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/lit/ - Literature

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14237686 No.14237686 [Reply] [Original]

>ask /lit/ for books about losers
Successful Professor. Married with kid. Found love.
>No Longer Human
Funny, charismatic guy, loved by everyone around him. Fucked on the reg.
>Sorrows of Young Werther
Loved by all, girl wouldn’t be with him but still deeply cared for him.
>The Stranger
Drinks coffee, smokes cigs, chills with buddy, fucks whores and shoots Arabs.
>Flowers for Algernon
Disabled brainlet but at least gets to live as Giga Chad for a while before meeting his end.
Are there no books out there where the character is a complete an utter loser? I haven’t read a single book where the main character is worse off than me. Also read Welcome to the NHK, Notes From the Underground, Crime and Punishment, The Metamorphosis, Nausea and Whatever. They’re all better than me.

>> No.14237698
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Maybe this will work

>> No.14237707

Write a biography about yourself.

>> No.14237734

Write and publish a memoir then, unless you're being overdramatic I guarantee something will come of it. Most great writers were complete losers.

>> No.14237750

>The Metamorphosis
lmao how is that even possible? He turns into a fucking insect and his entire family turns on him.

>> No.14237759

How much of a loser do you have to be to think the guy from notes from underground is better than you lmao

>> No.14237932

Evasion - Crimethinc
Crying old loser - doskyevsky
Confederacy of dunces
Confessions of a Crap Artist - pkd
Jernigan - David Gates

>> No.14237987

Trainspotting. The film is better though

>> No.14238038

The simple answer is that literature isn't about you, retard. It's not written to fellate you.
If your only way to appreciate something is to use it as your self-insert fantasy, something in your soul is too deeply broken for books to fix it.

>> No.14238041


>> No.14238052

I will write one, for you and me.
Based low IQ redditor. I wonder why people like you even browse this board when you don't know even the most basic concepts and reasoning. Just be aware that you're making the world worse with your existence.

>> No.14238060

If literature isn't about OP, it's about somebody: the well-off novelists who write successful and famous books, the well-off publishers who keep them in print, or the readers who recognize something in their characters, usually something just troubled enough to let them think there is spice in their lives. If you think any but the smallest sliver of literature and readership is about total self-estrangement, you're fucking kidding yourself pal.

>> No.14238061

they probably browse it because of lack of basic reasoning

>> No.14238070


Confederacy of Dunces was wrote for you

>> No.14238089

I'll save you some time op
>guy is one of the best pianists in the world, tons of money he doesn't have to work for, has decent writing, and a sister he can manipulate
>guy has advanced academic degrees, a mommy to make him tendies, a weird female friend he could probably eventually fuck if he wanted to

>> No.14238093

Art is not about marketing demographics you tasteless nigger. Obsessively trying to make characters as relatable to the reader as possible is for YA.

>> No.14238099


>> No.14238102

art always has been and always will be driven by recognition in the recipient to a greater or lesser extent. you know this, you're just being a performative faggot

>> No.14238109

Watch Blair Witch, and a month later watch Blair Witch 2

>> No.14238126

Recognition does not mean "lives a life just like mine, and acts the same way as I do in all situations."
The reader should of course see parts of himself in the work, but there's an enormous difference between relating to a portrayal and seeing reflections of yourself in something and op's childish, narcissistic demand that somebody tailor their art to him. That is exactly what YA does - self-insert characters of every imaginable demographic that you can play pretend with for a few hundred pages. Expression and meaning are disregarded in favor of making the character relatable. It's soulless.

>> No.14238138


>guy has advanced academic degrees,
That he can't get a job with and is forced out of the university
>a mommy to make him tendies,
That is on his case constantly and sick of his shit, making him get a job
>a weird female friend he could probably eventually fuck if he wanted to
He doesn't and she ignores him

He is utterly incompetent and every task he takes on, and a total spaz in every social situation, often baffling them with his pseudo intelligence.

Honestly, it's the 4chan sperglord book edition

>> No.14238141
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>Also read Welcome to the NHK
How are you more of a loser than Satou? I can see someone living in much worse circumstances, but otherwise, he achieved no personal success (inb4 sex once when he was a teenager). What's going on that makes you feel this way, anyway?

