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File: 104 KB, 760x1013, Elsa Hosk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14238287 No.14238287 [Reply] [Original]

When AI can create art better than humans, we will have no reason to live.

>> No.14238298

We care about art because a human made it brainlet

>> No.14238300

It's just a bunch of exaggerations. Stop listening to idiots like Elon Musk. Instead, listen to people like Francois Chollet.

If it were up to me, every last Singularitarian or Elon Musk type hype-tard would be executed, no joke. They are all spreading hype and will lead to another AI Winter (look it up).

>> No.14238303

Don’t buy it for Christmas then, problem solved.

>> No.14238305
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Yep, just need to mine asteroids to build the circuitry and run it off of ten Hoover Dams.

>> No.14238308

Only because we can't comprehend something making better art. Once AI art starts blowing people's minds, humans will be nothing more than chimps hooked up to a dopamine drip.

>> No.14238318

I’m waiting

>> No.14238321

You do realize at that moment humans would still be most interesting because they built that machine

>> No.14238325

You have no actual technical experience in deep learning or other AI-related fields and need to STFU before retards like you cause another AI Winter. Stop listening to idiots like Elon Musk or other brainlets like Kurzweil, and listen to people like Francois Chollet instead who give more realistic predictions. He has actually given real contributions to the field of deep learning too.

I am tired of you fucking imbeciles running around acting like you are experts in everything. You spread hype and falsehood and need to STFU.

>> No.14238327

Yea, because autistics who write software are drowning in pussy

>> No.14238328
File: 28 KB, 332x396, 1531876508411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, you have a strong sense of aesthetics, and the material world, but you lack spirit. I recommend meditation and prayer to cure this issue you have. To what the christians, jews, and muslims call god? No, it doesn't have to be him. Just the demiurge.

>> No.14238336

youre already hooked up to a dopamine drip, yet you crave more. Why is this? Could man be more than a dopamine drip?

>> No.14238342
File: 705 KB, 2047x1842, Greta agriculture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AI drone warfare is the same thing in its essence as Great Thunberg's autism face, the same thing as envirofags reeeeing about authority while implementing a deeper authority and preventing whale sex with their harpoonless spyboats, the same as feeding hot dogs to the last stone age man.

>> No.14238354

you will learn that pussy on a pedestal will come down of its own accord because they are born to serve, not to be served. The man who figured this out was the first artist, and he was into hardware

>> No.14238361

That doesn't have to do with anything I am talking about. What I am saying is that deep learning models are improving in many respects but not to the point of autonomously creating art. They will get better at facial and object recognition, predictions in certain game-like contexts (e.g., stock market and recurrent neural networks), and even help with self-driving cars.

However, we are nowhere near AI that can autonomously create art or become self-aware.

Also, before you bring up quantum computing, it's a load of hyped bullshit. We are nowhere near that either. Stop hyping shit you don't understand.

>> No.14238376

Note, convolutional neural networks are used more for facial or object recognition. Recurrent neural networks and reinforcement learning are used more for prediction of proceeding sequence of actions, like in the game Go or stock market prediction.

>> No.14238378
File: 1.59 MB, 1067x1600, anti-tech revolution drones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But when all people have become useless, self-prop systems will find no advantage in taking care of anyone. The techies themselves insist that machines will soon surpass humans in intelligence. When that happens, people will be superfluous and natural selection will favor systems that eliminate them-if not abruptly, then in a series of stages so that the risk of rebellion will be minimized.

Even though the technological world-system still needs large numbers of people for the present, there are now more superfluous humans than there have been in the past because technology has replaced people in many jobs and is making inroads even into occupations formerly thought to require human intelligence. Consequently, under the pressure of economic competition, the world's dominant self-prop systems are already allowing a certain degree of callousness to creep into their treatment of superfluous individuals. In the United States and Europe, pensions and other benefits for retired, disabled, unemployed, and other unproductive persons are being substantially reduced; at least in the U. S., poverty is increasing; and these facts may well indicate the general trend of the future, though there will doubtless be ups and downs.

