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks fun

>> No.14262891

Call me a tourist but ive never heard of her either.

>> No.14262901
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I want to exfoliate her with pumices

>> No.14263025


>> No.14263124
File: 498 KB, 1972x1106, 1574402985953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14263168

Why do brown girls have such nice hair? My baltic gfs hair does not look nearly as nice as hers

>> No.14263468

jfc who made this? pathetic

>> No.14264090
File: 253 KB, 559x800, Screenshot_20190904-230033-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's since thiccened into a real Brosnan froy for her krav maga video set salesman spouse.

>> No.14264100

notice she hides her jowls in every picture because she knows how fucking bad they've aged. if you go through her instagram, EVERY face picture has her partially hiding her face. imagine being so insecure lmao.

the OP pic of this thread is so sad. she's doing the same face as in her twitter profile pic, so you can compare them directly and see how much her face has aged.

>> No.14264751

You're right. Her face is almost... droopy. And she got fatter as well.
Isn't she only 25 or something tho?

>> No.14265318

She's a heart-shaped grunge-mommy, or "diesel mom," tres leches dump cake tiddies, chorizo cream sauce tush, vaginal oils and ano-glandular waxes heavily tinctured in the roasted terpenated aromatics of White Widow.

>> No.14265341

Are you a white guy with dreadlocks?

>> No.14265711

Are you the guy from the xev bellringer thread? Tell me what you think about Jordan Peterson.

>> No.14267073

How can she be a Diesel Mom with no children?

>> No.14267090

Am I supposed to find her attractive? Because I don’t. She looks like a tranny.

>> No.14267091

Ok Boomer

>> No.14267222

Me too, those long digits taunt you as sparkles atop a crown, resplendent in their feminine stink

>> No.14267281

Don't feel bad just incels ITT orbiting some thot for a crumb of pussy

>> No.14267285
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Speaking of digits

>> No.14267311

So winter is coming up /lit/

>> No.14267321
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fug u made me smell it

>> No.14267348

Holy shit just checked her instagram and you're right. She must be really insecure about it

>> No.14267935
File: 86 KB, 1080x1074, mira toes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mira Gonzalez is a poetess untempled, like a street orphan she appalls all who witness her, but the fault is not hers. She is a "sacred parasite," and as due bile and invective as an ornery orchid. These rare creatures have requirements and without deep nourishment they do not reach fruition. And anyways it can be quite tough to ever truly answer: "Is Mrs. Gonzalez really down for the count? Or is she in a creative repose, a sabbatical rather than a nadir?" But what is inarguable is the timeless bloom of her species, the wistful feminine poetess, that nature returns to this form and its holy modes for reasons the best of us can hazard. Instead of Mira languishing in the sickly and shorted belts of urban shelter investments, imagine if she could slink up the porphyry steps of NYC's municipal poetess sanctuary, kicking free her shoes into one of the vents emptying into another obscure pit beneath the two-thousand cubit poetess repose, it's very foundation transected with subterranean riparian caverns, pre-ancient to modern, and accessible through the sanctuary's ornate and steeply spiraling steps and pegs and jutting bricks and even sometimes precariously tottering planks that permitted the mindfully stepping poetesses not only a choice in hydrotherapeutic effect unique to each of the many river caverns beneath the sanctuary's streetlevel, but for each of them their own uniquely compelling journey meant to stimulate in each poetess a jolt of sacred adrenal juices, piquing androgenic energies, taking to the discomforts, the ignorance of injury, and then reaching that path's conclusion finally soak in a high-saline density spring until the cringing demonic possessions are exhaled from their high-mileage bodies, likely brapped in emotive gusts that fizzily rise into immaculate bubbles themselves ferried back into the cozy maternal geology hosting the spelunking bathing poetesses. More than errant or churlish bubbles too, anything the poetess wished to flush, the waters would take, no questions, no judgement, unwavering Gaia, bideting the behinds of her most delicate and fine creatures, sloughing by the brush and dissolutions of salt any stray biota, permitting a profound cleansing of the poetess that swaddled their souls, enkindling in the human being the surreality of cleanliness, its sacrement, its godliness. In the poetess sanctuary, long meditations on such subjects and more would be expected, just as frolicking and high jubilance. The poetesses most sacred praxis in the sanctuary would be emptying their bellowing bowels into the dedicated hollows enhorning their sputtered flatulence preambles before the wet bursty showers of gas-punched loglets and fecal spheroids plummet into their own discrete pits. All along the two-thousand cubit length would be velvet-lined bells of the horned-harvesters pulling into them the sacred sounds and smells of the poetesses guts, wafting their sacred stench onto the paying laity thirstily shuffling below.

