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1424943 No.1424943 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw i'm staying over at my boyfriend's & you're not

>> No.1424951

well at least im not a queer like u

>> No.1424961

There's this guy I've kind of been seeing but I'm not sure I really want us to become a "thing" yet, I'm more comfortable just hanging out and having sex once in a while, I don't really want to stay at his place that often or rather it's not his place that I don't want to stay at, just any place at all that isn't mine and that has other people in it.

>> No.1424968

>implying gay

>> No.1424977


>> No.1424983
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>> No.1424984

so basically you're kind of a slut, that's basically what you are saying here...

>> No.1424988


I've had sex with one person

>> No.1424989

Honestly, I hate people who do this shit.
If you're going to fuck somebody you don't want to be in a relationship with, don't fucking hang around them ever again and make everything confusing just because you don't know what you want.

Don't just cause fucking drama for the hell of it.

>> No.1425003


He drove 45 minutes to drop off my glasses yesterday, I bet u mad now huh

It was clear that this was not a relationship thing from the beginning, I can just tell he wants more

>> No.1425014

see poster below you. you are having sex with someone that isnt your proper bf. someone that should know hes able to trust you and you him.

you're just a ditsy fucking whore with 'geeky interests' or dare i say, accessories. you and ever other female on this board are a joke. enjoy being nothing more than slut and good luck in finding someone to let you settle down. please dont have hellspawn/divorce.

>> No.1425016
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>Mfw girls ignore me
>Mfw I almost never leave my house
>Mfw I'm so ugly my mom once looked at me and said bluntly "nobody will ever marry a face like that"
>Mfw crushing loneliness
>Mfw this thread reminds me of all this shit

At least I'm not bitter...
Good for you. Although why did you bother telling us? Is this some amazing occurrence or something?

>> No.1425023


Write something amazing. Fuck them all.

>> No.1425026

sucks bro, but to clerify she/him/it is a attentionwhore so uses 4chan like its twitter

>> No.1425027

This is what I hate about this.
There is no such thing as "just sex". Okay? You get that?
Everything comes with emotional baggage. You've basically entered into a shallow cycle of bullshit that will end in somebody getting horribly depressed.

I've been in this situation enough to know it's not worth it, trust me on that.

>> No.1425032

someone will love you badly some day <3

>> No.1425038


Calm down, it's only sex. Christ, why do people get so mad about sex.

It's putting your dick in a hole and ejaculating with a bit more, that's all. Don't overglorify it.

>> No.1425040

not true friend. sex friends is difficult to have but not always impossible if both parties are nymphos. not the other whore btw.

>> No.1425041

>Write something amazing

Eh, I'm no poet.
Life is what it is. I'm still young, it's not like I'm beyond all hope.
I don't need to prove anything to anybody.

Which probably explains why I am a virginal loser with no future prospects..
Eh. Whatever.

>> No.1425046

exactly. this is whu i hate phonies/whores.

>> No.1425048


Sooooooo mad

P.S. You can't trust anybody


I ain't say nothin about no "just sex", friends with benefits is good times

>> No.1425050


Wait I take that back I trust my mom

But lol "trusting" your boyfriend you met at the junior spring formal

>> No.1425051
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virgin alert

>> No.1425052

allright man there was some shit in that which you could easily write bestsellers with. especially in this day and age were children like to be depressed. you may actually have a chance

>> No.1425053

>If both parties are nymphos

Liking sex a lot doesn't mean you never get attached.
As prudish as I might be coming off right now, I'm a god damn sex addict. Really, you wouldn't even believe. One night stands, for all the shame that go with them, end pretty quickely. It's easy to put in the past.
Somebody you actually know though? That shit ain't going away as long as you know the person. Somebody is going to come out of that feeling like absolute crap.

>> No.1425060

you're so fucking ditsy im not going to even humour you...

>> No.1425072

are you male or female?

>> No.1425075


I bet you have his name with hearts around it next to your name on MSN and you'll tell him you love him three months into the relationship and four months before you break up


>> No.1425091

Good times that generally end in heartbreak.
I've never met anybody apathetic enough that they can just "get over" the inevitable end of that.

>> No.1425089
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1S TH1S Y0U?

