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/lit/ - Literature

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14257129 No.14257129 [Reply] [Original]

>Now, something else I might have mentioned at some stage is the question: "Should you read fantasy, should you read science fiction, should you read anything that isn't a ”facts” book or a philosophy book"? It depends, it depends where you are in life. A lot of students are watching this, and you have a lot of books to read for your university studies. Therefore it might not be the best idea to read another heavy book in terms of intellectual ”stuff”. It might be better to read something immersive instead. And it's the same thing if we're talking about getting motivation as I mentioned earlier in this video. If you want motivation to do something hard, for example gym motivation to push yourself in the gym, it might be better for you to read something like a historical book, a science fiction book or a fantasy book that makes you eager to pursue your goals. That might be a better idea than to read a book by Julius Evola that you don't really get all too much from.

>Now of course I do like certain parts from Julius Evola, but if I had to choose between reading Malus Darkblade or a book by Julius Evola, say Ride the Tiger, yeah I will be completely honest, I gained more motivation and it had a larger impact on me to read Malus. Simple as that. I will not pretend to enjoy everything Julius Evola writes, because he wrote his books a long time ago and they're translated from the original language which is Italian, and some of his thoughts are not really applicapable to society. Then of course other thoughts, such as riding the tiger, racial materialism and the quality of the soul are all concepts I like very much.

>But if we are talking about pushing through and getting that motivation, fantasy is an absolutely legitimate way of doing so. I would encourage everyone to not be pretentious, same thing as when I talked about Moby Dick. I didn't want to be all ”oh this is a great classic that I enjoyed so much and everyone has to read it”. Because I would lie if I said that. I didn't enjoy reading Moby Dick. Because it's ultimately the utility of books aswell. Can you get motivation from it, or can you not?

>> No.14257137

He isn't wrong as far as simple motivation to go out and do stuff is received better by most people if it is wrapped up in, or expressed by a narrative.

>> No.14257138

Well fucking said.

>> No.14257155

>Malus Darkblade
where do I start with this?
anyone got a chart?

>> No.14257173
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Truly a golden one.
>He understands that we aren't equal, not even our souls hold the same divine rank. Some souls are destined to not ascend very high, for their place in the order of things is only so high, each place has purpose and value, for the Ineffable is in no particular station being the heart of all—and the One holds all and wills each to be what they are, nothing more nor less.
Not everyone can or should be a king.
Truly the Sage of our Age.

>> No.14257180

There's a 1000+ page book with all the stories, or all the stories that had been released by then, I think.

>> No.14257198

>muh utility
>genreshit that isn't even someone like Gene Wolfe or Olaf Stapledon
>didn't enjoy Moby Dick
Truly the aristocrat of the soul, this one.

>> No.14257251

This guy is one giant cope for how fucked his face is.

>> No.14257261

You took all this time to write down wat he says in the video ?
Jeez get a better hobby

>> No.14257274

He isn't wrong, but he's set the bar too low for himself. Not without hard work and dedication, I've learned to derive pleasure and motivation from struggling through difficult texts. I still enjoy reading fantasy, but my standards for what I consider good fantasy have definitely increased.

>> No.14257292

Only really his pig nose and chin.
Beard fixes half that and slight downwards tilt of face eases the nose.

>> No.14257293

What a brainlet

>> No.14257328

he’s /fit/ and is married to a qt trad wife with a kid, what have you accomplished

>> No.14257329
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>making excuses for being a childish brainlet with low standards

>> No.14257335
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At least he is honest. Personally I got the most motivation out of pic related. Biographies in general tend to work well for motivational purposes, plus you gain some real life knowledge. Fantasy was never my thing but I can totally get why people enjoy it.

>> No.14257344

I-is he raising his wife's son?

>> No.14257348

>a "facts" book

>> No.14257352

Kek, this!

>> No.14257365

Why is that always the first arguments brought up by his weedcarriers?

>> No.14257366

Agreed, the cucked ones soul is obviously too simplistic to understand Evola. He is destined to remain a gymbro for this lifetime

>> No.14257374

t. scrawny nerd that got shoved into locker

>> No.14257402

Silly anon, I lift, I am tall and good-looking.
I am also not a brainlet like the cucked one

>> No.14257410

Because you're a loser on an obscure literature board criticizing someone with skin in the game.

>> No.14257428

But anon, you're a loser whiteknighting your favorite eceleb on an obscure literature board because people are making fun of him.

>> No.14257437

I just happen to agree with his two main points: that men should lift and stop watching porn. And it seems to me he's been more successful at this than random Anons on /lit/ -- least of all people shitting on his looks on anonymous message boards. Have a good day.

>> No.14257444

I'm glad you're successful at not watching porn and lifting, have good day, too, TGO.

