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14223928 No.14223928 [Reply] [Original]

/frontier/ edition: post your favorite frontier

>> No.14223931

how about you suck this front here? *points to crotch*
fucking faggot

>> No.14223948
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Im watching videos of some socialist type ranting about altright internet memes

>> No.14223966

I hate the low effort trash threads this board is filled by.
I hate tripfags and attention seekers.

>> No.14223989
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The western canon is by definition inherently conservative, and therefore so are the liberal arts. Any works that attempt undermining or deterritorializing or deconstructing what is known to be true and good and beautiful should be viewed with suspicion.

>> No.14224002

i hate you the most all the tripfags here

>> No.14224012

theres already a /lit journal thread here >>14207488

>> No.14224124
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a girl let me spit in her mouth the other day do you think she'd go on a date with me?

>> No.14224134

see and find out, if you're lucky she might let you shit in her mouth at the end of the date.

>> No.14224146
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but if you were a girl, surely you wouldn't let someone spit in your mouth if you didn't find them attractive (even if under the influence)?

>> No.14224150

this, if she looks beautiful with one of your turds in her mouth, she's THE ONE

>> No.14224156

Really doubting if mankind is redeemable. The world a fuck. People are memes. And I am too. I feel like I should just become a hermit at this point and try to build a nice little world around me, but I’m probably too much of a bitch to do it. (I mean, I’m posting this drivel on an imageboard right now)

>> No.14224160
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university applications got me stressing. due nov 30 but i need to complete by monday. I only have 2 more 250-350 words, two 250s, and my main essay. you guys got any tips for writing

>> No.14224172

write about girls that eat feces

>> No.14224173

she cute

>> No.14224178

Remember that your audience is a retarded boomer who probably ended up with the job after failing in another career. So, it may be a good idea to talk about an experience you had with failure and how you benefited from it. But that is just one of the many things that make those people tick.

>> No.14224181

holy actually based advice. I will incorporate this right now anon thank you

>> No.14224195

I hate everyone that isn't from mainland europe or japan. Anglos i hate the most.

>> No.14224218


>> No.14224259

I hate humans, even myself. I want to escape

>> No.14224585

Yes. College essays rely on cliches of bootstrap-pulling and reductions of the western philosophy into digestible bite-sized turds. >>14224178 could not be more on the money.

>> No.14224717

Life is weird, isn't it

>> No.14224740
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>> No.14224772

Forgot to say, Turner's thesis was actually 100% correct and the academics who dismiss him these days are all wrong.

>> No.14224794

Build a rocket ship

>> No.14224813
File: 3.02 MB, 4032x3024, 570723B0-94F5-4131-BBE3-983ECD3222B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took this photo from the rim of Dark Canyon in Mante La Sal National Forest, off the edge of the Sundance Trail. I had been filming an educational group who descended into this great pit, one of the most remote and inhospitable patches of wilderness in the lower 48. My goal was to make an advertisement for the non-profit running the trip, a company I also guide as an educator for. A band of fourteen teenagers and three instructors, and then myself descended. We should have never been there, not in July. I wanted to punch our overseeing trip organizer in the face. On the 500 meter deep, class IV screefield, three students collapsed from heat exhaustion. It took us three hours in hundred plus air to get them all down. I filmed nothing. Later that night when it was 85 degrees at the coolest, one kid had to be helicoptered out of the field to the nearest hospital in Moab. His heart stopped intermittently, and I performed CPR on him during five separate episodes. I later learned this was due to the way intense sunlight reacts with patients taking certain types of drugs. Everything was an oversight on the part of the office staff team, and an oversight on our part for agreeing to this undertaking with children. I was only a videographer working for the company on this segment, but I filed a complaint regardless.

Once the remaining expedition was stabilized, I parted ways and began the nine mile journey way back to my vehicle at the trailhead. Waking up under the stars while it was still cool, I backtracked to the base of the Sundance screefield as the growing light and what it meant created an urgency in my steps. Eighty pounds of camera gear, shelter food, medical supplies and water dug it’s way into my hips. The slope was sixty degrees and it took two and a half hours to climb the unstable 500 meter incline to the rim. After that, another six miles to go under full sun. The land at the top is mostly made of sandless slickrock, leaving no footprints or social patterning. The markers keeping me alive were small stacks of sandstone pieces, cairns to prevent hikers from wandering into nowhere. Arcing around the rim, I reached the vehicle in nine hours, for which all nine liters I was carrying had been spent.

Looking back at the great pit I thought about how I got here, in this place where human beings should not be. I thought about fleeing sickness and violence in my home, and how I’d recovered from a malpractice-induced brain injury. I thought about the mentors I met along my wanderings, and how this hostile place can smooth the edges of broken people. I remembered their words and guidance and how I found healing in these massive empty places, where the air and earth beats the water out of you. I thought about the students in the canyon, and wondered what they may learn from this place too. Will they buy into the fiction of the ideal wilderness, or will they see this place for what it really is? A continuation of the world.

>> No.14224839

When I drink whiskey I feel it building up.
my gigantic COCK ahahaha

>> No.14224987

The inner struggle still remains

>> No.14224995

I saw the mountain, but the mountain did not see me.

>> No.14225230

Good thing your hatred is impotent and useless faggotry

>> No.14225297

when people look back at the 2010s, what do you wager they'll think?

>> No.14225347

These threads are my only social media now.

>> No.14225356

depends what we do with the 2020s. i wonder if we will see a sudden shift in culture like everyone is collectively ready to move on and play into the narrative of change by course of decades

>> No.14225591

Everything is just a cope with the fact that you're going to did eventually.

>> No.14225595

Seems wrong cause I really don't even care that I'm going to die.

>> No.14225634
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I just realized how fkn great Shakespeare is. He's not a meme boys.

Sidenote, I also don't like being alive

>> No.14225731

I meant disciplines like philosophy, psychology and etc. All is cope.

>> No.14225961

Still seems wrong only now you seem wrong and wildly inarticulate.

>> No.14226172

The beauty of scientific prose is its simplicity. The placement of each word, each sentence, each paragraph is predetermined by a golden rule: to be as comprehensible as possible. The beauty of the scientific style rests on the necessity of its composition. It is not "a loose kind of writing", but exactly the opposite: a rigorously composed work of art - a reasonable endeavor reasonably presented. You feel the refreshing wind of a working mind, the masculine tension and contraction of a muscular brain - your own brain. Reading such a text, the thoughts of the author and your own thoughts are connected by reason in such a way that they become indistinguishable.

>> No.14226214
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That's pretty intense, anon. Sometimes I can barely handle a walk around the block, ha.
Hope those kids are okay.

>> No.14226237


>> No.14226252

did it work

>> No.14226500
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You guys ever want to punch someone in the face at random? I let out a terrific fart just now, and I am very proud of myself. Perhaps I should punch myself. I had too much coffee! And i will have more! Other than that, it's business as usual in the anxious mind. Random thoughts and fantasies, petty negative thoughts (punching people), worrying for no reason. Fun times in Babylon, anon. Isn't it great to be alive? We should all be donkey-punching the night away. Merry Etc., and Happy So on and So Forth!
Praise money! And payday loans! And Exclamation marks! More coffee!

>> No.14226697

I once punched the wall out of despair. Broke two fingers.

>> No.14226715

how was it?

>> No.14226740

Actually it was refreshing to being able to let the frustration out. Physiologically wise fingers healed after 2 months and they lost some functionality. I guess thats the price you pay.

>> No.14227700
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All living things - plants, animals and people - deserve our love, our care and our protection. This verdant conviction pronounces itself from every light-hearted heart - as we can see in children, who know about life and death but are not pained by the inner turmoils that we suffer, knowing what they know. Moments of happiness are, at the same time, moments of a sort of parenthood of all living things. Even a pebble is sometimes treated with a benevolent courtesy, as if the child wanted to avoid meddling - without being asked - in the individual rhythm of the stone, its neighborhood and growth. Tread lightly, friends.

>> No.14227773

I wish antiguenonfag poster would leave

>> No.14227798
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I told an anon to stop being a lazy cunt while instead of work I browse lit and tv.

>> No.14227936

fuck anxiety. it feels like fighting against invisible enemy.

>> No.14227946
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Do you remember being up in my loft back in Burlington Vermont, watching movies while the world around us froze; when the arctic currents poured down from the Adirondacks and made their way across Lake Champlain, sweeping over the town? It reached fifty below zero and we got these scary blinking alerts on our phones calling it a weather emergency, but it didn't matter because we had plenty of blankets, my crappy apartment stayed warm, and I got to know you better. After that, we’d always have these wonderful little storm parties, just you and me. I used to get all excited whenever I knew that awful weather was on the way, because we’d always wait it out together.

