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14232821 No.14232821 [Reply] [Original]

All my gf does is cry and cut herself and stare blankly into space. I need book recs for her besides the bible. She's already reading that.
Hopefully something will help her but I'm not sure women are even capable of self improvement.

>> No.14232826

She needs medication not books.

>> No.14232835

She won't take anything. She thinks all psychoactive substances are bad.

>> No.14232843

“Everything in woman is a riddle, and everything in woman
hath one solution —it is called pregnancy."

>> No.14232846

She doesn't have a vagina.

>> No.14232870

so she's not a woman ?

>> No.14232876

She is a woman.

>> No.14232880

Maybe you should let her out of your basement.

>> No.14232883

Your boyfriend is probably depressed because they're trying to be a woman and realizing that it isn't possible to change their sex, since it is immutably determined in the womb.

>> No.14232886

If I pretend my gf is a tranny will you guys give me book recs for it?

>> No.14232890


>> No.14232892


>> No.14232894

Sex != Gender

>> No.14232897

Gender is a grammatical category and not a property of human identity, unless understood as synonymous with biological sex.

>> No.14232899

it really dosen't matter how many "studies" or transparades, or celebrities cheer you in burgerland. To transition from one sex to another is impossbile, just get him to a psychologist if the he hasn't done any permanent damage to himself.

>> No.14232906

*meditation not medication

>> No.14232911

I don't see why not, but is it really that helpful? What's the point in sitting down and trying not to think for 30 minutes? She kind of does that already.

>> No.14232918

>just get him to a psychologist
Good luck finding one that would counsel against transgenderism.

>> No.14232922
File: 13 KB, 225x225, 32532523452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My boyfriend is depressed because he wants to be a woman
>Pretending he is a woman will fix it, right guys?

The absolute state of the modern world

>> No.14232924

She sounds like she would really benefit from reading Hubbard's work.
Start with Dianetics and then take it from there.

>> No.14232927

Why do you hate trans people?

>Gender is a grammatical category and not a property of human identity
Yeah, that's why there are people who worry about not being manly/womanly enough.

>> No.14232931
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>> No.14232932


>> No.14232936
File: 49 KB, 425x438, 1571796256789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This better be a bait thread.

>> No.14232943

I would have thought that if OP actually mentioned he was trans at the start. But it was only because someone quoted Nietzsche.jpg

>> No.14232955

>Yeah, that's why there are people who worry about not being manly/womanly enough.
If you want to talk about *behavior* being masculine or feminine, that's one thing. But that is not what transgenderism is, which I'm sure you're aware of.

>> No.14232998

Do you mean she was born with a horrible birth defect preventing the correct formation of her reproductive organs? Or are you saying that ‘she’ is a man

>> No.14233028

I don't want to shock you but one can be a woman and have a penis.

>> No.14233060


>> No.14233063
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>> No.14233087

Futanari don't exist in real life, anon.

>> No.14233171

No that’s not how it works, if you have a penis and XY chromosomal arrangement you are a boy/man

>> No.14233233

He is like that because he sits around thinking bad and stupid thoughts. Meditation works against that

>> No.14233234

The crying lot of 49 then
She will learn that everyone wants to do her harm, she will cope with that and live a stoic life
Also if she leaves you, ask her to contact me

>> No.14233239

Just saw this
Dont want her anymore thanks

>> No.14233246

Just leave her bro

>> No.14233256

Thank you I will tell her.
Also if she tries to kill herself I'll just give you the bitch.

>> No.14233266

Fuck you I thought she was a schizoid while she is just dysphoric
I have no fucking clue how to treat this

>> No.14233274

She doesn't have gender dysphoria because she definitely has a coochie. But she does think she's hideous.

>> No.14233310

As much as I wish this was the case it isn't

>> No.14233317

Sounds like a bitch. Get it? Cuz you're a DOG!?