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14232977 No.14232977 [Reply] [Original]

Who are some thinkers that give a response to modernity that is not reactionary but rather try to rekindle our sense of wonder and give us a direction/strategy that leads us toward something entirely new?

>> No.14232979
File: 10 KB, 250x291, 34643567537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically, Rene Guenon.

>> No.14232981

I said not reactionary

>> No.14232988

Whitehead and Deleuze

>> No.14232999

New Sincerity or known as post-postmodernism

>> No.14233001
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>Thinking Guenon is a Right wing Nationalist

>> No.14233008

Jordan Peterson

>> No.14233012

Jordan Peterson is a crypto Nazi though

>> No.14233017

If you are"responding" to modernity instead of just being a modernist, you are reactionary

>> No.14233019

new sincerity is reactionary. it is also a bad meme. dee eff dubs is a hack.

>> No.14233020

Read Curtis Yarvin
Neo-reaction is more neo than reaction

>> No.14233021

>old GOOD new BAD
>not reactionary
also his silly idea of primordial tradition is inherently reactionary

>> No.14233059


>> No.14233069

Just follow reddit and mainstream news since you're obviously going to reject any non-retarded suggestion anyway

>> No.14233071

This. Stop recommending this hack.

>> No.14233085



>> No.14233089
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>> No.14233091

Unironically, post WWII Evola.

>> No.14233101

Also Heiddegger

If someone says Heiddegger was a “reactionary” just because he was a nazi (nazism was not reactionary btw), then how come he influenced Sartre, Merlot-Ponty and other progressivists?

>> No.14233103

Guenon was a huge critic of Traditionalism & Orthodox Christianity. He was a Neo-Traditionalist

>> No.14233105

OP said not reactionary

>> No.14233108
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Oh, if only that were true. I could feel less embarassed for my country.

>> No.14233113
File: 24 KB, 260x383, Economic_and_Philosophic_Manuscripts_of_1844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

marx, read pic related

>> No.14233139

Post-WWII Evola was a full on non-active (in the Taoist sense) accelerationist (let the Kali Yuga play itself out). Spiritually he embraced Tantra and the Left Hand path as the only efficient means in the Kali Yuga, as the traditional Vedic teachings and Right Hand paths no longer were effective.

>> No.14233164

((((((leo)))))))) (((((((((((((((((((strauss))))))))))))))))))))
taught that all great thinkers hid their true beliefs

>> No.14233173
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Ahhh, finally...

>> No.14233225

stfu pseud

>> No.14233245

Ayn Rand's whole shit was basically trying to sacralize modernity without the supernatural.

>> No.14233409

That's not what reactionary means

>> No.14233501

What you said is basically the whole idea of marxism (excepting for its shit tier meme marxist leninists thinkers like Lenin)

>> No.14233563

where to start with marxism?

>> No.14233582

A rope

>> No.14233598

Like the other anon said, read the 1844 Manuscripts, then the communist manifesto, the german ideology, wage labor and capital, and then Capital (in that order). Fill in the gaps with any other text you like. Oh, and the prologue of the 1857 contribution to critique is mandatory

>> No.14233679

Deleuze def rekindled a sense of wonder for me

>> No.14233682


>> No.14233689

>nobody says Heidegger
fucking retards i swear

>> No.14233709

Someone did say Heidegger but Heidegger is bunk anyway.

>> No.14233717

Seems interesting, could you perhaps explain Blumenberg's essential thoughts and ideas?

>> No.14233744

William James had his dick in Postmodern ass before it was past the age of consent

>> No.14233746

Marxism, Deleuze, Foucault, Whitehead, the American Pragmatists

>> No.14233825

I am so proud of you anon.

>> No.14233875

Not that guy, but I would recommend you read both Richard Rorty's, and Martin Jay's reviews of Legitimacy of the Modern Age if you want a sense of Blumenberg's project. I don't think they're paywalled.

Eric Voegelin and Ivan Illich are both worth a look.

Voegelin is so much more than Buckley and Co's tedious invocations of him. Illich isn't just a guy who hates school, and definitely isn't pining for the middle ages as midwits would have you believe.

>> No.14233932

>Eric Voegelin
How is it going in Virginia, Professor Olavo de Carvalho?

>> No.14233947

Other people read Voegelin profitably besides that dork. Virgin

>> No.14233973

You haven't actually read guenon have you?

>> No.14233977
File: 34 KB, 300x400, william desmond.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BTFOs Hegel
>BTFOs modernity
>BTFOs trannies
>BTFOs the technocratic drone human optimizing "consciousness-is-epiphenomenal" bugman slime cave nigger scourge
>rehabilitates Being as absolute plenitude
>all with an Irish brogue

no one /lit/ talks about this dude

>> No.14233982


>> No.14234434

Best answer.

>> No.14234465

Read Max Weber's stuff on the "Disenchantment of the World"

>> No.14234935

Red pill me

>> No.14234938

O-okay guénonposter

>> No.14234939

Terence Mckenna, his book Food of the Gods deals with this in abundance

>> No.14234946

Guénon & Evola were just dumb orientalists.

>> No.14234955

yeah he became a mental camel-piss-sipper

>> No.14234965

Hart Crane

>> No.14235387

>give me thinkers that created postmodernism by criticizing modernism
also there is no point because what you want you are going to call it fascism or reactionary

>> No.14235405

Pasolini, Pavese

>> No.14235412


>> No.14236156


>> No.14236274

This. Based.

>> No.14236282

How dare you do that to a national treasure D:<

>> No.14236377

This apu literally got a "aww" reaction outta me. Nice working spreading the fuzziness anon. Thanks and peace unto you sibling.