>> No.14238396
File: 158 KB, 406x395, I TRIED TO WARN YOU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's important to understand that in order to make people superfluous, machines will not have to surpass them in general intelligence but only in certain specialized kinds of intelligence. For example, the machines will not have to create or understand art, music, or literature, they will not need the ability to carry on an intelligent, non-technical conversation (the "Turing test"), they will not have to exercise tact or understand human nature, because these skills will have no application if humans are to be eliminated anyway. To make humans superfluous, the machines will only need to outperform them in making the technical decisions that have to be made for the purpose of promoting the short-term survival and propagation of the dominant self-prop systems. So, even without going as far as the techies themselves do in assuming intelligence on the part of future machines, we still have to conclude that humans will become obsolete. Immortality in the form (i)-the indefinite preservation of the human body as it exits today-is highly improbable.

>> No.14238405
File: 48 KB, 601x326, 601px-SL_sporter_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AIVA's List, is your art on it?

>> No.14238424

define 'better'

>> No.14238442

I sympathize with Kazynski's views to a minor extent. The use of technology will not stop because they were initially improved and refined largely for war purposes. For example, consider the modern Internet and DARPAnet. If one nation were to abandon industrialization, then another one will use that as an opportunity to invade them.
Moreover, Kaczynski never questions the psychological underpinnings that led to this situation. I think the real solution is to promote mankind's extinction and no longer play ball by having children. If someone wants to play ball, then it's not my problem so long as I'm not pulled into it.
We are speaking of life and death matters, issues of revolution, advanced warfare and pysops and so forth. Best to stay out of it.

>> No.14238540

>The use of technology will not stop because they were initially improved and refined largely for war purposes. For example, consider the modern Internet and DARPAnet. If one nation were to abandon industrialization, then another one will use that as an opportunity to invade them.

Not the guy you replied to. I think he made a response to that in the book (dude has a response for everything desu). At some point the system will become so interconnected that collapse in one area will have a domino effect. Everything will tumble down. He makes the assumption that collapse is inevitable for a varying number of reasons. It becomes more sensitive to disruption as it grows increasingly complicated. He mentions this in the first two chapters of Anti-tech Revolution. I recommend those two chapters. Even if you don't agree with him or hate him, he expands on the manifesto, and by extension the ideas he borrowed to make it.

>> No.14238541

Art isn't the purpose tard, its to make the world better. And guess what, despite your cummed clogged brain this is the best time in history ro be alive, even if you dont like your shitty existence. Go outside. Help other people. Get a fucking life.

>> No.14238611

Not anyone in this chain but Kaczynski starts from 'the world is going to end' and jams a stack of facts, opinions and predictions on that until it looks like something. Problem is: it looks like garbage.
I don't know why anyone quotes him ever, he killed three people and ran away, hardly world changing stuff. A co-worker who happened to be arabic pretended to jab him with a box-cutter and the fuckwit goes from that anecdote directly to 'Arabic people don't value life' without ever leaving the USA in his life.
He's a fringe loser, just because the news had nothing else to do but report on him for a while doesn't make him deep or significant.

>> No.14238621

>At some point the system will become so interconnected that collapse in one area will have a domino effect.
Except that a truly integrated system could collapse anywhere and it would be supported by the rest of the network in such a way that the collapse would hardly be noticed anywhere.

>> No.14239082

i will live to enjoy the art

>> No.14239083


>> No.14239094

I also entertain impossible fantasies sometimes.

>> No.14239140

>AI can create better art than humans
>Anal Intercourse

OP, I know there were a lot of talented gay artists, but really...

>> No.14239233

What about when AI can make gf's better than humans?

>> No.14239251

This. Ted hasn't kept up with complex system theory.
Ted is an MKUltra product. He's meant to stir up other psychos, like Charles Manson did, so the state can respond by giving itself more power. That's why the only people you find recommending the Unabomber manifesto are "read siege" and atomwaffen fedposters.

>> No.14239261

We don't need a reason to live. Reason is a tool we use to live. I don't understand why some people are so obsessed with externally justifying their existence.