Before I knew it, I had to leave; the realness, the warmth, the sincerity of you, this lovely and unassuming person who stumbled into my life one day out of nowhere, so anchoring and grounding me. You evaporated into social media and other digital platitudes, and eventually faded into silence, but I don’t blame you. It was not your fault or mine that I got sick and had to go, that for twelve long years, some asshole Bostonian Ivy League Doctor had been filling me with poison. From the age of seven I had been used, without my consent for medical research, as is permitted within the bounds of standard practice under Massachusetts common law for pediatric psychiatry. In a state renowned for its world class medical care, you are allowed to say “let’s try something new” on an anxious seven-year-old kid, and his desperate parents. You are allowed to give someone an Iatrogenic brain injury. You are allowed to experiment with drugs on children. So at nineteen years old when my body began to fall apart, what was I supposed to say to you? “Sorry, I love you, but now I need to quit my job and drop out of school, and move four hours south back home because I can’t stop shaking or feel my skin, everything is burning and it’s getting really hard for me to walk right now; and I am getting ready to die.”

Your mom lived all the way in Montana, while your dad was holed up somewhere in a shack off the grid in the woods of Rutland. All your siblings had moved away. You were shy because you’d learned at a very young age that it was easier to say goodbye; that’s what you told me, and it made my chest hurt. You were used to shutting down and letting go, but you broke the rules you’d made and stood by me. When I got sick, you stood by me in a way that nobody ever had before. With a heart free of judgement and full of love you held on no matter what. When I started to decline, I’d get these awful tremors throughout my whole body; and whenever I shook, you’d lie there with me and hold my hand. You chased me down headfirst as I was slowly devoured, until your life became as unhealthy as my own, and I begged you to stop. You are still my hero, and I will always love you.

>> No.14227954
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I went home, and as I withered away in the house that I grew up in, I thought about you every single night. When the drugs closed my airway, I thought back to a time in our life when breathing was something beautiful, when it meant the rhythmic rise and fall of your lungs with mine, that slowly dancing push and pull as we fell asleep. I remembered focusing on the cracks in the plaster walls, concentrating to prevent myself from drifting off, in an effort to be intertwined with you for as for long as possible. I remembered the weight of another person's life bearing down into my own, how with each subtle shift and stir you unconsciously told me that no matter what, you were there to stay. I miss the honesty such closeness whispered, those small unspoken affirmations found in subtle motions.

When I went home, I lay there for three years and burned. In the phantom habits of the healthy person I used to be, I could physically feel that the spot to my right was empty. You were still in Vermont, lying in your bed alone too, knowing that somewhere far away I was slowly being killed. It was not my fault that I left you alone up there, out in the cold by yourself. Somebody did this to us.

>> No.14227960
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So now that I’m healing, as much as I can from what was done to me, that like very few people who go through protracted benzodiazepine withdrawal; I am somehow still alive. After fighting to win back ownership over my own body, I find myself unable to be that way like I was with you, with anyone. I hate what those doctors did to me, how through violations so fundamental they made me ugly. I hate that I panic when someone is behind me, that I snap at people, that I have an edge, how I hate that I hate to be touched, that I feel disgusting, that it feels like it’s my fault that something so important to human life is scary, and painful. How when I try to get help, I’m pinned down with another name called Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, whatever the fuck that means, and when social workers offer me drugs for it, I want to scream. When residual nerve pain stops me in my tracks on the way to class, or when my ears begin to ring loudly and the room goes black for a moment, I am reminded of where I come from. When people ask me why I can’t smoke, why I don’t drink, why I’m strange, why I’m “straight edge,” or if “it was it pills?” when I’m asked why I’m so old, or why I took such a long break from school, why as soon as I could walk again, I stood up and ran 2,000 miles away into the desert; that I feel the need to fess up to all of this. That I should be dead and I’ve been found out.

And while I hate them deeply for all that they’ve done to me, I hate them the most for taking me away from you, for hurting you; for making us both sick; for convincing me that I was so damaged that being near you, and loving you was wrong. For some reason after everything that happened, it was always okay with you, that missing piece of me, so far away, who armored herself up all hidden in the woods. If all that I had was you, that gentle caring thing by which to warm myself, to offer back what little I still have left, I think I could be that person again. I think I would be okay if the rest of the world were as frigid as it was that night in Vermont, way back in my memories, up in my loft, when the two of us would laugh and watch movies. I think I would be okay if all the world were dead and cold, so long as you were there beside me.

>> No.14227965

t. .guenonfag

>> No.14228019

My grandmother continues to keep up my Reader's Digest subscription that she got for me in middle school. I've usually just binned them for the last couple years because memes killed my capacity for sub-dad jokes and feel-good stories aren't really my bag, but by the time I see her again I've usually forgotten to tell her to not waste money on it.
I decided to crack the one that came in yesterday open for once.
They're every other month now instead of monthly.
They're also a lot thinner.
Some of the jokes are literally just old tweets so they've even managed to cock up old people humor.
It's such a stupid, random thing, but it's kept me down all morning.

>> No.14228117
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Ouch! Maybe there's a good reason to learn basic fighting skills (boxing, i guess? I don't know). Still might get hurt, but then I'd know how to throw a punch. If I ever punched a wall or person, i would probably sprain my wrist and cry like a baby. I am kind of a wuss.

me too, anon. i want to punch anxiety in the face, but my wrist...

>> No.14228165

I'm really under the weather right now and not in a good mood

>> No.14228205

>everyone my age has already had multiple partners , sex being something completely normal to them, their simply enjoying the best years of their lifes
>meanwhile i have been drowning in self loathing and doubt since i was 16
The day of reckoning will come for this injustice

>> No.14228216

what happened?

>> No.14228227

haha reckoning for whom? are you gonna beat up God? hahaha shut the fuck up

>> No.14228232

>god giving a shit about anything

>> No.14228240

some of those people are getting pregnant and married, dumb cringeposter. they are going to be trapped raising children and bills for the next few decades. you clearly aren't ready to run that risk. if you need it spelled out: consider yourself lucky.

>> No.14228243

yeah but who the fuck are you gonna hold responsible then, and why, you stupid asshole lmao

>> No.14228284

>caring about sex in itself
Never gonna make it

>> No.14228304

I've been writing since middle school and I'm now 27 years old. I have about 15 finished first drafts of novels (and probably 30 others that are eternally stuck between 10k-40k words). Only one story ever struck me as being good enough to be published, and by the time I completed the fifth/final draft, I had matured enough to see it was actually pretty garbage like the others.
I want to get at least one of my novels published. It has always been my goal, but I enjoy the act of writing too much and despise editing. Once I finish things, I'm unable to see enough potential in them to alter things and make them readable for others.
I'm stuck in a rut.

>> No.14228310
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You're God's least favorite animal

>> No.14228316

And I wouldn’t have it any other way.

>> No.14228326

Sometimes you have to dismantle what you love in order to rebuild it in a way that’s communicable to the rest if the world. It’s tough, but necessary and you can do it.

>> No.14228866

anyone know any good jokes about mental illness?

>> No.14228889

get some confidence bro

>> No.14228968

the path towards knowledge and the path toward happiness run in exact opposite directions and stretch towards infinity

the most common human mistake is to go down one of these paths, and expect to approach both sublime outcomes

>> No.14229007

a schizophrenic and 48 other people walk into a bar

>> No.14229068

Lovely anon

>> No.14229220

You're one of the best writers I've seen here. I hope you recognize your own skill. Whatever that brain injury did to you, it didn't get a shard in your soul.

>> No.14229308

I have constant intrusive thoughts about one of my friends doing horrible things and hating me, despite all evidence to the contrary, and end up latching onto various things that seem to confirm that they do those things and hate me, even when there are other, more logical explanations.

>> No.14229415

I've never been much for creative writing: as a child I was always more drawn to consuming comics and paintings than artistic prose and this trend is replicated in my productive interests now.
My interest in theory and philosophy has grown steadily to an extremity, and this thread has left me somewhat at a loss. How can I have such a solid command of philosophical theory that attempts to systematize and reproduce the tensions of life, but be at such a loss when it comes to describing my own emotional situation?

>> No.14229433

philosophy, more often than not, is escapism

>> No.14229438

philosophy is for faggots

>> No.14229442

why do you say that?

>> No.14229451

All thought and perception is particularization. The mind can't seem to help but existentially quantify the continuum of nature into discrete parcels. Despite everything being made up of waveforms and lacking coherent boundaries with anything else, it's impossible to think of anything without at first structuring it into a unit. Language is overgrown with such particulars, we can't even refer to a thing without labeling it with a noun that designates a single coherent referent separated from everything else. This presents a profound and disturbing conclusion; that the very act of thinking is a falsification, a distortion of the imperceptible and inconceivable continuity and unity of the universe.

>> No.14229453

because I mean it

>> No.14229456

Or maybe you're just stupid. Yeah, I'll go with that.

>> No.14229463

but that's rude, I never said I didn't like philosophy

>> No.14229466

Pretty much. No one I've met who hasn't been depressed has been into philosophy. I tried talking about existentialism with a friend and they just thought it was weird and were totally disinterested, while I love it because it's what keeps me alive.

>> No.14229541

I have become obsessed with focusing on the exact border between the world and myself. In my mind, i can see it as a film coating everything around me. When i look at this plant i see the border of it towards me at its own substance, the point of contact between my mind and the plant is at the leaves, the stem, the thing as i perceive it. But really, this border is not really with the plant, but in my mind, of course, and this creates a kind of flux of perception where I keep oscillating between the thing i am observing and the observation in my head.