>> No.14238147

> And thou, good soul, who sufferest the same distress as he endured once, draw comfort from his sorrows; and let this little book be thy friend, if, owing to fortune or through thine own fault, thou canst not find a dearer companion.
Goethe’s own words. He wrote Werther so people could relate with him and find some comfort in his struggle. Don’t be such a prick.

>> No.14238150


The Death of Bunny Monro

>> No.14238154
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>inb4 it's a manga not literature
One of the best pieces of literature I've ever read.
It's about a 40 year old construction worker who only had sex once by paying a prostitute. Can post some panels too

>> No.14238158
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>> No.14238161

He didn't write it so some autist could nitpick it and say none of Werther's suffering counts because his is somehow worse.

>> No.14238163
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In the same vein, ressentiment is a very good manga about a very sad man.

>> No.14238169

I totally would've married Luna and our children would be beautiful

>> No.14238170


This Much I Know Is True by Wally Lamb

look it up, shit's fucked

>> No.14238174
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I don't really read mangas anymore but sounds interesting. Did you read Kurosawa anon?

>> No.14238183

>Underground Man is a less of loser than me




The characters in these works are fucking cringelord school shooter tier. That should be loser enough for you, right?

>> No.14238190

Bukowski books, Thus Spoke Zarathustra,

>> No.14238192
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Seems juicy, will check out.
Read this a while ago. Pretty fun and enjoyable isekai story.

Also if we're on the subject of comics, I'd recommend Jimmy Corrigan The Smartest Kid On Earth. It can be a bit hard to read if you haven't read many comics but it's worth the effort.

>> No.14238202
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Little spoiler: he gets arrested for pic related. He's not a pedo though, it was a misunderstanding

>> No.14238211
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Anything by Ware would fit desu.

>> No.14238215

No, but I've just added it in tachiyomi. Thanks.

>> No.14238220

Definitely read Kurosawa, anon. It will probably make you almost cry or straight up cry even if you are very stoic and not emotional, and will change your life.
Do yourself a favour and don't drop it

>> No.14238229
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Try this.

>> No.14238242

You're welcome anon. You'll love it.

>> No.14238269

That's high praise. I'll be sure to check it out, thanks for the /rec/.

>> No.14238286
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I think the problem is that in the past it was kind of impossible to be a kissless virgin NEET. you're looking for a novel that you, a loser in 2019, can relate to. You aren't going to find it, at least not yet.

Also, I think there's more brain fodder to work with when you're writing about a character who has some non-loser qualities about their life but on the inside is tormented or vacuous. Or vice versa, where their external world is terrible but they're a redeemable human being stuck in that world. Otherwise, you're writing about about a character void of much to write about, or at least much of anything interesting to write about. There's more space for a range of elements to incorporated when the loser character isn't a total vacuous hog coomer wojak-posting brainlet.

maybe read The Jungle if you haven't already? everyone in there has basically lost in life.

>> No.14238352
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Which one do I read? There are 4 different scans?

>> No.14238365

I think they should be all the same since the official scanlator is FKMTkrazy. Those 4 different scans are probably 4 different languages. I used Mangadex, so check out the first pages if they are identhical it's good

>> No.14238443

My diary desu

>> No.14238573

The Book of Job.

>> No.14238599

>I think the problem is that in the past it was kind of impossible to be a kissless virgin NEET. you're looking for a novel that you, a loser in 2019, can relate to. You aren't going to find it, at least not yet.

Mizoguchi from Temple of the Golden Pavilion was a virgin stutterer, bullied in school, abused by people, angry at the world, envious of people, and burnt down an old and important Japanese temple out of spite. This book was written in the 50s and goes into the mind of a person that would be a school shooter in these times.

>> No.14238610

I read this ages ago as a highschooler because of how highly praised it was on /a/ at the time and it's definitely one of the best manga I've ever come across. Glad to see it mentioned on /lit/

>> No.14238726
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I often shill FKMT works here.

>> No.14238813
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>> No.14238845

Perhaps you could find solace in a Benjy Compson or Conrad's Stevie.

>> No.14238913

He fucks and manipulates whores

>> No.14238917

Gregor Samsa is better off than you?

>> No.14239046

What a bunch of brainlets.

How has no one posted Dostoevsky? Literally anything from him.

>> No.14239085

There's two books by Dosto in the OP brah...

