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/lit/ - Literature

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14248045 No.14248045 [Reply] [Original]

What are some /lit/-approved mangos ? Just started this under a friend's recommendation and it's surprisingly good.
Also wanted to try some Tezuka's, but there's a lot of works and I'm not quite sure where to start. Also hasn't it aged too much?

>> No.14248049

anything but reading an actual book eh

>> No.14248054

patrician friend bro all of inio asanos works are fantastic /lit/ approved good shit mm 10/10 read nijigahara holograph and solanin

i like aku no hana too :)

berserk is an all time classic of course

>> No.14248083

manga and light novels are gay, just read a book or watch anime.

>> No.14248087

I do read books, but sometimes it's good to have the curiosity to try something new. You may think mangas are for plebs or whatever, but it's precisely the reason I asked for some with literary qualities

>> No.14248148

i think manga can fill a little bit of the hole that books can't for most of us, considering the vast majority of us only read classics and don't really touch any contemporary lit. manga has that contemporary edge which allows for many minute and detailed explorations which are more directly and concretely applicable to our times. something like notes from underground is of course universal in its message, it's one of the appeals of that book, but it can't capture a lot of the more contemporaneous touches that oyasumi punpun, for example, gives off. but that is just my two cents

>> No.14248186

>oyasumi punpun
i wanted to throw you a bone and come to some accord but this killed it. cringe as fuck.

>> No.14248269

Which page you use to read manga?

>> No.14248330

You should post manga threads on /a/ where they belong.

>> No.14248348

Nijigaharah Holograph by Inio Asano
A Girl on the Shore by Inio Asano
Goodnight Pun Pun by Inio Asano
Pluto by Naoki Urasawa
Monster by Naoki Urasawa
Uzumaki by Junji Ito
Gyo by Junji Ito
Homonculus by Hideo Yamamoto
Utsobora by Asumiko Nakamura
Opus by Satoshi Kon

>> No.14248366
File: 34 KB, 225x330, SaikyouDensetsuKurosawa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A 44 year old Kurosawa works at a construction company. He is single, friendless, and unrespected, forced to spend his days drinking, only able to tell a traffic control robot his woes. Eventually, he has enough, and decides to try and befriend his coworkers. But through that rocky venture, an encounter with some middle school punks completely changes his life’s direction.
This is from guy who doesn't read mangas: one of the best pieces of literature I've ever read, and I've read Dante's comedy in italian

>> No.14248383

I highly recommend No Game No Life.

>> No.14248460
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>manga and light novels are gay
>just watch the anime bro

Duuhhrr dhuur just watch movie no book book dumb baaaaadddddd

>> No.14248712

Inio Asano is bojack horseman for weebs

>> No.14248848

Fire Punch

>> No.14249179

>Also hasn't it aged too much
I've never understood this meme sentence no matter what medium it's applied to.

Films, books, comics, music and video games don't age.

>> No.14249205

Remove Nijihara holograph. Actual dogshit manga
THIS. Unironically one of thr greatest pieces of literature I've read. Really good for non manga readers

>> No.14249211

>tfw nijigahara holograph went way over my head

>> No.14249219

Inio is trash.

>> No.14249227

Bungou Stray Dogs, but I've only seen the anime.

>> No.14249238

Same. Some of it was interesting but I literally what the fuck is Asono mean by this? It just felt overly pretentious to me

>> No.14250035


>> No.14250106

Nijigahara is GOAT you pseud

>> No.14250124
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Not him, read Kurosawa and you'll understand

>> No.14250295

Yeah Kurosawa looks dope. Thanks for the recc.

Other poster was still wrong about Nijigahara Holograph, though. It's one of the greatest comics ever created.

>> No.14250498

Anything but Tommy Atkins, they’re stringy and flavorless

>> No.14250600

Tried reading Pun Pun and was not impressed. The "you need to feel bad about this girl getting abused" trope in Japanese media is so stale to me that it doesn't move me at all.

>> No.14250677

Read this >>14248366

>> No.14250749

>Nijigaharah Holograph by Inio Asano
>A Girl on the Shore by Inio Asano
Haven’t read
>Goodnight Pun Pun by Inio Asano
Has its moments, somewhat overrated.
>Pluto by Naoki Urasawa
Haven’t read
>Monster by Naoki Urasawa
Drags on too long. When it’s good, it’s pretty Damen good though.
>Uzumaki by Junji Ito
Hard to place. Dialogue, story, plot, etc is all mediocre to pure shite. However the art, concepts and aesthetics make up for this to a large extent. Breddy gud overall.
>Gyo by Junji Ito
Haven’t read
>Homonculus by Hideo Yamamoto
Only read a bit of this. Has potential.
>Utsobora by Asumiko Nakamura
Haven’t read
>Opus by Satoshi Kon
Best one in this list imo. Kon is really a master of the meta-narrative and it’s a joy to see just how playful he can be with the medium while still delivering an enjoyable story. Everything from the art to the story is top notch.

