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/lit/ - Literature

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14230912 No.14230912 [Reply] [Original]

Why does this guy make losers seethe?

>> No.14230924

They know first hand the game is rigged, life is miserable, and therefore Pinker is wrong.

>> No.14230932


>> No.14230937


>> No.14230938

Only because they are entitled and expect things to come to them. Hit the gym and start nofap and you will start to see results.

>> No.14230943

Because everyone knows the air filled with explosive gas. I can't fucking wait


>> No.14231308


>> No.14231323

Soulless materialist

>> No.14231333

>tfw Pinker tried to start libel litigation and got BTFO at discovery

>> No.14231334

Because he's stupid, his philosophy is all fucked up, yet he is successful and well regarded.

>> No.14231345

Cause he thinks physical comfort and longevity are the key to happiness


>> No.14231375

What happened, I’m unfamiliar with this particular Pinker story

>> No.14231379

cause he is a gender realist on a wide array of psychological claims

>> No.14231385
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>> No.14231394

If you mostly fuck 15 year olds you probably do wind up with a warped view of women

>> No.14231417
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Why yes, I am entitled, how could you tell?

>> No.14232014
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>> No.14232025


Because if you're a loser, it's obviously not your fault, therefore you criticize society. When then someone comes forward with hard evidence that society is better than ever you are forced to concede that you are at fault. People don't like doing this so they just go full ad hominem and drop their spaghetti all over the place.

>> No.14232051

Pinker is smart and he certainly knows his area of expertise. However, there's a level of self-awareness that he is lacking. He is not like some of these philistine scientists who smugly dismiss philosophy (I would like to choke them) but he still does does not understand philosophy for all the philosophic assertions he makes.

Of course we are accustomed to thinking that scientific statements are somehow epistemologically superior to philosophical statements. Philosophy is, implicitly or otherwise, taken as an unrefined or flawed approach, even though it is the undeniable predecessor of all other intellectual pursuits.

Pinker admires Hume and some other empiricist philosophers, but he smugly dismisses the rest of philosophy. It's no wonder that he can't separate his own lucky circumstances from the world at large. Despite being a cognitive psychologist there are aspects of the mind which frighten and confuse him. Those depths which are beyond scientific reach, self, consciousness. It can always be pushed out, ignored for the sake of some mechanistic operation of brain structures. But sometimes it can't!!!!

>> No.14232056
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poo poo pee pee hahaha seethe bro... cope! You have been freaking pwned epic style with the latest and gayest way to tell everyone you're a dogmatic coward. Hmm... someone suggest a dangerous thought to me? Someone might make me reflect on my lack of self knowledge. Better quiet that little voice with the same old coping method I've used since I became addicted to the internet as a child (umad.jpg), just with a new coat of paint. Guess ill just never grow as a person, and be a fucking manbaby forever. Seethe! Cope!!!!! Stay a fucking dumb man baby. God I hate you retards

>> No.14232063


>> No.14232068

I hope you know this is why Goddess demands cucks remain in Chasity

>> No.14232071

If I even do 10 minutes of exercise a day I start getting raging boners constantly.

>> No.14232109
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>> No.14232513

Because he's an inept apologist for the most evil ideology to ever exist?

>> No.14232613

Awful. I'd like to see him reoncile that statement with his support for the immigration of more naturally fecund ethnicities. Shouldn't he speak out in opposition to 'demographic winter' fear-mongering? In opposition to an economic paradigm predicated on interminable growth?

>> No.14232964

He is an optimistic physicalist, and /lit/ is crawling with pessimistic neomystics. Do the math.

>> No.14232975

Is that pinker? If so he's never made me seethe but the one book I bought from him was so off topic with his political shilling I had to put it down and I live in California mind you.

>> No.14232978
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>hard evidence

>> No.14233045

Societal progress is a myth because people only understand their status in relation to other humans. You think cavemen were miserable they didn’t have iPhones and hot water? Human progress is a spook and Pinker is a dishonest charlatan for even proposing it conceptually.

>> No.14233050

>people in the future will be able to read shit like this
I'm embarrassed, I hope they don't think we were all like this. I'm sorry future people and non-people like AI and ayylmaos.

>> No.14233062

True, but even as a physicalist myself, I sympathize with their contempt for some of these guys (like Pinker and Harris). They're obviously politically compromised, exhibiting intellectual dishonesty and gross inconsistency on certain topics. I don't know if it's because they're jewish, or because their social spheres are entirely neoliberal (or both)... But if they had any intellectual integrity they'd demolish double-standards instead of perpetuating them.

>> No.14233077
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