It's totally dissociative, but in a conscious and controlled way. Although it has become sort of an obsession lately, i do it of my own volition in a spirit of experimentation.

The human mind being dissociative is one of its greatest strengths. The ability to be at once outside and inside your perception, observing your own thoughts and observing the observation, this complete weightlessness of the mind where you can feel it almost twirling about itself while you are also completely identified with this experience.

Looking around myself in this room, I feel connected to every single thing, because they are as much in my mind as in the room I'm sitting in. There are so many rooms at once in this space, and my mind has granted me the ability to walk around in them freely. The doors of perception open at my whim and peering through i see infinite mirrors reflecting at once myself and everything around me.

I marvel at the point in time when a human being first looked at his hand and said, 'huh?'. And ancient men drawing lines in the sand, peering themselves into doors of their own, seeing mirrored a completely different universe to mine yet intricately and inexplicably intertwined through this ineffable phenomenon of mind. While some would call this dissociation an 'estrangement from self', the stepping stone to existentialist depression, it is the very thing that makes life substantial. As ephemeral as thought is, it is your whole universe, and nothing can exist without it. How can i sense doom in communion with nature? I come from nature and nature has endowed me with a torch in a hall of darkness. She is kind to me, and my life is a part of everything, as everything is part of my mind. Nothing is alive except the now, and here I am, at the center of it all.

>> No.14229546

lol, post it, please.

>> No.14229711

Thank you for your kind words, I appreciate it. Some obstacles we face in life can act as personal mass-extinction events, but they put things in perspective. Speak from the heart and the rest will flow.

>> No.14229748

that was pretty funny; got another one?

>> No.14229909

So there more anxiety you have the more creativity is possible to acquire?

>> No.14229974

the only practical use for philosophy is for it to morph into ideology which can be used for social engineering and manipulation (see history)

other than that, I agree with your statement

>> No.14230098

Q: how many clinically depressed people does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: One, as long as the fixture is sturdy and there is a good rope nearby

>> No.14230172

There is a missing spot on the wall by my bathtub. It's hard to see because my eyes slide over it and touching it feels funny because my nerves stop working when they get close and feel tingly after I take my hand away. The spot is about two inches long and about a foot above the spot of black mold in the corner. When I turn off the lights and look at it for a while, my eyes start to hurt and I feel a vibration in my head. One time I was praying while in the shower and I slipped and banged my head against it. For a second I saw something bright and felt distant heat on my skin, and the shower seemed very far away. Sleeping, I sometimes find myself dreaming about a glowing finger reaching through the spot and making the sign of the cross in the air above the drain and it shines so brightly my eyes hurt when I wake up.
I licked the spot once out of curiosity and it just tasted like shower water.

>> No.14230261

is it growing bigger? the spot, that is
that's my concern, now that I'm aware of it

>> No.14230263

The farther I drift from reality the closer I get to my self

>> No.14230353

It's only been there for a couple weeks so I'm not sure. When I drink a lot of caffeine it appears bigger but the next day it looks the same size as ever.

>> No.14230362

Kek based

>> No.14230369

Have you read any Native American transcendentalism? If not, I think you’d like it.

>> No.14230376


>> No.14230509

I'm touched by these

>> No.14230525

i'm glad i have a job, i'd probably waste all my time playing games if i didnt.

>> No.14230541

I never interact with socialists anymore it's odd to see them talking about memes

>> No.14230596

when I was in high school and learning how to paint, I started to fall apart over the inability to represent the distinctions between objects or the distinctions between sections of an object with a single line. between the image of the book and the image of the desk is a shadow and not a border. the line never appears in nature. so to represent an image with paint is the practice of representing the a world of flowing transitions between objects using a series of discrete lines of paint. sometimes knowledge of the indiscrete world gave me an ecstasy like you're describing, but other times it made me impotent, caught in the world described by >>14229451 where one is required to lie to himself by the necessity of particularization. human reproduction is the only creation that escapes the problem of perception in discrete terms. but only for a moment, and you don't possess the human you create the way you possess the thing you paint.

>> No.14230609

Write about your secret abortion that you had without telling your parents. It's guaranteed to be relatable especially if you're a dude.

>> No.14230627
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The figure is out of the bathroom, a trail of paper behind it in a featureless hallway it’s face continuing to disintegrate, as the mind itself emerges and its personhood fractures.

It comes upon the diminished silhouettes of two humans, and explodes in anger, ripping off pieces of itself violently, gesturing, and pointing at them. They crumple up and whither away, frightening the figure.

He backs away, running outside into the driveway, falling apart at the seams. It’s dark out. Collapsing on his knees. He begins to smoke, and bursts into flame.

>> No.14230688
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The step from being a NEET to finding a high quality girl is so large. College, well paying job, social status, financial security, all for something that you cant even guarantee you will ever find. Many of us would be comfortable just by ourselves in a small apartment with basic necessities, internet and some good books to read. You can work the fewest hours possible to get by if you must. All of that effort between the two! Oh the desire to be desired...

>> No.14230882
File: 22 KB, 256x266, E215E262-A9E0-42F5-BF21-247CEBBE68A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, this girl that I spend time with almost every day is getting all moody. She can either be really cheerful or seem really serious and cold towards others, but she loves talking to me, for the most part.

But I’m starting to hate the emotional ups and downs and I’m tired of her spoiled, entitled behavior. Sometimes she’s genuinely tiresome to be around, so I didn’t hang out with her on Friday, and I saw her at the gym later. She gave me this huge smile, but I didn’t wave back. I just gave her a blank look and kept walking.

I like her so much bros and now she’s going back to her country in a few weeks. I just wished that she had been better, less moody, and I wish she wasn’t so difficult sometimes. I hate that she’s going, even though I know it will probably make me feel less stressed to not have her in my life

Fuck is wrong with me?

>> No.14230887

The girl I've had oneitis for for the past 3 years finally revealed to me that she's dating someone. I thought it would destroy me, but I didn't really react at all. If anything, it came as a relief. The entire time I've known her shes been single, and so I've held a childish and irrational belief in the back of my brain that if I just wait long enough somehow something would happen, even though I knew she had no interest. But now that option (as unrealistic as it was) is finally off the table and I can "move on" so to speak.

The entire thing is pathetic I know, but what can you do? The heart wants what the heart wants. I think if this had happened a year ago it would have killed me. I used to be a lot more sensitive to that stuff, so I'm glad that my shell is a bit stronger than I thought it was. Maybe I'm growing up. Part of me misses the strength my emotions used to have, I find it harder to feel these days, but I do feel more "well adjusted".

>> No.14231017

I destroyed my ability to have an emotional relationship with a woman by having transactional sex with too many. Now I desire neither, but I want to be able to want a relationship with a woman

>> No.14231175
File: 521 KB, 800x559, Space, the final frontier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a high school senior (don't worry I turned 18 at the start of the month) and I'm worried for my future.

I'm failing college classes right now because I'm lazy. I'm despondent. I'm worried about my future. I don't trust my mother and I haven't seen my father in six years. My lack of experience with girls makes me feel immature. I feel painfully average, I score average on every test. I'm worried I have no talent. I need help from an adult but I don't have any proper role models in my life. I'm seeing a therapist but he's actually useless. He just tells me thins will be fine. At my last session he spent 30 minutes talking about his trip to europe when all I wanted to do was discuss my anxieties. I also don't have any friends to voice my insecurities and fears too, so that's why I'm venting them here.

>> No.14231390

What are your skills and interests in. You don't have to go to college, you could get a trade or even just work hospo or something like that. There's no shame in eking out a stable living in a non white collar profession, and it might give you a bit of motivation and money for a while.

>> No.14231759

How do you even have friends as an adult? You spend all day waging and then only have a small amount of time to hang out in the evenings and on the weekend, time which is shrunk even further by all the other responsibilities you have. Is that really even a friendship at that point? It seems like you need to be NEET if you want real friends, but they always seem to be loners for whatever reason.

>> No.14231828

I would like to save someone. No one saved me so I had to save myself.

>> No.14232065
File: 71 KB, 1280x720, Daniel Perret.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes my vision of an idyllic vision of a death would be to be lying in a warm tub while listening to this angelic cherub of a boy sing ave maria and perhaps overdosing on something extremely potent but pleasant on the way out. Euthanasia should be legal.


>> No.14232100
File: 550 KB, 984x888, 1559872464537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a 'real' friendship does not diminish with time

>> No.14232136

I remember the first time I saw you on heroin. A hero in my eyes, a hero in disguise. I pretended not to care.
I remember the last time I saw you on heroin and how it made me cry. Oh, how I cried.
Someone please hug me and be sad with me please.

>> No.14232146

If I was a man of means it wouldn’t be bothersome that I was up so late. If I hadn’t sought out pleasure I wouldn’t have duties that deny me pleasure now. I want to smoke and drink all night but I don’t because I want to live long and healthy but what’s the point of living if you’re not doing what you want? Either way I’m not sleeping and when I sleep I only dream of rivers and animals. I’m not even in my own dreams.

