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14240748 No.14240748 [Reply] [Original]

Mfw (my face when) I realize that every ideology ever is a massive cope.

>> No.14240753

Including Stirner's

>> No.14240755


>> No.14240757

Incorrect. He didn’t have one. He was just diagnosing the ills of cucks like you.

>> No.14240759

Take the copepill

>> No.14240801

leftypol exodus will kill me

>> No.14240803
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>> No.14240812

I’m not a leftist or centrist. I am an agent of pure destruction.

>> No.14240823

So a leftist

>> No.14240827

Stirner I'd an anarcho- individualist

>> No.14240844

Is radical centrist a thing?

>> No.14240849

You prescribing little wikipedia labels to him is meaningless. Cope harder.

>> No.14240862

maximum edge

>> No.14240888

It's a false idea that one can exist without ideology. Humans are thrown into the world with pre-given world views.

>> No.14240901

Retard who didn’t understand Stirner. If you need someone to hold your hand this badly read thus spoke Zarathustra. Stirner Simultaneously entered and transcended the lions stage

>> No.14240923

tranny or retard

>> No.14240950

yeah well i bet you have depression too

i've had all my beliefs absolutely shattered by psychedelics too many times and im too capable of weighing up both sides of everything and i am left painfully on the fence.
usually our beliefs arent chosen and they are simply a reflection of the stuff around us, the people around us, etc. but skeptic niggas just end up so apprehensive about everything and end up cucking urself out of enjoying life

ideologys may be a cope but dang people who actually have something to live by sure are happier than us

>> No.14240962

“Muh happiness!” Shut up, retard.

>> No.14240980
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Absolutely fucking based anon.
Spooked egolets keep seething at the mere thought of a unshackled EGO that just eradicates away their precious ghosts.

>> No.14241017

>nothing personnel, kid

>> No.14241034

>considers idealizations a cope, still prescribes to another ideas.
being anti ideology is still an ideology
counter culture is still culture

>> No.14241248

>everyones ideas are fake except mine because i dont define my ideas as ideas

ok very cool stirner

>> No.14241286

Your pleb take of Stirner aside. The idea is that you deconstruct the foisted ideologies and forge your own anew, ground up based on your own ego. He was not anti-ideology, he was anti-non-stirner-ego-ideologies

>> No.14241333

Don't bother, this kind of posters have not read Stirner and even if they did, they've severely misinterpreted him, which is worse.
Last time in a thread like this I was called a pseud for not agreeing with an anon's interpretation of Stirner as a communist.

>> No.14241335

Read focault faggot

>> No.14241343

You’re that faggot retard, no wonder you would say this stupid shit too. Stirner is a communist, you’re a literal fucking retard who hasn’t read Stirner period.

>> No.14241350

You’re the exact archetype of the typical 13 year old who hasn’t read Stirner and goes on about rand esque autistic shit

>> No.14241362

That must be why he shits on communism in his book and that Marx and Engel hated him

>> No.14241391

tfw(that feeling when) OP is a fag

>> No.14241392

Marx and Engels didn’t hate him nor are they the only proclaimed communists. They esteem him highly in the German ideology, and you’ve already been proven to be a hack. If you really read Stirner you would know he spends the last part of the ego book attacking capitalism and feudalism in favor of his communism. You are a Pseud and a genuine 13 year old. Everyone goes through your autistic phase and finished it when they actually read Stirner or learn something about the history of left hegelianism, something Stirner was apart of.

>> No.14241400

Fucking cringe lmao

>> No.14241421

This thread: Nice phantasms anons.

>> No.14241488

>Engels and Marx didnt hate him

Marx to Engel
In the first place it's a simple matter to prove to Stirner that his egoistic man is bound to become communist out of sheer egoism. That's the way to answer the fellow. In the second place he must be told that in its egoism the human heart is of itself, from the very outset, unselfish and self-sacrificing, so that he finally ends up with what he is combating. These few platitudes will suffice to refute the one-sidedness.

>> No.14241495

It's tragic and quite ironic how much you have missed the point of what Stirner was trying to say with his book.
You sound like the type of "reader" that can't finish reading the introduction to a book without frantically resorting to wikipedia or some theanarchistlibrary article just so somebody can spoonfeed you his own interpretation.
The "I" that is Stirner at any given moment, is too dangerous, far too vivid for you.
Yes, he favors the "Union of Egoists" but the "Union" is not a party, nor can it be correctly affirmed that Stirner established, founded, created, etc your so called "Egoist Communism", his thought is a "way of thought" not a system of thought (ie. a -fixed- set of premises and conclusions, an ideology, an "-ism").
You could however, consume and make Stirner your property, to advance your own agenda of "Egoist Communism" as an ideology thus correctly embodying Stirner (in your appropriating of him) instead of resorting to a reductio of his work defining him as a different flavor of communism.
You will probably call me a pseud, and a negroid maybe, again, know that I will earnestly read everything you write, and -dissolve it- for my own learning and enjoyment. Stay seething, property.

I'm not this anon btw, and I'm aware of The Free, his friendship with Engels, how Engels complimented his work, his letter to Marx, etc.

>> No.14241515

That was Engels to Marx, already shows your ignorance

>> No.14241524

Okay 13 year old. Please actually read Stirner and stop posting shitty misinformation.

>> No.14241559

Yeah okay, and that mistake means the actual text is also my mistake? Fuck head

>> No.14241600

>you havent read x! you %%buzzword%%
>no u havent read x! you %%buzzword2%%
awesome board you guys have here

>> No.14241832
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"you haven't even read stirner"-fags are the worst.
The true Egoist just derives meaning from just the opening sentence and then just fills everything else with his overflowing and limitless self..

>> No.14241843
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mfw when I realize Stirner isn't a real person and just a meme made up by engels

>> No.14242288
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Mfw human arrogance just wont die

>> No.14242400

Cringe combo

>> No.14242694

Read Deleuze's ontology if you want the true redpill

>> No.14242746

Isn't this just repackaged Nietzsche