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14231138 No.14231138 [Reply] [Original]

Does the Bible ever explain why God exists? If not, why does He?

>> No.14231148

Yes, perfectly and susicntly
>I am that I am.

>> No.14231155


>> No.14231156

the almighty exists because, like the rest of us, he desires for there to be a third Half-Life game

>> No.14231162

[H]e has no choice in the matter, unfortunately for [H]im.

>> No.14231173

Not that anon. We can't know why. Its non sensical to ask imo. Rather ask: Why did [H]e create?

>> No.14231180 [DELETED] 
File: 65 KB, 635x480, fucking gross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She pooped in the tub, it's canon. Your waifu needs to wear diapers, how does that make you feel Asukafags ? :)

>> No.14231184

Meaningless question. He has been, is, and will be.

>> No.14231187

Based pooposter

>> No.14231196

To a brainlet like you. All things can be traced to a first-cause, even the beginning of the universe itself. The only thing immutable and divorced from that would be something that purely, forever, and totally "is", and exists independent of cause and effect in ipsum esse, i.e. actus purus.

>> No.14231206

[...] which is capture wholly is the phrase >I am that I am.

>> No.14231210
File: 417 KB, 600x885, d333w2c-deef5730-b4b0-4960-b785-bf417365b92f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> almost 2020
> still doesn't jack it to diaper porn

>> No.14231218


He is what he is, you can take his word for it. No amount of bickering will change the truth.

>And Moses said unto God, Behold, when I come unto the children of Israel, and shall say unto them, The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to me, What is his name? what shall I say unto them?
And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM

>> No.14231226


God isn't a being, he is being.

>> No.14231235

Why are you so proud of spewing stupidity?

>> No.14231247

>He is what he is, you can take his word for it.
t. Demiurge

>> No.14231268

Things that don't make you religious:

>having the same religion as your parents
>doing what a bible or holy book tells you
>doing what a priest tells you
>doing what anyone tells you to do

>> No.14231276


>> No.14231292

brainwashed moron

>> No.14231304

No u

>> No.14231336

Pride is the root of all sin, my man.

>> No.14231340

who told you that

bet it wasn't fucking god

>> No.14231343

Yes, but in the end only the true word survives, and the lies all fall and join the dust.

>> No.14231352

Literally in Genesis 3

>> No.14231355

that's a book you idiot

>> No.14231359

Post more Asuka, bitch.

>> No.14231381
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>> No.14231382

Fuck you piece of shit

>> No.14231413

God's word

>> No.14231416

god didn't write it

>> No.14231420

He did tell me it, but not in the verbal literal meaning. You must listen for God in all aspects of your life. You will find him there for he is the source of all goodness.

>> No.14231429

>I don't like it therefore its stooopid
No argument detected.

>> No.14231431

Cause it's impossible for him not to.

>> No.14231458

Oh the irony

>> No.14231509

I been thinking about reading the Bible recently. Need something else in life. This thread reminded me why I never read it and won't

>> No.14231554

It was revealed by God, you can verify it for yourself, God's word is revealed every time you read it.

>> No.14231786


>> No.14232101
File: 100 KB, 862x685, CD438FF6-23D7-48C4-82A4-4E1917FE5E86.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then why is God such a prideful douchebag?
>inb4 cuz he's God, he can do whatever he wants

>> No.14232114

He had the pride to die on the cross. what a douche

>> No.14232123

If you maintained a mindset that "God revealed these words" then you are bound to believe that it's the case.
Try replacing God with Satan and you will end up deducing that Satan revealed these words, it's all in the mindset.

>> No.14232126
File: 497 KB, 594x598, 0DDF6F31-634A-4B18-99EA-5ED48F9ECB9D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am that I am is not actually trash like some are saying. “I am (x)” or “I am (y)” places the “I” in a specific context. This context, inevitably, determines the “why” in question. To ask “why God?” is to assume there is any kind of logic or structure that God is subservient to.

There is none. He is the “bottom turtle” that underlies “turtles all the way down”. He is the center of the phenomenological web from which all things emerge. He is the ultimate schema, framework, or concept. God dictates “why”, and nothing dictates above God.

>> No.14232209

Apocryphon of John does well. The Demiurge was born from the Aeon Sophia when she fell from the Pleroma

>> No.14232230

This raises an interesting question. Is something Good because God wills it or does God will it because its Good?

>> No.14232234

I don’t think they’re mutually exclusive. “If, then” so to speak, but both ways.

>> No.14232251

iff = <-> :)

>> No.14232277

the holy secret at the bottom of all mysticism is that the answer is the first one

>> No.14232841
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Why don't you go ask Him.

>> No.14233377

Morality cannot be above God, as God is infinite and absolute, and an infinite absolute being dictated morality from the start, thus making it not arbitrary, as God will never change His mind, and it goes against His own interest and ethics.

>> No.14233379

>morality isn't arbitrary because it conveniently agrees with God's ethics


>> No.14233399

Convenience has nothing to do with it. This implies there is some factor at place other than God, and that is not the case. God, as an omnipotent and omniscient being, knows all and all resulting moral imperatives are based in the first truth that ever was.

>> No.14233603

God exists because I read in Feser's blog that the shitty cosmological arguments the empiricists debunked a million times are still plausible today.