>> No.14232185

It’s an absurd miracle that we all made it out unscathed. Thank you, everyone is fine and it led to some reforms in our guiding company’s safety policies. I never held a life in my hands before. There are no words to describe it. I get where you’re coming from though. Sometimes a walk around the block is plenty hard as well.

>> No.14232188

If you don’t like editing then don’t do it, do what you love and just be yourself

>> No.14232194

My diary desu

>> No.14232199

No it’s unironically cope
Nobody who’s happy and doing well has a reason to dive into philosophy

>> No.14232210

Based schizposter I hope the shower demons spare you my love

>> No.14232217

You are a massive beta faggot
Why the fuck would someone who fails high school classes even come to this board

>> No.14232221
File: 85 KB, 1300x742, 111083159-night-cityscape-illustration-urban-landscape-on-a-dark-background-with-bright-neon-pink-and-blue-lig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Madison walked along the sidewalk of Diamond city, her shadow being casted onto the nearby buildings when a single car drove by. The sound of helicopters filled the air, its search light moving to scan different areas of the city. Pink and blue neon signs lit the area into a weird colored hue, the lights buzzed incessantly. Madison looked to the electronics store window to see the visual news anchor reporting the different disturbances around the city,
"The rebels have been caught. The group known as the "Pill" gang have all received arrests for desecrating and tagging a corporate building...." the news anchor continued to drone on but Madison was no longer paying attention.

Madison continued on her way to the subway station...

One day i'll get the urge to actually continue writing some novels/short stories, how bad is my writing /lit/?

>> No.14232231

I’m a somewhat outgoing NEET and I’ve befriended people who ended up avoiding me after finding out that I don’t have a job and that I’m not in school

>> No.14232241

I think your problem is you need to adopt a growth mentality. You're looking over yourself in a very early state of your life and thinking this is all you have to work with. But you can actually create futures and possibilities for yourself if you apply yourself. Find some way to do so in a way that feels natural. Even someone who is a bit dense can find something. There is no shame at all in taking on a trade, and indeed some tradesmen are far more effective and valuable than some wealth people, social parasites and baggage such as inheritors etc.

The fact your father left you is undeniably related to the feeling of being adrift and unapplied. That is a disservice to you but if you find it within yourself you can find your own way.

>> No.14232314

Lots of people depend on me, I depend on no one. No one knows I've been struggling, no one knows i've picked up a habit. I love them all so dearly tho

>> No.14232330

King Lear's scene in the storm is so great that I remember exactly what I felt when reading it, the sheer exhilaration that only great literature provides, years from then

>> No.14232571
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This is what peak performance looks like.

>> No.14232578
File: 32 KB, 545x362, B7f2_OECEAAyijj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wow literature is so cool! there's a whole world out there
>i am so close to some kind of discovery, if only i could understand what the masters were saying
>there are no limits, life is infinitely complex and infinitely beautiful
>i'm going to be a writer
>i'm going to be a writer, eventually
>i'm ... going to be a writer... next year

>> No.14232589

i've written 236 poems in the last 5 years :-)

>> No.14232632

I've had the realization that no one will (save me) and I'm trying, but I'm stumbling on every step

>> No.14232633

>Someone please hug me and be sad with me please.
would if I could

>> No.14232641
File: 241 KB, 500x432, Peas_in_pods_-_Studio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Were there really scholastics who posed the question: "Could Christ have done his work of redemption equally well if he had come into this world as a pea?"

I read it in Jung but I can't find evidence of such a question anywhere else. Did he just make this example up to make scholastics look foolish, or is there something legitimate here?

>> No.14232643

escapism, cope, same difference

>> No.14232740

>I would like to save someone

You can never save someone, they can only save themselves. It's a self defeating goal in the first place, the moment you save them they cease to be the person you wanted to save. The 'saved' version will never be the version you imagined, for better or for worse.

>> No.14232763

I'm clearly the best writer on this board by a wide margin. How do I graduate?

>> No.14232824

maybe they just want to be a catalyst of good
wanting to save someone does not necessarily mean wanting to save them so they can be indebted to you and you get to keep them

>> No.14232827
File: 137 KB, 1200x958, Trolley+dilemma+survey+poll+gypsydude2_e95bd6_6786692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've NEVER heard the same solution as mine for the trolley problem.

my answer is pull the lever, then pull it again so that one man knows he's special and i consciously chose him to live.

>> No.14232830

fair enough, I think that's a noble goal
but if you're doing it for selfish reasons then it will always backfire, and sometimes our we are blind to our own selfishness. You might think "I want to save this person, because I want them to have a good life and be happy" but you're not realising that you are placing yourself at the centre of this mission, which is selfish. that's not always the case, but it's something people should be careful about.

>> No.14233323

very cute, but what if the guy won't care at all or be grateful, and is actually a real asshole

>> No.14233350
File: 362 KB, 656x410, MarriedSmoothFoxhound.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to hate long paragraphs and especially long paragraphs that were just one sentence, but goddamn if I don't love them now. The more I've been reading, the more I enjoy it. I'm going through 2666 and there are so many sections like these that I'm just in love with the book.

>> No.14233461

hehe this is basically me. I'm just waiting for my vacations to finally go back to writing. On my last one I've wrote six shorts stories, it was not that bad...

>> No.14233471

I've written like 500k words this year.

>> No.14233771

What happens in vermont?

>> No.14233787

I hate America generally, but I've always dreamed of visiting New England. Is it actually nice? Is there any old timey architecture left? How are the people?

>> No.14233838

It depends heavily on the city / town. It’s probably worth a visit if you time it with something else, eg the fall foliage which is legitimately spectacular in some areas.

>> No.14233891

What's the coolest place to go to?

>> No.14234675
File: 3.41 MB, 4032x3024, CF27E17B-A6D4-4323-A32C-95E02891339D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off, we’re full. If you’re gonna come to New England please stay in Connecticut, Rhode Island, or some other trash heap like southern MA

>> No.14234846
File: 8 KB, 199x315, 58542819_2303145973041506_1575854630825361408_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this life? This everyday routine, this must have that most cling to. Is there anyway to break free without breaking myself? To lose the fear of being a man, one must become a beast.

>> No.14235060

Hell is a friendly face and a cold bottle of beer. Christ, have mercy.

>> No.14235073
File: 647 KB, 612x792, 284011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel a sence of comfiness when i imagine that the world we live is in the Cthulhu universe.

>> No.14235078


I don't know why I feel so shitty /lit/. Help me.

>> No.14235100
File: 628 KB, 1920x1080, Hilarious Novel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel the same way about my stories. One is 150k words, two more are hovering between 70-80k. I've got several outlines, dozens of pages of nothing but dialogue, and the like. But none of it is good enough to publish, in my opinion.

I've got two right now that I've been working on for about nine months. One is an erotica light novel and the other is hard science fiction. They both feel good, but I'm afraid the more I write the less I'll like them as a whole and just quit. The light novel is far easier to like because it's much less intense and plays to my strength of characters being very nuanced and unique (according to those I've let read and give me opinions).

Sucks to have extreme stage fright and no confidence in my work to the point that I have an actual fear of revealing my work to anyone. I had to get a friend who lives in California to be my editor because having to look someone in the face and hear their response is taxing emotionally. I wish I wasn't like this.

>> No.14235287


>> No.14235302 [DELETED] 
File: 272 KB, 846x957, sophia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a dream where I woke up in bed with the all but Divine Feminine. The room was small and exquisitely dim, a few small windows let in a PERFECT silence, that was "negatively" silent as in the muffling of noise but "positively" silent as in the stillness of that which makes noise, which I could feel was enormous and expanded indefinitely. It occurred to me how awful noise is, most of all relative to this, how right I am in hating it, and the silence was alleviating me. I sighed "it's so quiet at your place".

>> No.14235325
File: 571 KB, 1491x1491, this man IS kant 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How about you masturbate with your other hand, regardless of what you do with the lever, introducing a new parameter of depravity which, although quantitatively aggravates the problem, it qualitatively counterbalances, some might say reduces, the gravity of both initial options alone? Kant might even masturbate with both hands.

>> No.14235368
File: 272 KB, 846x957, sophia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a dream where I woke up in bed with the all but Divine Feminine. The room was small and exquisitely dim, a few small windows let in a PERFECT silence, that wasn't "negatively" silent as in the muffling of noise but "positively" silent as in the stillness of that which makes noise, which I could feel was enormous and expanded indefinitely. It occurred to me how awful noise is, most of all relative to this, how right I am in hating it, and the silence was alleviating me. I sighed "it's so quiet at your place".

>> No.14235394

>I have about 15 finished first drafts of novels (and probably 30 others that are eternally stuck between 10k-40k words).
fucking publish you nigger

>> No.14235572
File: 8 KB, 201x250, 3C2E3B7C-2F3A-45F0-8EE3-E7A3B5D2746D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last night when we went out with friends, I got so hard under the table just looking at you. I saw you twirling the dainty little scarf you wore to hide the bite marks on your neck that I’d left you. I know you love them. I know you love hiding them too. My erection grew stronger as I tugged on the loose end, teasing you about it while your face grew red in front of them. When you glanced back and fourth with nervous laughter, the light caught your earrings and I grew harder still, knowing that later in the night I’d knock the backings loose with my tongue. God, I love fucking you.