>> No.14239120
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The Pigeon by Patrick Suskind. 0% Chadlike content.

>> No.14239200

Pleasant Hell
Hungover Square

There isn't a lot though you're right.

>> No.14239214

Has sex doesn't count

>> No.14239257

Whatever by Houellebecq

>> No.14239294
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this or Moby-Dick
also Hunger, Crime and Punishment, and notes from the underground

>> No.14239304

adventurous proto chad, respected by his fellows and faces death again and again and sees sights most men only dream of seeing
unless you mean the black cripple or one of the universally disrespected members of the crew

>> No.14239326

>Most great writers were complete losers.
This is false.

>> No.14239330
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So these are the retards who write those goodreads reviews that we laugh at on here.

>> No.14239339

Yeah anon and is he all these things at the start? Maybe you should leave your room if you consider facing death (just walk into a bad neighbourhood) or seeing sights (get a plane ticket) things only great men do. And as to being respected, he's barely noticed by anyone on board except for the cannibal he had to share a room with. He's barely a character in his own story.

>> No.14239352

Maybe you should try reading a book where the protagonist starts off in a worse position than you (e.g. orphaned, dirt poor, discriminated against,...) and still manages to make something of his/her life. And maybe, if you read it carefully, you'll realise that you should stop feeling sorry for yourself and go make something of your life, you pathetic loser. Do you think Charlie Gordon got to "live as Giga Chad for a while" by whining on an internet forum?

>> No.14239452

Sorry I have yet to publish my diary

>> No.14239461

But he is actively doing the same death defying work as the men alongside him and succeeding, it isn't just a leisure trip

>> No.14239492

I have a great audiobook for you brother.


>> No.14239572

You got btfo loser

>> No.14239599

Some are; like Kafka and Pessoa.

>> No.14239612

Basically anything by Robert Walser would work. Or Hermann Ungar.

>> No.14239619
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I want r*ddit to leave.

>> No.14239630

The guy from No Longer Human was a class clown more than he was beloved. And he was a virgin well into college before he started fucking hookers I believe. I'm not entirely sure, but either way he mostly fucked hookers, which is something you can do too.

And Werther was pathetic, got cucked and ended up shooting himself like a fag.

>> No.14239646

Literature is about interesting people and you are not one of them. Your character, if it were the centrepiece of a novel, would not get past the first page because he is actionless. He does not engage with the world around him and therefore has nothing of worth to say. One would get as much use reading about the life of a house-fly for they would not be totally dissimilar if their stories are put side by side.

Even Melville had to write about Bartelby from the outside looking on because Bartelby is fundamentally not a character in the sense the excellent work of fiction demands a character for its axis. Read Bartelby and realise what little you have inside of you OP.

>> No.14239663
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My Twisted World by Eliot Roger

>> No.14239675

None of this is true btw

>> No.14239684

You haven't read Oblomov, haven't you?

>> No.14239837

Read Metamorphosis by Shindol

>> No.14239905

The narrators in all of those books lied. You're just too fucking stupid to pick up on it. The final redpill is that you should kys not because of social stigmatization, but rather because you're a nitwit.

>> No.14240822


>> No.14240855

I don’t know if Tropic of Cancer counts. He’s incapable of holding a job but he’s happy anyway because he’s skilled at leeching off of friends and fucking cheap whores.

>> No.14240995

Jesus. Read Marx to find out why you're NOT a loser.

>> No.14241120

Fuck this commie shit just read the Bible.

>> No.14241364
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>> No.14241558

Book of disquiet or that russian book about a guy who doesnt get out of bed i dunno its name cus i never read it

>> No.14241584

Damn you must be really pathetic if you think you're more pathetic than any character in dosto and kafka

>> No.14241921

Most of Dosto’s characters redeem themselves in the end imo. Not entirely but they find some sort of silver lining at least. With Kafka I feel like it’s not the characters themselves that are pathetic losers, rather they’re the victims of absurd circumstances and powerless in the face of supreme power.

>> No.14241928

>Most of Dosto’s characters redeem themselves in the end imo.

>> No.14242026

I liked it, but it slowed to a crawl pretty quickly. Never finished it.

