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14242452 No.14242452 [Reply] [Original]

>Sex and women are instead becoming dominant forces in present society, an evident fact that is also part of the general phenomenology of every terminal phase of a civilization's cycle. One might speak of a chronic sexual intoxication that is profusely manifested in public life, conduct, and art. Its counterpart is a gynocratic tendency, a sexually oriented preeminence of the woman that relates to the materialistic and practical involvement of the masculine sex: a phenomenon that is clearest in those countries, like the United States, where that involvement is more excessive.

>Aside from the atmosphere of a diffuse, pandemic, erotic intoxication, 'sexual freedom' can lead to banal relationships between men and women, to a materialism, a petty immoralism, and an insipid promiscuity where the most elementary conditions for sexual experiences of any interest or intensity do not exist. It is easy to see that this is the effective outcome of the proclaimed 'sexual revolution': sex 'free of complexes' that becomes a general current of mass consumption.

>> No.14242469

based, are there any books that refute the sexual revolution like Kaczynski's "Industrial Society..." refutes industrial revolution?

>> No.14242475
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based. trannies and whores and atheists and capitalists btfo

>> No.14242476

Libido Dominandi by E. Michael Jones.

>> No.14242499
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Based and Redpilled

>> No.14242503

Cool, another one of these

>> No.14242508

Based and redpilled

>> No.14242515

>It is a fundamental conservatism that gives Americans in the modern world a position almost identical with that of the Romans, a conservatism bolstered by the complete ascendancy of the conservative-minded sex – women. This links up with the best-known characteristic of American life: the hen-pecked nature of American men - the childish desire for love that Americans display in their contacts throughout the world is a direct consequence of the absolute predominance of the female principle. Intimacy, familiarity, lack of reverence have become the dominant themes of American life.

>> No.14242521

fuck, what is this from

>> No.14242522

I really do wish women were smarter and would organize in groups other than witches' covens, to selectively breed a future that looks feminine; to rid the history of sexual dimorphism.
Yet they don't. They speak vocally about the greatness of femininity and oppose masculinity. However, whenever given the chance, they select for it.

Lies are disgusting. How can they live with themselves?

>> No.14242528

Have sex. Literally find some cunt stupid enough to fuck you and slip her the tensky.

>> No.14242531
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Have sex

>> No.14242532

>Incels mad at women having sex
Grow up, retards. Literally nothing wrong with bodily autonomy. None of you are even rational about this.

>> No.14242535

Which tranny discord did you crawl out from?

>> No.14242539

Promoting responsibility is not the same as denying autonomy

>> No.14242540

Show tits

>> No.14242566

Nonsense, my dream has nothing to do with them.
First of all, trannyism is artificial and inorganic. They are not only castrated in the process, but their DNA would make them masculine, or even autistic.
What I'm advocating for is a world where males and females would look the same with the exception of genitals. No ugly manfaces, no wide shoulders, no fixation on utilitarian qualities - only aesthetic and sexual.

>> No.14242567


>> No.14242571


>> No.14242576

Zombies spamming on behalf of what Evola identifies as the subpsychic morass of sexual liberation, no will to even defend it in its own right. You have nothing to say, you have no vitality, just slavishness and blabber

>> No.14242578

What a degenerate line of thought. I hope it dies with you.

>> No.14242594

Evolved*. Men have unappealing features mostly because the bodies were shaped to do work. With machines doing most of that, women have gotten more and more social territory. It's a male emancipation movement that does not oppose women.

>> No.14242595

has anyone ever done a sort of synthesis of a perspective like this with a perspective from the feminist side of things. Sometimes it seems like they're saying similar things but just framing them differently.

>> No.14242599

>muh modern freedom

>> No.14242636

this, >>14242532 should read Aristotle to understand what actual freedom is

>> No.14242639

I might tend to disagree as the basis for feminism is the dissolution of hierarchy and of collective identity as something which imposes an ideal upon its forms, namely, imposes womanhood as idea and status upon women. If you can elaborate on what similarities and framing conflicts you see then you may be the first to construct the synthesis. I don't know if I have ever seen such a thing as what you are describing.

>> No.14242647
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>> No.14242666

Modern feminism is too superficial for that.

