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14255074 No.14255074 [Reply] [Original]

>In a 1928 letter to a mutual friend of T.S. Eliot, Virginia Woolf wrote:
>"I have had a most shameful and distressing interview with dear Tom Eliot, who may be called dead to us all from this day forward. He has become an Anglo-Catholic believer in God and immortality, and goes to church. I was shocked. A corpse would seem to me more credible than he is. I mean, there’s something obscene in a living person sitting by the fire and believing in God."

>> No.14255103

This was probably written as a joke, r-right?

>> No.14255114

Absolutely BASED

Fuck God and fuck religious people

>> No.14255128

Eliot's wife cheated on him a ridiculous amount of times. He probably turned to the church because he didn't know where else to turn.

Woolf responded drastically, but it is puzzling for intellectuals to see one of their own waste their time on such an obvious falsehood.

>> No.14255150

oof thats a double whammy... enjoy burning in hell you dumb bitch! lol!

>> No.14255295

Woolf is the eternal seething Anglo, a high society lesbian pissed that an Irish man from a working class family did everything she ever hoped to do in literature before she could.

>> No.14255325

Shut up Butters

>> No.14255329

Woolf is genuinely one of the most stupid and obnoxious people ever lived. Don't even bother reading her garbage.

>> No.14255340

>Irish man


>> No.14255350

Woolf will be read long after you're dead, little man. Long, long after. Enjoy your moment in the sun right now on 4chan.

>> No.14255380

t. anglo cockroach eternally seething

>> No.14255387

wtf i love roasties now

>> No.14255397


>> No.14255403

James Joyce who the hell do you think? Their work is similar in a lot of ways except that Joyce is better and did it first

>> No.14255407

Why do women hate culture/religion? Subversive cunts

>> No.14255434

>did it better
Debatable. Woolf is more refined and polished.

>> No.14255438

Not even close lmao. Dubliners alone is better than everything she wrote.

>> No.14255448

Imagine unironically holding this opinion

>> No.14255456

Fucking kek. Woolf is pure trash.

>> No.14255458

Well, it is hard to imagine a serious adult truly believing in god and immortality.

>> No.14255474
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>> No.14255490

Ulysses is literally everything Woolf failed to do but wished she had

>> No.14255494

Highly, highly unlikely. This world will pass away, and all its works shall soon be consumed in fire. Seething Virginia Woolf and her musty old fedora will be devoured in smokeless flame.

>> No.14255495

To the Lighthouse is head and shoulders above Ulysses.

>> No.14255505
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>> No.14255521

I only read TtL
What do you think makes it so good?

>> No.14255531
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Woolfe wished to be a total hack?

>> No.14255536
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You’re a woman aren’t you

>> No.14255540

Why yes I've only read excerpts from Ulysses that others pulled at random as a joke instead of reading the actual novel, how could you tell?

>> No.14255554

Lmaoing at your life anon

You obviously haven’t read Ulysses or understood it. To the Lighthouse is the work of a lesser mind, it’s so fucking easy to recognize.

>> No.14255555

For starters, parts of Ulysses is unreadable. But the whole novel goes into Bloom's and Stephen's and Molly's inner lives without actually bridging the gap to others. It's all unspoken personal experience, without any real concern for others.

Woolf, especially with To the Lighthouse, is different. TtL is about the unspoken feelings and relationships BETWEEN people. It's just an enormous perk that the novel is wholly lucid.

The teenagers on this board will suck JJ's dick because Ulysses was named Best Novel Ever by some sensational magazines and other lame publications. I'm not saying Ulysses isn't a remarkable achievement. I'm just saying (accurately) that To the Lighthouse is head and shoulders above Ulysses. Because it is. P.S. most of the people who would respond negatively about this assertion have NEVER read Woolf and certainly NEVER read TtL.

>> No.14255558
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>> No.14255570
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>For starters, parts of Ulysses is unreadable
Pic related
>It's all unspoken personal experience, without any real concern for others.
You didn't understand it, read it again

>> No.14255577

Quints don't lie. You lost, bro.

>> No.14255604

Then Proust is God Himself.

>> No.14255719

Proust is God, Joyce is Jesus, and Woolf is Satan. Clearly that anon spent too much time away from the sun and is gone from us forever.

>> No.14256247

Henry James did it first.
Joyce still did it better.

>> No.14256291

She was shitposting you dumb virgins..

>> No.14256504

You are a virgin aren't you?

>> No.14256557


>> No.14256611

She's angry because she believes that all is possible in the mundane world, and eliot explicitly rejects this by his conversion, and his greater stature makes her fear that he is in fact correct.

>> No.14256621

>The true christcuck rears it's head
Sycophantic hypocrites, pretending to be good-natured in public, while jerking off to your sadistic power fantasies as soon as you believe yourself unseen

>> No.14258082


Eliot also only married his first wife so he had an excuse to stay in England and his neglect literally ruined her life, so

>> No.14258157

>why won’t you pay attention to me! You’re ruining my life!
Lmao women

>> No.14258199

based quints of eternal truth

>> No.14258583

This really. Just an absolutely talentless, overprivileged bitch.
https://www.city-journal.org/html/rage-virginia-woolf-12371.html is the best piece on this that I can find online.

>> No.14258588

I had a friend react like this to Dostoevsky. Atheists simply cannot handle when a genius is religious for some reason

>> No.14258642

Why do so many authors take the catholic pill?

>> No.14258885

Anyone realize that she looked like female Guenon

>> No.14259080

> I mean, there’s something obscene in a living person sitting by the fire and believing in God."

yeah, killing yourself the way woolf did

>> No.14259136

Woolf is a good writer but has possibly the most obnoxious personal life of any literary figure. Pretty much everyone who was in any way connected to the bloomsbury group was the same. Utterly under the boot of the fashions of their liberal-bourgeois snowglobe, irreligious but without any accompanying grit or suffering, smugly liberal and progressive yet completely indifferent to the suffering of ordinary people.

I say all this when "To The Lighhouse" is one of my favourite books btw. But if you want to know where the rot in British society really comes from, read about the culture of the bloomsbury group and oxford university in Collingwood's autobiography, Ray Monk's Wittgenstein biography, and MacIntyre's After Virtue. These were people who were totally indifferent to any questions of the common good or truth, whose though any discussion of ethics or politics or even aesthetics was fruitless, and considered all kinds of aesthetic and intellectual work to be nothing more than a pleasant distraction.

I mean just look at what she had to say about Joyce's Ulysses, and then understand that she wrote Mrs Dalloway specifically to compete with this "bore", this "self-taught working man", and then realize that she truly thought her crummy novella was of the same status as Joyce's masterpiece. It's not a bad book, but when you consider her intentions in writing it, you get a sense of the delusions of grandeur had by members of the English upper class at that time (and more or less still today).

>> No.14259145

Edgy bitch

>> No.14259208

Yeah she’s always looked very horse-like. Guenon’s skull was obviously built to be a mystic, what’s her excuse?