>> No.14242039

I think most neets know this feeling desu

>> No.14242076

The Last Binge Ever vols 1-2 by LondonFrog

>> No.14242147

Kek anon you unironically cucked yourself out of the best part. The last arc is what makes it a masterpiece

>> No.14242477

Oyasumi Punpun (Goodnight Punpun)

I'm too emotional to read it. It has similar themes to Welcome to the NHK. But it's much darker and feels more real.

See how you feel after reading it.

>> No.14242558

Watch The Double

>> No.14242659
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i also rec Punpun, i couldnt put down my phone after i started reading it
great artwork as well

>> No.14242701

I’m going to write a novel with no characters and then you’ll get your comeuppance

>> No.14242715

Punpun is a failed normie, he has sex multiple times and has a gf.

>> No.14242893

sachi is a hooer tho

>> No.14243252
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No Longer Human by Junji Ito

>> No.14243414

Sabbath's Theater
his own Mom wants him to kill himself

>> No.14243441
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have you tried having sex?

>> No.14243451


>> No.14243538
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>> No.14243547


>> No.14243661


>> No.14243681


>> No.14243775

How would you make a book about the modern day losers seem interesting? It would be a book about a guy who spends all day on the internet while real life goes on without him.

>> No.14244061

>anon writes most
>then gives only two (2) examples

>> No.14244250

inspired by this thread, i just went and read No Longer Human

>> No.14244266

Try something like hamlet
The guy is spurred to action by something but runs back to his addiction instead of doing anything about it

>> No.14244417

It's a wholesome read

>> No.14244453


>> No.14244464


Lmao at everyone saying this is wrong. He's right.
The protagonist has to interact with his world proactively, otherwise why is he the protagonist instead of a different character?

>> No.14244500

Counter: Stoner. Outside of one instance he doesn’t do anything to resist or interact with the world around him. He simply is.

>> No.14244508

Try The Temple of the Golden Pavilion, OP.

>> No.14244525

He's the protagonist because he's the focus of the story. That's all there is to it. Your knowledge of literary theory seems to be mostly informed by Blake Snyder's Save The Cat.

>> No.14244538


I'll take your word for it, haven't read it. But OP mentioned that he is a professor. How does he do his job if he just 'is'?

>> No.14244550


I don't know that book and I should have specified that I meant stories that are good or at least readable. I get that you can make the protagonist whoever you want but works like that don't stand the test of time.

>> No.14244554

That's taking a very limited approach to literature anon. Read some Beckett.

>> No.14244566


I'm actually going to restock my bookshelf next week. Any specific book by Beckett that might break my framework?
I'll concede that I'm kind of rigid in my approach to story structure, I edit novels for a living (mostly God awful ones I might add) so I'm a little stuck in the hero's journey/kill your darlings pattern.

>> No.14244620

Start with Murphy then go on to Molloy

>> No.14244693

can uhh, someone give a retard (me) a hand and offer some thoughts on No Longer Human

>> No.14245194

I liked it quite a bit personally but it's quite polarizing. If you can relate to some of what he's going through or talking about then odds are you'll enjoy it or get some sort of catharsis out of it. However I have recommended it to a couple friends who just couldn't relate to him at all and absolutely despised the book.

>> No.14246151

i liked it as well, mostly because i could relate to Yozu.
but other than that, i cant quite process it and what things i should take away other than it sheds an intimate light on what certain type of people feel and think, as well as the struggles they go through trying to fit into the world
still surprised this is the second best selling novel in Japan
perhaps one of the things about the story that hit me the hardest was how we see many of Yozu's failures are inherently due to his own unfortunate shortcomings, mischievous actions, and poisonous inactions

>> No.14246249


Try "The Blind Owl".

>> No.14246258



>Notes from the Underground

If he's better than you, just suck it up and go rent a whore for a night. Then as long as you don't sympathize with her just to later explosively project your own loathing onto her, congratulations, you'll be better than the Underground Man.

Also also, try The Idiot.

>> No.14246292

Is the friend hot?

>> No.14246791
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>he doesn't realise Beckett himself is the protagonist of all his fiction
Think about this a little before you reply to me zoomer

>> No.14246929

Not even Ishmael believes it is due to any ability of his own, he believes it's fate. Perhaps he decided to become a whaler because it was so deadly, he's suicidal in chapter 1. The book certainly doesn't make it look like Ishmael survives due to ability but due to luck.