>> No.14235586


>> No.14235633

You lack the seeds of greatness. You're destined to painfully struggle just to be average, just like most of us. Welcome to the club.

>> No.14235663

Keep seething from your irrelevant (and probably shithole) country

>> No.14235819


>> No.14235829

I just finished my first novel and I thought that meant I was going to make it. Now I see you can finish novels and still be a failure. :(

>> No.14235836

what so shitty?

>> No.14235915

you're not ugly but your neuroticism is unattractive

>> No.14236528

Brother I understand your insecurities but the other anon is right you are neurotic to the core. This shit is like a muscle though. You take your shots and you might fuck up a bit at first (or you might not), but nonetheless you work at it and you grow more comfortable in yourself gradually. Girls can smell insecurity its true, but you're not doomed to it. You'll only get more confident if you start putting yourself out there and grow a thicker skin. Basically man up, otherwise you'll wind up a whiny pussy for the rest of your life.

>> No.14236648

I used to feel this way. Some really fucked up things happened to me as a kid and it led to severe body image issues that I had to work through. It can be difficult, trying to see yourself as attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex. You're not ugly dude, you need to be patient with yourself and work on minimizing the zero-state thinking patterns that beat you down. Take small steps, and they can add up to a whole lot. Also, llok into Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Exposure Therapy for social phobias. Seeking help is huge and doing it alone is so hard.

>> No.14237002

The Earth isn’t the center of the solar system but it IS the center of the universe.

>> No.14237075

*takes a hit of the blunt* bruh

>> No.14237101

if there are any BAP paypigs here, you have a duty to share content

>> No.14237152

This isn’t a hits the blunt observation, the particle horizon is necessarily centered around the planet.

>> No.14237413

Have you tried Bing yourslef?

>> No.14237797
File: 186 KB, 500x635, man-who-thought-hed-lost-all-hope-loses-last-additional-21424569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Girl comes in to order food at my wageslave job a few times
>Think she might be the most gorgeous girl I've ever seen
>Don't know anything about her, if she's close to my age, or if she has a bf
>Don't even know if she'll come into my workplace again or if I'll be there if she does since I should start looking for a better job soon
>Can't stop thinking about her, feel sad knowing that I'll probably never get the chance to even have a conversation with her, find it hard to imagine dating other girls

Why shit like this gotta happen bros?

>> No.14237912

If she comes in again, write your name and number on her receipt. Do it, you won’t.
But you should.

>> No.14237934

>tfw intrusive thoughts about friend hating me
>friend doesn't reply to text, but has been online on facebook
Kind of pissed about it because this friend knows I have a lot of trust issues related to people pretending to be nice to me but actually hating me.

>> No.14237954

Jesus H Christ Almighty why does it always have to motherfucking be me that suffers the most while everyone else gets to take their fucking lives for granted? They're fucking celebrated for doing the wrong thing and here I am by myself have to do the bullshit they're too scared to do or too lazy. Like every time that I choose to do this hard thing i'm rewarded with pain. All this fake niceness and smiles and platitudes AREN'T WORTH JACK FUCKING SHIT. YOU DON'T HAVE DEAL WITH THE PAIN I HAVE TO DEAL WITH EVERY FUCKING DAY YOU FUCKING WASTE OF LIVES YOU DON'T KNOW THE SICK SHIT I HAVE TO DEAL WITH EVERY FUCKING DAY AND ACT AS THOUGH IT'S NOT HAPPENING JESUS CHRIST I WANT TO KILL KILL KILL KILLL KILL KILL KILL KILL

>> No.14237970

curious, im an elitist even though i don't fit any of my elitist standards

>> No.14238274

I feel as if I've known her my entire life, as if our souls were forged together long before the birth of all creation, each one the half of the other. We knew, I know we did, both of us back then understood that we would forget and fracture, until it was time on this plane to remember who we are. When I am with her, I am whole again. I'm home. That is how love feels.

>> No.14238377

I used to have similar feelings and problems too, getting privately really angry at friends for ignoring messages even when they knew I was sensitive to such things. But here's the thing: at some point you have to come to terms with the fact that you are not the centre of your friend's life. Now, I'm not suggesting that you think this way consciously, but sometimes the irrational parts of our brains cloud us from realising when we are being selfish. I am sure there have been times in your life when you have been too busy, too exhausted, too distracted to reply to a person's text immediately. Most likely it was a person you really liked and cared for too. You have to extend the same sympathy to other people, as painful as it can be. Often it really really feels like you're being fucked over by the other person, that they're being intentionally callous or insensitive. Sometimes you might even think they are deliberately trying to hurt you by ignoring you. It is hard to ignore these feelings because sometimes this IS the case. But you'll drive yourself insane if you think that way constantly, and you've got to realise that you're not the centre of everybody's lives for every single second of the day.

I'm sure you know this. There is a big difference between knowing how you "should" feel, and how you really feel. But anger is never a constructive emotion, and you should try resolving or sublimating your feelings if you want the relationship to remain healthy.

>> No.14238412

I just gave a pillow to my doggo and now he comfy and smiling.

>> No.14238441

They don't even get receipts unless asked for. Why would I do something as stupid as that and possibly completely weird her out instead of talking to her first?

>> No.14238499
File: 194 KB, 512x442, rio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Laugh it off and keep going

>> No.14238588

Don’t listen to the pessimistic cunts of this place. Focus on what brings you joy, and you will find peace and healing from your ills. I promise you that.

>> No.14238741

Reading Anna Karenina rn at part 3.
Am i supposed to have sympathy for Vronsky and Anna? They're the worst parts of the book so far, i keep dropping the book for a day or two whenever i hit one of their parts.
I've read other larger works and this has never happened.

>> No.14238861

What's better?
>"A novel"
I know it's a small difference, but that's on my mind. The article "a" makes it sound like it's just one of many other. A "the" would make it look like a film-made-into-book adaptation.

>> No.14238884

Just tile, then author in smaller font. A book is a book and it does not need labeling. The title alone should be an edifice to the ideas contained.

>> No.14238891

i don't even look at books with the author's name as a priority

>> No.14238904


>> No.14238967
File: 27 KB, 232x380, 95A55968-3AB7-4121-9467-03E35CEE574B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are plenty of pretentious cunts here who would argue otherwise.

>> No.14238984

yes. the title should give away, if it's fiction or non-fiction, but I'd like to know if I'm in for a novel, novella, or shorts
it's mostly the publisher's idea to promote an author that sells. also: sequels should be easy to spot.

>> No.14239049

I remember Jim Norton saying "it's either all okay, or none of it's okay" and that is how I've been acting these past years. I went from not caring at all, to making every decision I make to be a moral problem. Any advice?

>> No.14239195
File: 83 KB, 838x631, 838_gettyimages-613470530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone here enjoyed Roald Dahl's childrens stories when they were young, like I did, then I must recommend you read some of his adult short stories. I found Completely Unexpected Tales today in a second-hand bookstore I like and I'm really enjoying it. I'm curious about Switch Bitch too, which I'll certainly read next. He was probably the first writer I loved which I read myself, after Enid Blyton who was read to me a lot when I was very young. His adult stories have that same sense of humour that made the childrens stories so enjoyable.

>> No.14239236

are we smart? we seem smart. but we are smart, why are we so miserable? i don't think i want to be smart anymore. but it's too late.

>> No.14239357


All wrong. The correct way is
>Stephen King - 47 (the 47th book by King)

If it's a series
>Stephen King - /47 (for the beginning of the series)
>Stephen King - 49/ (for the end)

>> No.14239403

based autist

>> No.14239639
File: 35 KB, 300x353, 1551738679211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>misogynist and literal nazi
>have exclusively dated jewish girls who dominate me

>> No.14239656

so you're not a misogynist or a nazi?

>> No.14239711


Relax, Pajit. Everything will be alright. I like Indians because of their high level of social conscientiousness.

>> No.14239712

i wish magic were real

>> No.14239735

off to work anons, wish me luck today =)

>> No.14239744

have a good job time

>> No.14239906

>tfw grew up in a family of short, hairy, nasally-voiced obnoxious and pushy big titty Jewish women

They are gremlins. How could you possibly want to fuck one?

>> No.14239956

jew detected

>> No.14239968

I wonder if its possible to cure neurosis by reading a lot of relevant stuff about it or its just big time waste which strengthens it.

>> No.14240088

fuck off. I'm Iranian. I'm whiter than you

>> No.14240114

Oy vey

>> No.14240193
File: 510 KB, 750x894, 09E71AA9-C0EA-4E06-853F-8B7C1D74FD2C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to know how



a girlfriend

>> No.14240931

eye contact and firm handshake

>> No.14241085

you're killing my fucking NOfap streak U god damn fagget

>> No.14241113

Use your wagecuck job to your advantage. If she comes in again, low-key flirt with her, tell her something nice about her hair or clothes or something, then ask for her number. She's going to feel pressed to give it to you, especially if there's someone else around, because otherwise she'll be labelled a gold digger

>> No.14241115


>> No.14241126

How old are you? If you're not fully autistic, the hardest part about it honestly is just to be active/social enough in order to meet a large number of females on a constant basis. Things naturally develop from there. Either that or go berserk on Tinder.