>> No.14257453

His two main points are correct, but he’s an adult and shouldn’t read genre fiction written for a tabletop war game, that’s barely acceptable if you’re a teenager

>> No.14257463

Agreed but again, at least he's honest. I'm willing to bet most people on /lit/ haven't read the books they claim they read. I posted the Napoleon the Great recommendation in this thread as an alternative to "motivational fantasy" for people who aren't into dense philosophical works but still want to get real life value out of reading.

>> No.14257466

Honestly I don't give a shit if people read stuff like that as long as they at least try to read other types of books

>> No.14257467

/lit/ - e-celebs.

>> No.14257663

>but he’s an adult and shouldn’t read genre fiction written for a tabletop war game, that’s barely acceptable if you’re a teenager
It's comments like this that show just how young the average faggot on /lit/ is

>> No.14257751

You realise the Iliad was considered genre fiction at one point in time?

>> No.14257874

Hes goodlooking you dumb coping neet

>> No.14257878

The man who dances for gay pride parades wants to tell you how to act.

>> No.14257897
File: 250 KB, 433x750, A02954FB-3ECC-446B-A913-4E75E4CB3BBE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He lifts but obviously your not hench

>> No.14257905

Because attacks on the physique are somehow more viable ?
Why should he care about his weird face.

>> No.14257914

who is this guy?

>> No.14257936

Post physique

>> No.14257946

>some of his thoughts are not really applicapble to society
I never understood this position. Why read any author older than a few decades, if what matters is how an author's ideas apply to modern society? It's too far of a stretch to say Melville is relevant but it's plain as day that some 40K dime novel is eminently important?

>> No.14257998

Are you retarded?
Did you even read the OP?
He didn't say what matters is only how much the books you read apply to the modern world, just that if you are interested in someone's philosophy you might not gain a lot from him rambling about something totally irrelevant.
Pretty much any philosopher has works that totally lost all relevancy while often other works still can hold a lot of value.

>It's too far of a stretch to say Melville is relevant but it's plain as day that some 40K dime novel is eminently important?
He is talking about the difference in value between fictional works and fantasy works.
He puts Moby dick up as an example for a motivational book people can gain a lot from.
Can you even read?

>> No.14258045

If you can’t tell the difference between the Iliad and stories written to market games workshop figures to 14 year olds you shouldn’t be on this board, standards should not be allowed to slip

>> No.14258048

Of course there is a difference. Table top games didn't exist back then. I am saying that their version of drama/fantasy was heroes tales and plays.

>> No.14258055

Did we really need a second thread discussing the fact that this retard did not enjoy Moby Dick?

>> No.14258084

>the difference between the Iliad and stories written to market games workshop figures to 14 year olds
Where specifically is the difference? Historical value aside, since that clearly isn't the point here.

>> No.14258108

>Literally never see a shot from the ribcage down

Is the Golden Boy actually a fatty?

>> No.14258143


>Gay "Bug Chasers" promote spread of HIV to unwitting sexual partners

That's...literally the exact opposite of what bug chasers do.

>> No.14258162
File: 72 KB, 500x500, Latsbrahthe+golden+one+is+about+the+biggest+you+could+possibly+_28981a1d374a15d1f9bb53eb753ea32b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed not

>> No.14258168

I hope you are actually TGO and not some fanboi posting half nudes of your e-celeb daddy in order to prove that he's actually not fat.

>> No.14258213
File: 424 KB, 394x426, The golden one 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daym and he's smart as well

>> No.14258703

> 20 seconds of google search

>> No.14258720

He gets it.

>> No.14258841

Is it wrong or even gay to feel the same way about the Iliad as TGO feels about 40K?

>> No.14258857

>If you can’t tell the difference between the Iliad and stories written to market games workshop figures to 14 year olds you shouldn’t be on this board, standards should not be allowed to slip
Yeah are you going to enforce yourself faggot

>> No.14258909 [DELETED] 

>Julius Evola
>Can't into aesthetics and theory
>racial materialism and the quality of the soul are all concepts I like very much
>Didn't like Moby Dick
Utter brainlet

>> No.14258921

who the fuck is this guy

>> No.14258938

>Julius Evola
>reading books for motivation and self help
>Can't into aesthetics and theory
>racial materialism and the quality of the soul are all concepts I like very much
>Didn't like Moby Dick
Extreme levels of brainletism.

>> No.14258944


The alt-right's most committed Skyrim LARPer

>> No.14258959

A right wing traditionalist e-celeb
he's right about some things (porn and masturabtion being bad, exercise and staying in shape being important) but he's a larpagan and as demonstrated by OP's post, a childish midwit, the 'there's no difference between my childrens wish-fulfilment fantasy media and traditional art' attitude is the refuge of midwits seeking to justify their intellectual sloth, the same behaviour shown by s()ys who love capeshit

>> No.14258977

He's so ugly. He's just so ugly.