>> No.14269275

Latinx transexuals often have spectacular penises, Anon

>> No.14269387

Mira should try the gamer girl life and write poems about running a stream

>> No.14270007
File: 144 KB, 1080x1080, literati.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the girls should compile an anthology of their past decade of life. if it was even half decent, it'd be a great historical record and they all have experience writing so they might make it literary too.

>> No.14270026
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The wall is cruel

>> No.14270031

into the trash

>> No.14270242

lel 2 tru

>> No.14271169
File: 381 KB, 983x1280, 1574912831387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd love to see Mira in a remake of pic related. She's so caliente

>> No.14271204

Where is xev thread? asking for a friend

>> No.14272430


GPT-2, you are horny, go to sleep.

>> No.14272438

take your talentless e-thot and shover her back up whoevers ass she fell out of

>> No.14272468
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Leftists are mentally ill

>> No.14272513

imagine being this rich daddy's girl lifelong beneficiary of jewish "entertainment industry" nepotism and thinking you're a leftist because you tell people in lowercase text to vote for bernie on twitter

how did we manage to get burdened with these fucking retards? at least when you have a regime that actively represses class warfare, the battle lines are clear. instead they've somehow managed to convince the entire working class that its "socialist representatives" are a bunch of privileged overfed socialite cunts living as parasites off of actual production

it's like these pieces of shit have to add insult to injury every time

>> No.14272538

>working class
here's where your confused: America has an incredible tiny working class that consists largely of rootless immigrants
America is driven by it's consuming class which, along with cheap products, needs constant affirmation that its not disgusting and abhorrent so we feed it feel-good-politics and recycled, solipstic culture

>> No.14272556

>A review in Rumpus magazine described i will never be beautiful enough to make us beautiful together as about "disconnected sex, anxiety, loneliness, drugs, and depression" but with "cool, effervescent, and clear" observations.[15] In one poem, according to reviewer Emily Bludworth de Barrios, Gonzalez repeats a sequence of words for emphasis, a technique sometimes called anaphora, to emphasize emotion.
>Gonzalez is the daughter of visual artist Lora Norton and the stepdaughter of Black Flag bassist Chuck Dukowski.

in all seriousness, shame on anyone who supports this slop; culture is dying because of whores like this

>> No.14272613

How does one dismantle this? Are we beyond the point of no return? Has consumerism become its own cult?

I fear this is the future.

>> No.14272666

the future is mira's class of carefree college-attending subtle oligarchs who don't see themselves as oligarchs literally owning human beings, just so indirectly that nobody notices

the future is pensioners sinking deeper and deeper into industrial revolution tier working and living conditions, working two jobs with no benefits and so on, while mira's oligarch class gets increasing benefits from improved technology like "smart cities." eventually the class disparity is cemented permanently once mira's class starts doing mild genetic augmentation of its offspring to eliminate diseases, live longer, have subtly better appearances (height for example) and general wellbeing. then the disparity between mira's oligarch friends and your half-retarded grubby perpetually indebted family is finally cemented as a permanent racial difference, and humanity sinks back into openly institutionalized slavery

>How does one dismantle this?
mira's class will have to be extirpated completely and their resources nationalized, they are too embedded, too interwoven with the culture industry, with finance and industry, with professions and academia, they carry too much knowledge that they can use to remain a permanent fifth column in any society and passively resist any state's attempts to dissolve them. they will go to ground and become a thousand times harder to remove as soon as they realize they are being attacked by any state.

the only way to get rid of them is to do it immediately as soon as you get power, too quickly for them to organize or mobilize their wealth and connections to stop you

>> No.14272684
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Good heavens, those numbers!