>> No.14241143
File: 478 KB, 750x742, D6B2F7BC-B196-4F3C-9D45-584BAD14A4A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am unironically 18 but I don't understand women

>> No.14241375

you got plenty of time ahead kiddo, I'm 25 and still no gf

>> No.14241415

I don't want to BE like you though. I want a girlfriend now

>> No.14241504

Than get your priorities in order, retard.

>> No.14241552

I found out today that the woman at work whom I’ve been obsessed with for months is moving to a different office building with the rest of her department at the end of this week. This is in Manhattan, so it means that after this week I will never see her again in my life.

>> No.14241560

wrote this earlier today:

'Twas his fourth brithday, and poor lil' Mattie had gone through the same suffering as any high-schooler goes during their family birthday celebrations. Shame and disgust reign in these celebrations, but the young boy had already decided not to celebrate any of his anniversaries on this valley of tears, anymore. A conclusion most people come to realize on their late 20s. This was all because of his retarded, millennial parent, Andrew. Andrew had a fixation to extreme, bizarre pranks, probably due to his Conservative upbringing in a Reaganite, SBC household.

What triggered so much lil' Mattie to ask his Mother "no more birzzdays, Mommy"? Alas, in his 1st brithday, his Father had decided to give the little, "boring" baby a little fright, so things cheered up in their "boring" home. "Things are, like, errr, so boring since he came, like, uhm, Idk, lol", he replied after his (still) wife asked him why on Earth had he decided to introduce a North American cougar into the backyard of their rented house (which was her boomer dad's property).

Unsatisfied by this, the lil' shit (Andrew) began planning his present for Matty during the funeral Mass held soon ater, celebrated for the eternal salvation of the 3 kids and 5 adults killed by the animal (including one of Matty's best friends). The family held this new birthday celebration in the parking lot of an abandoned fast-food joint. His (still) father-in-law had decided to evict them from his property after the incident, and they had had to move to an inner-city area. "It's so cool, there are so many abandoned houses I can sneak in, and look for more Pokémons on my 'Pokémon Go!' game!", said the son-of-a-bitch (Andrew) when asked by their new neighbour, Tyrone about "how they like their new neighbourhood", after giving them a warm, welcoming greeting.

Back to Matty's chain of disfortunate birthday celebrations. That motherfucker (his Father, Andrew) was kept out of the whole organisation of the event by his (soon-to-be ex) wife. While she walked around the parking lot in some tight, white leggins and a short, pink top, she asked her (still) husband to go look for some balloons, as to keep him busy. This was the only way she could make sure everything went nicely. Thank God good ol' Tyrone was there to take care of her, and help her out in all her needs. That lil' piece of shit (Andrew) came back right when Matty's friends (the few that had dared to come this time) sang "Happy Birthday" to our lil' friend. That dipshit (Andrew) decided it would be fun to put the gloves above his son right after the song was finished. "Kinda like these titles that show up in my FF videogame, after you won, lol", that idiot (Andrew) said to the local TV station after the incident. The helium in the balloons got too...


>> No.14241565

much heat because of how close to the candles they were held by the retard autist (Andrew), and burst in flames. Luckily enough, no deaths were to be mourned in the aftermath, only a few kids and 2 adults in the hospital for minor burns. "i am so sorry, little buddy", said deep imbecile (Andrew) after they came back home from the hospital. This was more than enough for Matty's Mother, and she cried in Tyrone's strong arms in the waiting room of the hospital, she decided to fill for a divorce. The family economy was severly hurt because of the split up of the couple.

A year passed, and recently-turned-3-years-old lil' Matty had to leave for his father's new home, since it was a weekend, and in accordance to the divorce arrangements. As he stepped out of Tyrone's truck, he said bye to his step-father and his 6 months-old baby sister, Mulattoe Shaniqua. "Godd bye, son, stay safe. Love you!", responded Tyrone. As the vehicle drove away, the lil' dense motherfucker (Andrew) stepped out of his house. "Hi, amigo. Sup? I got you a present for your birthday! It's in the kitchen/living room/bedroom!", exclaimed to lil' Matty. Matty had had a great birthday celebration for his 3rd birthday party, and the jow that filled him made him so excited he ran into the house. "Wow!", shouted Matty. "A Nintendo Switch?! Thanks Andrew", said to his Dad. The weather was rather rainy, so neither of them was up for any outdoor activities. They spent the whole weekend in, only going out for a quick trip to Walmart to get some Onions Latte drinks and Cheetos. When Tyrone came back with his truck Sunday evening and honked, lil' Matty came out of the house and slowly walked through the front yard, and into the cabin. "Sup, boi. What's da problem?", asked his new Dad (Tyrone). "Nuthin'?", replied Matty, with a frowning expression. What Matty didn't want to share with his new Father was that the weekend-long gaming session had consisted of hours of his Father (the retarded one) 'showing him how to play', , since he was "such a fucking noob, lol", as the moron (Andrew) had said to his 3-y.o. son.

The rage filled up lil' Matty's body and mind. Mental images depicting suffering and horror filled his mind. Another year passed. Andrew had to move in with his ex wife and Daddy Tyrone, into their basement, to be precise. it was all because of Andrew "not being 'emploid'", or something of that sort, as Matty understood from poking about right outside of the couple's bedroom. He also heard a lot of bed screeching, and sometimes Mommy began moaning, like she was experiencing great suffering, but after a long 30 minutes period, she talked with such a pleasant tone. It probably was some grown-ups' game.

>> No.14241577
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The doomed day came: lil' Matty's 4th birthday. Mother and Daddy (Tyrone) had organised the whole party, making sure Andrew (somebody's father?) stood aside from all of it. After weeks of crying and whining, Andrew had been allowed to come out of the basement for 5 minutes (as soon as all candles were put out), so he could give Matty a present. The house was fully-packed with friends of the new family, and allies and members of Tyrone's gang. After the gangstas paid their respects to Tyrone and his family, Matty's surviving friends sang "Happy Birthday", and he blew out the candles, Andrew was allowed out of his home/ex wife's basement. He wore black leggins and a Stranger Things t-shirt, and he smelt like Dr. Pepper and gluten-free avocado toasts. He carrried a small package that gave Matty (his biological son). Matty couldn't open it by himself, because of the PTSD kicking in right in that moment. The whole crowd stood in an awkward silence, and Tyrone, an alfa male, asked one of his subordinates to help his heir out. Everyone was terribly shocked when they were able to take a peek of what it was: a shotgun. "Wtf, yo!?" excalimed some gang members and Matty's friends. All glares took the general direction of Andrew, who then said: "I know, I know, all guns should be banned. lol, still I thought it would be fun, because of all the PoC guys around the neighbourhood. One of my favourite YouTubers did this once. Also, my parents' would love it...l". This was an obvious act of protest of Andrew against his strict parents, who lived in rural Alabama, loved those evil, noisy guns that Andrew hated so much.. "Wtf, bro, this white boi crazy...", some members of the audience began whispering. Lil' Matty's face began to turn as red as his t-shirt. Mommy was crying uncontrolably again in Tyrone's arms. Just like in his second birthday. He was already fed up. He could feel all the ageing hormones pumping through his veins, due to all the stress Andrew was causing him with his retarded pranks. He raised the gun and shot thrice. FIN

This is my first time posting any oc on this board, thx for the feedback. I wrote as things came to my mind. Maybe changed a couple of things while typing. Never revised, since it's a piece of trash anyways.

>> No.14241582

ask her out

>> No.14241587

>since it's a piece of trash anyways
well you're not wrong

>> No.14241595

This, you've got nothing to lose

>> No.14241653

Tell them how much you browse /lit/, it shows an interest in high-brow discussions on deep topics such as western philosophy and classic literature. It helps if you keep browsing. In fact, browse more. As much as you can!

>> No.14241726


>> No.14241743

I really want to but I really don’t have the balls for it. She does have a really approachable coworker she’s close friends with whom I’ve spoken with before. Thinking of talking to her about the move and bringing up her friend. (Yes, I am this much of a coward.)

>> No.14241853

in a few years i don't think i will be able to remember a day in which i wasn't thinking about killing myself

>> No.14242086


>> No.14242419

what's wrong, anon?

>> No.14242620

thanks anon. i was very busy but my boss told me i'd be getting a small $900 bonus next paycheck on top of my usual one, so that was nice.

>> No.14242835

Reading psychoanalysis definitely helped resolve some internal tensions for me. It's not a cure all, but it gave me insight into some of my own issues and put me on a path toward resolving them.

>> No.14242865
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Do you realize you're not a robot? Not having the balls for it is not a quality, it's a choice.
You can choose to leap off a tall building, which doing something you're so afraid of doing is the emotional equivalent of. With the key difference that you won't die, because you're in the Matrix, bitch. The moment you have done it, you'll realize what a great illusion your fear was.
Take the leap, anon. You don't want to die a pussy. You don't have to. Trust me. You do not have to. Just jump. Close your eyes if you gotta.

