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File: 86 KB, 626x800, Cioran_in_Romania.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14249786 No.14249786 [Reply] [Original]

>In Turin, at the beginning of his madness, Nietzsche would rush to his mirror, look at himself, turn away, look again. In the train that was taking him to Basel, the one thing he always asked for was a mirror. He no longer knew who he was, kept looking for himself, and this man, so eager to protect his identity, so thirsty for himself, had no instrument at hand but the clumsiest, the most lamentable of expedients.

>> No.14249804

E. M. Cioran died on June 20, 1995. In a sense, however, he had already left before he died. For the last several years he had suffered from Alzheimer’s and had been interned at the Broca Hospital in Paris. Fearing precisely such an ending, he had planned to commit suicide. Cioran and his longtime partner, Simone Boué, were to die together, like the Koestlers. But the disease was faster, the plan failed, and Cioran had to die the most humiliating of deaths, one that took several years to do its work [...] His fabulous sense of humor apparently he lost last. One day a passerby asked him in the street, “Are you Cioran by any chance?” His answer was: “I used to be.” But the signs became too many and too serious: Cioran started to forget at such an alarming rate that he had to be interned. Eventually, the words failed him: one of the finest writers of his time, Cioran could no longer name the most basic things. Then it was the mind’s turn. In the end he forgot who he was altogether

>> No.14249809

Zarathustra took over.

>> No.14250142

Isnt that the guy from Eraserhead?

>> No.14250522
File: 60 KB, 554x554, images (96).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They thought they were something that they were not. In taking away their arrogance, (H)e took their very souls from them. G-d rest these aching fools.

>> No.14250531

I wonder if his Alzheimers and his lifelong insomnia were related.

>> No.14250533

>literally fading into oblivion
Truly the universe is kino

>> No.14250576

Weird LARP, look for the beam, etc etc

>> No.14250588

Proverbs 22:8
>"He who sows wickedness reaps trouble, and the rod of his fury will be destroyed."

>> No.14250797

Jung came back.
Nietzsche did not.
Zarathustra won.
Cioran, obviously, succumbed also.
Jung wins the day.

>> No.14250803

>nuh uh, my daddy is vewy smawt
Tell me more about Jung and his infinite wisdom, anon

>> No.14250808

But when it happens to a Christian its because:
>God works in mysterious ways


>> No.14250826

Jung. Karl Jung.
The Spirits operated on his terms.

>> No.14251006

Christianity is tragedy. Yeshua was too wise for his own good. G-d always works in mysterious ways. Thats how it should be. Qua >>14250522 pic therein. >>14250808

>> No.14251085

why do all le edgy suicidal "philosophers" always have to take cringe pictures of themselves to try and look cool?

>> No.14251111

It’s already increasingly being demonstrated but it’s gonna turn out more and more true that poor sleep is what causes Alzheimer’s. Our kids are gonna view sleeping poorly the way we see smoking cigarettes now and boomers who brag about only sleeping 4 hours a day to get their career are digging their own grave.

>> No.14251126

8 hours of sleep is a meme. artificial light destroys the natural circadian rhythm. humans are supposed to sleep in shifts, waking up a couple times during the night to fuck and whatnot. boomers ruined this with their "lightbulbs" which are really evilbulbs

>> No.14251152
File: 21 KB, 241x320, Paul the Apostle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much of a tragedy that it was subverted by a Pharisee only a few years after Yeshu died

>> No.14251158

fuck off mohammed.

>> No.14251165
File: 6 KB, 193x262, neechay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thinking Im a Muslim

kill yourself you kike worshipping nigger. Your religion is just making fun of Jesus at this point

>> No.14251180
File: 65 KB, 645x729, 24345254325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"hurr durr he thinks Paul was a heretic therefore he must be a Muzzie"

The absolute state of Christard brainlets. they all need to be round up and shot

>> No.14251236

Dont speak harshly of the disabled. Generations of lack of critical thought destroy the brain. G-d's plan is perfect. Its a test. Most of them are just failing.
Calm down.
So what is the point of this thread?

>> No.14251253

Because they're arrogant posers and cringey fools in denial of their faith. Its sad really. Notice that Derrida is the worst . He was in denial of his righteous place in the "kingdom of priests and a holy nation" (exodus 19:6).

>> No.14252358

Evilbubs hurt my lil woowoo.

>> No.14253743
File: 192 KB, 938x614, emil2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