>> No.14250752

absolutely plebeian

>> No.14250763

I cant find a download link or a torrent of the kurosawa manga for the life of me.I couldnt find an English translation on Nyaa. Could some anon help me please i really want to read it.

>> No.14250769

Should be on mangakalot and mangaowl iirc

>> No.14250785

Mob Psycho 100 is amazing

>> No.14250789

There is a manga called "i sold my life for ten thousand yen per year" ´pretty good.

>> No.14250804
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Currently reading one about a suicide island. Pretty good so far.

>> No.14250827

Read Holyland by the same author (better than Suicide Island) then read this >>14248366

>> No.14250832

Link to kurosawa

>> No.14250857


>> No.14250973

Nobody in this thread can give specific reasons why Punpun is overrated except:

That's not what Asano is getting you to do though. Rather it's because Punpun overidealizes her as some broken angel that he gets wrapped up in all his shit. What happens to her later is treated with cold objectivity. Her main function is to break Punpun's solipsism when he finally realizes she's just a nutso who can't be saved.

>> No.14251114

Don't you think that having some kind of emotional reaction to it would be normal, though? I've just seen this same thing too many times (though it's normally sexual abuse) that when it pops up in something I just stop giving a shit. It did used to work on me, though.

>> No.14251118

Also that thing some manga do where the art is obviously real-life pictures that have been digitally manipulated to look like a drawing looks cheap as fuck and always turns me off.

>> No.14251120

I'm referring to some of the background art of course, not the characters.

>> No.14251375

It's not even the best Asano work. It was way too pretentious for me. I don't hate it but it is not that good. Explain why you think it's good. Just curious not hating on it or anything.

>> No.14251402

Evangelion. Don't listen to the pseud's on /lit/.

>> No.14251506

The best otaku medium is and has always been visual novels. Manga are trash.

>> No.14251512

Manga is shit ever since the NAACP got involved, don't bother buying anything new and only shop at pawn shops run by white people

>> No.14251534

evangelions manga adaptarion is trash, OP should watch the anime

read punpun, made in abyss, nausicaä and OG blackjack.

>> No.14251541



>> No.14251559


Nonetheless, manga should not be on this board.

>> No.14251568

Phoenix by Tezuka Osamu.

unironically canon manga.

>> No.14251572

Its art give on third, its words give one third, and the reader is expected to provide the final third. Accordingly, it is one of the few comics that follow the "Iceberg Theory" style of writing found in prose writers like Hemingway and Carver.
(People often inaccurately compare it to Kafka/Lynch due to ambiguity in the storytelling.)

With comics/manga being such a visual medium, readers' imaginations are less engaged. So for a mangaka to take an arthouse approach to comic storytelling, focusing on the unseen and unsaid, rather than the obvious, in a juvenile medium known for overt exposition and redictable storytelling, was nothing short of transcendant. It is a comic written in the purest language of comics. Few others can match it.

The Underwater Welder by Jeff Lemire is a work that comes close, though.

>> No.14251583

It's actually just society aging but that makes it look like society's fault so we just blame the thing that we're becoming unappreciative of.

>> No.14251849

Have you ever seen how much work goes into those panels?

>> No.14251888

You can work on it all you want but it looks like the artist couldn't or didn't want to draw it, so they just photoshopped a picture. It looks cheap and bad. Popular mangaka have assistants that deal with this sort of thing, don't they?

>> No.14251909

I mean, reading Pun Pun, that was the worst thing about it. The character art was all great, but it was against these sterile, cheap-looking backgrounds that had a lot of detail, but most of it was pointless since it was just bland photorealism copied from pictures.

>> No.14251931

Also I'll compare it something else. In visual novels, especially older games, a lot of times you'll see that there aren't drawn backgrounds, but rather they just take a picture of something and put a shitty filter over it and just use that. I imagine because the artist just couldn't draw them or they didn't have the time or money. It looks cheap too, but when I see it I understand they're doing the best they can with their limited means and it doesn't really mess with my immersion. I'm not expected to look at it and think, "Wow... that looks realistic! So much detail!" so it doesn't bother me.