>> No.14258985
File: 775 KB, 1011x1362, 1483941621700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many cringe fantasy and sci-fi books do he have to read until he got enough motivation though? It's all he ever reads.

>> No.14258996

post body

>> No.14259008

ever since I was 14 I tended to go one speculative fiction book (unless it was a series), one literary book then one non fiction book. I didn't do it thinking the speculative book would be my treat or reward but because reading one kind of thing over and over again starts to get draining.

Reading this thread makes me kind of feel bad for these grand writers. the very fans of their work tend to admit to hate reading them but only do it as some means of self evaluation.

>> No.14259013

nice try glownigger

>> No.14259033

he reads to get motivated to lift weights. cool. i can't say that has ever been a reason why i have read anything, ever.

>> No.14259051


he's actually making a good point, whether you brainlets realize it or not. sometimes you just don't have enough life experience to get something like evola or a thinker on his level. if you actually realize this then you should stick to things that still challenge you, but are in your depth to actually deal with

>> No.14259062

Evola is schlock his "level" is skin deep don't talk as if he is some great thinker that matters.

>> No.14259082
File: 49 KB, 640x640, 1570296447272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You equated the lastbrah, a based autist, with soibois. I've unironically witnessed bros on /fit/ confuse him with an actual classical sculpture anon. I understand what you're saying, that it's psychologically immature and lazy to be interested in stuff like 40k, which I agree. But that is a false equivalence. For all his cringe and LARPing, he has something to show for it unlike pic related. And I think even with his cringe, he would mog you bro.

>> No.14259085
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>being challenged by a warhammer book written on comission for a modern corporation

>> No.14259099

Fuck you Quentin

>> No.14259132

I genuinely just don't enjoy shittily-written genre schlock anymore. I did enjoy Moby Dick, every page was fucking beautiful. I would strongly prefer to reread it than to read some half-baked sword and sorcery dogshit, and I really don't understand why anybody would come to this board and try to discuss literature if they don't like literature in the first place.

>> No.14259135

I have no doubt he would mog me, his physique is very impressive and he is a mostly admirable person. However this is the /lit/ not /fit/, his opinions on literature are childish at best and his opinions on literature are the intended topic of discussion here. I'll admit that my s()y comparison was hyperbolic, he isn't near as awful as those retards who do hour long analyses of children's movies, and since his primary use for these books is motivation for physical improvement I can't blame him too much. That said I stand by the spirit of my criticism, once we treat commercialised genre fiction as equal or comparable to the classics we have failed ourselves

>> No.14259174
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>"it's psychologically immature and lazy"
>"he would mog you bro"

>> No.14259179

You still ain't that smart

>> No.14259181

Isn't this guy a nationalist? Why does he literally never read anything in swedish?

>> No.14259182

Yeah he shouldn't have shat upon Melville like that. Tbh I also get the impression has hasn't actually read Homer sometimes. Hope I'm wrong. Meatheads gonna meat.

>> No.14259192

If you are in your 20's and consider that immature you are dead inside.

>> No.14259241

if you are pretending to read literature and "lifting" to get a boyfriend-free girlfriend, you're a walking meme.

>> No.14259256
File: 65 KB, 392x500, tldr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I don't listen to roided freaks

>> No.14259269

I'm tall and absurdly confident naturally, I don't need to train my body for gf. And I don't read pleb shit. Why are you still responding it makes no fucking sense.

>> No.14259278

That sure put me in my place.
The constant counter-snobbishness of this decade has gotten more ridiculous than snobbishness ever did, though. It's entirely reasonable for people to enjoy reading obscure or difficult literature, but it's immediately assumed that they're just pretending to posture about it.

>> No.14259294

Which point in time? Who considered it genre fiction?

>> No.14259336

if you were absurdly confident you wouldn't be throwing around those words.

>> No.14259530
File: 67 KB, 966x495, FC075289-E5E6-49D9-9CFD-7163BC6FD6EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The healthiest thing this site could do is make a /celeb/ or /eceleb/, and then delete the board and permaban anyone who posted on it.

I’m so sick of your shitty YouTube people on every fucking board

>> No.14259708

Golden One? More like Cringe One.

>> No.14259867

>should stick to things that still challenge you
>a toy soldiers advertisement written by a basedacuck
How about getting actual life experience and actually thinking for yourself

>> No.14259872

This nigga is just bizarre. Wtf is going on with this person, man.

>> No.14260198

It's literally a meme though.