>> No.14242902

Life feels kind of hopeless for me right now. There have been so many set backs, so many battles. I finally beat them all, or most of them, but I have another one to fight and I just don’t know if I have it in me. I spent so much time addressing others’ future and present that I totally neglected my own. Every path where I apply effort or have any interest just seems to dissolve in front of me.

I’m 26. I hate my job and I really have no interest in a traditional career. Blue collar, white collar, it doesn’t matter. I never have wanted one and probably never will. I’m a spartan minimalist and live an austere life. My only real possessions are my phone, laptop, and books. I’d live a nomadic life as well, if I didn’t have student loans to pay. I need an income. For that, I need a place to stay fixed. I’ll probably be a bachelor for quite some time, if not forever.

I think I’d want to join the Army as an Officer or maybe go to graduate school and study the Classics. I feel like both options actually fit my inclinations quite well but neither seems to be much of an option for me thanks to my abysmally low undergraduate GPA. Im such an insult. Or rather, I’m smart. At least, I think I am. I just had a rough go in undergrad. I worked full time, was the victim of a crime, got seriously sick, miraculously got better, and my fucking family was killed. I lost a bunch of people. No one seemed to really and truly care then. They don’t now.

I don’t really know what else to do. My current life is just at odds with my nature and utterly meaningless.

It’s not even that I have some great ambition. I’m not future oriented, not really. I know careerists and wannabe somebodies. I’m not like that. You won’t take my word for it, but that’s okay.

I know I can’t take any of this shit with me when I’m gone, not even my reputation. That’s not what I’m after. I need an environment I can grow and push my limits. This? This isn’t that environment. There’s no challenge here. This is just waiting room for a new car, house, boat, etc. I want spiritual transformation and I’m just not getting that here. I’d be lying if I said I don’t think about ending it sometimes.

>> No.14242921

I have problems. I spoke to her once before, with no subtext, just to offer her access to my department’s stocked kitchen, and I could barely get the words out. There was ringing in my ears and I felt like I’d swallowed my tongue. I understand the idea of approaching someone in theory and that rejection is not the end of the world in theory. In practice my mind and body shut down in the moment.

>> No.14242998

this writing is sincere in a way few people could ever be

>> No.14243043

Excellent writing, anon. It reads as though it’s genuine, so I will assume it is. I’d caution you against identifying too much with the notion that someone else did this to you, particularly with ill will.

I lost someone I love and kicked the benzos 2 years ago. I’ve been sober since. Sympathies, anon.

>> No.14243054

I just want to leave

>> No.14243264

Not only do I disagree, but imagine for a moment that this is true - why say it? To feel like you're better than everyone else. Which is also a cope for the fact that you're irrelevant and going to die to.

It's ultimately an utterly pointless thing to say or consider, like simulation theory.

>> No.14243299

My roommate barely cleans the kitchen and it's obvious because when I went to deep clean the place there were dead bugs fried onto the lightbulb above the stovetop and crusted food gunk burnt into the heaters. When I stored food in the cupboards one time I opened it the next day and found insects crawling around inside. The freezer had the same open half eaten case of chicken breasts in it for two months and they turned weird shades of purply brown. The sink always smells like something rotting in the pipes and he likes to leave his dishes in there for weeks and let food residue build up on the sides. When he's drunk (that is, every weekend) he leaves beer cans everywhere and won't take out his own trash or clean up the usual mix of vomit, spilled liquor, piss, blood, and glass shards.
I'm slow to anger but every time I clean I'm on the verge of losing it with this guy. It's not that hard to clean everything a little bit so that filth doesn't pile up.

>> No.14243406

It’s astounding how many couples I know found each other through a dating app. I don’t doubt their happiness, yet I feel that the process, the technology, all of it, is debasing. They’ve simply found the best deal when they’ve looked for it, like shopping on Black Friday. The lack of a sense of kismet that comes with having met randomly, and the overwhelming sense that this is a transaction like any other online, the search for the best possible deal, is horrifying. A few couples I know seem to understand that there’s something tawdry about it. They’ll conceal the fact that they actually met through an app and say it was mutual friends.

>> No.14243430
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never thought about it that way before. westerners are disgusted by the imposition of marriage arranged by their parents, but entirely comfortable with an algorithm doing the arranging for them

>> No.14243443

The algorithm knows everything about you and your likings while your parents don't.

>> No.14243497

Zizek talks about this, his main point in that much of the beauty of “falling in love” comes from the fall, something which is absent in online dating

>> No.14243503

Then teach yourself. Take baby steps if you must. You can do it.

>> No.14243509

Byung-chil Han's The Agony of Eros talks about that too.

>> No.14243518

I remember a while back an anon here saying that the early natural philiosphers saw their work and knowledge as affirming the divine and increasing their wonder at the world, it’s stuck with me because it describes a similar, but undeveloped feeling I’ve had. Does anyone know any books / writers I could study to try to more fully embrace that worldview?

>> No.14243721

I'll have to check that out.

>> No.14244496

this one's a lost cause. turns out she has a boyfriend anyway.

>> No.14244567

I'm a very social person but I've struggled with nausea/anxiety for the past like seven years of my life. Like in my mind I'll be 100% completely fine and comfortable in a social situation, but my body will freak out - I'll be jittering all over the place and needing to throw up (sometimes having to dash away to actually throw up). It's like there's some repressed part of my body that still wants to freak out, even when I've masted my nerves inside my head.

Anyway, like I said I've dealt with this for years and years, incrementally getting better but never truly resolving it. But I watched some dumb ass advice on a Youtube video a few months ago and for some fucking reason it actually worked. They said not to try and ignore/suppress the feeling of nausea or anxiety, but to acknowledge it and treat it "like a friend". This sort of neutralises the feeling and then it just kinda fades away. I guess the idea is that if you get nervous about feeling nervous it just makes it worse, but if you treat it like something normal then it becomes benign.

It's weird, I've actually done CBT with a psych before and I've been on meds and all that junk, but this was the first thing that actually worked for me, and it's such a dumb trick.

>> No.14244577

I was 60% sure he was a Jehovah's Witness but then he mentioned holidays and birthdays and I was 85% sure and then he finally said it and I knew for a fact that I was talking to a Jehovah's Witness.

>> No.14245390

Well, you should start with the Greeks, anon.


>> No.14245445

please stop fucking haunting me just leave me alone

>> No.14245605

a fuckin hour man

>> No.14245645

I’ll have to try this. Lately I’ve been trying to have very short interactions with random women at work to try to get used to it.

>> No.14245649

Haven't cummed

>> No.14245776


>> No.14246187

What did it help you to understand?

>> No.14246347
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Why are women the perfect muse?

>> No.14246543

cuz mother nature and all of that shit. we look in woman for the beauty that once was with us, when we were simpler beings who worship the earth, the sun, the skies.

>> No.14246548

I have until saturday to write at least 12 pages for an essay or I'm going to fail my communication theories class. Fuck. Wish me luck boys.

>> No.14246550

>4 days left

>> No.14246562

Right? I just need to stop procrastinating and do it. I'm going to Uni now just to sit there and write, because when I'm on home there's always something to distract me.

>> No.14246565

if you ask her friend, her friend will think your weird and certainly not viable material for her friend. Ask her yourself or you will fail for sure.

>> No.14246576

yes anon. set your mind of writing and go through it.

>> No.14246649

I just found out you can't buy the nassal decongestant, brand name for sudafed, in my hometown because it's commonly used to make meth. It hit home how decayed and morbid middle America has become. Rates of so called "diseases of despair" such as suicide and drug abuse, has climbed steadily, with suicide so high for those between 25-35 that it has lowered the life expectancy for three years in a row.
The elites in their coddled urban enclaves and bubbles see the world through rose-tinted glasses. Everything is humming along. If only they would be more positive! Then they could be successful like me. Well it isn't working; and out of the rot will sprout the hand of a monster.

>> No.14246653

>nassal decongestant pseudoephedrine, brand name sudafed,

>> No.14246661

I can't buy my allergy medication over the counter any more because it's considered a component in some other drug

>> No.14246669

It's four pages man. I hope you don't call yourself a writer.

>> No.14247010


>> No.14247021

She has a boyfriend. Not going to ask her. I made the mistake of falling for how she looked. The more I find out about her, even apart from the boyfriend, the less I like.

>> No.14247183

A nearby sex shop is looking for employees and I think it so funny I kinda want to apply.

>> No.14247228

They’re really not, have you ever talked to a woman?

>> No.14247264

Do it. Put a lot of sex jokes in resume.

>> No.14247306

I'm really contemplating the idea of "bad things happening to good people".
I know it might sound pretencious but I'm really trying to do good in every single situation. Being good towards my coworkers, my gf, doing shit for my body and soul.. and I'm having this terrible sequence of shitty situations.

I don't want to cuck out and be a Job figure, fuck fate and reclaim your place under the sun, right?
And then next shit hits me.

>> No.14247410

kek, GOOD idea.
Honestly the main thing holding me back is that you can't submit your resume digitally but have to do it in-store.

>> No.14247418


That's even better. Show up in a suit and affect the demeanor of a wall-street broker.