>> No.14252079 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14252090

Your first comment doesn't really deal with what I said since I just told you how it functions initially as a cliche but subverts it by the end. In fact emotional manipulation is exactly what Punpun feels when interacting with Aiko. Art functions holistically. I could shoot down Shakespeare for some of his stupid plot shit for example but obviously the narrative is just a vessel for his poetry.

Your second comment is just arbitrary aesthetic taste. Picasso's Guernica can be said to look childish but that aesthetic also perfectly captures the zaniness and horror of war and suffering. Of course I find Asano's backgrounds beautiful myself, and watching Asano's Manben video shows how much work he puts into it to not make it look like a cheap photograph. Yet, beyond my own personal aesthetic tastes it also has an intellectual function to make the world look more jarring and surreal. I mean you've got this cartoon penguin waltzing around hyperrealistic backgrounds with other weird shit. Not to mention just critiquing the art like that fails to take into account everything else in the medium such as composition, framing, and how Asano manages the panels, building up slowly into his famous two-page spreads. You can't deny his technical mastery of the form, unless, of course, you can actually show me with specifics (not just narratively but formally) what he fails at.

>> No.14252112

My problem with the art is this >>14251909 >>14251931. When I was reading I initially spent a decent amount of time examining the panels since they were so detailed, until I eventually realized I was getting tricked because there was generally nothing of interest there. At a more basic level I just don't enjoy looking at it and I think it very much looks like a cheap photograph.

>> No.14252147

>there was generally nothing of interest there

Don't say "generally nothing of interest" when what you really mean is that you found nothing catering to your personal tastes and decided to bail. I can find lots of things of interest in Asano's pages.

>> No.14252164

This nigga got Sartre'd

>> No.14252202

I mean the vast amount of detail has nothing there that's relevant to anything. It's just detail to make the background look realistic. There's not anything there to reward examining it.

>> No.14252277

What's the point of making all these assertions if you can't back up it with anything from the work? I could say the same shit for everything from Rembrandt pictures to Kubrick movies to maximalist works like IJ or GR

>> No.14252285

>Pun Pun is like Rembrandt
This is what weebs actually believe.

>> No.14252295
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Real gangstas read 70's shoujo

>> No.14252296

It isn't but I'm just showing you (or him) the stupidity of vague ass critiques that can be applied to almost anything.

>> No.14252362

>evangelions manga adaptarion is trash
No, only the ending is disappointing, I'd have preferred to wait 1 more year for Sadamoto to come up with a fleshed out ending, thereby also cresting the 20-year-mark for the manga's production. Otherwise 10/10.

>> No.14252389

Drifting Classroom(1972)

>> No.14253646


>> No.14253726

on what?

>> No.14253991

Anyone have a link to A Drifting Life?

>> No.14254179
File: 280 KB, 1000x1363, wpid-onani_master_kurosawa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kurosawa is great but this Kurosawa was better.

>> No.14255323

I know Manga is considered literature in Japan, something everyone does, while western comics are considered things for geeks.

>> No.14256125


>> No.14256129

add Yokohama Shopping Blog and A Silent Voice

>> No.14256175

> no one has told OP to read all of Shintaro Kago, translated or not
You guys feel like a bunch of conservative weaboos in retirement home.

>> No.14256402

Because its more focused and grounded

>> No.14256445

Lit-wise is pretty much dogshit though.

>> No.14256484

Why do so many /lit/fags love Nijigahara Holograph?
Practically everyone knows it's too pretentious for its own good. I mean, everyone loves to say it's a masterpiece with explanations that are covered with pretty words and concepts (that most of the time are just misinterpretations or directly not related) and still, somehow, CANNOT FORM A FUCKING COHERENT IDEA OF WHAT THE STORY WAS ABOUT.

And even then, if they try REALLY hard to come up with the message, they still have to show why the fuck is that message important or what does it say about the author or his worldview.
NH just comes off to me like the hardest try in the tryhard edgy pahse of Asano.

>> No.14256598

Saikyo Densetsu Kurosawa is more human and inspiring.

>> No.14256672
File: 117 KB, 600x379, ping pong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Ping Pong. And Tekkonkinkreet. But mostly Ping Pong

>> No.14256680

If you liked ping pong you'll like this >>14248366

>> No.14256687

Look mate, I'm sure that manga is great but you've shilled for it at almost every opportunity. I can't tell if it's genuine and excessive passion for this work or if this is some kind of joke. I suppose I want to believe the former because it's been a while since I've seen someone care this much about spreading the word on a piece of work. And I know you're not an actual shill since who the fuck would be paying someone to shill this book, so therefore, must be genuine.

