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File: 62 KB, 500x663, Prophet-Muhammad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14259933 No.14259933 [Reply] [Original]

The year was 610 AD. Mohammed was in the cave on Mount Hira. He received his first spiritual experience and feared that he had become either mad or, as he said, a poet. He went to his wife trembling with fear saying, "Woe is me. Poet or possessed?" He had even thought of casting himself down from the high rocks to kill himself. It was such a shock, it was such a great voltage of love. For three days he was trembling constantly as if in a deep, dangerous fever.

The fear was that he thought that he had either become a poet or he had gone mad. Out of this experience of Mohammed's starts the river of Sufism. It has always remained both poetic and possessed. He was both. He had become a poet and he had become possessed. He had gone mad and he had become a mystic.

why is reading OSHO so damn comfy? fuck.

>> No.14259944

And then he fucked a goat LOL

>> No.14259954

Sufism is cringe at best , heresy at worst.

>> No.14259970
File: 92 KB, 955x775, Osho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can intuition be explained scientifically? Is it a phenomenon of the mind?

Intuition cannot be explained scientifically because the very phenomenon is unscientific and irrational. The very phenomenon of intuition is irrational. In language it looks okay to ask, "Can intuition be explained?" It means: can intuition be reduced to intellect? But intuition means something beyond the intellect, something not of the intellect, something coming from someplace where intellect is totally unaware. So intellect can feel it, but it cannot explain it.

The leap can be felt because there is a gap. Intuition can be felt by the intellect - it can be noted down that something has happened - but it cannot be explained, because explanation means causality. Explanation means: from where does it come? why does it come? what is the cause? And it comes from somewhere else, not from the intellect itself, so there is no intellectual cause; there is no reason, no link, no continuity in the intellect.

For example, Mohammed was an illiterate person. No one knew about him; no one ever felt that such a great thing as the Koran could come out of him. There was not a single act, not a single thought, that was special about him; he was just an ordinary man - absolutely ordinary. No one ever felt that something extraordinary was possible in him. Then, suddenly, this parable is recorded:

An angel appeared to Mohammed and said, "Read!"

Mohammed said to him, "How can I read? I do not know how; I cannot read, I am illiterate."

The angel repeated again, "Read!"

Mohammed again said, "But how can I read? I do not know anything about reading."

Then the angel said, "Read! By the grace of God, you will be able." And Mohammed began to read. This is intuition.

He returned to his house trembling, trembling because he could not conceive of what had happened. He could read - and he had read something inconceivable. The first ayat of the Koran had been given to him. He could not understand it because nothing in his whole past related to it. He could not feel the meaning of it; he had become the vehicle for something that was unrelated to his past, absolutely unrelated. Something from the unknown had penetrated him. It might have been related to something else, to someone else, but it did not relate to Mohammed at all. This is the penetration.

He came into his house trembling, he felt feverish; he just went on thinking, "What has happened?" He was unable to understand what had happened, and for three days he was in deep fever, trembling, because there was no cause for what had occurred. He could not even gather the courage to say something to anyone. He was an illiterate: who was going to believe him? He himself could not believe what had happened; it was unbelievable.

>> No.14259971

what's osho got to say about consummating the marriage with Aisha when she was 9 years old?

>> No.14259977

why do u care what osho has to say dumb nigger lol. no one cares lol.

>> No.14259980

I too enjoy fucking goats and little girls
Inshallah brother

>> No.14259989

Many modern scholars believe that she was actually 15-16 when he consummated the marriage and that the 9 thing is the product of fucked up records and the weird islamic lunar calendar. I’m not islamic though so I don’t know details.

>> No.14260014

The most probable theory is that Muhammed (pbuh) did indeed consummate his marriage with Aisha when she was nine.
t.muslim who looked it up

>> No.14260021

it's damage control that relies on "the number 9 was probably just a handwritten typo, bro, 15-16 makes me feel better"

>> No.14260022
File: 1.12 MB, 1988x1850, Osho_HD_005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I too enjoy fucking goats

For example, Mohammed said to his disciples that they can marry four wives. But it became a guideline for the future, and now Mohammedans everywhere are insisting that this is a question of their religion, they have to marry four wives. In Mohammed's time there was so much war, murder, arson, that the population of men and women had come to that proportion - one man, four women - because men were being killed in war. It was simply compassionate of Mohammed to say that one man should marry four wives; nothing was wrong in it. But to make it a guideline for the future, forever, is dangerous.

Now the situation is different. If one man marries four wives, then three men will remain bachelors. The situation has completely reversed, but the mind of followers is such that they will not see the point. Why had Mohammed insisted on marrying four women? So that three are not left unmarried, because they will suffer unnecessary psychological repressions, they will become prostitutes, they will destroy the whole moral structure.