>> No.1425103


Guys, remember the golden age of /lit/? Where more than five tripfags and your mom went on this board?

Can't we just all get along and sodomize each other? What's the need for hate?

>> No.1425104

dont worry you dont sound like a prude. just someone who knows what they are talking about. me and her were friends long before the sex started and we both dont mind being like we are. and id like her just as much if we were not having sex. plus if she wants to date me i have no problems with it.

>> No.1425106


Does it count as "getting over" it if we only had regular oral sex?

>> No.1425107


>sodomize each other

But casual sex is eevviiillllll

>> No.1425116
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>> No.1425118

pfft someone enlighten this girl to why she is embarassing herself. this HS msn you've projected onto me is really telling of how shitty this 'relationship'you're having is going to end.

also the reason girls are always a minority on things like 4chan is because they're encouraged to keep whatever weird tastes or ideas etc that they have to themselves or between friends. whereas guys can do it more openly and not feel ashamed. so the minority of girls that do make it here are clearly fucked up or ditzy whores thha just use shit like this and anime as a way to feel special and impress weaboo guys. pretty sad really.

>> No.1425126


Yeah but anime sucks and I didn't date any guys in high school and you are mistakenly buttmad

>> No.1425130

Burn in hell, Tybrax. BURN IN HELL YOU GODDAMN FURFAG!!!

>> No.1425133

You can't do something intimate with somebody without it hanging like a specter over every future encounter you have with them.

See above.
Generally, when it ends(and it always does sooner rather then later) it feels the same as breaking up with somebody. Except worse because in this case you realize they never really gave a fuck about you to begin with.
It's basically two people using each other then at the end of it all wondering why the fuck you did it to begin with.

Plus, I never understood how you can have sex with somebody, be friends with them, and yet not be in a relationship. The only thing separating a relationship and the fuckbuddy sham is that you don't go out in public.
That's pretty much why I stopped getting involved in this.
It is a relationship. Every aspect of it is a relationship, except it's doomed for failure.

>> No.1425152


The implication there was that I had already gotten over the end of it without any unpleasantness, not that I was concerned about the future

>> No.1425159

Then you're the exception to the rule.
This shit always ends in conflict with me and most people I've met.

The truth of the matter, the whole "let's just be friends" thing is usually one sided. Somebody might say it but do they really mean it?
In my experience, no. Last time something like this happened to me I ended up telling my "friend" I had a date with some other girl and she threw a hissy fit. She tried to pretend she didn't care but she did and we both know she did and I did too in retrospect.

Drama like that is just the inevitable result of sex with anybody who you see regularly.

>> No.1425160

UGH. I Can' believe all this time i was sharing a board with slutty phoney FwB whore. Jesus Christ.

I feel dirty. Glad I'm too mature to get into this shit myself. This girl literally has thee attitude of a 16 year old.

>> No.1425169
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But Tybrax

If you have a boyfriend...

Why do you have an okcupid account? :S

>> No.1425166

>implying furfag
i'm not a furry....

>> No.1425173


>The only thing separating a relationship and the fuckbuddy sham is that you don't go out in public.

Also Christmas presents

>> No.1425177

I accept blowjobs as Christmas presents, don't know about you..

>> No.1425178

maybe you did but not the other person. you're such a selfish whore. you're probably a nerd socialite loser to boot.

>> No.1425180


>> No.1425181


Only if my penis has a bow on it

>> No.1425190
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She's married now

>> No.1425191

I am the only one seeing textbook malicious bullying in this thread?

>> No.1425213

where :/

>> No.1425227


I don't think many people read let alone remember what they read about "malicious bullying" in textbooks.

>> No.1425243


>> No.1425250
File: 165 KB, 800x600, 1273077607927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weht yeu lauffing at ? --__--

>> No.1425258


C4NT Y0U R43D?

>> No.1425281

I hate everything you are and everything you will be. It would be but a minute portion of a whole that composes the mountain of suffering you deserve, if you were to die a horrible and gruesome death at the hands of a family member who cannot stand your living and yet be granted a brief existence beyond the grave, only to see that not one person goes to your funeral so that only then, as a specter and ghost of what you once were, that you would see your insignificance and the joke that is your existence.

>> No.1425294
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