I'll read the fucking manga is what I'm getting at.

>> No.14256713

name some VNs then

>> No.14256727

Based, it's working

>> No.14256733

Saya no Uta
Dies Irae
anything by Key

>> No.14256818

Also, if you actually want to play any of these, here's how to get them (assuming you won't just pirate them)
>Saya no Uta
All-ages version is on Steam but playing it this way will ruin the game for you. JAST sells both the full game and an uncensor patch for the Steam version.
All-ages version is on Steam, but it removed 90% of the game which is relegated to a free patch. The patch can be downloaded from JAST, who also sell a full version of the game.
>Dies Irae
All-ages version, which includes extra content, is on Steam. If you want the 18+ version instead, you can buy it from Mangagamer.
All-ages version is on Steam. 18+ version is available from Mangagamer. I don't think it matters too much with this one.
>anything by Key
I'll modify this recommendation to just say Planetarian, Clannad, and Little Busters, which are all on Steam. Tomoyo After, which is a spinoff to one of Clannad's routes, is there also.

>> No.14256827

Voynich Hotel !!

>> No.14256833

Thanks mate. I'll look into them.

>> No.14256864

>finds a manga too hard to understand

>> No.14256910

If you think a bit of nonlinearity is hard to grasp then don't touch poetry or any atmospheric film for that matter.

>> No.14256993

Holy shit this kinda makes sense

>> No.14257643

Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind manga is pretty underrated.

>> No.14258980
File: 148 KB, 523x4409, kaiji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Berserk: dark fantasy revenge tale about PTSD, the idea of god, the consequences of sexual abuse
Oyasumi Punpun or anything by Asano Inoue dealing generally with depression a bildungsroman
Kaiji series: watch 2 season of the anime then it continues in the manga pic related
Fire Punch: commentary of superhero genre post apocalyptic fiction. the premise is edgy MC has perfect regeneration but is attacked by a guy whose power a fire that never burns out. diamond in the rut desu
Vinland saga- overcoming the love of battle
Vagabond- the historical story of miyamoto mushashi the sumarai who was undefeated in over 60 duels
Grand blue-comedy manga about drinking and suba diving
Homunclus- hard to describe but worth the read surrealist also ichi the killer

>> No.14259091

Koe no Katachi- Mc bullies a deaf girl in elementry school forcing her to transfer out. later in highschool he tries to make amends
Innocent (SAKAMOTO Shinichi) - the story of the sanson family specifically henry sanson the royal executioners during the french revolution
Holyland- depressed and bullied MC retreats into himself avoiding school to practice boxing alone in his room until he finally begins street fighting
Kami-sama no Iu toori- commentary on the death game genre i.e hunger games battle royale its short and fun
Gantz- death game with great art just a fun one
Ore to Akuma no Blues- black Mc makes a deal with the devil to be the best guitar player. the devil gifts him 3 extra fingers during the 1920s USA
Kokou no Hito- MCs journey into mountain climbing as he attempts to climb the hardest trail on K2 mountain
Gunka no Baltzar- 18th century military world
Aku no Hana- MC obsessed with flowers of evil by baudelaire steals his crushes gym clothes but little does he know that somebody saw him do it. she blackmails him into doing more and more extreme destructive actions culminating in somebodies self-imolation

>> No.14259197
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Red Colored Elegy

>> No.14259204
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>> No.14259228
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Anything by Nishioka Kyoudai

>> No.14259293

This. Fuck that pretentious drivel I have never seen a single coherent explanation as to why anybody liked it or the plot. Reading it felt like a waste of time

>> No.14259854

Umineko is really good. Both manga and VN. But I still recommend VN

>> No.14259921

Reading Umineko right now. Very slow in the slice of life parts, but the mystery parts are good enough to make up for it.

>> No.14259930

The first two episodes are a bit slower yes. Episode 3 kicks it in overdrive really hard

>> No.14259963

>implying I had ever said was about the nonlinearity of the story
>still no fucking coherent explanation
How fucking tiring is dealing with trash elitists. No matter how many times people criticize Nijigahara Holograph for the same shit you will come again and say "Oh it's you that didn't understand it, I do" and never provide any explanation whatsoever because, of course, they themselves have no idea what it was about.

>> No.14260924

recently read kyuusai no hi and couldnt understand it, am i just too dumb to get it

>> No.14261152

Has anyone read Yotsuba&! ?

>> No.14261159


>> No.14261168

um anon mangoes are books

>> No.14261209
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Berserk. Ignore everything else.