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/lit/ - Literature

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14256715 No.14256715 [Reply] [Original]

Who are great writers that almost never get taught in universities? Who do they not want us to read...

>> No.14256718


>> No.14256719

Don tosh

>> No.14256755

>who do they not want us to read

Any books that explain women and black people, and my diary for that feel when 260 IQ.

Fuck off

>> No.14256757
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No no no. No one teaches him because he’s obsolete

>> No.14256758

Kill yourself. But also you’re correct.

>> No.14256763

You’re just mad because you are retroactively refutes.

>> No.14256799

I have taken a lot of literature and philosophy classes in the US and Germany. Some really good writers who I heard basically nothing about in my classes were
>Shusaku Endo
A good intro to Endo is his book "Wonderful Fool." He is famous for being one of the few notable Japanese Christian authors.
>Tarjei Vesaas
I have admittedly only read his book "The Ice Palace," but it is excellent and quite experimental.
>Ernst Jünger
He is unpopular primarily because he has been unjustly smeared as a Nazi when in reality his situation was a far more complicated than his critics acknowledge, but he was certainly a great writer. I recommend "On the Marble Cliffs," "The Peace," and "The Forest Passage."
>Dino Buzzati
I don't know why he remains mostly unacknowledged. "The Tartar Steppe" is an excellent book about life choices, fear, and disillusionment.

>> No.14256811

Cool list, thanks. I’ve read Buzzati. He’s quite good. The Bears’ Famous Invasion of Sicily is one of the best kids’ books I know.

>> No.14256816

The Gathas is very important in the development of world religions, but it tends to be ignored. They are the only portion of the Zend-Avesta which goes back to Zarathustra and dates to around 1000-1500 BCE.

>> No.14256839

This, not gonna lie. Then when black and female authors are taught it's bullshit like Toni Morrison, assholes like Eldridge Cleaver, or the most astroturfed pandering crap ever. There's no excuse for it either, because there are perfectly good women writers and black writers like Virginia Woolf, Lorraine Hansberry, and Langston Hughes.

>> No.14256841

Yes the universities are run by boogeyman that are trying to hide secret knowledge from you

>> No.14256849

>unjustly smeared as a Nazi when in reality his situation was a far more complicated than his critics acknowledge

>> No.14256851
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Here’s you.

>> No.14256853

Unironically, Karl Marx for obvious reasons.

>> No.14256859

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.14256862

You got me. At least I'm not a schizo

>> No.14256866


>> No.14256871

You think it’s an insult, you should be so lucky! I wear your insult like a laurel.

>> No.14256875

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.14256887

I’m dead serious. It’s a meme that every college instructor prays toward the Kremlin five times a day.
The fact that Marx wasn’t taught in the American educational system pre-2008 is understandable given the hegemony of global Neo-liberalism, but his absence has become acutely felt as capitalism’s crises deepen.

>> No.14256891

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.14256898

My university never spoke or touched Joyce, DH Lawrence, or Yeats in the higher level classes. Funny enough, they were taught by an enthusiastic, Neo-Platonist in my English 102 class. I go to a shit college though, so that may be why.

>> No.14256919

The holidays can be an emotionally taxing time of year. Remember to take time out for yourself.

>> No.14256946

It’s true. It’s a really rough time for me lately.

But you still need to shut the fuck up.

>> No.14258203


>> No.14258211

He's right, shut the fuck up

>> No.14258230

Clarice Lispector, Renata Adler

>> No.14258290

They’re all over mfa programs.

>> No.14258311
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>> No.14258557
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>great writers

>> No.14258587

I actually read Endo's Silence in a course on Japanese religion at university

>> No.14258956

>perfectly good women writers
>like Virginia Woolf
Opinion discarded.

>> No.14259160

I only watched the movie, is the book a complete heresy as well ?

>> No.14260057

Who’s that

>> No.14260088

Anyone know if Endo is taught much in Japan? I loved 'Silence' and remember its intro mentioned that Japanese youth distributed a shitton of copies during their 60's student protests

>> No.14260399

Guy Debord

>> No.14260538

>gween is my text