>> No.14247685

just go in naked

>> No.14247868

I chuckled at this

>> No.14247888

Fpbp and /lit/ approved

>> No.14248763

It helped me better understand the nature of desire and of pleasure. One big thing it taught me how we often identify ourselves with our own suffering, and even as we nominally strive to reduce our suffering we actually derive pleasure from failing at this goal. This is a very different message to all the weak pansy mental health bullshit advice you hear these days, which all focus on "oh it's not your fault, it's just a chemical imbalance etc etc you shouldn't feel bad about feeling bad it is just who you are, it is outside the scope of your responsibility."

Lacanian psychoanalysis also focus a lot on the "object cause" of desire. The unattainable goal of desire which drives us. It prompted me to think more about what was REALLY motivating my actions. Was I really doing such and such because it was what I wanted to do, or was I doing it for some more unconscious reason.

Reading psychoanalysis was a wake up call. I realised that I DID find surplus enjoyment in being miserable, and that this fact was what was preventing me from improving myself. It helped me to understand that much of what I did was motivated by the desire to reach something impossible and unattainable. Once I'd had this realisation I was able to reorient myself and reprioritise my goals, and I would say I'm a lot better now. But it's a long road, and reading books won't change your life. I've always been curious to know how real life talk therapy would help me, but it's obviously quite rare and not very cheap these days.

>> No.14248861

i keep planning to write, then not doing it and spending all day on 4chan. when i'm not on 4chan, i'm with my friends. my friends are always bothering me to hang out or to play games with them, and i don't have the spine to say no. when i finally escape their clutches and go home, i'm too angry and resentful to write, even though it's my own fault for not being straight with them - that i want to be left alone - and for not using the time i do have productively. in fairness, if i was honest they'd start a sophist game of 20 questions about what it is i find more fun than being with them, and were i to be honest in that game they'd bother me about seeing my writing, so it's not completely unreasonable to be upset: it's none of their fucking business. it's not unreasonable for me to expect some privacy. not creating anything is killing me, creating something will probably destroy my friendships one way or another. continuing as i am now will probably destroy both. i just want to be left in peace for a while. what a mess.

>> No.14248914

Heh, I was up last night contemplating this same dilemma. I have this problem but with my housemates, who are even more inescapable. I know if I had stronger self control it would be a non issue, but I struggle to say no to them. I've been thinking of going to the library after work, and working then. I'm thinking even maybe staying longer at work after my shift ends and using the space to write.

>> No.14248967

Is this some local roast you are infatuated over?

>> No.14249049

She is just some girl. I don't think I should post a picture of the actual girl I am infatuated with right now on 4chan

>> No.14249344

do it pussy

>> No.14249484

don't do it dude

>> No.14250315

Get used to it.

>> No.14250626

Don't know what's on my mind

>> No.14250633

This all started about a month ago around when I picked up my new car. As I pulled out of the dealership I contemplated going to the hardware store to buy a garden hose. I could go to the park near the train station, where I normally leave my car when the lot at the station is full and pipe in the fumes from the exhaust. I decided against it and chose to take the train to work instead. While waiting for the train I kept as far away from the edge of the platform as I could. I was half attracted and half repelled at the idea of throwing myself on the track. It would have made such a mess for someone. The car would have been a better solution. As the train approached, improbably, I ran into my mother. She rarely takes the train into the city. She sat with me on the ride in. She didn’t notice the grimace on my face, or if she did, didn’t say anything. The grimace was a new addition, and as far as I could tell, was the only outward sign that I was going through some kind of depression.

>> No.14250642

About two months prior is when I first noticed the beautiful blond woman at work. She was not classically beautiful, and in fact had a rather big forehead. But she was unconventionally attractive, which is my type. She was in her early 30s, but looked slightly older and more put together, and was unmarried. Being 35 at the time, she intrigued me. I’ve never had any facility with women. If I talk to one, even about mundane topics, without subtext, I’m bound to blush and be unable to maintain eye contact. I couldn’t talk to her, but seeing her, I could imagine being happy with her. People associate love at first sight with romance, and romance with women, but it is actually men who fall in love at first sight. Men fall in love with the image of the woman, and then if things work out, accept her personality as well. Even just seeing her, my infatuation with this woman grew out of my control.

>> No.14250660

A combination of my infatuation and my approaching 36th birthday had me on edge. I was more anxious than usual, though didn't yet exhibit signs that were alarming to me. I attributed it all to pre-birthday jitters. Unwittingly, I was primed for a crisis. About a month and a half after the blond entered my life, I started reading The Elementary Particles. It fascinated me in a way that I hadn't experienced in my life. I had been moved by novels before, especially Anna Karenina, which I'd read and reread and reread. But something about this particular book affected me in a different way.

>> No.14250697

I recall sitting in my car at the train station before driving home that night, the night I finished the book, reflecting on the story, and weeping. I kept thinking about the brothers, Michel and Bruno, and how unfairly they'd been abandoned by their mother. How they were left to fend for themselves and because of their being abandoned could never know love. At some point in this reflection I made the connection that my subconscious had been alerting me to the entire time I'd been reading the book, that this book fascinated me because I'd been abandoned. That I couldn't love, like the brothers couldn't love. I was weeping ostensibly for the brothers, but actually for myself. When I was seven my parents had divorced and my mother left. She didn't go join a new age hippie group like in the book. Worse, she left the country to work for a multinational corporation. I would see her on summer vacations. I wept bitterly and never trusted a woman again.

>> No.14251320
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>> No.14251326

my heart... Please, stop... anon.

>> No.14251427

I just cant seem to focus when reading.

>> No.14251473

Should I read Francisco Suarez?

>> No.14251614

Shit thats hard. Did you never had a gf?

>> No.14252006

how are you supposed to message girls on tinder?
I have a few dozen matches, some of them message me first and I ghost all of them because I don’t even know where to start

>> No.14252385

I was hit with a sudden urge to travel yesterday. With Christmas around, prices are horrendous, so it's really not the time. I'll actually be out of town for a couple days starting tomorrow, which I hope will soothe the feeling. If it doesn't I'll explore one of the many small villages surrounding my hometown, that's always been fun and interesting. But man, I wanna see new.

Don't say "hello", "what's up", "how are you", etc., they get tons of comments like that. It helps to draw a link to something written on their profile, or something fun/unusual about their pictures.

>some of them message me first and I ghost all of them
Why? What are they saying that leaves you speechless?

>> No.14252412

I'm instinctively against abortion. Calling a fertilized egg cell or a foetus a "cell lump" seems to be a gross simplification. Some kind of process has been set in motion, whose further development seems worthy of protection. But forcing women to give birth is just as barbaric as flushing away the lifeless remains of a growing body.

What are we to do? I don't think we can determine the beginning of life definitely. For this the whole question is too charged with all sorts of philosophical drama - drama that does not only take place in philosopher heads, but in everyone. Somehow a purely biological view is out of the question (if there is one) and the big questions of life and meaning become apparent. This struggle over the beginning of life will continue for ever and is all too human, like the struggle between cold materialism and warm-hearted albeit dreamy idealism. I believe that there is a practical solution though: the complete renunciation of vaginal intercourse - except for the deliberate creation of a child. Christianity had chosen the right approach. It had banned certain sexual practices as sinful. Only they confused the good and the bad holes.

Life is worth protecting. This principle should be above anything else. The question of when a child begins cannot be clarified beyond doubt. In case of doubt, one should choose the safe path and protect the maybe or maybe not living thing. The means we have at our disposal are: forcing a pregnant woman to have her baby, or refraining from vaginal sex (since this is the only 100% safe way of avoiding pregnancy). The former is beyond question, as it is barbaric. The latter is merely difficult, as it derives us of a pleasureable experience.

>> No.14252434

"hey" "hello" or "ur eyes are pretty"
everything feels wrong when there's no physicality, I can't understand or take interest in women without body or voice... is easy to tell within a minute of meeting a girl if she's interested but abstracting the sexual games into this nonreality is making me autistic

>> No.14252476

why the fuck am I unable to reply to threads on /adv/, I get a connection error

>> No.14252541

Disable adblock?

>> No.14252693

I live in fear of old chatlogs coming back to bite me. Decades could pass and the things I have said would still be sufficient to get cancelled.

>> No.14252987

I feel inferior

>> No.14253007

Eat by burp froth.

>> No.14253017

I have a particularly salient thing to write but want to wait for the new thread. Hurry up and post something.

>> No.14253071

holy shit my dude, that was beautiful. Please do post any more experiences you've had like this, it was very captivating.

>> No.14253076

I have a non-close friend in a group chat in which i have said some very questionable things and I am terrified they will one day snitch on me lol
Well i guess i dug this grave myself

>> No.14253255

I don't understand why the thermostat is set to heat the place but keeps pumping out cold air.

>> No.14253259

but why can I post just fine elsewhere? the boards I usually visit, anyway.

>> No.14253268

this post reminds me of a scene from Withnail & I
if you haven't seen it, watch it, it's a great British dark comedy and pretty /lit/ as well

>> No.14253635



>> No.14253748


>> No.14254111

New thread when? Is there a procedure?

>> No.14254171