But now the situation is just the opposite: if a Mohammedan marries four wives then he is driving three men to remain celibate. Those three people are not going to sit silently, they will have to do something. Then all kinds of perversions - the same perversions that Mohammed was trying to avoid - are all over Mohammedan countries. Because you are rich you can get as many wives as you want - and four is not the limit, it is the minimum. Mohammed himself married nine wives; that is enough example for rich emirs and sheiks and oil kings. They can marry hundreds of women - all the beautiful women of their country are brought to them - but what about all those hundreds of young people who are deprived of their wives and their rights? You are driving them to homosexuality. You are driving them into other perversions, sodomy.

Men making love to animals_ It is worse than rape, because the innocent animal is in your hands, whatever you want to do you can do. When you rape a woman, in some way or other she cooperates, otherwise it is not easy. Perhaps deep down she desires it, because whenever a woman is raped - the man is certainly criminal, I am not saving him from his crime - but the woman is not absolutely innocent. In the unconscious somewhere there is a desire that somebody should find her so beautiful, so irresistible, that he will even be ready to commit a crime. That is a kind of tremendous satisfaction, a confirmation of her beauty, of her charm.

>> No.14260030
File: 643 KB, 2556x3146, Osho_HD_021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know women who have been raped - and I have asked both parties - the man who was raping was also puzzled that the woman was cooperating, she was not screaming, shouting or doing something. Otherwise, if a woman is really against it, even her husband cannot make love to her - what to say about somebody else raping. She can bite, she can hit, she can throw stones, she can shout. She can do everything, but the poor animal cannot do anything. The poor animal cannot even understand what is happening. This is sheer abuse. Children are being sexually abused.

And the amazing part of the story is that in all Mohammedan countries - where there are more bachelor men than anywhere else because so many women are taken away by the richer people - death is the only penalty for homosexuality. On the one hand you are driving people towards homosexuality and on the other hand you make it the greatest crime, to be punished by death. You are putting such a pressure on people that they cannot even be homosexuals, so they are bound to move towards animals.

>> No.14260042

>what's osho got to say about consummating the marriage with Aisha when she was 9 years old?

If you look into the psychology of Mohammed: he married a woman sixteen years older than himself. He was only twenty-four, and he married a woman who was forty. Now, this is something strange. A man who is forty may marry a woman who is twenty-four, but there is no parallel to Mohammed: a man who is twenty-four marrying a woman who is forty. It seems he is not marrying a wife, he is marrying his mother. The reason why he married this woman was that she was immensely rich. And nobody else was ready to marry that old woman, even though she was rich. This marriage was not out of love; the motivation was the money the woman had.

These are the people who are telling others, “Renounce the world!” Mohammed married nine wives. And these are the people who are saying, “Renounce the world” – renouncing the world remains spiritual. Marrying nine women – the whole battalion – and nobody asks how it can fit in with the renunciation of the world.

Mohammed has given the name “Islam” to his religion. The word islam means peace – and Mohammed was carrying a sword; no other prophet has cut off so many heads as Mohammed has done. But on his sword the sentence was written: “Peace is my message.” Islam has been one of the most murderous religions – and peace is the message.

If you look at all these people who have claimed themselves to be incarnations of God, saviors of humanity, prophets, you will be surprised that this whole lot seems to be eccentric. They say one thing and they do just the opposite.

Jesus says, “Love even your enemy as yourself.” A beautiful sentence…but one day he is hungry, his disciples are hungry, and the village they have passed refused to give them food. They come to a fig tree, hoping that there may be fruits on the tree. But there are no fruits on the tree. And now you can see what I mean by a crackpot: Jesus curses the tree!

>> No.14260090

what's osho got to say about Muhammad marrying his son's wife?

>> No.14260137

No they don't you fucking liar. The Hadith talk about her playing with dolls while Muhammad rubs his cock between her thighs. Playing with dolls was forbidden to girls after they hit puberty which is why Muhammad was penetrating her.

>> No.14260155

>And the amazing part of the story is that in all Islam countries - where there are more bachelor men than anywhere else because so many women are taken away by the richer people - death is the only penalty for homosexuality. On the one hand you are driving people towards homosexuality and on the other hand you make it the greatest crime, to be punished by death. You are putting such a pressure on people that they cannot even be homosexuals, so they are bound to move towards animals.


>> No.14260178


why not ask what osho has got to say about jung and freud? Why do you care about a desert war lord niggerfaggot so much

>> No.14260190

you're too much of a brainlet to get the significance of the question (hint: i'm on your side)

>> No.14260208

That's some boomer hedonist garbage. He acts as if people absolutely must have sex in order to function, like if they don't have it they're going to go insane and start fucking anything with a warm hole. Maybe that was the case with him because he was a fucking degenerate with no self control.

>> No.14260240

>like if they don't have it they're going to go insane and start fucking anything with a warm hole.

i gotta to spoonfeed this retard. fuck. i can't bother. too tired

>> No.14261382

Wait, did he reach enlightenment?

>> No.14261422

Nice cope goat fucker

>> No.14261427

He looks like a negro, why?

>> No.14261568

Osho you u like Islam?

>> No.14261621

mfw he doesn't have a milf fetish

>> No.14261971
