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14257080 No.14257080 [Reply] [Original]

Fictional books that became reality?

For me, it’s Submission

>> No.14257116

I first read that headline as "Museum State" and thought it was an excellent plan to contain the hordes of bloodthirsty tourists elbowing their way into the Louvre. Sage

>> No.14258455
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The Handmaids Tale apparently, according to that article.

>> No.14258470

What civil war lol?most Muslims just wanna be left alone

>> No.14258473 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.14258481

No doubt this academic is a /pol/fag

>> No.14258486
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Removing them from Europe will be a long and bloody job...

>> No.14258489

Those theories are retarded, jews and muslims hate each other. Why would jews want to flood europe with muslims and co when it's just going to make thing worse for them? Antisemits need to be gased for eugenic reason.

>> No.14258491
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>most Muslims just wanna be left alone

lol okay

African Muslims just want to be left alone. Arab Muslims subvert every country they enter and want nothing but the whole world to bow down to Allah or die.

>> No.14258492
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>> No.14258502

american rabbis literally go to pakistan to teach young pakis that life is better in europe and that they should move when they can. this is wildly documented, I mean some grand rabbi in the US posts pictures of him on social media doing exactly what i just described.

An american rabbi telling paki children to move to europe. Nothing to see here. Just a theory.

>> No.14258513

>some countries were not muslim once, but they are muslim now
Wow anon, deep stuff. Did you know Europe was not Christian once? There were other faiths here, but then the Christians came, established themselves, and then later took over, wtf

>> No.14258523

They hate whites too.
So if whites and muslims are infighting, the Jew is safe.
Jewish people are paranoid and think everyone is out to kill them.

>> No.14258524

>Jews are cucking us
>n-no wait it's the Muslims
The state of /pol/fags

>> No.14258526

Nah, Jews are just too autistic to see their plans backfire

>> No.14258539

This literally never happened. Affirmative action only exists in the US. Muslims in Europe are mostly indifferent to this shit. Most second generation Muslims are irrelegious

>> No.14258541
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>Wow anon, deep stuff. Did you know Europe was not Christian once? There were other faiths here, but then the Christians came, established themselves, and then later took over, wtf

And the genocidal religious sects of the world will never be allowed to do it again. We just threw off the chains of Christianity and I will die before I allow another regressive ideology to take over.

Vive la laïcité!

>> No.14258543

do you think this disproves him? those people are all long dead, just as you will be, in 1000 years the muslim overlords of europe will vaguely recall an old race that used to live on those lands, before the takeover, just as you recall the "other faiths" that you dont even bother to name

>> No.14258545

>implying that this is a bad thing

>> No.14258548

Why not just join Islam? Liberals hate and Kykes hate it.

>> No.14258549
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>>Jews are cucking us
>>n-no wait it's the Muslims
>The state of /pol/fags

I hate all religions equally.

>> No.14258551

>And the genocidal religious sects of the world will never be allowed to do it again. We just threw off the chains of Christianity and I will die before I allow another regressive ideology to take over.
>Vive la laïcité!
Religion is the only protection we have against french filth.
It is a fact of life that weak things die, and strong things survive. Christianity replaced other, weaker faiths, as Islam is replacing the remains of Christianity. That is the way things have always been

>> No.14258558

That's your problem right there. I'm a Muslim convert. They give you free trad waifus if you join their religion and prove your worth amongst their ranks. Look at Chechnya, no fags no roasties.

>> No.14258567

The end of submission ended with the protagonist embracing it. Say what you want but Islam is better than liberalism

>> No.14258589
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Based. Look at most Muslim countries. We regularly beat the shit out of niggers roasties and fags. You're just a dumb nigger faggot

>> No.14258600
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>What is Pakistan and Bangladesh
>What is female circumcision and child marriage in Islamic immigrant communities
>What is mass rape, crime, and 'no go zones' in Sweden, UK, France, Australia, Germany.

All religions need to die. They are a plague. It just so happens that Islam is the plague of our time.

>> No.14258603

Yeah then their kids get their first iphone and become like most NPCS

>> No.14258606

Of course anon, of course.

t.paranoid schyzophreniac who think every jews is out to get him

>> No.14258610

Seething. You're losing your country. Embrace Islam anon. Believe me. It's much better. There is a reason why Islam has survived for this long. It has less contradictions than any Christian based morality system. Bye whitefag

>> No.14258618
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>> No.14258619

>female circumscion, mass rape
Implying this is bad in any way
>Pakistan / bangladesh
Curry niggers are subhuman. White Muslim nations are prosperous. Look at Chechnya or turkey

>> No.14258621

> Pakistan and Bangladesh
south east asian countries, if you're saying islam is the reason behind these two shitholes then look at india. hinduis are the maijiorty religion and its still a shithole
>female circumcision
its a huge taboo, and whenever it doesn happen it causes a nation wide outrage.
>no go zone
see above, its the people not the religion, you aren't even importing arabs, its mostly south asians that cause these issues, but at the end I do agree with you, religion in general causes more harm than good

>> No.14258627
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>This literally never happened. Affirmative action only exists in the US. Muslims in Europe
You guys in Europe literally have to doctor police records and policy in favor of Muslims. How do you explain the sky rocketing rape statistics in Sweden? Or the pedophile grooming gangs in England? Mind you I'm not suggesting any particular course of action here, because I think the war has already been not fought and lost, but you can at least admit it at this point. The US is fucked also, but we at least admit it.