>> No.14239315

Your understanding is circular. You use reason to explain away reason as if it justifies your living

>> No.14239317

doesnt matter who its by.

>> No.14239351

Did chollet publish anything targeting casual plebs or is it just for people already acquainted with deep learning?

>> No.14239416

He lost that game

>> No.14239522 [DELETED] 

he actually says "tightly coupled", not interconnected, actually (page 49). Not the same thing. I'm not going to defend his ideas myself. Waste of time. Wrong or right, crazy or not, he's a good surface level introduction to a lot of other concepts. It's a step up from blaming the jews and the gubment. I'm guessing the right wing WN types only jerk him off because of his anti leftist introduction in the manifesto, but Ted actually seems to hate both sides

>> No.14239550
File: 135 KB, 234x267, wut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain this human

>> No.14239917

I think the AI winter is going to come as people hammer the whole "explainable models" thing more, and never get anywhere and just burn themselves out. That people feel the need to hammer on "explainable models," because of the hilarious failure cases of ANNs (the "single-pixel attacks," for example), is the seed of the AI winter.

>> No.14240147

damn AI looks like THAT?!?

>> No.14240171

The system won't even get past the inevitable oil crisis.

>> No.14240189

Would it really be such a bad thing, to pass on the future into the hands of our silicon offspring? I see this as a noble, fulfilling end for the species. Would you rather humanity nuke itself into oblivion, or degenerate into a globalized population of brown troglodytes?

>> No.14240198

Reddit take. I would rather we go back to small scale tribal living.

>> No.14240213

Nah. God this techno-optimism is cringe

>> No.14240671

I want the nuke and i want it now.

>> No.14240708
File: 365 KB, 760x1012, reflect_2a954272-e6fb-406b-8408-3e692dbf0175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better w/ AI?

>> No.14240713


>> No.14240724

>I will now equate all things I don't like

>> No.14240890

Holy shit, this little girl is insane

>> No.14240924
File: 74 KB, 287x425, ted_ka_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14241123
File: 1006 KB, 777x843, greta the potato retard girl_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14241155
File: 218 KB, 295x343, 1543881652687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>believing quotes you read on a polish bike stealing board

>> No.14241157

>muh AI winter
jfc are they paying you for all this marketing? who gives a flying fuck about a slowing in the development of any product? your sheer mindless willing to embrace something new just because your 'superior' has told you so is disturbing. fuck AI and fuck alarmists, why the fuck is this such a big deal to you? and please dont tell me your naive enough to think the development of AI will mean anything more than free labor for developed nations

>> No.14241162

When AI can fuck like a teenage nympho on ecstasy then we will be done with femoids forever...

>> No.14241191

not that anon but thats not what happened in that post at all:

"Reason" and "a reason" are not the same: the system of logic we use to comprehend the universe is not the same as the purpose of living. we use reason (the tool) regardless of the reason (purpose) for doing so. no one is using reasoning to reason away reason, simply acknowledging that reason (the tool) need not explain the reason (purpose) to still be useful in accomlishing this larger purpose

>> No.14241193

>we will have no reason to live.
Because humans have no reason to live when someone is better at art than them already. Get fucked OP.

>> No.14241211

Are you okay anon? You seem agitated and you are writing incoherently. It looks like you are having a stroke.

>> No.14241243


Based common sense.

>> No.14241388

I actually think that supporting unbound technological development is the best way to go if you want humanity extinct and have some appreciation for this land. If at some point we are able to connect our bodies with machines, like cyborgs, it is just a matter of time for humans to be able to transcend and leave this earth alone. It would be the best scenario for we would never come back from the hellish simulation that awaits, all of our feelings would be manipulated, or rather, created by the network or processes in which our mind is immersed. We would all feel whatever this processes tells us to feel or experience, like our brains do now with us but with, I'd say, no control over anything just experiencing. Everything at some point will end and doing this we are securing to ourselves a quasi eternal nightmare till the end of all. Maybe that shit will be able to create more human consciousness ready to be fooled for eternity.