>> No.14242676

Stop presupposing your definition of responsibility and then presupposing it as morally good. It's a result of very archaic views on gender..Being forced to do something as a slave is responsible but not good for instance

>> No.14242685

>.Being forced to do something as a slave is responsible
How can a slave be responsible for anything, you need a degree of freedom/power to be held responsible

>> No.14242724

Why should they abandon their definition of responsibiliy and adopt yours? What is the advantage of yours?

>> No.14242738

Aristotle does not count "bodily autonomy" as a good itself and aligning it with an inclination to vice, makes it an inherently wicked concept. You are not free but a slave.

>> No.14242772

In determining what is good, 'reason' is only one tool among many, and it is often an insufficient means of confronting wrong or bad things, or of confronting deception

>> No.14242783

Prophet Muhammad said that every time a woman became the leader of an empire, that empire would fall. Or something similar.

>> No.14242788

Thanks, but no thanks. I enjoy cooming.

>> No.14242816

that it maximizes individual pleasure. Thus it is exactly that feature of modernity which must be attacked first and foremost

>> No.14242903

>bodily autonomy

>> No.14242931
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Does he explain this?

>> No.14242938

>young men driving the decline in sex

lol, imagine publishing a study and having a graph that says the exact opposite of the truth in the title

>> No.14242945

That's not what that title means and you know it, anon.

>> No.14243035
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>> No.14243049

If you want a good interpretation of smaller numbers of people are having greater amounts of sterile sex, read F. Roger Devlin. The ubiquity of everything from sexualized media to hardcore pornography in mainstream culture via the digital world, which is engaged in by a harsh majority of men is very similar to Evola's characterization of the new sexual order of modernity in the passages above.

>> No.14243061

All too many social conservatives want to shut down pornography, tighten controls on prostitution, and restore puritanical norms from a time when men and women could only try to meet their sexual needs within the confines of life-long matrimony. This obviously should not (and will not) happen, if for no other reason than it traps too many couples in emotionally and sexually dead marriages.

The trouble with the sexual revolution isn't that it happened, but that it was incomplete. The problem is not that sex has been over commodified as hardline feminists and conservatives (talk about strange bedfellows!) like to assert; the problem is that it hasn't been commodified enough. The sexual industry in the broadest sense hasn't matured enough yet to cater to the myriad and diverse needs of lonely single people (of both sexes). Where are the Dr. Ruths for single people facing confidence issues or looking for advice? Is it really a surprise that young men turn to each other for solace in the deep recesses of the dark web — and that the result is often very ugly?

Progressivism's promise is to move toward social arrangements that increase the number of winners and diminish the number of losers. But until we achieve a utopia where everyone wins, we'll have to figure out ways to offer relief to the losers. This will require liberals to start taking the plight of people like the incels seriously, and stop penalizing intellectual mavericks like Hanson who have the nerve speak up on their behalf. And it will require conservatives to stop romanticizing an imperfect past and look for viable solutions that don't involve turning back the clock.

>> No.14243066

Do either them point out how this is in no way sustainable and that the millions of men who have failed to develop sexually beyond prepubescence are probably going to kill us all?

>> No.14243091

Based genderless man of the future from Atomised (Houellebecq, 1998).

>> No.14243093

Genuinely embarassing that there are people this still juveniley minded about responsibility and respectability

>> No.14243099

the problem is chum that this is directly against female interests, which the left will never compromise. They are stuck like that forever, and will continue to blame men as society continues to break down due to the exclusionary sexual habits of women and the ever-worsening male situation.

it's fucked

>> No.14243143
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>> No.14243188
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>The problem is not that sex has been over commodified as hardline feminists and conservatives (talk about strange bedfellows!) like to assert; the problem is that it hasn't been commodified enough.

>> No.14243228

But what do you guys want to do? Force women to have sex with unattractive men they are repulsed by just so that they don't go berserk? How selfish.

>> No.14243255

Um, yeah? What's the problem?

>> No.14243271

>true [sex positivity] hasn't been tried!

>> No.14243479

In your opinion, making sexual hedonism even stronger is a good idea?
Pleasure is the greatest good and virtue is nothing?

>> No.14243487

Have children.

>> No.14243489

Fuck niggers and jannies

>> No.14243600

Why not both? Let's enjoy the coom and the virtue.

>> No.14243783

>responsibility exists to maximize pleasure
O I am laffin

>> No.14243825

You can't have both.