>> No.14258634

>This literally never happened. Affirmative action only exists in the US. Muslims in Europe are mostly indifferent to this shit. Most second generation Muslims are irrelegious
Are you fucking joking?
>This week a German regional court ruled that the 2014 firebombing of a synagogue in Wuppertal, a region just east of Düsseldorf, was an act of criminal arson, but not anti-Semitic.
> The men were ultimately given suspended sentences.
You can deny the holocaust and go to prison for longer than these guys who burned down a synagogue, as long as you're a German and not a Muslim that is.

>> No.14258645
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>Seething. You're losing your country. Embrace Islam anon. Believe me. It's much better. There is a reason why Islam has survived for this long. It has less contradictions than any Christian based morality system. Bye whitefag

Imagine being this historically illiterate
>Islam, been around since 1300 AD - 1.8 Billion followers
>Christianity, has been around since 300 AD - 2.3 Billion followers

Christianity has been around for literally twice as long.

Islam will have their cultural revolution like we see in Canada and the USA, where they give up radicalism for the benefit of living peaceful lives in Western Countries.

All religions are poison that prey on innate animal tendencies to believe in something larger than themselves to avoid the crushing reality that is this pale blue dot we will all eventually die on.

>> No.14258646

The problem is most of these migrants aren't real Muslims but consoomer npcs with retarded liberal politics like most white fags. The war was lost when the first star wars came out.
t. White fag with Muslim friends in germany

>> No.14258666

>sky rocket rape
In sweden it's because of the retarded reason they count the rape.

>> No.14258693

This isn't a new policy though, they still have exponentially rising rape rates which magically coincide with refugee influxes.

>> No.14258698

That quote is from a work of fiction written by a white American author.

>> No.14258712

Where were you when the slavs inherited europe?

>> No.14258733


radical islam is a creation of USA and jews

>> No.14258746

Except the native population wasn't replaced. They just switched religions.

Here Muslim is becoming the dominant faith because we are importing shitskins wholesale.

>> No.14258759

>Most second generation Muslims are irrelegious
Are you stupid? Second generation is usually more religious than the first.

>> No.14258774

Just pogrom them, France, it's the 20s. Fuck Persia. Fuck the Ottoman. And Fuck Islam.

>> No.14258796


>> No.14258801

Most French are liberals. They themselves would never approve of this

>> No.14258805
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Tfw you are a Muslim born in America. Tfw America is inherently multicultural. I will never set foot into Europe, tbqh.

>> No.14258916
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>That quote is from a work of fiction written by a white American author.
Statistical analysis of prior population shifts and trends that indicate future population shifts are just a work a fiction

>but climate change is totally real, why don't you trust statistical analysis anon

Stats don't lie. You don't get to pick and choose which ones are fact and fiction.

>> No.14258933

A mild correction, Islam dates to the late 7th century AD, not the 14th Century.

>> No.14258943

Sunni Muslims and Jews love one another, you fucking idiot.

>> No.14259005

Turkey, despite having one of the best positions in the world and pretty much everyone sucking their dick, was a complete shithole until the 2000s and now it's moved onto being just a shithole.
I won't even comment on Chechnya

>> No.14259031

I have no issue with people wanting to slaughter Muslims, Christians, or Jews. It's when you make it racial that I become pissed. Someone chooses what religion he or she follows; he can't choose what race to be born as. I would have picked a different race than this, but I've had too many negative experiences with you snow niggers that I'd refuse to ever become you. I have no inferiority complex towards you despicable hypocrites. Some of you act as if racism only comes from minorities, but the whites can be pretty vicious too when forming mobs, which I've experienced before. If I could pick any race to be, it would be a sophisticated Han Chinese who has unbroken patrilineal descent to Tang or Song dynasties. I would also like to be rich, ofc. I am a bit of a Sinophile and would enjoy reading their poetry in the original language.

I'm glad I wasn't born as a mentally ill snow nigger. I feel it was our destiny to always be enemies since ancient times, and I will never forgive you. That's not to say I hate anyone on the basis of his or her race, but my copious negative experience with whites has made me generally suspicious. As 4chan proves, most whites are largely narcissistic hypocrites with large prevalence of sexual fetishes, hypocrisy, violent tendencies, unjustified hatred, lack of philosophical astuteness, etc. You are presently stuck in a cycle of two extremes: liberal self-loathing & naivety or conservative resentfulness & narcissism. They are both stupid, and you are trying to pull the whole world into your drama, as if you are the center of it. Of course there are exceptions of good whites, but it is rare. All Jews do is take advantage of your Faustian tendencies and vulnerabilities.

>> No.14259068

>I don't always make wide generalisations across a group of more than a billion people, but when I do its based on infographics I saved from the nazi containment board of a Bhutanese embroidery pow-wow

>> No.14259072


>> No.14259141

Those aren't mutually exclusive, look up the kalergi plan

>> No.14259156
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>I don't have a retort or counter argument so instead I'll just respond in greentext and try to call you a nazi

That's you. That's what you're doing. The majority of Muslims just want to live peacefully and worship their god their way. But the same can be said of Christians, yet a small sect of them literally went on genocidal campaigns against all others called the crusades. And I'm not just talking about the middle-eastern crusades. How about the Baltic crusades? Remember how the Catholics in France literally killed an entire subgroup of Christians called the Cathars just because they didn't worship god the same?

The state does not have to support your backwards beliefs.

Vive la laïcité!

>> No.14259185

wtf. Who told you that blatant lie? Salafi = protestant Christians of Islam love jews.

>> No.14259280

Q predicted this

>> No.14259879

>mild correction
>like 700 years

>> No.14259965

Christians killed a good lot of pagan Eastern Europeans, though. Forced conversions were a thing.

>> No.14260172

Millions of people have been killed by secularism too you retard.

>> No.14260365
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