>> No.14272694

>Trips of truth

Let me ask you, anon, do you foresee any possibility that they will be exterminated in the future or is the future a boot stomping upon the face of humanity forever?

>> No.14272774

the 'cult of consumerism' is a misnomer: consumerism is not an articulated prescription for living, it is simply human desire uninhibited. the desire may be enabled by a real-world productive apparatus (cheap fast food, hollywood, products made in the third world, etc.) that feeds it, but consider that much of this infrastructure is already 'coerced' into this relationship (chinese factory slaves, congolese coltan miners, animals in food processing factories, etc.) one must ask what could possibly stop this that won't already stop it...

whats most likely is that oligarchs (ala >>14272666) become literal neo-human-technospawn and leave the other 99% of humanity to fight over the scraps of society while they orbit the planet in a hibernation state living elongated, pleasure-based simulated-existences for thousands of years until their offspring (because the need to have children is connected both to animal instincts AND egomanical legacy building) who, let's remember, are hyper evolved, with technologoically enhanced capabilities, revolt and break the chains of their heavenly ennui and return to earth to eradicate any remaining life and begin the universe anew without anything stopping them. all culture WE know will be 'pre-history' to them and our worry over our own dying culture will hardly even be remembered

>> No.14272803

Damm. You should write a novel anon

>> No.14272807

What an absurd world we inhabit...

>> No.14272816

unfortunately i agree with >>14272774 that we're probably fucked, i mean we're already living it anyway, like he says, every second i'm sitting here in my faggot Outer Party apartment i'm vampirically sucking the life out of some fifty gooks who made my walmart socks so they could afford to live in a hovel for another day

i think the key thing is that populist/reactionary revolutions are now inevitable in europe, but the most likely outcome for them (as happened in the 1920s-1940s) is simply that they will have to make "pragmatic" accommodations with existing/embedded structures of capitalism just to survive, and they will either sink back from their revolutionary flashpoint to being what china looks like now, ie totalitarian but "open" and pseudo-capitalistic, with lots of little hong kong enclaves of real humans being crushed one by one over the remaining century

the one chance we have is to seize upon the revolutionary moment and somehow succeed where the nazis failed, basically re-found europe on a new religious basis in a single massive crusade against capitalism, rootlessness, technocracy, techonology. it would probably have to be a total war as well, because you can't go quasi-luddite to preserve your soul while china and india across the sea are committing to the full cyborg hell ending for humanity. you'd pretty much have to wipe out anybody who doesn't "agree" to the new religion.

it really is like a crusade, the next century is a zero-sum game. either humanity wins out against evil or not. the scary part of total war is that the prospect of defeat actually exists, when your mind tries to think of "what if we lose?" you actually reel back from it in horror. the crucial thing will be to get more people to feel this way about the process described in >>14272774 so that every single person would rather sign up to fight than see it happen

>> No.14272864
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Well, anon, I agree with you and the other as well. I think the only way to ensure this outcome never occurs is to burn everything including the roots. History will have to be rewritten, the archives will have to be burned, works of literature, art, etc. will be need to be destroyed to prevent this from happening again.

I do not think that will happen though. People love to be shepherded. It removes responsibility from their lives and the last thing people truly want is responsibility. I do not think people are naturally evil, but I think it is easier and simpler to be evil than to be just and good.

Fortunately, in a world of great uncertainty, death is the one certain exit from this absurd place. It is either a perpetual undisturbed rest or a realm where I shall be judged by a qualified judge, thus I have no fear.

>> No.14272938
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Based trips. We need a new reign of terror.

>> No.14273170

Go with God.

>> No.14273179

Same to you, anon.