>> No.14241410

The ideal is global collapse and a return to classical age technology, when everything was still made by hand, and before the filthy Romans started making armor en masse. Being cyborgs is shit tier, but being monkeys is shit too. The ideal is somewhere in the middle, and that's living in small agricultural communities. Disagree, I don't care. You're wrong.

>> No.14241420

I want us dead

>> No.14241429

No, you don't. Stop it. We can recreate a better time. All it takes is a little push.

>> No.14242236

I can connect with another human. When a robot bests me, it's crushing.

>> No.14242610

It won't get past resource depletion in general.


>> No.14242627

Beauty unperceived is no beauty at all. In that way, everyone creates beauty merely by existing.

>> No.14242756

Her bra is either is too small or shifted slightly. You need to get some experience with real girls and get away from the porn.

>> No.14242769

are you implying AI can't perceive?

>> No.14242777

I can perceive. I don't even know if the rest of you are sentient.

>> No.14242874

Are you implying they can?
retard detected

>> No.14243951

Do you feel obligated by your ego to shit up every thread with an irrelevant comment?

>> No.14243965

AI is just us dummy.

>> No.14244120

When robots are nuanced enough to express emotions, then they will contribute artistic works along with their human counterparts.

>> No.14244130

When AI can acknowledge art as such, it'll just be a human then. We'll have won either way.

>> No.14244140
File: 259 KB, 352x237, 1541566657937.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already have no reason to live

>> No.14244169

It's not circular. Reason tells me that life (and existence) is pre-rational, and therefore that the notion of a cosmic 'reason' or 'justification' for living is nonsensical. That's all. Reflexive — not circular.

Not quite. If we distinguish between 'purpose' and 'cause', then we see that a purpose is something defined by our reasoning. For instance, we would say that the purpose of a heart is to pump blood, but we might hestitate to say that the purpose of the Sun is to provide energy for life (or indeed that it has any purpose). But what is the certain difference? Both the Sun and a heart can be seen as localizations in a causal matrix, such that the notion of 'purpose' becomes superfluous. Likewise, we could say that the purpose of a car is to transport us, but we could also say that something caused our intent, which caused us to build the car and drive it (rendering 'purpose' an entirely after-the-fact designation). My argument is that purpose (a reason) is an imagined — albeit useful — distinction which we somewhat arbitrarily apply by way of reasoning.

>> No.14244354

That's absolutely not true for most of the human race. Do you really think people like Capeshit because of its human character?

>> No.14244437

humans MAKE capeshit though, right? what the fuck are you saying?

>> No.14244522

That's not the point of the image, anon

>> No.14244545

The products of cinema and TV are just barely human. People do not watch them because they're trying to connect with humankind, or because they feel as if they were in a dialogue with its author or anything. I guarantee you that when AI can make music, write scripts and auto-generate animation, it will be pretty much over.

>> No.14244561

everyone can survive without art, useless thing

>> No.14244597

So if you enjoyed a piece of art only to find out it was made by AI, you would then hate it?

>> No.14245628

We care about art made by elephants as well. More art is more art.

Humans simply won't have such a large monopoly on greatness. There's no reason our art won't inspire them, much like the tiger poem doesn't really ruin all other poetry.
You'd have a better point if AI created absolute garbage and ruined all art forever.

>> No.14245629

What kind of people think this, and what is their world like? Are they just tools for memetic organisms?

>> No.14245637
File: 1.52 MB, 3024x4032, rdj2khy4pu041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A machine wouldn't have real emotion to it. What's it going to do? Genre: Still-life, Emotion: Sad, *pulls from sad files for imagery, plops down a crying girl and a dead clown in front of an exam paper with an F on it*

>> No.14245885

capeshit is not equivalent to death of a salesman.
stop treating all art as the same.

>> No.14245919

I work for a big media company and was just asked to have my department do a few thousand hours of very detailed grunt work analyzing and tagging video that would be used for machine learning. The AI created by this process would eventually replace the humans doing type of work we do in the future.

>> No.14245929

Another thing related to this is the push for self driving cars. No one in general population actually wants them, but large scale agents are pushing hard for them.